#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import os import typing from typing import Generator, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple from impl.common import ( CROSVM_ROOT, TOOLS_ROOT, Triple, argh, chdir, cmd, run_main, ) from impl.presubmit import Check, CheckContext, run_checks, Group python = cmd("python3") mypy = cmd("mypy").with_color_env("MYPY_FORCE_COLOR") black = cmd("black").with_color_arg(always="--color", never="--no-color") mdformat = cmd("mdformat") lucicfg = cmd("third_party/depot_tools/lucicfg") # All supported platforms as a type and a list. Platform = Literal["x86_64", "aarch64", "mingw64", "armhf"] PLATFORMS: Tuple[Platform, ...] = typing.get_args(Platform) def platform_is_supported(platform: Platform): "Returns true if the platform is available as a target in rustup." triple = Triple.from_shorthand(platform) installed_toolchains = cmd("rustup target list --installed").lines() return str(triple) in installed_toolchains #################################################################################################### # Check methods # # Each check returns a Command (or list of Commands) to be run to execute the check. They are # registered and configured in the CHECKS list below. # # Some check functions are factory functions that return a check command for all supported # platforms. def check_python_tests(_: CheckContext): "Runs unit tests for python dev tooling." PYTHON_TESTS = [ # Disabled due to b/309148074 # "tests.cl_tests", "impl.common", ] return [python.with_cwd(TOOLS_ROOT).with_args("-m", file) for file in PYTHON_TESTS] def check_python_types(context: CheckContext): "Run mypy type checks on python dev tooling." return [mypy("--pretty", file) for file in context.all_files] def check_python_format(context: CheckContext): "Runs the black formatter on python dev tooling." return black.with_args( "--check" if not context.fix else None, *context.modified_files, ) def check_markdown_format(context: CheckContext): "Runs mdformat on all markdown files." if "blaze" in mdformat("--version").stdout(): raise Exception( "You are using google's mdformat. " + "Please update your PATH to ensure the pip installed mdformat is available." ) return mdformat.with_args( "--wrap 100", "--check" if not context.fix else "", *context.modified_files, ) def check_rust_format(context: CheckContext): "Runs rustfmt on all modified files." rustfmt = cmd(cmd("rustup +nightly which rustfmt").stdout()) # Windows doesn't accept very long arguments: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/processthreadsapi/nf-processthreadsapi-createprocessa#:~:text=The%20maximum%20length%20of%20this%20string%20is%2032%2C767%20characters%2C%20including%20the%20Unicode%20terminating%20null%20character.%20If%20lpApplicationName%20is%20NULL%2C%20the%20module%20name%20portion%20of%20lpCommandLine%20is%20limited%20to%20MAX_PATH%20characters. return list( rustfmt.with_color_flag() .with_args("--check" if not context.fix else "") .foreach(context.modified_files, batch_size=10) ) def check_cargo_doc(_: CheckContext): "Runs cargo-doc and verifies that no warnings are emitted." return cmd("./tools/cargo-doc").with_env("RUSTDOCFLAGS", "-D warnings").with_color_flag() def check_doc_tests(_: CheckContext): "Runs cargo doc tests. These cannot be run via nextest and run_tests." return cmd( "cargo test", "--doc", "--workspace", "--features=all-x86_64", ).with_color_flag() def check_mdbook(_: CheckContext): "Runs cargo-doc and verifies that no warnings are emitted." return cmd("mdbook build docs/book/") def check_crosvm_tests(platform: Platform): def check(_: CheckContext): if not platform_is_supported(platform): return None dut = None if os.access("/dev/kvm", os.W_OK): if platform == "x86_64": dut = "--dut=vm" elif platform == "aarch64": dut = "--dut=vm" return cmd("./tools/run_tests --verbose --platform", platform, dut).with_color_flag() check.__doc__ = f"Runs all crosvm tests for {platform}." return check def check_crosvm_unit_tests(platform: Platform): def check(_: CheckContext): if not platform_is_supported(platform): return None return cmd("./tools/run_tests --verbose --platform", platform).with_color_flag() check.__doc__ = f"Runs crosvm unit tests for {platform}." return check def check_crosvm_build( platform: Platform, features: Optional[str] = None, no_default_features: bool = False ): def check(_: CheckContext): return cmd( "./tools/run_tests --no-run --verbose --platform", platform, f"--features={features}" if features is not None else None, "--no-default-features" if no_default_features else None, ).with_color_flag() check.