site_name: Jujutsu docs site_dir: 'rendered-docs' # Not having this (or viewing the site locally, or from any place other than the # site_url) leads to version switching failing to preserve the current path. site_url: !ENV [SITE_URL_FOR_MKDOCS, ''] theme: name: 'material' language: 'en' features: # - extra: version: provider: mike plugins: - search - redirects: redirect_maps: # Not all of these may be necessary, especially since the material # theme substitutes for some of them markdown_extensions: - toc: permalink: true - extra - sane_lists - admonition - codehilite: guess_lang: false # Allows list items with several paragraphs to be indented two spaces instead # of four (like GitHub markdown) - mdx_truly_sane_lists: # No, thanks, we'd like only somewhat sane lists :) # With `truly_sane: true`, together with breakless lists, it often splits # a single list in two. truly_sane: false # Fixes weird concatenation of list items that happens sometimes when # there is not a paragraph break between them and one of them has # multiple paragraphs. - mdx_breakless_lists - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.snippets - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.to_svg # This lists all the files that become part of the documentation nav: - 'Home': '' - 'Getting started': - 'Installation and Setup': '' - 'Tutorial and Birds-Eye View': '' - 'Working with GitHub': '' - FAQ: '' - Concepts: - 'Working Copy': '' - 'Branches': '' - 'Conflicts': '' - 'Operation Log': '' - 'Glossary': '' - 'Configuration': - 'Settings': '' - 'Revset language': '' - 'Templating language': '' - 'Comparisons': - 'Git comparison': '' - 'Git compatibility': '' - 'Sapling': '' - 'Other related work': '' - 'Technical details': - 'Architecture': 'technical/' - 'Concurrency': 'technical/' - 'Conflicts': 'technical/' - Contributing: - 'Guidelines and "How to...?"': '' - 'Code of conduct': '' - 'Design docs': - 'git-submodules': 'design/' - 'git-submodule-storage': 'design/' - 'JJ run': 'design/' - 'Tracking branches': 'design/'