
311 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2020 The Jujutsu Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use itertools::Itertools;
use tempfile::PersistError;
use crate::legacy_thrift_op_store::ThriftOpStore;
use crate::op_store::{OpStore, OpStoreError, OpStoreResult, Operation, OperationId, View, ViewId};
use crate::proto_op_store::ProtoOpStore;
impl From<std::io::Error> for OpStoreError {
fn from(err: std::io::Error) -> Self {
impl From<PersistError> for OpStoreError {
fn from(err: PersistError) -> Self {
// TODO: In version 0.7.0 or so, inline ThriftOpStore into this type and drop
// support for upgrading from the proto format
pub struct SimpleOpStore {
delegate: ThriftOpStore,
fn upgrade_to_thrift(store_path: PathBuf) -> std::io::Result<()> {
println!("Upgrading operation log to Thrift format...");
let proto_store = ProtoOpStore::load(store_path.clone());
let tmp_store_dir = tempfile::Builder::new()
let tmp_store_path = tmp_store_dir.path().to_path_buf();
// Find the current operation head(s) of the operation log. Because the hash is
// based on the serialized format, it will be different after conversion, so
// we need to rewrite these later.
let op_heads_store_path = store_path.parent().unwrap().join("op_heads");
let mut old_op_heads = HashSet::new();
for entry in fs::read_dir(&op_heads_store_path)? {
let basename = entry?.file_name();
let op_id_str = basename.to_str().unwrap();
if let Ok(op_id_bytes) = hex::decode(op_id_str) {
// Do a DFS to rewrite the operations
let thrift_store = ThriftOpStore::init(tmp_store_path.clone());
let mut converted: HashMap<OperationId, OperationId> = HashMap::new();
// The DFS stack
let mut to_convert = old_op_heads
.map(|op_id| (op_id.clone(), proto_store.read_operation(op_id).unwrap()))
while !to_convert.is_empty() {
let (_, op) = to_convert.last().unwrap();
let mut new_parent_ids: Vec<OperationId> = vec![];
let mut new_to_convert = vec![];
// Check which parents are already converted and which ones we need to rewrite
// first
for parent_id in &op.parents {
if let Some(new_parent_id) = converted.get(parent_id) {
} else {
let parent_op = proto_store.read_operation(parent_id).unwrap();
new_to_convert.push((parent_id.clone(), parent_op));
if new_to_convert.is_empty() {
// If all parents have already been converted, remove this operation from the
// stack and convert it
let (op_id, mut op) = to_convert.pop().unwrap();
op.parents = new_parent_ids;
let view = proto_store.read_view(&op.view_id).unwrap();
let thrift_view_id = thrift_store.write_view(&view).unwrap();
op.view_id = thrift_view_id;
let thrift_op_id = thrift_store.write_operation(&op).unwrap();
converted.insert(op_id, thrift_op_id);
} else {
fs::write(tmp_store_path.join("thrift_store"), "")?;
let backup_store_path = store_path.parent().unwrap().join("op_store_old");
fs::rename(&store_path, backup_store_path)?;
fs::rename(&tmp_store_path, &store_path)?;
// Update the pointers to the head(s) of the operation log
for old_op_head in old_op_heads {
let new_op_head = converted.get(&old_op_head).unwrap().clone();
fs::write(op_heads_store_path.join(new_op_head.hex()), "")?;
// Update the pointers from operations to index files
let index_operations_path = store_path
for entry in fs::read_dir(&index_operations_path)? {
let basename = entry?.file_name();
let op_id_str = basename.to_str().unwrap();
if let Ok(op_id_bytes) = hex::decode(op_id_str) {
let old_op_id = OperationId::new(op_id_bytes);
// This should always succeed, but just skip it if it doesn't. We'll index
// the commits on demand if we don't have an pointer to an index file.
