Dennis Kempin 4fea399df9 Reformat imports
crosvm is switching the import style to use one import per line.
While more verbose, this will greatly reduce the occurence of merge
conflicts going forward.

Note: This is using a nightly feature of rustfmt. So it's a one-off
re-format only. We are considering adding a nightly toolchain to
enable the feature permanently.


Change-Id: Id2dd4dbdc0adfc4f8f3dd1d09da1daafa2a39992
Reviewed-by: Daniel Verkamp <>
Tested-by: Dennis Kempin <>
Commit-Queue: Dennis Kempin <>
2022-07-28 00:15:50 +00:00

183 lines
6.3 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(b/237714823): Currently, only kvm is enabled for this test once LUCI can run windows.
#![cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU16;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use hypervisor::*;
use vm_memory::GuestAddress;
use vm_memory::GuestMemory;
fn test_kvm_mmio_and_pio() {
use hypervisor::kvm::*;
test_mmio_and_pio(|guest_mem| {
let kvm = Kvm::new().expect("failed to create kvm");
let vm =
KvmVm::new(&kvm, guest_mem, ProtectionType::Unprotected).expect("failed to create vm");
(kvm, vm)
#[cfg(feature = "haxm")]
fn test_haxm_mmio_and_pio() {
use hypervisor::haxm::*;
test_mmio_and_pio(|guest_mem| {
let haxm = Haxm::new().expect("failed to create haxm");
let vm = HaxmVm::new(&haxm, guest_mem).expect("failed to create vm");
(haxm, vm)
#[cfg(feature = "whpx")]
fn test_whpx_mmio_and_pio() {
use hypervisor::whpx::*;
if !Whpx::is_enabled() {
test_mmio_and_pio(|guest_mem| {
let whpx = Whpx::new().expect("failed to create whpx");
let vm =
WhpxVm::new(&whpx, 1, guest_mem, CpuId::new(0), false).expect("failed to create vm");
(whpx, vm)
#[cfg(feature = "gvm")]
fn test_gvm_mmio_and_pio() {
use hypervisor::gvm::*;
test_mmio_and_pio(|guest_mem| {
let gvm = Gvm::new().expect("failed to create gvm");
let vm = GvmVm::new(&gvm, guest_mem).expect("failed to create vm");
(gvm, vm)
fn test_mmio_and_pio<CreateVm, HypervisorT, VmT>(create_vm: CreateVm)
CreateVm: FnOnce(GuestMemory) -> (HypervisorT, VmT),
HypervisorT: Hypervisor,
VmT: VmX86_64,
0x0000000000000000: 67 88 03 mov byte ptr [ebx], al
0x0000000000000003: 67 8A 01 mov al, byte ptr [ecx]
0x0000000000000006: E6 19 out 0x19, al
0x0000000000000008: E4 20 in al, 0x20
0x000000000000000a: F4 hlt
let code: [u8; 11] = [
0x67, 0x88, 0x03, 0x67, 0x8a, 0x01, 0xe6, 0x19, 0xe4, 0x20, 0xf4,
let mem_size = 0x2000;
let load_addr = GuestAddress(0x1000);
// GuestMemory requires an initial set of memory, so we just
// setup some at 0x8000, it won't be used though.
let guest_mem =
GuestMemory::new(&[(GuestAddress(0), mem_size)]).expect("failed to create guest mem");
.write_at_addr(&code[..], load_addr)
.expect("failed to write to guest memory");
let (_, vm) = create_vm(guest_mem);
let mut vcpu = vm.create_vcpu(0).expect("new vcpu failed");
let mut vcpu_sregs = vcpu.get_sregs().expect("get sregs failed");
vcpu_sregs.cs.base = 0;
vcpu_sregs.cs.selector = 0;
vcpu.set_sregs(&vcpu_sregs).expect("set sregs failed");
let vcpu_regs = Regs {
rip: load_addr.offset() as u64,
rflags: 2,
rax: 0x33,
rbx: 0x3000,
rcx: 0x3010,
vcpu.set_regs(&vcpu_regs).expect("set regs failed");
// Ensure we get exactly 2 exits for the mmio and the pio.
let exits = AtomicU16::new(0);
let run_handle = vcpu.take_run_handle(None).unwrap();
loop {
match"run failed") {
VcpuExit::Mmio => {
vcpu.handle_mmio(&mut |IoParams {
}| {
match operation {
IoOperation::Read => {
let mut data = [0u8; 8];
assert_eq!(address, 0x3010);
assert_eq!(size, 1);
exits.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
// this number will be read into al register
IoOperation::Write { data } => {
assert_eq!(address, 0x3000);
assert_eq!(data[0], 0x33);
assert_eq!(size, 1);
exits.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
.expect("failed to set the data");
VcpuExit::Io => {
vcpu.handle_io(&mut |IoParams {
}| {
match operation {
IoOperation::Read => {
let mut data = [0u8; 8];
assert_eq!(address, 0x20);
assert_eq!(size, 1);
exits.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
// this number will be read into the al register
IoOperation::Write { data } => {
assert_eq!(address, 0x19);
assert_eq!(size, 1);
assert_eq!(data[0], 0x66);
exits.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
.expect("failed to set the data");
VcpuExit::Hlt => {
// Continue on external interrupt or signal
VcpuExit::Intr => continue,
r => panic!("unexpected exit reason: {:?}", r),
assert_eq!(exits.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 4);
let regs: Regs = vcpu.get_regs().expect("failed to get regs");
assert_eq!(regs.rax, 0x77);