// Copyright 2020 The Jujutsu Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use jujutsu_lib::backend::{Signature, Timestamp}; use jujutsu_lib::commit::Commit; use jujutsu_lib::op_store::WorkspaceId; use jujutsu_lib::repo::RepoRef; use pest::iterators::{Pair, Pairs}; use pest::Parser; use pest_derive::Parser; use crate::formatter::PlainTextFormatter; use crate::templater::{ AuthorProperty, BranchProperty, ChangeIdProperty, CommitIdProperty, CommitOrChangeId, CommitOrChangeIdShort, CommitOrChangeIdShortPrefixAndBrackets, CommitterProperty, ConditionalTemplate, ConflictProperty, DescriptionProperty, DivergentProperty, DynamicLabelTemplate, EmptyProperty, FormattablePropertyTemplate, GitRefsProperty, IsGitHeadProperty, IsWorkingCopyProperty, LabelTemplate, ListTemplate, Literal, SignatureTimestamp, TagProperty, Template, TemplateFunction, TemplateProperty, WorkingCopiesProperty, }; use crate::time_util; #[derive(Parser)] #[grammar = "template.pest"] pub struct TemplateParser; fn parse_string_literal(pair: Pair) -> String { assert_eq!(pair.as_rule(), Rule::literal); let mut result = String::new(); for part in pair.into_inner() { match part.as_rule() { Rule::raw_literal => { result.push_str(part.as_str()); } Rule::escape => match part.as_str().as_bytes()[1] as char { '"' => result.push('"'), '\\' => result.push('\\'), 'n' => result.push('\n'), char => panic!("invalid escape: \\{char:?}"), }, _ => panic!("unexpected part of string: {part:?}"), } } result } struct StringFirstLine; impl TemplateProperty for StringFirstLine { type Output = String; fn extract(&self, context: &String) -> Self::Output { context.lines().next().unwrap().to_string() } } struct SignatureName; impl TemplateProperty for SignatureName { type Output = String; fn extract(&self, context: &Signature) -> Self::Output { context.name.clone() } } struct SignatureEmail; impl TemplateProperty for SignatureEmail { type Output = String; fn extract(&self, context: &Signature) -> Self::Output { context.email.clone() } } struct RelativeTimestampString; impl TemplateProperty for RelativeTimestampString { type Output = String; fn extract(&self, context: &Timestamp) -> Self::Output { time_util::format_timestamp_relative_to_now(context) } } enum Property<'a, I> { String(Box + 'a>), Boolean(Box + 'a>), CommitOrChangeId(Box> + 'a>), Signature(Box + 'a>), Timestamp(Box + 'a>), } impl<'a, I: 'a> Property<'a, I> { fn after(self, first: Box + 'a>) -> Property<'a, C> { fn chain<'a, C: 'a, I: 'a, O: 'a>( first: Box + 'a>, second: Box + 'a>, ) -> Box + 'a> { Box::new(TemplateFunction::new(first, move |value| { second.extract(&value) })) } match self { Property::String(property) => Property::String(chain(first, property)), Property::Boolean(property) => Property::Boolean(chain(first, property)), Property::CommitOrChangeId(property) => { Property::CommitOrChangeId(chain(first, property)) } Property::Signature(property) => Property::Signature(chain(first, property)), Property::Timestamp(property) => Property::Timestamp(chain(first, property)), } } fn into_template(self) -> Box + 'a> { fn wrap<'a, I: 'a, O: Template<()> + 'a>( property: Box + 'a>, ) -> Box + 'a> { Box::new(FormattablePropertyTemplate::new(property)) } match self { Property::String(property) => wrap(property), Property::Boolean(property) => wrap(property), Property::CommitOrChangeId(property) => wrap(property), Property::Signature(property) => wrap(property), Property::Timestamp(property) => wrap(property), } } } fn parse_method_chain<'a, I: 'a>( pair: Pair, input_property: PropertyAndLabels<'a, I>, ) -> PropertyAndLabels<'a, I> { let PropertyAndLabels(mut property, mut labels) = input_property; assert_eq!(pair.as_rule(), Rule::maybe_method); for chain in pair.into_inner() { assert_eq!