Dennis Kempin 8a1c50d5cd Refactoring: Move various general purpose crates to common/
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This will break the next uprev, and needs to be synchronizized
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Change-Id: Ied15a1841887bb8f59fba65b912b81acf69beb73
Tested-by: kokoro <>
Commit-Queue: Dennis Kempin <>
Reviewed-by: Daniel Verkamp <>
2021-10-29 22:31:43 +00:00

179 lines
5.8 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Explicit endian types useful for embedding in structs or reinterpreting data.
//! Each endian type is guarnteed to have the same size and alignment as a regular unsigned primiive
//! of the equal size.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! # use data_model::*;
//! let b: Be32 = From::from(3);
//! let l: Le32 = From::from(3);
//! assert_eq!(b.to_native(), 3);
//! assert_eq!(l.to_native(), 3);
//! assert!(b == 3);
//! assert!(l == 3);
//! let b_trans: u32 = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(b) };
//! let l_trans: u32 = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(l) };
//! #[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
//! assert_eq!(l_trans, 3);
//! #[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
//! assert_eq!(b_trans, 3);
//! assert_ne!(b_trans, l_trans);
//! ```
use std::mem::{align_of, size_of};
use assertions::const_assert;
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
use crate::DataInit;
macro_rules! endian_type {
($old_type:ident, $new_type:ident, $to_new:ident, $from_new:ident) => {
/// An integer type of with an explicit endianness.
/// See module level documentation for examples.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Default)]
pub struct $new_type($old_type);
impl $new_type {
fn _assert() {
const_assert!(align_of::<$new_type>() == align_of::<$old_type>());
const_assert!(size_of::<$new_type>() == size_of::<$old_type>());
/// Converts `self` to the native endianness.
pub fn to_native(self) -> $old_type {
unsafe impl DataInit for $new_type {}
impl PartialEq<$old_type> for $new_type {
fn eq(&self, other: &$old_type) -> bool {
self.0 == $old_type::$to_new(*other)
impl PartialEq<$new_type> for $old_type {
fn eq(&self, other: &$new_type) -> bool {
$old_type::$to_new(other.0) == *self
impl From<$new_type> for $old_type {
fn from(v: $new_type) -> $old_type {
impl From<$old_type> for $new_type {
fn from(v: $old_type) -> $new_type {
impl Serialize for $new_type {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for $new_type {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
endian_type!(u16, Le16, to_le, from_le);
endian_type!(i16, SLe16, to_le, from_le);
endian_type!(u32, Le32, to_le, from_le);
endian_type!(i32, SLe32, to_le, from_le);
endian_type!(u64, Le64, to_le, from_le);
endian_type!(i64, SLe64, to_le, from_le);
endian_type!(usize, LeSize, to_le, from_le);
endian_type!(isize, SLeSize, to_le, from_le);
endian_type!(u16, Be16, to_be, from_be);
endian_type!(i16, SBe16, to_be, from_be);
endian_type!(u32, Be32, to_be, from_be);
endian_type!(i32, SBe32, to_be, from_be);
endian_type!(u64, Be64, to_be, from_be);
endian_type!(i64, SBe64, to_be, from_be);
endian_type!(usize, BeSize, to_be, from_be);
endian_type!(isize, SBeSize, to_be, from_be);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::convert::From;
use std::mem::transmute;
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
const NATIVE_LITTLE: bool = true;
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
const NATIVE_LITTLE: bool = false;
macro_rules! endian_test {
($old_type:ty, $new_type:ty, $test_name:ident, $native:expr) => {
mod $test_name {
use super::*;
fn equality() {
let v = 0x0123456789ABCDEF as $old_type;
let endian_v: $new_type = From::from(v);
let endian_into: $old_type = endian_v.into();
let endian_transmute: $old_type = unsafe { transmute(endian_v) };
if $native {
assert_eq!(endian_v, endian_transmute);
} else {
assert_eq!(endian_v, endian_transmute.swap_bytes());
assert_eq!(v, endian_into);
assert!(v == endian_v);
assert!(endian_v == v);
endian_test!(u16, Le16, test_le16, NATIVE_LITTLE);
endian_test!(i16, SLe16, test_sle16, NATIVE_LITTLE);
endian_test!(u32, Le32, test_le32, NATIVE_LITTLE);
endian_test!(i32, SLe32, test_sle32, NATIVE_LITTLE);
endian_test!(u64, Le64, test_le64, NATIVE_LITTLE);
endian_test!(i64, SLe64, test_sle64, NATIVE_LITTLE);
endian_test!(usize, LeSize, test_le_size, NATIVE_LITTLE);
endian_test!(isize, SLeSize, test_sle_size, NATIVE_LITTLE);
endian_test!(u16, Be16, test_be16, NATIVE_BIG);
endian_test!(i16, SBe16, test_sbe16, NATIVE_BIG);
endian_test!(u32, Be32, test_be32, NATIVE_BIG);
endian_test!(i32, SBe32, test_sbe32, NATIVE_BIG);
endian_test!(u64, Be64, test_be64, NATIVE_BIG);
endian_test!(i64, SBe64, test_sbe64, NATIVE_BIG);
endian_test!(usize, BeSize, test_be_size, NATIVE_BIG);
endian_test!(isize, SBeSize, test_sbe_size, NATIVE_BIG);