#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # # Usage: # # To get an interactive shell for development: # ./tools/dev_container # # To run a command in the container, e.g. to run presubmits: # ./tools/dev_container ./tools/presubmit # # The state of the container (including build artifacts) are preserved between # calls. To stop the container call: # ./tools/dev_container --stop # # The dev container can also be called with a fresh container for each call that # is cleaned up afterwards (e.g. when run by Kokoro): # # ./tools/dev_container --hermetic CMD import argparse import getpass from argh import arg from impl.common import CROSVM_ROOT, run_main, cmd, chdir, quoted import sys import os CONTAINER_NAME = f"crosvm_dev_{getpass.getuser()}" IMAGE_VERSION = (CROSVM_ROOT / "tools/impl/dev_container/version").read_text().strip() try: docker = cmd(os.environ.get("DOCKER", "docker")) except ValueError: docker = cmd("podman") is_podman = docker.executable.name == "podman" # Enable interactive mode when running in an interactive terminal. TTY_ARGS = "--interactive --tty" if sys.stdin.isatty() else None DOCKER_ARGS = [ TTY_ARGS, # Podman will not share devices when `--privileged` is specified "--privileged" if not is_podman else None, # Share crosvm source f"--volume {quoted(CROSVM_ROOT)}:/workspace:rw", # Share devices and syslog "--device /dev/kvm", "--volume /dev/log:/dev/log", "--device /dev/net/tun", "--device /dev/vhost-net", "--device /dev/vhost-vsock", # Use tmpfs in the container for faster performance. "--mount type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp", f"gcr.io/crosvm-packages/crosvm_dev:{IMAGE_VERSION}", ] def container_revision(container_id: str): image = docker("container inspect -f {{.Config.Image}}", container_id).stdout() parts = image.split(":") assert len(parts) == 2, f"Invalid image name {image}" return parts[1] @arg("command", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) def main(command: tuple[str, ...], stop: bool = False, hermetic: bool = False): chdir(CROSVM_ROOT) container_id = docker(f"ps -q -f name={CONTAINER_NAME}").stdout() # Start an interactive shell by default if not command: command = ("/bin/bash",) if stop: if container_id: print(f"Stopping dev-container {container_id}.") docker("rm -f", container_id).fg(quiet=True) else: print(f"Dev-container is not running.") return if hermetic: docker(f"run --rm", *DOCKER_ARGS, *command).fg() else: if container_id and container_revision(container_id) != IMAGE_VERSION: print(f"New image is available. Stopping old container ({container_id}).") docker("rm -f", container_id).fg(quiet=True) container_id = None if not container_id: container_id = docker(f"run --detach --name {CONTAINER_NAME}", *DOCKER_ARGS).stdout() print(f"Started dev-container ({container_id}).") else: print(f"Using existing dev-container instance ({container_id}).") docker("exec", TTY_ARGS, container_id, *command).fg() run_main(main)