mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 03:22:59 +00:00
2266 lines
90 KiB
2266 lines
90 KiB
// Copyright 2022 The Jujutsu Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::path::Path;
use itertools::Itertools;
use regex::Regex;
use crate::common::get_stdout_string;
use crate::common::strip_last_line;
use crate::common::TestEnvironment;
fn test_op_log() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m", "description 0"]);
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
"template-aliases.'format_time_range(x)' = 'x'",
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
@ c1851f1c3d90 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj describe -m 'description 0'
○ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
○ 000000000000 root()
let op_log_lines = stdout.lines().collect_vec();
let add_workspace_id = op_log_lines[3].split(' ').nth(2).unwrap();
let initialize_repo_id = op_log_lines[5].split(' ').nth(2).unwrap();
// Can load the repo at a specific operation ID
insta::assert_snapshot!(get_log_output(&test_env, &repo_path, initialize_repo_id), @r###"
◆ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
insta::assert_snapshot!(get_log_output(&test_env, &repo_path, add_workspace_id), @r###"
@ 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
◆ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
// "@" resolves to the head operation
insta::assert_snapshot!(get_log_output(&test_env, &repo_path, "@"), @r###"
@ 19611c995a342c01f525583e5fcafdd211f6d009
◆ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
// "@-" resolves to the parent of the head operation
insta::assert_snapshot!(get_log_output(&test_env, &repo_path, "@-"), @r###"
@ 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
◆ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["log", "--at-op", "@----"]), @r###"
Error: The "@----" expression resolved to no operations
// We get a reasonable message if an invalid operation ID is specified
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["log", "--at-op", "foo"]), @r###"
Error: Operation ID "foo" is not a valid hexadecimal prefix
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "--op-diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
@ c1851f1c3d90 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj describe -m 'description 0'
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 19611c99 (empty) description 0
│ - qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
○ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change zzzzzzzzzzzz
│ + zzzzzzzz 00000000 (empty) (no description set)
○ 000000000000 root()
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m", "description 1"]);
"description 2",
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["log", "--at-op", "@-"]), @r###"
Error: The "@" expression resolved to more than one operation
Hint: Try specifying one of the operations by ID: c05f56726c27, f9fdb4e100bd
fn test_op_log_with_custom_symbols() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m", "description 0"]);
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
"template-aliases.'format_time_range(x)' = 'x'\n",
"templates.op_log_node = 'if(current_operation, \"$\", if(root, \"┴\", \"┝\"))'",
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
$ c1851f1c3d90 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj describe -m 'description 0'
┝ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
┝ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
┴ 000000000000 root()
fn test_op_log_with_no_template() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_cli_error(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-T"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r#"
error: a value is required for '--template <TEMPLATE>' but none was supplied
For more information, try '--help'.
Hint: The following template aliases are defined:
- builtin_log_comfortable
- builtin_log_compact
- builtin_log_detailed
- builtin_log_node
- builtin_log_node_ascii
- builtin_log_oneline
- builtin_op_log_comfortable
- builtin_op_log_compact
- builtin_op_log_node
- builtin_op_log_node_ascii
- commit_summary_separator
- description_placeholder
- email_placeholder
- name_placeholder
fn test_op_log_limit() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-Tdescription", "--limit=1"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###"
@ add workspace 'default'
fn test_op_log_no_graph() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let stdout =
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "--no-graph", "--color=always"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###"
[1m[38;5;12mb51416386f26[39m [38;5;3mtest-username@host.example.com[39m [38;5;14m2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00[39m - [38;5;14m2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00[39m[0m
[1madd workspace 'default'[0m
[38;5;4m9a7d829846af[39m [38;5;3mtest-username@host.example.com[39m [38;5;6m2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00[39m - [38;5;6m2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00[39m
initialize repo
[38;5;4m000000000000[39m [38;5;2mroot()[39m
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "--op-diff", "--no-graph"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
add workspace 'default'
Changed commits:
Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
initialize repo
Changed commits:
Change zzzzzzzzzzzz
+ zzzzzzzz 00000000 (empty) (no description set)
000000000000 root()
fn test_op_log_no_graph_null_terminated() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "message1"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "message2"]);
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
r#"id.short(4) ++ "\0""#,
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(stdout, @r###""8a30\05cec\0b514\09a7d\00000\0""###);
fn test_op_log_template() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let render = |template| test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-T", template]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(r#"id ++ "\n""#), @r###"
@ b51416386f2685fd5493f2b20e8eec3c24a1776d9e1a7cb5ed7e30d2d9c88c0c1e1fe71b0b7358cba60de42533d1228ed9878f2f89817d892c803395ccf9fe92
○ 9a7d829846af88a2f7a1e348fb46ff58729e49632bc9c6a052aec8501563cb0d10f4a4e6010ffde529f84a2b9b5b3a4c211a889106a41f6c076dfdacc79f6af7
○ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
render(r#"separate(" ", id.short(5), current_operation, user,
time.start(), time.end(), time.duration()) ++ "\n""#), @r###"
@ b5141 true test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 less than a microsecond
○ 9a7d8 false test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 less than a microsecond
○ 00000 false @ 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 +00:00 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 +00:00 less than a microsecond
// Negative length shouldn't cause panic.