if let Some(new_op_id) = converted.get(&old_op_id) {
// Update the pointer to the last operation exported to Git
let git_export_path = store_path.parent().unwrap().join("git_export_operation_id");
if let Ok(op_id_string) = fs::read_to_string(&git_export_path) {
if let Ok(op_id_bytes) = hex::decode(op_id_string) {
let old_op_id = OperationId::new(op_id_bytes);
let new_op_id = converted.get(&old_op_id).unwrap();
fs::write(&git_export_path, new_op_id.hex())?;
println!("Upgrade complete");
impl SimpleOpStore {
pub fn init(store_path: PathBuf) -> Self {
fs::write(store_path.join("thrift_store"), "").unwrap();
let delegate = ThriftOpStore::init(store_path);
SimpleOpStore { delegate }
pub fn load(store_path: PathBuf) -> Self {
if !store_path.join("thrift_store").exists() {
.expect("Failed to upgrade operation log to Thrift format");
let delegate = ThriftOpStore::load(store_path);
SimpleOpStore { delegate }
impl OpStore for SimpleOpStore {
fn read_view(&self, id: &ViewId) -> OpStoreResult<View> {
fn write_view(&self, view: &View) -> OpStoreResult<ViewId> {
fn read_operation(&self, id: &OperationId) -> OpStoreResult<Operation> {
fn write_operation(&self, operation: &Operation) -> OpStoreResult<OperationId> {
mod tests {
use insta::assert_snapshot;
use maplit::{btreemap, hashmap, hashset};
use super::*;
use crate::backend::{CommitId, MillisSinceEpoch, Timestamp};
use crate::content_hash::blake2b_hash;
use crate::op_store::{BranchTarget, OperationMetadata, RefTarget, WorkspaceId};
fn create_view() -> View {
let head_id1 = CommitId::from_hex("aaa111");
let head_id2 = CommitId::from_hex("aaa222");
let public_head_id1 = CommitId::from_hex("bbb444");
let public_head_id2 = CommitId::from_hex("bbb555");
let branch_main_local_target = RefTarget::Normal(CommitId::from_hex("ccc111"));
let branch_main_origin_target = RefTarget::Normal(CommitId::from_hex("ccc222"));
let branch_deleted_origin_target = RefTarget::Normal(CommitId::from_hex("ccc333"));
let tag_v1_target = RefTarget::Normal(CommitId::from_hex("ddd111"));
let git_refs_main_target = RefTarget::Normal(CommitId::from_hex("fff111"));
let git_refs_feature_target = RefTarget::Conflict {
removes: vec![CommitId::from_hex("fff111")],
adds: vec![CommitId::from_hex("fff222"), CommitId::from_hex("fff333")],
let default_wc_commit_id = CommitId::from_hex("abc111");
let test_wc_commit_id = CommitId::from_hex("abc222");
View {
head_ids: hashset! {head_id1, head_id2},
public_head_ids: hashset! {public_head_id1, public_head_id2},
branches: btreemap! {
"main".to_string() => BranchTarget {
local_target: Some(branch_main_local_target),
remote_targets: btreemap! {
"origin".to_string() => branch_main_origin_target,
"deleted".to_string() => BranchTarget {
local_target: None,
remote_targets: btreemap! {
"origin".to_string() => branch_deleted_origin_target,
tags: btreemap! {
"v1.0".to_string() => tag_v1_target,
git_refs: btreemap! {
"refs/heads/main".to_string() => git_refs_main_target,
"refs/heads/feature".to_string() => git_refs_feature_target
git_head: Some(CommitId::from_hex("fff111")),
wc_commit_ids: hashmap! {
WorkspaceId::default() => default_wc_commit_id,
WorkspaceId::new("test".to_string()) => test_wc_commit_id,
fn create_operation() -> Operation {
Operation {
view_id: ViewId::from_hex("aaa111"),
parents: vec![
metadata: OperationMetadata {
start_time: Timestamp {
timestamp: MillisSinceEpoch(123456789),
tz_offset: 3600,
end_time: Timestamp {
timestamp: MillisSinceEpoch(123456800),
tz_offset: 3600,
description: "check out foo".to_string(),
hostname: "some.host.example.com".to_string(),
username: "someone".to_string(),
tags: hashmap! {
"key1".to_string() => "value1".to_string(),
"key2".to_string() => "value2".to_string(),
fn test_hash_view() {
// Test exact output so we detect regressions in compatibility
fn test_hash_operation() {
// Test exact output so we detect regressions in compatibility
fn test_read_write_view() {
let temp_dir = testutils::new_temp_dir();
let store = SimpleOpStore::init(temp_dir.path().to_owned());
let view = create_view();
let view_id = store.write_view(&view).unwrap();
let read_view = store.read_view(&view_id).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_view, view);
fn test_read_write_operation() {
let temp_dir = testutils::new_temp_dir();
let store = SimpleOpStore::init(temp_dir.path().to_owned());
let operation = create_operation();
let op_id = store.write_operation(&operation).unwrap();
let read_operation = store.read_operation(&op_id).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_operation, operation);