#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import functools import json import os import random import subprocess import sys from multiprocessing import Pool from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Set import typing import test_target from test_target import TestTarget import testvm from test_config import CRATE_OPTIONS, TestOption USAGE = """\ Runs tests for crosvm locally, in a vm or on a remote device. To build and run all tests locally: $ ./tools/run_tests --target=host To cross-compile tests for aarch64 and run them on a built-in VM: $ ./tools/run_tests --target=vm:aarch64 The VM will be automatically set up and booted. It will remain running between test runs and can be managed with `./tools/aarch64vm`. Tests can also be run on a remote device via SSH. However it is your responsiblity that runtime dependencies of crosvm are provided. $ ./tools/run_tests --target=ssh:hostname The default test target can be managed with `./tools/set_test_target` To see full build and test output, add the `-v` or `--verbose` flag. """ Arch = test_target.Arch # Print debug info. Overriden by -v VERBOSE = False # Kill a test after 60 seconds to prevent frozen tests from running too long. TEST_TIMEOUT_SECS = 60 # Number of parallel processes for executing tests. PARALLELISM = 4 CROSVM_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.resolve() class ExecutableResults(object): """Container for results of a test executable.""" def __init__(self, name: str, success: bool, test_log: str): self.name = name self.success = success self.test_log = test_log class Executable(NamedTuple): """Container for info about an executable generated by cargo build/test.""" binary_path: Path crate_name: str cargo_target: str is_test: bool is_fresh: bool @property def name(self): return f"{self.crate_name}:{self.cargo_target}" def should_build_crate(crate: str, target_arch: Arch): options = CRATE_OPTIONS.get(crate, []) if TestOption.DO_NOT_BUILD in options: return False if TestOption.BUILD_ARM_ONLY in options: return target_arch == "aarch64" or target_arch == "armhf" if TestOption.BUILD_X86_ONLY in options: return target_arch == "x86_64" return True def should_run_executable(executable: Executable, target_arch: Arch): options = CRATE_OPTIONS.get(executable.crate_name, []) if TestOption.DO_NOT_RUN in options: return False if TestOption.RUN_ARM_ONLY in options: return target_arch == "aarch64" or target_arch == "armhf" if TestOption.RUN_X86_ONLY in options: return target_arch == "x86_64" return True def list_main_crates(): yield "crosvm" for path in CROSVM_ROOT.glob("*/Cargo.toml"): yield str(path.parent.relative_to(CROSVM_ROOT)) def list_extra_crates(): for path in CROSVM_ROOT.glob("common/*/Cargo.toml"): yield str(path.parent.relative_to(CROSVM_ROOT)) def cargo( cargo_command: str, cwd: Path, flags: list[str], env: dict[str, str] ) -> Iterable[Executable]: """ Executes a cargo command and returns the list of test binaries generated. The build log will be hidden by default and only printed if the build fails. In VERBOSE mode the output will be streamed directly. Note: Exits the program if the build fails. """ cmd = [ "cargo", cargo_command, "--message-format=json-diagnostic-rendered-ansi", *flags, ] process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, text=True, env=env, ) messages: List[str] = [] # Read messages as cargo is running. assert process.stdout for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ""): # any non-json line is a message to print if not line.startswith("{"): if VERBOSE: print(line.rstrip()) messages.append(line.rstrip()) continue json_line = json.loads(line) # 'message' type lines will be printed if json_line.get("message"): message = json_line.get("message").get("rendered") if VERBOSE: print(message) messages.append(message) # Collect info about test executables produced elif json_line.get("executable"): yield Executable( Path(json_line.get("executable")), crate_name=json_line.get("package_id", "").split(" ")[0], cargo_target=json_line.get("target").get("name"), is_test=json_line.get("profile", {}).get("test", False), is_fresh=json_line.get("fresh", False), ) if process.wait() != 0: if not VERBOSE: for message in messages: print(message) sys.exit(-1) def cargo_build_executables( crates: List[str] = [], cwd: Path = Path("."), features: Set[str] = set(), env: Dict[str, str] = {}, ) -> Iterable[Executable]: """Build all test binaries for the given list of crates.""" flags: list[str] = [] if features: flags += [ "--no-default-features", "--features", ",".join(features), ] for crate in crates: flags += ["-p", crate] # Run build first, to make sure compiler errors of building non-test # binaries are caught. yield from cargo("build", cwd, flags, env) # Build all tests and return the collected executables yield from cargo("test", cwd, ["--no-run", *flags], env) def build_all_binaries(target: TestTarget, target_arch: Arch): """Discover all crates and build them.""" build_env = os.environ.copy() build_env.update(test_target.get_cargo_env(target, target_arch)) main_crates = [ crate for crate in list_main_crates() if should_build_crate(crate, target_arch) ] print("Building tests for:", ", ".join(main_crates)) yield from cargo_build_executables( main_crates, env=build_env, features=set(["all-linux"]) ) for crate_path in list_extra_crates(): if not should_build_crate(crate_path, target_arch): continue print("Building tests for:", crate_path) yield from cargo_build_executables( [], env=build_env, cwd=CROSVM_ROOT.joinpath(crate_path), ) def execute_test(target: TestTarget, executable: Executable): """ Executes a single test on the given test targed Note: This function is run in a multiprocessing.Pool. Test output is hidden unless the test fails or VERBOSE mode is enabled. """ options = CRATE_OPTIONS.get(executable.crate_name, []) args: list[str] = [] if TestOption.SINGLE_THREADED in options: args += ["--test-threads=1"] if VERBOSE: print(f"Running test {executable.name}...") try: # Pipe stdout/err to be printed in the main process if needed. test_process = test_target.exec_file_on_target( target, executable.binary_path, args=args, timeout=TEST_TIMEOUT_SECS, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) return ExecutableResults( executable.name, test_process.returncode == 0, test_process.stdout, ) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: # Append a note about the timeout to the stdout of the process. msg = f"\n\nProcess timed out after {e.timeout}s\n" return ExecutableResults( executable.name, False, e.stdout.decode("utf-8") + msg, ) def execute_all( executables: list[Executable], target: test_target.TestTarget, arch: Arch, repeat: int, ): """Executes all tests in the `executables` list in parallel.""" executables = [e for e in executables if should_run_executable(e, arch)] if repeat > 1: executables = executables * repeat random.shuffle(executables) sys.stdout.write(f"Running {len(executables)} test binaries on {target}") sys.stdout.flush() with Pool(PARALLELISM) as pool: for result in pool.imap( functools.partial(execute_test, target), executables ): if not result.success or VERBOSE: msg = "passed" if result.success else "failed" print() print("--------------------------------") print("-", result.name, msg) print("--------------------------------") print(result.test_log) else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() yield result print() def find_crosvm_binary(executables: list[Executable]): for executable in executables: if not executable.is_test and executable.cargo_target == "crosvm": return executable raise Exception("Cannot find crosvm executable") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=USAGE) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print all test output.", ) parser.add_argument( "--target", help="Execute tests on the selected target. See ./tools/set_test_target", ) parser.add_argument( "--arch", choices=typing.get_args(Arch), help="Target architecture to build for.", ) parser.add_argument( "--build-only", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--repeat", type=int, default=1, help="Repeat each test N times to check for flakes.", ) args = parser.parse_args() global VERBOSE VERBOSE = args.verbose # type: ignore os.environ["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "1" target = ( test_target.TestTarget(args.target) if args.target else test_target.TestTarget.default() ) print("Test target:", target) arch = args.arch if not arch: arch = test_target.get_target_arch(target) print("Building for architecture:", arch) # Start booting VM while we build if target.vm: testvm.build_if_needed(target.vm) testvm.up(target.vm) executables = list(build_all_binaries(target, arch)) if args.build_only: print("Not running tests as requested.") sys.exit(0) # Upload dependencies plus the main crosvm binary for integration tests test_target.prepare_target( target, extra_files=[find_crosvm_binary(executables).binary_path] ) # Execute all test binaries test_executables = [e for e in executables if e.is_test] all_results = list( execute_all(test_executables, target, arch, repeat=args.repeat) ) failed = [r for r in all_results if not r.success] if len(failed) == 0: print("All tests passed.") sys.exit(0) else: print(f"{len(failed)} of {len(all_results)} tests failed:") for result in failed: print(f" {result.name}") sys.exit(-1) def verify_crate_options(): """Verify that CRATE_OPTIONS are for existing crates.""" all_crates = list(list_main_crates()) + list(list_extra_crates()) for crate, _ in CRATE_OPTIONS.items(): if crate not in all_crates: raise Exception("No such crate: %s" % crate) if __name__ == "__main__": try: verify_crate_options() main() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Command failed:", e.cmd) print(e.stdout) print(e.stderr) sys.exit(-1)