// Copyright 2024 The Jujutsu Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Parser for the fileset language. use std::error; use itertools::Itertools as _; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use pest::iterators::Pair; use pest::pratt_parser::Assoc; use pest::pratt_parser::Op; use pest::pratt_parser::PrattParser; use pest::Parser; use pest_derive::Parser; use thiserror::Error; use crate::dsl_util; use crate::dsl_util::Diagnostics; use crate::dsl_util::InvalidArguments; use crate::dsl_util::StringLiteralParser; #[derive(Parser)] #[grammar = "fileset.pest"] struct FilesetParser; const STRING_LITERAL_PARSER: StringLiteralParser = StringLiteralParser { content_rule: Rule::string_content, escape_rule: Rule::string_escape, }; impl Rule { fn to_symbol(self) -> Option<&'static str> { match self { Rule::EOI => None, Rule::whitespace => None, Rule::identifier => None, Rule::strict_identifier_part => None, Rule::strict_identifier => None, Rule::bare_string => None, Rule::string_escape => None, Rule::string_content_char => None, Rule::string_content => None, Rule::string_literal => None, Rule::raw_string_content => None, Rule::raw_string_literal => None, Rule::pattern_kind_op => Some(":"), Rule::negate_op => Some("~"), Rule::union_op => Some("|"), Rule::intersection_op => Some("&"), Rule::difference_op => Some("~"), Rule::prefix_ops => None, Rule::infix_ops => None, Rule::function => None, Rule::function_name => None, Rule::function_arguments => None, Rule::string_pattern => None, Rule::bare_string_pattern => None, Rule::primary => None, Rule::expression => None, Rule::program => None, Rule::program_or_bare_string => None, } } } /// Manages diagnostic messages emitted during fileset parsing and name /// resolution. pub type FilesetDiagnostics = Diagnostics; /// Result of fileset parsing and name resolution. pub type FilesetParseResult = Result; /// Error occurred during fileset parsing and name resolution. #[derive(Debug, Error)] #[error("{pest_error}")] pub struct FilesetParseError { kind: FilesetParseErrorKind, pest_error: Box>, source: Option>, } /// Categories of fileset parsing and name resolution error. #[allow(missing_docs)] #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Error, PartialEq)] pub enum FilesetParseErrorKind { #[error("Syntax error")] SyntaxError, #[error(r#"Function "{name}" doesn't exist"#)] NoSuchFunction { name: String, candidates: Vec, }, #[error(r#"Function "{name}": {message}"#)] InvalidArguments { name: String, message: String }, #[error("{0}")] Expression(String), } impl FilesetParseError { pub(super) fn new(kind: FilesetParseErrorKind, span: pest::Span<'_>) -> Self { let message = kind.to_string(); let pest_error = Box::new(pest::error::Error::new_from_span( pest::error::ErrorVariant::CustomError { message }, span, )); FilesetParseError { kind, pest_error, source: None, } } pub(super) fn with_source( mut self, source: impl Into>, ) -> Self { self.source = Some(source.into()); self } /// Some other expression error. pub(super) fn expression(message: impl Into, span: pest::Span<'_>) -> Self { FilesetParseError::new(FilesetParseErrorKind::Expression(message.into()), span) } /// Category of the underlying error. pub fn kind(&self) -> &FilesetParseErrorKind { &self.kind } } impl From> for FilesetParseError { fn from(err: pest::error::Error) -> Self { FilesetParseError { kind: FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError, pest_error: Box::new(rename_rules_in_pest_error(err)), source: None, } } } impl From> for FilesetParseError { fn from(err: InvalidArguments<'_>) -> Self { let kind = FilesetParseErrorKind::InvalidArguments { name: err.name.to_owned(), message: err.message, }; Self::new(kind, err.span) } } fn rename_rules_in_pest_error(err: pest::error::Error) -> pest::error::Error { err.renamed_rules(|rule| { rule.to_symbol() .map(|sym| format!("`{sym}`")) .unwrap_or_else(|| format!("<{rule:?