// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. //! Macros and wrapper functions for dealing with ioctls. use std::os::raw::*; use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd; /// Raw macro to declare the expression that calculates an ioctl number #[macro_export] macro_rules! ioctl_expr { ($dir:expr, $ty:expr, $nr:expr, $size:expr) => { (($dir << $crate::ioctl::_IOC_DIRSHIFT) | ($ty << $crate::ioctl::_IOC_TYPESHIFT) | ($nr << $crate::ioctl::_IOC_NRSHIFT) | ($size << $crate::ioctl::_IOC_SIZESHIFT)) as $crate::IoctlNr }; } /// Raw macro to declare a function that returns an ioctl number. #[macro_export] macro_rules! ioctl_ioc_nr { ($name:ident, $dir:expr, $ty:expr, $nr:expr, $size:expr) => { #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub const fn $name() -> $crate::IoctlNr { $crate::ioctl_expr!($dir, $ty, $nr, $size) } }; ($name:ident, $dir:expr, $ty:expr, $nr:expr, $size:expr, $($v:ident),+) => { #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub const fn $name($($v: ::std::os::raw::c_uint),+) -> $crate::IoctlNr { $crate::ioctl_expr!($dir, $ty, $nr, $size) } }; } /// Declare an ioctl that transfers no data. #[macro_export] macro_rules! ioctl_io_nr { ($name:ident, $ty:expr, $nr:expr) => { $crate::ioctl_ioc_nr!($name, $crate::ioctl::_IOC_NONE, $ty, $nr, 0); }; ($name:ident, $ty:expr, $nr:expr, $($v:ident),+) => { $crate::ioctl_ioc_nr!($name, $crate::ioctl::_IOC_NONE, $ty, $nr, 0, $($v),+); }; } /// Declare an ioctl that reads data. #[macro_export] macro_rules! ioctl_ior_nr { ($name:ident, $ty:expr, $nr:expr, $size:ty) => { $crate::ioctl_ioc_nr!( $name, $crate::ioctl::_IOC_READ, $ty, $nr, ::std::mem::size_of::<$size>() as u32 ); }; ($name:ident, $ty:expr, $nr:expr, $size:ty, $($v:ident),+) => { $crate::ioctl_ioc_nr!( $name, $crate::ioctl::_IOC_READ, $ty, $nr, ::std::mem::size_of::<$size>() as u32, $($v),+ ); }; } /// Declare an ioctl that writes data. #[macro_export] macro_rules! ioctl_iow_nr { ($name:ident, $ty:expr, $nr:expr, $size:ty) => { $crate::ioctl_ioc_nr!( $name, $crate::ioctl::_IOC_WRITE, $ty, $nr, ::std::mem::size_of::<$size>() as u32 ); }; ($name:ident, $ty:expr, $nr:expr, $size:ty, $($v:ident),+) => { $crate::ioctl_ioc_nr!( $name, $crate::ioctl::_IOC_WRITE, $ty, $nr, ::std::mem::size_of::<$size>() as u32, $($v),+ ); }; } /// Declare an ioctl that reads and writes data. #[macro_export] macro_rules! ioctl_iowr_nr { ($name:ident, $ty:expr, $nr:expr, $size:ty) => { $crate::ioctl_ioc_nr!( $name, $crate::ioctl::_IOC_READ | $crate::ioctl::_IOC_WRITE, $ty, $nr, ::std::mem::size_of::<$size>() as u32 ); }; ($name:ident, $ty:expr, $nr:expr, $size:ty, $($v:ident),+) => { $crate::ioctl_ioc_nr!