# Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Refactoring tools for moving around crates and updating dependencies # in toml files. # # Contains the last run refactoring for reference. Don't run this script, it'll # fail, but use it as a foundation for other refactorings. from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path import os import re import shutil import subprocess from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, Union SearchPattern = Union[str, re.Pattern[str]] Replacement = Union[str, Callable[[re.Match[str]], str]] def append_to_file(file_path: Path, appendix: str): contents = file_path.read_text() file_path.write_text(contents.rstrip() + "\n" + appendix + "\n") def replace_in_file(file_path: Path, search: SearchPattern, replace: Replacement): if not file_path.exists(): print(f"WARNING: Does not exist {file_path}") return if isinstance(search, str): search = re.escape(search) contents = file_path.read_text() (contents, count) = re.subn(search, replace, contents) if count > 0: print(f"replacing '{search}' with '{replace}' in {file_path}") file_path.write_text(contents) def replace_in_files(glob: str, replacements: List[Tuple[SearchPattern, Replacement]]): for file in Path().glob(glob): for (search, replace) in replacements: replace_in_file(file, search, replace) def replace_path_in_all_cargo_toml(old_path: Path, new_path: Path): "Replace path in all cargo.toml files, accounting for relative paths." for toml in Path().glob("**/Cargo.toml"): crate_dir = toml.parent old_rel = os.path.relpath(old_path, crate_dir) new_rel = os.path.relpath(new_path, crate_dir) replace_in_file(toml, re.escape(f'path = "{old_rel}"'), f'path = "{new_rel}"') def update_path_deps(toml: Path, from_path: Path, to_path: Path): "Update path deps in toml file after moving it" contents = toml.read_text() for old_dep in re.findall('{ path = "([^"]+)"', contents): new_dep = os.path.relpath((from_path / old_dep).resolve(), to_path) contents = contents.replace(f'path = "{old_dep}"', f'path = "{new_dep}"') toml.write_text(contents) def move_crate(from_path: Path, to_path: Path): "Move crate and update dependencies" print(f"{from_path} -> {to_path}") if to_path.exists(): shutil.rmtree(to_path) shutil.copytree(str(from_path), str(to_path)) update_path_deps(to_path / "Cargo.toml", from_path, to_path) replace_in_files("**/*/Cargo.toml", [(str(from_path), str(to_path))]) replace_in_file(Path("Cargo.toml"), str(from_path), str(to_path)) def update_workspace_members(): members: list[str] = [] members.append("members = [") for toml in sorted(Path().glob("*/Cargo.toml")): members.append(f' "{toml.parent}",') members.append(' "third_party/vmm_vhost",') members.append("]") replace_in_file(Path("Cargo.toml"), re.compile(r"members = \[[^\]]+\]"), "\n".join(members)) exclude: list[str] = [] exclude.append("exclude = [") for toml in sorted(Path().glob("common/*/Cargo.toml")): exclude.append(f' "{toml.parent}",') exclude.append("]") replace_in_file(Path("Cargo.toml"), re.compile(r"exclude = \[[^\]]+\]"), "\n".join(exclude)) @contextmanager def chdir(path: Union[Path, str]): origin = Path().absolute() try: os.chdir(path) yield finally: os.chdir(origin) def copy_crate_src_to_module(source: str, destination: str): shutil.rmtree(destination, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(source, destination) with chdir(destination): Path("lib.rs").rename("mod.rs") IMPORT = """pub mod unix; #[cfg(windows)] pub mod windows; """ BUILD_RS = """\ // Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. fn main() { cc::Build::new() .file("src/windows/stdio_fileno.c") .compile("stdio_fileno"); } """ def main(): os.chdir(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent) subprocess.check_call(["git", "checkout", "-f", "--", "base"]) # Move crates to base move_crate(Path("common/win_util"), Path("win_util")) copy_crate_src_to_module("common/win_sys_util/src", "base/src/windows") Path("base/build.rs").write_text(BUILD_RS) # Load the added module replace_in_file(Path("base/src/lib.rs"), "pub mod unix;", IMPORT) # Flatten all imports for easier replacements subprocess.check_call( ["rustfmt", "+nightly", "--config=imports_granularity=item", "base/src/lib.rs"] ) # Update references to the above crates in base: replace_in_files( "base/src/**/*.rs", [ ("sys_util_core::", "crate::common::"), ("win_sys_util::", "crate::platform::"), ("crate::unix::", "crate::platform::"), ("use poll_token_derive::", "use base_event_token_derive::"), ], ) # Fixup macros since they like to have special treatement. macros = [ "debug", "error", "handle_eintr_errno", "info", "ioctl_io_nr", "ioctl_ior_nr", "ioctl_iow_nr", "ioctl_iowr_nr", "syscall", "warn", "volatile_at_impl", "volatile_impl", "generate_scoped_event", "syslog_lock", "CHRONO_TIMESTAMP_FIXED_FMT", ] for macro in macros: # Update use statments. #[macro_export] exports them on the crate scoped replace_in_files( "base/src/windows/**/*.rs", [ (f"crate::common::{macro}", f"crate::{macro}"), (f"super::super::{macro}", f"crate::{macro}"), (f"super::{macro}", f"crate::{macro}"), ], ) # Replace $crate:: with $crate::windows (unless it's a macro invocation..) def replace_references_in_macros(match: re.Match[str]): name = match.group(0) if not name.endswith("!"): return name.replace("$crate", f"$crate::platform") return name replace_in_files( f"base/src/windows/**/*.rs", [ ( re.compile(r"([\w\*\_\$]+\:\:)+([\w\*\_\!]+)"), replace_references_in_macros, ) ], ) # Unflatten imports again subprocess.check_call( ["rustfmt", "+nightly", "--config=imports_granularity=crate", "base/src/lib.rs"] ) subprocess.check_call(["git", "rm", "-r", "common/win_sys_util", "common/win_util"]) main()