}>")) }) } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum ExpressionKind<'i> { Identifier(&'i str), String(String), StringPattern { kind: &'i str, value: String, }, Unary(UnaryOp, Box>), Binary(BinaryOp, Box>, Box>), /// `x | y | ..` UnionAll(Vec>), FunctionCall(Box>), } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub enum UnaryOp { /// `~` Negate, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub enum BinaryOp { /// `&` Intersection, /// `~` Difference, } pub type ExpressionNode<'i> = dsl_util::ExpressionNode<'i, ExpressionKind<'i>>; pub type FunctionCallNode<'i> = dsl_util::FunctionCallNode<'i, ExpressionKind<'i>>; fn union_nodes<'i>(lhs: ExpressionNode<'i>, rhs: ExpressionNode<'i>) -> ExpressionNode<'i> { let span = lhs.span.start_pos().span(&rhs.span.end_pos()); let expr = match lhs.kind { // Flatten "x | y | z" to save recursion stack. Machine-generated query // might have long chain of unions. ExpressionKind::UnionAll(mut nodes) => { nodes.push(rhs); ExpressionKind::UnionAll(nodes) } _ => ExpressionKind::UnionAll(vec![lhs, rhs]), }; ExpressionNode::new(expr, span) } fn parse_function_call_node(pair: Pair) -> FilesetParseResult { assert_eq!(pair.as_rule(), Rule::function); let (name_pair, args_pair) = pair.into_inner().collect_tuple().unwrap(); assert_eq!(name_pair.as_rule(), Rule::function_name); assert_eq!(args_pair.as_rule(), Rule::function_arguments); let name_span = name_pair.as_span(); let args_span = args_pair.as_span(); let name = name_pair.as_str(); let args = args_pair .into_inner() .map(parse_expression_node) .try_collect()?; Ok(FunctionCallNode { name, name_span, args, keyword_args: vec![], // unsupported args_span, }) } fn parse_as_string_literal(pair: Pair) -> String { match pair.as_rule() { Rule::identifier => pair.as_str().to_owned(), Rule::string_literal => STRING_LITERAL_PARSER.parse(pair.into_inner()), Rule::raw_string_literal => { let (content,) = pair.into_inner().collect_tuple().unwrap(); assert_eq!(content.as_rule(), Rule::raw_string_content); content.as_str().to_owned() } r => panic!("unexpected string literal rule: {r:?}"), } } fn parse_primary_node(pair: Pair) -> FilesetParseResult { assert_eq!(pair.as_rule(), Rule::primary); let first = pair.into_inner().next().unwrap(); let span = first.as_span(); let expr = match first.as_rule() { Rule::expression => return parse_expression_node(first), Rule::function => { let function = Box::new(parse_function_call_node(first)?); ExpressionKind::FunctionCall(function) } Rule::string_pattern => { let (lhs, op, rhs) = first.into_inner().collect_tuple().unwrap(); assert_eq!(lhs.as_rule(), Rule::strict_identifier); assert_eq!(op.as_rule(), Rule::pattern_kind_op); let kind = lhs.as_str(); let value = parse_as_string_literal(rhs); ExpressionKind::StringPattern { kind, value } } Rule::identifier => ExpressionKind::Identifier(first.as_str()), Rule::string_literal | Rule::raw_string_literal => { ExpressionKind::String(parse_as_string_literal(first)) } r => panic!("unexpected primary rule: {r:?}"), }; Ok(ExpressionNode::new(expr, span)) } fn parse_expression_node(pair: Pair) -> FilesetParseResult { assert_eq!(pair.as_rule(), Rule::expression); static PRATT: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { PrattParser::new() .op(Op::infix(Rule::union_op, Assoc::Left)) .op(Op::infix(Rule::intersection_op, Assoc::Left) | Op::infix(Rule::difference_op, Assoc::Left)) .op(Op::prefix(Rule::negate_op)) }); PRATT .map_primary(parse_primary_node) .map_prefix(|op, rhs| { let op_kind = match op.as_rule() { Rule::negate_op => UnaryOp::Negate, r => panic!("unexpected prefix operator rule {r:?}"), }; let rhs = Box::new(rhs?); let span = op.as_span().start_pos().span(&rhs.span.end_pos()); let expr = ExpressionKind::Unary(op_kind, rhs); Ok(ExpressionNode::new(expr, span)) }) .map_infix(|lhs, op, rhs| { let op_kind = match op.as_rule() { Rule::union_op => return Ok(union_nodes(lhs?, rhs?)), Rule::intersection_op => BinaryOp::Intersection, Rule::difference_op => BinaryOp::Difference, r => panic!