__doc__ = f"Builds crosvm for {platform} with features {features}." return check def check_clippy(platform: Platform): def check(context: CheckContext): if not platform_is_supported(platform): return None return cmd( "./tools/clippy --platform", platform, "--fix" if context.fix else None, ).with_color_flag() check.__doc__ = f"Runs clippy for {platform}." return check def custom_check(name: str, can_fix: bool = False): "Custom checks are written in python in tools/custom_checks. This is a wrapper to call them." def check(context: CheckContext): return cmd( TOOLS_ROOT / "custom_checks", name, *context.modified_files, "--fix" if can_fix and context.fix else None, ) check.__name__ = name.replace("-", "_") check.__doc__ = f"Runs tools/custom_check {name}" return check #################################################################################################### # Checks configuration # # Configures which checks are available and on which files they are run. # Check names default to the function name minus the check_ prefix CHECKS: List[Check] = [ Check( check_rust_format, files=["**.rs"], exclude=["system_api/src/bindings/*"], can_fix=True, ), Check( check_mdbook, files=["docs/**/*"], ), Check( check_cargo_doc, files=["**.rs", "**Cargo.toml"], priority=True, ), Check( check_doc_tests, files=["**.rs", "**Cargo.toml"], priority=True, ), Check( check_python_tests, files=["tools/**.py"], python_tools=True, priority=True, ), Check( check_python_types, files=["tools/**.py"], exclude=[ "tools/windows/*", "tools/contrib/memstats_chart/*", "tools/contrib/cros_tracing_analyser/*", ], python_tools=True, ), Check( check_python_format, files=["**.py"], python_tools=True, exclude=["infra/recipes.py"], can_fix=True, ), Check( check_markdown_format, files=["**.md"], exclude=[ "infra/README.recipes.md", "docs/book/src/appendix/memory_layout.md", ], can_fix=True, ), *( Check( check_crosvm_build(platform, features="default"), custom_name=f"crosvm_build_default_{platform}", files=["**.rs"], priority=True, ) for platform in PLATFORMS ), *( Check( check_crosvm_build(platform, features="", no_default_features=True), custom_name=f"crosvm_build_no_default_{platform}", files=["**.rs"], priority=True, ) # TODO: b/260607247 crosvm does not compile with no-default-features on mingw64 for platform in PLATFORMS if platform != "mingw64" ), *( Check( check_crosvm_tests(platform), custom_name=f"crosvm_tests_{platform}", files=["**.rs"], priority=True, ) for platform in PLATFORMS ), *( Check( check_crosvm_unit_tests(platform), custom_name=f"crosvm_unit_tests_{platform}", files=["**.rs"], priority=True, ) for platform in PLATFORMS ), *( Check( check_clippy(platform), custom_name=f"clippy_{platform}", files=["**.rs"], can_fix=True, priority=True, ) for platform in PLATFORMS ), Check( custom_check("check-copyright-header"), files=["**.rs", "**.py", "**.c", "**.h", "**.policy", "**.sh"], exclude=[ "infra/recipes.py", "hypervisor/src/whpx/whpx_sys/*.h", "third_party/vmm_vhost/*", "net_sys/src/lib.rs", "system_api/src/bindings/*", ], python_tools=True, can_fix=True, ), Check( custom_check("check-rust-features"), files=["**Cargo.toml"], ), Check( custom_check("check-rust-lockfiles"), files=["**Cargo.toml"], ), Check( custom_check("check-line-endings"), ), Check( custom_check("check-file-ends-with-newline"), exclude=[ "**.h264", "**.vp8", "**.vp9", "**.ivf", "**.bin", "**.png", "**.min.js", "**.drawio", "**.json", "**.dtb", "**.dtbo", ], ), ] #################################################################################################### # Group configuration # # Configures pre-defined groups of checks. Some are configured for CI builders and others # are configured for convenience during local development. GROUPS: List[Group] = [ # The default group is run if no check or group is explicitly set Group( name="default", doc="Checks run by default", checks=[ "default_health_checks", # Run only one task per platform to prevent blocking on the build cache. "crosvm_tests_x86_64", "crosvm_unit_tests_aarch64", "crosvm_unit_tests_mingw64", "clippy_armhf", ], ), Group( name="quick", doc="Runs a quick subset of presubmit checks.", checks=[ "default_health_checks", "crosvm_unit_tests_x86_64", "clippy_aarch64", ], ), Group( name="all", doc="Run checks of all builders.", checks=[ "health_checks", *(f"linux_{platform}" for platform in PLATFORMS), ], ), # Convenience groups for local usage: Group( name="clippy", doc="Runs clippy for all platforms", checks=[f"clippy_{platform}" for platform in PLATFORMS], ), Group( name="unit_tests", doc="Runs unit tests for all platforms", checks=[f"crosvm_unit_tests_{platform}" for platform in PLATFORMS], ), Group( name="format", doc="Runs all formatting checks (or fixes)", checks=[ "rust_format", "markdown_format", "python_format", ], ), Group( name="default_health_checks", doc="Health checks to run by default", checks=[ # Check if lockfiles need updating first. Otherwise another step may do the update. "rust_lockfiles", "copyright_header", "file_ends_with_newline", "line_endings", "markdown_format", "mdbook", "cargo_doc", "python_format", "python_types", "rust_features", "rust_format", ], ), # The groups below are used by builders in CI: Group( name="health_checks", doc="Checks run on the health_check builder", checks=[ "default_health_checks", "doc_tests", "python_tests", ], ), *( Group( name=f"linux_{platform}", doc=f"Checks run on the linux-{platform} builder", checks=[ f"crosvm_tests_{platform}", f"clippy_{platform}", f"crosvm_build_default_{platform}", ] # TODO: b/260607247 crosvm does not compile with no-default-features on mingw64 + ([f"crosvm_build_no_default_{platform}"] if platform != "mingw64" else []), ) for platform in PLATFORMS ), ] # Turn both lists into dicts for convenience CHECKS_DICT = dict((c.name, c) for c in CHECKS) GROUPS_DICT = dict((c.name, c) for c in GROUPS) def validate_config(): "Validates the CHECKS and GROUPS configuration." for group in GROUPS: for check in group.checks: if check not in CHECKS_DICT and check not in GROUPS_DICT: raise Exception(f"Group {group.name} includes non-existing item {check}.") def find_in_group(check: Check): for group in GROUPS: if check.name in group.checks: return True return False for check in CHECKS: if not find_in_group(check): raise Exception(f"Check {check.name} is not included in any group.") all_names = [c.name for c in CHECKS] + [g.name for g in GROUPS] for name in all_names: if all_names.count(name) > 1: raise Exception(f"Check or group {name} is defined multiple times.") def get_check_names_in_group(group: Group) -> Generator[str, None, None]: for name in group.checks: if name in GROUPS_DICT: yield from get_check_names_in_group(GROUPS_DICT[name]) else: yield name @argh.arg("--list-checks", default=False, help="List names of available checks and exit.") @argh.arg("--fix", default=False, help="Asks checks to fix problems where possible.") @argh.arg("--no-delta", default=False, help="Run on all files instead of just modified files.") @argh.arg("--no-parallel", default=False, help="Do not run checks in parallel.") @argh.arg( "checks_or_groups", help="List of checks or groups to run. Defaults to run the `default` group.", ) def main( list_checks: bool = False, fix: bool = False, no_delta: bool = False, no_parallel: bool = False, *checks_or_groups: str, ): chdir(CROSVM_ROOT) validate_config() if not checks_or_groups: checks_or_groups = ("default",) # Resolve and validate the groups and checks provided check_names: List[str] = [] for check_or_group in checks_or_groups: if check_or_group in CHECKS_DICT: check_names.append(check_or_group) elif check_or_group in GROUPS_DICT: check_names += list(get_check_names_in_group(GROUPS_DICT[check_or_group])) else: raise Exception(f"No such check or group: {check_or_group}") # Remove duplicates while preserving order check_names = list(dict.fromkeys(check_names)) if list_checks: for check in check_names: print(check) return check_list = [CHECKS_DICT[name] for name in check_names] run_checks( check_list, fix=fix, run_on_all_files=no_delta, parallel=not no_parallel, ) def usage(): groups = "\n".join(f" {group.name}: {group.doc}" for group in GROUPS) checks = "\n".join(f" {check.name}: {check.doc}" for check in CHECKS) return f"""\ Runs checks on the crosvm codebase. Basic usage, to run a default selection of checks: ./tools/presubmit Some checkers can fix issues they find (e.g. formatters, clippy, etc): ./tools/presubmit --fix Various groups of presubmit checks can be run via: ./tools/presubmit group_name Available groups are: {groups} You can also provide the names of specific checks to run: ./tools/presubmit check1 check2 Available checks are: {checks} """ if __name__ == "__main__": run_main(main, usage=usage())