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(r#"id.short(-1) ++ "|""#), @r###"
@ <Error: out of range integral type conversion attempted>|
○ <Error: out of range integral type conversion attempted>|
○ <Error: out of range integral type conversion attempted>|
// Test the default template, i.e. with relative start time and duration. We
// don't generally use that template because it depends on the current time,
// so we need to reset the time range format here.
'format_time_range(time_range)' = 'time_range.start().ago() ++ ", lasted " ++ time_range.duration()'
let regex = Regex::new(r"\d\d years").unwrap();
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(regex.replace_all(&stdout, "NN years"), @r###"
@ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com NN years ago, lasted less than a microsecond
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com NN years ago, lasted less than a microsecond
│ initialize repo
○ 000000000000 root()
fn test_op_log_builtin_templates() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Render without graph and append "[EOF]" marker to test line ending
let render = |template| {
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-T", template, "--no-graph"])
+ "[EOF]\n"
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m", "description 0"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(r#"builtin_op_log_compact"#), @r###"
c1851f1c3d90 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
args: jj describe -m 'description 0'
b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
add workspace 'default'
9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
initialize repo
000000000000 root()
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(r#"builtin_op_log_comfortable"#), @r###"
c1851f1c3d90 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
args: jj describe -m 'description 0'
b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
add workspace 'default'
9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
initialize repo
000000000000 root()
fn test_op_log_word_wrap() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file1"), "foo\n".repeat(100)).unwrap();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["debug", "snapshot"]);
let render = |args: &[&str], columns: u32, word_wrap: bool| {
let mut args = args.to_vec();
if word_wrap {
let assert = test_env
.jj_cmd(&repo_path, &args)
.env("COLUMNS", columns.to_string())
// ui.log-word-wrap option works
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "log"], 40, false), @r#"
@ cf25045e0079 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj debug snapshot
○ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
○ 000000000000 root()
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "log"], 40, true), @r#"
@ cf25045e0079
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj debug snapshot
○ b51416386f26
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 9a7d829846af
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
○ 000000000000 root()
// Nested graph should be wrapped
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "log", "--op-diff"], 40, true), @r#"
@ cf25045e0079
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj debug snapshot
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm e292def1 (no
│ description set)
│ - qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty)
│ (no description set)
○ b51416386f26
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 230dd059 (empty) (no
│ description set)
○ 9a7d829846af
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change zzzzzzzzzzzz
│ + zzzzzzzz 00000000 (empty) (no
│ description set)
○ 000000000000 root()
// Nested diff stat shouldn't exceed the terminal width
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "log", "-n1", "--stat"], 40, true), @r#"
@ cf25045e0079
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj debug snapshot
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm e292def1 (no
│ description set)
│ - qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty)
│ (no description set)
│ file1 | 100 +++++++++++++++++++
│ 1 file changed, 100 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "log", "-n1", "--no-graph", "--stat"], 40, true), @r#"
2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 -
2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
snapshot working copy
args: jj debug snapshot
Changed commits:
Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm e292def1 (no description set)
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no
description set)
file1 | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 100 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
// Nested graph widths should be subtracted from the term width
let config = r#"templates.commit_summary='"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"'"#;
render(&["op", "log", "-T''", "--op-diff", "-n1", "--config-toml", config], 15, true), @r#"
│ Changed
│ commits:
│ ○ Change
│ qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + 0 1 2 3
│ 4 5 6 7 8
│ 9
│ - 0 1 2 3
│ 4 5 6 7 8
│ 9
fn test_op_log_configurable() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
r#"operation.hostname = "my-hostname"
operation.username = "my-username"
.jj_cmd(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"])
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
fn test_op_abandon_ancestors() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 1"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 2"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]), @r###"
@ c2878c428b1c test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ commit 81a4ef3dd421f3184289df1c58bd3a16ea1e3d8e
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 2'
○ 5d0ab09ab0fa test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 1'
○ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
○ 000000000000 root()
// Abandon old operations. The working-copy operation id should be updated.