("unexpected infix operator rule {r:?}"), }; let lhs = Box::new(lhs?); let rhs = Box::new(rhs?); let span = lhs.span.start_pos().span(&rhs.span.end_pos()); let expr = ExpressionKind::Binary(op_kind, lhs, rhs); Ok(ExpressionNode::new(expr, span)) }) .parse(pair.into_inner()) } /// Parses text into expression tree. No name resolution is made at this stage. pub fn parse_program(text: &str) -> FilesetParseResult { let mut pairs = FilesetParser::parse(Rule::program, text)?; let first = pairs.next().unwrap(); parse_expression_node(first) } /// Parses text into expression tree with bare string fallback. No name /// resolution is made at this stage. /// /// If the text can't be parsed as a fileset expression, and if it doesn't /// contain any operator-like characters, it will be parsed as a file path. pub fn parse_program_or_bare_string(text: &str) -> FilesetParseResult { let mut pairs = FilesetParser::parse(Rule::program_or_bare_string, text)?; let first = pairs.next().unwrap(); let span = first.as_span(); let expr = match first.as_rule() { Rule::expression => return parse_expression_node(first), Rule::bare_string_pattern => { let (lhs, op, rhs) = first.into_inner().collect_tuple().unwrap(); assert_eq!(lhs.as_rule(), Rule::strict_identifier); assert_eq!(op.as_rule(), Rule::pattern_kind_op); assert_eq!(rhs.as_rule(), Rule::bare_string); let kind = lhs.as_str(); let value = rhs.as_str().to_owned(); ExpressionKind::StringPattern { kind, value } } Rule::bare_string => ExpressionKind::String(first.as_str().to_owned()), r => panic!("unexpected program or bare string rule: {r:?}"), }; Ok(ExpressionNode::new(expr, span)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use assert_matches::assert_matches; use super::*; use crate::dsl_util::KeywordArgument; fn parse_into_kind(text: &str) -> Result { parse_program(text) .map(|node| node.kind) .map_err(|err| err.kind) } fn parse_maybe_bare_into_kind(text: &str) -> Result { parse_program_or_bare_string(text) .map(|node| node.kind) .map_err(|err| err.kind) } fn parse_normalized(text: &str) -> ExpressionNode { normalize_tree(parse_program(text).unwrap()) } fn parse_maybe_bare_normalized(text: &str) -> ExpressionNode { normalize_tree(parse_program_or_bare_string(text).unwrap()) } /// Drops auxiliary data from parsed tree so it can be compared with other. fn normalize_tree(node: ExpressionNode) -> ExpressionNode { fn empty_span() -> pest::Span<'static> { pest::Span::new("", 0, 0).unwrap() } fn normalize_list(nodes: Vec) -> Vec { nodes.into_iter().map(normalize_tree).collect() } fn normalize_function_call(function: FunctionCallNode) -> FunctionCallNode { FunctionCallNode { name: function.name, name_span: empty_span(), args: normalize_list(function.args), keyword_args: function .keyword_args .into_iter() .map(|arg| KeywordArgument { name: arg.name, name_span: empty_span(), value: normalize_tree(arg.value), }) .collect(), args_span: empty_span(), } } let normalized_kind = match node.kind { ExpressionKind::Identifier(_) | ExpressionKind::String(_) | ExpressionKind::StringPattern { .. } => node.kind, ExpressionKind::Unary(op, arg) => { let arg = Box::new(normalize_tree(*arg)); ExpressionKind::Unary(op, arg) } ExpressionKind::Binary(op, lhs, rhs) => { let lhs = Box::new(normalize_tree(*lhs)); let rhs = Box::new(normalize_tree(*rhs)); ExpressionKind::Binary(op, lhs, rhs) } ExpressionKind::UnionAll(nodes) => { let nodes = normalize_list(nodes); ExpressionKind::UnionAll(nodes) } ExpressionKind::FunctionCall(function) => { let function = Box::new(normalize_function_call(*function)); ExpressionKind::FunctionCall(function) } }; ExpressionNode { kind: normalized_kind, span: empty_span(), } } #[test] fn test_parse_tree_eq() { assert_eq!( parse_normalized(r#" foo( x ) | ~bar:"baz" "#), parse_normalized(r#"(foo(x))|(~(bar:"baz"))"#) ); assert_ne!(parse_normalized(r#" foo "#), parse_normalized(r#" "foo" "#)); } #[test] fn test_parse_invalid_function_name() { assert_eq!