Daniel Verkamp 107edb3eec main: add --cpu-affinity option to pin VCPUs
This allows setting the affinity of the VCPU threads to specific host
CPUs.  Note that each individual CPU has its affinity set to the full
set of CPUs specified, so the host kernel may still reschedule VCPU
threads on whichever host CPUs it sees fit (within the specified set).


Change-Id: I09b893901caf91368b64f5329a6e9f39027fef23
Signed-off-by: Daniel Verkamp <>
Commit-Ready: ChromeOS CL Exonerator Bot <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: Chirantan Ekbote <>
Reviewed-by: Dylan Reid <>
2019-04-09 06:20:04 -07:00

426 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Handles argument parsing.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! const ARGUMENTS: &'static [Argument] = &[
//! Argument::positional("FILES", "files to operate on"),
//! Argument::short_value('p', "program", "PROGRAM", "Program to apply to each file"),
//! Argument::short_value('c', "cpus", "N", "Number of CPUs to use. (default: 1)"),
//! Argument::flag("unmount", "Unmount the root"),
//! Argument::short_flag('h', "help", "Print help message."),
//! ];
//! let match_res = set_arguments(args, ARGUMENTS, |name, value| {
//! match name {
//! "" => println!("positional arg! {}", value.unwrap()),
//! "program" => println!("gonna use program {}", value.unwrap()),
//! "cpus" => {
//! let v: u32 = value.unwrap().parse().map_err(|_| {
//! Error::InvalidValue {
//! value: value.unwrap().to_owned(),
//! expected: "this value for `cpus` needs to be integer",
//! }
//! })?;
//! }
//! "unmount" => println!("gonna unmount"),
//! "help" => return Err(Error::PrintHelp),
//! _ => unreachable!(),
//! }
//! }
//! match match_res {
//! Ok(_) => println!("running with settings"),
//! Err(Error::PrintHelp) => print_help("best_program", "FILES", ARGUMENTS),
//! Err(e) => println!("{}", e),
//! }
//! ```
use std::fmt::{self, Display};
use std::result;
/// An error with argument parsing.
pub enum Error {
/// There was a syntax error with the argument.
/// The argumen's name is unused.
/// The argument was required.
/// The argument's given value is invalid.
InvalidValue {
value: String,
expected: &'static str,
/// The argument was already given and none more are expected.
/// The argument expects a value.
/// The help information was requested
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::Error::*;
match self {
Syntax(s) => write!(f, "syntax error: {}", s),
UnknownArgument(s) => write!(f, "unknown argument: {}", s),
ExpectedArgument(s) => write!(f, "expected argument: {}", s),
InvalidValue { value, expected } => {
write!(f, "invalid value {:?}: {}", value, expected)
TooManyArguments(s) => write!(f, "too many arguments: {}", s),
ExpectedValue(s) => write!(f, "expected parameter value: {}", s),
PrintHelp => write!(f, "help was requested"),
/// Result of a argument parsing.
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
/// Information about an argument expected from the command line.
/// # Examples
/// To indicate a flag style argument:
/// ```
/// Argument::short_flag('f', "flag", "enable awesome mode")
/// ```
/// To indicate a parameter style argument that expects a value:
/// ```
/// // "VALUE" and "NETMASK" are placeholder values displayed in the help message for these
/// // arguments.
/// Argument::short_value('v', "val", "VALUE", "how much do you value this usage information")
/// Argument::value("netmask", "NETMASK", "hides your netface")
/// ```
/// To indicate an argument with no short version:
/// ```
/// Argument::flag("verbose", "this option is hard to type quickly")
/// ```
/// To indicate a positional argument:
/// ```
/// Argument::positional("VALUES", "these are positional arguments")
/// ```
pub struct Argument {
/// The name of the value to display in the usage information. Use None to indicate that there
/// is no value expected for this argument.
pub value: Option<&'static str>,
/// Optional single character shortened argument name.
pub short: Option<char>,
/// The long name of this argument.
pub long: &'static str,
/// Helpfuly usage information for this argument to display to the user.
pub help: &'static str,
impl Argument {
pub fn positional(value: &'static str, help: &'static str) -> Argument {
Argument {
value: Some(value),
long: "",
pub fn value(long: &'static str, value: &'static str, help: &'static str) -> Argument {
Argument {
value: Some(value),
pub fn short_value(
short: char,
long: &'static str,
value: &'static str,
help: &'static str,
) -> Argument {
Argument {
value: Some(value),
short: Some(short),
pub fn flag(long: &'static str, help: &'static str) -> Argument {
Argument {
pub fn short_flag(short: char, long: &'static str, help: &'static str) -> Argument {
Argument {
short: Some(short),
fn parse_arguments<I, R, F>(args: I, mut f: F) -> Result<()>
I: Iterator<Item = R>,
R: AsRef<str>,
F: FnMut(&str, Option<&str>) -> Result<()>,
enum State {
// Initial state at the start and after finishing a single argument/value.
// The remaining arguments are all positional.
// The next string is the value for the argument `name`.