(chain.as_rule(), Rule::function); let mut args = chain.into_inner(); let name = args.next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(name.as_rule(), Rule::identifier); labels.push(name.as_str().to_owned()); property = match property { Property::String(property) => parse_string_method(name, args).after(property), Property::Boolean(property) => parse_boolean_method(name, args).after(property), Property::CommitOrChangeId(property) => { parse_commit_or_change_id_method(name, args).after(property) } Property::Signature(property) => parse_signature_method(name, args).after(property), Property::Timestamp(property) => parse_timestamp_method(name, args).after(property), }; } PropertyAndLabels(property, labels) } fn parse_string_method<'a>(name: Pair, _args: Pairs) -> Property<'a, String> { // TODO: validate arguments match name.as_str() { "first_line" => Property::String(Box::new(StringFirstLine)), name => panic!("no such string method: {name}"), } } fn parse_boolean_method<'a>(name: Pair, _args: Pairs) -> Property<'a, bool> { // TODO: validate arguments panic!("no such boolean method: {}", name.as_str()); } fn parse_commit_or_change_id_method<'a>( name: Pair, _args: Pairs, ) -> Property<'a, CommitOrChangeId<'a>> { // TODO: validate arguments match name.as_str() { "short" => Property::String(Box::new(CommitOrChangeIdShort)), "short_prefix_and_brackets" => { Property::String(Box::new(CommitOrChangeIdShortPrefixAndBrackets)) } name => panic!("no such commit ID method: {name}"), } } fn parse_signature_method<'a>(name: Pair, _args: Pairs) -> Property<'a, Signature> { // TODO: validate arguments match name.as_str() { "name" => Property::String(Box::new(SignatureName)), "email" => Property::String(Box::new(SignatureEmail)), "timestamp" => Property::Timestamp(Box::new(SignatureTimestamp)), name => panic!("no such commit ID method: {name}"), } } fn parse_timestamp_method<'a>(name: Pair, _args: Pairs) -> Property<'a, Timestamp> { // TODO: validate arguments match name.as_str() { "ago" => Property::String(Box::new(RelativeTimestampString)), name => panic!("no such timestamp method: {name}"), } } struct PropertyAndLabels<'a, C>(Property<'a, C>, Vec); fn parse_commit_keyword<'a>( repo: RepoRef<'a>, workspace_id: &WorkspaceId, pair: Pair, ) -> PropertyAndLabels<'a, Commit> { assert_eq!(pair.as_rule(), Rule::identifier); let property = match pair.as_str() { "description" => Property::String(Box::new(DescriptionProperty)), "change_id" => Property::CommitOrChangeId(Box::new(ChangeIdProperty { repo })), "commit_id" => Property::CommitOrChangeId(Box::new(CommitIdProperty { repo })), "author" => Property::Signature(Box::new(AuthorProperty)), "committer" => Property::Signature(Box::new(CommitterProperty)), "working_copies" => Property::String(Box::new(WorkingCopiesProperty { repo })), "current_working_copy" => Property::Boolean(Box::new(IsWorkingCopyProperty { repo, workspace_id: workspace_id.clone(), })), "branches" => Property::String(Box::new(BranchProperty { repo })), "tags" => Property::String(Box::new(TagProperty { repo })), "git_refs" => Property::String(Box::new(GitRefsProperty { repo })), "is_git_head" => Property::Boolean(Box::new(IsGitHeadProperty::new(repo))), "divergent" => Property::Boolean(Box::new(DivergentProperty::new(repo))), "conflict" => Property::Boolean(Box::new(ConflictProperty)), "empty" => Property::Boolean(Box::new(EmptyProperty { repo })), name => panic!("unexpected identifier: {name}"), }; PropertyAndLabels(property, vec![pair.as_str().to_string()]) } fn parse_boolean_commit_property<'a>( repo: RepoRef<'a>, workspace_id: &WorkspaceId, pair: Pair, ) -> Box + 'a> { let mut inner = pair.into_inner(); let pair = inner.next().unwrap(); let _method = inner.next().unwrap(); assert!(inner.next().is_none()); match pair.as_rule() { Rule::identifier => match parse_commit_keyword(repo, workspace_id, pair.clone()).0 { Property::Boolean(property) => property, Property::String(property) => { Box::new(TemplateFunction::new(property, |string| !string.is_empty())) } _ => panic!