( parse_into_kind("5foo(x)"), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError) ); } #[test] fn test_parse_whitespace() { let ascii_whitespaces: String = ('\x00'..='\x7f') .filter(char::is_ascii_whitespace) .collect(); assert_eq!( parse_normalized(&format!("{ascii_whitespaces}f()")), parse_normalized("f()") ); } #[test] fn test_parse_identifier() { assert_eq!( parse_into_kind("dir/foo-bar_0.baz"), Ok(ExpressionKind::Identifier("dir/foo-bar_0.baz")) ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind("cli-reference@.md.snap"), Ok(ExpressionKind::Identifier("cli-reference@.md.snap")) ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind("柔術.jj"), Ok(ExpressionKind::Identifier("柔術.jj")) ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#"Windows\Path"#), Ok(ExpressionKind::Identifier(r#"Windows\Path"#)) ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind("glob*[chars]?"), Ok(ExpressionKind::Identifier("glob*[chars]?")) ); } #[test] fn test_parse_string_literal() { // "\" escapes assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" "\t\r\n\"\\\0\e" "#), Ok(ExpressionKind::String("\t\r\n\"\\\0\u{1b}".to_owned())), ); // Invalid "\" escape assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" "\y" "#), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError), ); // Single-quoted raw string assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" '' "#), Ok(ExpressionKind::String("".to_owned())), ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" 'a\n' "#), Ok(ExpressionKind::String(r"a\n".to_owned())), ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" '\' "#), Ok(ExpressionKind::String(r"\".to_owned())), ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" '"' "#), Ok(ExpressionKind::String(r#"""#.to_owned())), ); // Hex bytes assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#""\x61\x65\x69\x6f\x75""#), Ok(ExpressionKind::String("aeiou".to_owned())), ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#""\xe0\xe8\xec\xf0\xf9""#), Ok(ExpressionKind::String("àèìðù".to_owned())), ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#""\x""#), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError), ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#""\xf""#), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError), ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#""\xgg""#), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError), ); } #[test] fn test_parse_string_pattern() { assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" foo:bar "#), Ok(ExpressionKind::StringPattern { kind: "foo", value: "bar".to_owned() }) ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(" foo:glob*[chars]? "), Ok(ExpressionKind::StringPattern { kind: "foo", value: "glob*[chars]?".to_owned() }) ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" foo:"bar" "#), Ok(ExpressionKind::StringPattern { kind: "foo", value: "bar".to_owned() }) ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" foo:"" "#), Ok(ExpressionKind::StringPattern { kind: "foo", value: "".to_owned() }) ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" foo:'\' "#), Ok(ExpressionKind::StringPattern { kind: "foo", value: r"\".to_owned() }) ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" foo: "#), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError) ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" foo: "" "#), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError) ); assert_eq!( parse_into_kind(r#" foo :"" "#), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError) ); } #[test] fn test_parse_operator() { assert_matches!( parse_into_kind("~x"), Ok(ExpressionKind::Unary(UnaryOp::Negate, _)) ); assert_matches!( parse_into_kind("x|y"), Ok(ExpressionKind::UnionAll(nodes)) if nodes.len() == 2 ); assert_matches!( parse_into_kind("x|y|z"), Ok(ExpressionKind::UnionAll(nodes)) if nodes.len() == 3 ); assert_matches!( parse_into_kind("x&y"), Ok(ExpressionKind::Binary(BinaryOp::Intersection, _, _)) ); assert_matches!