Value { name: String },
let mut s = State::Top;
for arg in args {
let arg = arg.as_ref();
s = match s {
State::Top => {
if arg == "--" {
} else if arg.starts_with("--") {
let param = arg.trim_start_matches('-');
if param.contains('=') {
let mut iter = param.splitn(2, '=');
let name =;
let value =;
if name.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::Syntax(
"expected parameter name before `=`".to_owned(),
if value.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::Syntax(
"expected parameter value after `=`".to_owned(),
f(name, Some(value))?;
} else if let Err(e) = f(param, None) {
if let Error::ExpectedValue(_) = e {
State::Value {
name: param.to_owned(),
} else {
return Err(e);
} else {
} else if arg.starts_with('-') {
if arg.len() == 1 {
return Err(Error::Syntax(
"expected argument short name after `-`".to_owned(),
let name = &arg[1..2];
let value = if arg.len() > 2 { Some(&arg[2..]) } else { None };
if let Err(e) = f(name, value) {
if let Error::ExpectedValue(_) = e {
State::Value {
name: name.to_owned(),
} else {
return Err(e);
} else {
} else {
f("", Some(&arg))?;
State::Positional => {
f("", Some(&arg))?;
State::Value { name } => {
f(&name, Some(&arg))?;
/// Parses the given `args` against the list of know arguments `arg_list` and calls `f` with each
/// present argument and value if required.
/// This function guarantees that only valid long argument names from `arg_list` are sent to the
/// callback `f`. It is also guaranteed that if an arg requires a value (i.e.
/// `arg.value.is_some()`), the value will be `Some` in the callbacks arguments. If the callback
/// returns `Err`, this function will end parsing and return that `Err`.
/// See the [module level](index.html) example for a usage example.
pub fn set_arguments<I, R, F>(args: I, arg_list: &[Argument], mut f: F) -> Result<()>
I: Iterator<Item = R>,
R: AsRef<str>,
F: FnMut(&str, Option<&str>) -> Result<()>,
parse_arguments(args, |name, value| {
let mut matches = None;
for arg in arg_list {
if let Some(short) = arg.short {
if name.len() == 1 && name.starts_with(short) {
if value.is_some() != arg.value.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ExpectedValue(short.to_string()));
matches = Some(arg.long);
if matches.is_none() && arg.long == name {
if value.is_some() != arg.value.is_some() {
return Err(Error::ExpectedValue(arg.long.to_owned()));
matches = Some(arg.long);
match matches {
Some(long) => f(long, value),
None => Err(Error::UnknownArgument(name.to_owned())),
/// Prints command line usage information to stdout.
/// Usage information is printed according to the help fields in `args` with a leading usage line.
/// The usage line is of the format "`program_name` [ARGUMENTS] `required_arg`".
pub fn print_help(program_name: &str, required_arg: &str, args: &[Argument]) {
"Usage: {} {}{}\n",
if args.is_empty() { "" } else { "[ARGUMENTS] " },
if args.is_empty() {
println!("Argument{}:", if args.len() > 1 { "s" } else { "" });
for arg in args {
match arg.short {
Some(ref s) => print!(" -{}, ", s),
None => print!(" "),
if arg.long.is_empty() {
print!(" ");
} else {
print!("{:<12}", arg.long);
if let Some(v) = arg.value {
if arg.long.is_empty() {
print!(" ");
} else {
print!("{:<10}", v);
} else {
print!("{:<11}", "");
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn request_help() {
let arguments = [Argument::short_flag('h', "help", "Print help message.")];
let match_res = set_arguments(["-h"].iter(), &arguments[..], |name, _| {
match name {
"help" => return Err(Error::PrintHelp),
_ => unreachable!(),
match match_res {
Err(Error::PrintHelp) => {}
_ => unreachable!(),
fn mixed_args() {
let arguments = [
Argument::positional("FILES", "files to operate on"),
Argument::short_value('p', "program", "PROGRAM", "Program to apply to each file"),
Argument::short_value('c', "cpus", "N", "Number of CPUs to use. (default: 1)"),
Argument::flag("unmount", "Unmount the root"),
Argument::short_flag('h', "help", "Print help message."),
let mut unmount = false;
let match_res = set_arguments(
["--cpus", "3", "--program", "hello", "--unmount", "file"].iter(),
|name, value| {
match name {
"" => assert_eq!(value.unwrap(), "file"),
"program" => assert_eq!(value.unwrap(), "hello"),
"cpus" => {
let c: u32 = value.unwrap().parse().map_err(|_| Error::InvalidValue {
value: value.unwrap().to_owned(),
expected: "this value for `cpus` needs to be integer",
assert_eq!(c, 3);
"unmount" => unmount = true,
"help" => return Err(Error::PrintHelp),
_ => unreachable!(),
fn name_value_pair() {
let arguments = [Argument::short_value(
"Number of CPUs to use. (default: 1)",
let match_res = set_arguments(
["-c", "5", "--cpus", "5", "-c5", "--cpus=5"].iter(),
|name, value| {
assert_eq!(name, "cpus");
assert_eq!(value, Some("5"));