("cannot yet use this as boolean: {pair:?}"), }, _ => panic!("cannot yet use this as boolean: {pair:?}"), } } fn parse_commit_term<'a>( repo: RepoRef<'a>, workspace_id: &WorkspaceId, pair: Pair, ) -> Box + 'a> { assert_eq!(pair.as_rule(), Rule::term); if pair.as_str().is_empty() { Box::new(Literal(String::new())) } else { let mut inner = pair.into_inner(); let expr = inner.next().unwrap(); let maybe_method = inner.next().unwrap(); assert!(inner.next().is_none()); match expr.as_rule() { Rule::literal => { let text = parse_string_literal(expr); let term = PropertyAndLabels(Property::String(Box::new(Literal(text))), vec![]); let PropertyAndLabels(property, labels) = parse_method_chain(maybe_method, term); if labels.is_empty() { property.into_template() } else { Box::new(LabelTemplate::new(property.into_template(), labels)) } } Rule::identifier => { let term = parse_commit_keyword(repo, workspace_id, expr); let PropertyAndLabels(property, labels) = parse_method_chain(maybe_method, term); Box::new(LabelTemplate::new(property.into_template(), labels)) } Rule::function => { let mut inner = expr.into_inner(); let name = inner.next().unwrap().as_str(); match name { "label" => { let label_pair = inner.next().unwrap(); let label_template = parse_commit_template_rule( repo, workspace_id, label_pair.into_inner().next().unwrap(), ); let arg_template = match inner.next() { None => panic!("label() requires two arguments"), Some(pair) => pair, }; if inner.next().is_some() { panic!("label() accepts only two arguments") } let content: Box + 'a> = parse_commit_template_rule(repo, workspace_id, arg_template); let get_labels = move |commit: &Commit| -> Vec { let mut buf = vec![]; let mut formatter = PlainTextFormatter::new(&mut buf); label_template.format(commit, &mut formatter).unwrap(); String::from_utf8(buf) .unwrap() .split_whitespace() .map(ToString::to_string) .collect() }; Box::new(DynamicLabelTemplate::new(content, get_labels)) } "if" => { let condition_pair = inner.next().unwrap(); let condition_template = condition_pair.into_inner().next().unwrap(); let condition = parse_boolean_commit_property(repo, workspace_id, condition_template); let true_template = match inner.next() { None => panic!("if() requires at least two arguments"), Some(pair) => parse_commit_template_rule(repo, workspace_id, pair), }; let false_template = inner .next() .map(|pair| parse_commit_template_rule(repo, workspace_id, pair)); if inner.next().is_some() { panic!("if() accepts at most three arguments") } Box::new(ConditionalTemplate::new( condition, true_template, false_template, )) } name => panic!("function {name} not implemented"), } } other => panic!("unexpected term: {other:?}"), } } } fn parse_commit_template_rule<'a>( repo: RepoRef<'a>, workspace_id: &WorkspaceId, pair: Pair, ) -> Box + 'a> { match pair.as_rule() { Rule::template => { let mut inner = pair.into_inner(); let formatter = parse_commit_template_rule(repo, workspace_id, inner.next().unwrap()); assert!(inner.next().is_none()); formatter } Rule::term => parse_commit_term(repo, workspace_id, pair), Rule::list => { let mut formatters: Vec>> = vec![]; for inner_pair in pair.into_inner() { formatters.push(parse_commit_template_rule(repo, workspace_id, inner_pair)); } Box::new(ListTemplate(formatters)) } _ => Box::new(Literal(String::new())), } } pub fn parse_commit_template<'a>( repo: RepoRef<'a>, workspace_id: &WorkspaceId, template_text: &str, ) -> Box + 'a> { let mut pairs: Pairs = TemplateParser::parse(Rule::template, template_text).unwrap(); let first_pair = pairs.next().unwrap(); assert!(pairs.next().is_none()); assert_eq!( first_pair.as_span().end(), template_text.len(), "failed to parse template past position {}", first_pair.as_span().end() ); parse_commit_template_rule(repo, workspace_id, first_pair) }