( parse_into_kind("x~y"), Ok(ExpressionKind::Binary(BinaryOp::Difference, _, _)) ); // Set operator associativity/precedence assert_eq!(parse_normalized("~x|y"), parse_normalized("(~x)|y")); assert_eq!(parse_normalized("x&~y"), parse_normalized("x&(~y)")); assert_eq!(parse_normalized("x~~y"), parse_normalized("x~(~y)")); assert_eq!(parse_normalized("x~~~y"), parse_normalized("x~(~(~y))")); assert_eq!(parse_normalized("x|y|z"), parse_normalized("(x|y)|z")); assert_eq!(parse_normalized("x&y|z"), parse_normalized("(x&y)|z")); assert_eq!(parse_normalized("x|y&z"), parse_normalized("x|(y&z)")); assert_eq!(parse_normalized("x|y~z"), parse_normalized("x|(y~z)")); assert_eq!(parse_normalized("~x:y"), parse_normalized("~(x:y)")); assert_eq!(parse_normalized("x|y:z"), parse_normalized("x|(y:z)")); // Expression span assert_eq!(parse_program(" ~ x ").unwrap().span.as_str(), "~ x"); assert_eq!(parse_program(" x |y ").unwrap().span.as_str(), "x |y"); } #[test] fn test_parse_function_call() { assert_matches!( parse_into_kind("foo()"), Ok(ExpressionKind::FunctionCall(_)) ); // Trailing comma isn't allowed for empty argument assert!(parse_into_kind("foo(,)").is_err()); // Trailing comma is allowed for the last argument assert_eq!(parse_normalized("foo(a,)"), parse_normalized("foo(a)")); assert_eq!(parse_normalized("foo(a , )"), parse_normalized("foo(a)")); assert!(parse_into_kind("foo(,a)").is_err()); assert!(parse_into_kind("foo(a,,)").is_err()); assert!(parse_into_kind("foo(a , , )").is_err()); assert_eq!(parse_normalized("foo(a,b,)"), parse_normalized("foo(a,b)")); assert!(parse_into_kind("foo(a,,b)").is_err()); } #[test] fn test_parse_bare_string() { // Valid expression should be parsed as such assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind(" valid "), Ok(ExpressionKind::Identifier("valid")) ); assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_normalized("f(x)&y"), parse_normalized("f(x)&y") ); // Bare string assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind("Foo Bar.txt"), Ok(ExpressionKind::String("Foo Bar.txt".to_owned())) ); assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind(r#"Windows\Path with space"#), Ok(ExpressionKind::String( r#"Windows\Path with space"#.to_owned() )) ); assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind("柔 術 . j j"), Ok(ExpressionKind::String("柔 術 . j j".to_owned())) ); assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind("Unicode emoji 💩"), Ok(ExpressionKind::String("Unicode emoji 💩".to_owned())) ); assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind("looks like & expression"), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError) ); assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind("unbalanced_parens("), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError) ); // Bare string pattern assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind("foo: bar baz"), Ok(ExpressionKind::StringPattern { kind: "foo", value: " bar baz".to_owned() }) ); assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind("foo:glob * [chars]?"), Ok(ExpressionKind::StringPattern { kind: "foo", value: "glob * [chars]?".to_owned() }) ); assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind("foo:bar:baz"), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError) ); assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind("foo:"), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError) ); assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind(r#"foo:"unclosed quote"#), Err(FilesetParseErrorKind::SyntaxError) ); // Surrounding spaces are simply preserved. They could be trimmed, but // space is valid bare_string character. assert_eq!( parse_maybe_bare_into_kind(" No trim "), Ok(ExpressionKind::String(" No trim ".to_owned())) ); } #[test] fn test_parse_error() { insta::assert_snapshot!(parse_program("foo|").unwrap_err().to_string(), @r###" --> 1:5 | 1 | foo| | ^--- | = expected `~` or "###); } }