( $name, $crate::ioctl::_IOC_READ | $crate::ioctl::_IOC_WRITE, $ty, $nr, ::std::mem::size_of::<$size>() as u32, $($v),+ ); }; } pub const _IOC_NRBITS: c_uint = 8; pub const _IOC_TYPEBITS: c_uint = 8; pub const _IOC_SIZEBITS: c_uint = 14; pub const _IOC_DIRBITS: c_uint = 2; pub const _IOC_NRMASK: c_uint = 255; pub const _IOC_TYPEMASK: c_uint = 255; pub const _IOC_SIZEMASK: c_uint = 16383; pub const _IOC_DIRMASK: c_uint = 3; pub const _IOC_NRSHIFT: c_uint = 0; pub const _IOC_TYPESHIFT: c_uint = 8; pub const _IOC_SIZESHIFT: c_uint = 16; pub const _IOC_DIRSHIFT: c_uint = 30; pub const _IOC_NONE: c_uint = 0; pub const _IOC_WRITE: c_uint = 1; pub const _IOC_READ: c_uint = 2; pub const IOC_IN: c_uint = 1_073_741_824; pub const IOC_OUT: c_uint = 2_147_483_648; pub const IOC_INOUT: c_uint = 3_221_225_472; pub const IOCSIZE_MASK: c_uint = 1_073_676_288; pub const IOCSIZE_SHIFT: c_uint = 16; #[cfg(target_os = "android")] pub type IoctlNr = c_int; #[cfg(not(target_os = "android"))] pub type IoctlNr = c_ulong; /// Run an ioctl with no arguments. pub unsafe fn ioctl(fd: &F, nr: IoctlNr) -> c_int { libc::ioctl(fd.as_raw_fd(), nr, 0) } /// Run an ioctl with a single value argument. pub unsafe fn ioctl_with_val(fd: &F, nr: IoctlNr, arg: c_ulong) -> c_int { libc::ioctl(fd.as_raw_fd(), nr, arg) } /// Run an ioctl with an immutable reference. pub unsafe fn ioctl_with_ref(fd: &F, nr: IoctlNr, arg: &T) -> c_int { libc::ioctl(fd.as_raw_fd(), nr, arg as *const T as *const c_void) } /// Run an ioctl with a mutable reference. pub unsafe fn ioctl_with_mut_ref(fd: &F, nr: IoctlNr, arg: &mut T) -> c_int { libc::ioctl(fd.as_raw_fd(), nr, arg as *mut T as *mut c_void) } /// Run an ioctl with a raw pointer. pub unsafe fn ioctl_with_ptr(fd: &F, nr: IoctlNr, arg: *const T) -> c_int { libc::ioctl(fd.as_raw_fd(), nr, arg as *const c_void) } /// Run an ioctl with a mutable raw pointer. pub unsafe fn ioctl_with_mut_ptr(fd: &F, nr: IoctlNr, arg: *mut T) -> c_int { libc::ioctl(fd.as_raw_fd(), nr, arg as *mut c_void) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { const TUNTAP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0x54; const VHOST: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0xaf; const EVDEV: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0x45; ioctl_io_nr!(VHOST_SET_OWNER, VHOST, 0x01); ioctl_ior_nr!(TUNGETFEATURES, TUNTAP, 0xcf, ::std::os::raw::c_uint); ioctl_iow_nr!(TUNSETQUEUE, TUNTAP, 0xd9, ::std::os::raw::c_int); ioctl_iowr_nr!(VHOST_GET_VRING_BASE, VHOST, 0x12, ::std::os::raw::c_int); ioctl_ior_nr!(EVIOCGBIT, EVDEV, 0x20 + evt, [u8; 128], evt); ioctl_io_nr!(FAKE_IOCTL_2_ARG, EVDEV, 0x01 + x + y, x, y); #[test] fn ioctl_macros() { assert_eq!(0x0000af01, VHOST_SET_OWNER()); assert_eq!(0x800454cf, TUNGETFEATURES()); assert_eq!(0x400454d9, TUNSETQUEUE()); assert_eq!(0xc004af12, VHOST_GET_VRING_BASE()); assert_eq!(0x80804522, EVIOCGBIT(2)); assert_eq!(0x00004509, FAKE_IOCTL_2_ARG(3, 5)); } }