// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #![no_main] extern crate devices; extern crate libc; extern crate sys_util; use sys_util::{EventFd, GuestAddress, GuestMemory, SharedMemory}; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Cursor, Read, Seek, SeekFrom}; use std::mem::size_of; use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd}; use std::panic; use std::process; use std::slice; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize; use std::sync::Arc; use devices::virtio::{Block, Queue, VirtioDevice}; const MEM_SIZE: u64 = 256 * 1024 * 1024; const DESC_SIZE: u64 = 16; // Bytes in one virtio descriptor. const QUEUE_SIZE: u16 = 16; // Max entries in the queue. const CMD_SIZE: usize = 16; // Bytes in the command. // Take the first 64 bits of data as an address and the next 64 bits as data to // store there. The rest of the data is used as a qcow image. #[export_name = "LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput"] pub fn test_one_input(data: *const u8, size: usize) -> i32 { // We cannot unwind past ffi boundaries. panic::catch_unwind(|| { // Safe because the libfuzzer runtime will guarantee that `data` is at least // `size` bytes long and that it will be valid for the lifetime of this // function. let bytes = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(data, size) }; let size_u64 = size_of::(); let mem = GuestMemory::new(&[(GuestAddress(0), MEM_SIZE)]).unwrap(); // The fuzz data is interpreted as: // starting index 8 bytes // command location 8 bytes // command 16 bytes // descriptors circular buffer 16 bytes * 3 if bytes.len() < 4 * size_u64 { // Need an index to start. return; } let mut data_image = Cursor::new(bytes); let first_index = read_u64(&mut data_image); if first_index > MEM_SIZE / DESC_SIZE { return; } let first_offset = first_index * DESC_SIZE; if first_offset as usize + size_u64 > bytes.len() { return; } let command_addr = read_u64(&mut data_image); if command_addr > MEM_SIZE - CMD_SIZE as u64 { return; } if mem .write_all_at_addr( &bytes[2 * size_u64..(2 * size_u64) + CMD_SIZE], GuestAddress(command_addr as u64), ) .is_err() { return; } data_image.seek(SeekFrom::Start(first_offset)).unwrap(); let desc_table = read_u64(&mut data_image); if mem .write_all_at_addr(&bytes[32..], GuestAddress(desc_table as u64)) .is_err() { return; } let mut q = Queue::new(QUEUE_SIZE); q.ready = true; q.size = QUEUE_SIZE / 2; q.max_size = QUEUE_SIZE; let queue_evts: Vec = vec![EventFd::new().unwrap()]; let queue_fd = queue_evts[0].as_raw_fd(); let queue_evt = unsafe { EventFd::from_raw_fd(libc::dup(queue_fd)) }; let shm = SharedMemory::new(None).unwrap(); let disk_file: File = shm.into(); let mut block = Block::new(disk_file, false, None).unwrap(); block.activate( mem, EventFd::new().unwrap(), EventFd::new().unwrap(), Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)), vec![q], queue_evts, ); queue_evt.write(77).unwrap(); // Rings the doorbell, any byte will do. }) .err() .map(|_| process::abort()); 0 } fn read_u64(readable: &mut T) -> u64 { let mut buf = [0u8; size_of::()]; readable.read_exact(&mut buf[..]).unwrap(); u64::from_le_bytes(buf) }