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "..@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Abandoned 3 operations and reparented 1 descendant operations.
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["debug", "local-working-copy", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r###"
Current operation: OperationId("8545e013752445fd845c84eb961dbfbce47e1deb628e4ef20df10f6dc9aae2ef9e47200b0fcc70ca51f050aede05d0fa6dd1db40e20ae740876775738a07d02e")
Current tree: Merge(Resolved(TreeId("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904")))
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]), @r###"
@ 8545e0137524 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ commit 81a4ef3dd421f3184289df1c58bd3a16ea1e3d8e
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 2'
○ 000000000000 root()
// Abandon operation range.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 3"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 4"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 5"]);
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "@---..@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Abandoned 2 operations and reparented 1 descendant operations.
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]), @r###"
@ d92d0753399f test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00
│ commit c5f7dd51add0046405055336ef443f882a0a8968
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 5'
○ 8545e0137524 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ commit 81a4ef3dd421f3184289df1c58bd3a16ea1e3d8e
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 2'
○ 000000000000 root()
// Can't abandon the current operation.
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "..@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Error: Cannot abandon the current operation d92d0753399f
Hint: Run `jj undo` to revert the current operation, then use `jj op abandon`
// Can't create concurrent abandoned operations explicitly.
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_cli_error(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "--at-op=@-", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Error: --at-op is not respected
// Abandon the current operation by undoing it first.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["undo"]);
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Abandoned 1 operations and reparented 1 descendant operations.
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["debug", "local-working-copy", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r###"
Current operation: OperationId("0699d720d0cecd80fb7d765c45955708c61b12feb1d7ed9ff2777ae719471f04ffed3c1dc24efdbf94bdb74426065d6fa9a4f0862a89db2c8c8e359eefc45462")
Current tree: Merge(Resolved(TreeId("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904")))
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]), @r###"
@ 0699d720d0ce test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:21.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:21.000 +07:00
│ undo operation d92d0753399f732e438bdd88fa7e5214cba2a310d120ec1714028a514c7116bcf04b4a0b26c04dbecf0a917f1d4c8eb05571b8816dd98b0502aaf321e92500b3
│ args: jj undo
○ 8545e0137524 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ commit 81a4ef3dd421f3184289df1c58bd3a16ea1e3d8e
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 2'
○ 000000000000 root()
// Abandon empty range.
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "@-..@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Nothing changed.
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-n1"]), @r###"
@ 0699d720d0ce test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:21.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:21.000 +07:00
│ undo operation d92d0753399f732e438bdd88fa7e5214cba2a310d120ec1714028a514c7116bcf04b4a0b26c04dbecf0a917f1d4c8eb05571b8816dd98b0502aaf321e92500b3
│ args: jj undo
fn test_op_abandon_without_updating_working_copy() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 1"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 2"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 3"]);
// Abandon without updating the working copy.
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
&["op", "abandon", "@-", "--ignore-working-copy"],
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Abandoned 1 operations and reparented 1 descendant operations.
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["debug", "local-working-copy", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r###"
Current operation: OperationId("cd2b4690faf20cdc477e90c224f15a1f4d62b4d16d0d515fc0f9c998ff91a971cb114d82075c9a7331f3f94d7188c1f93628b7b93e4ca77ac89435a7b536de1e")
Current tree: Merge(Resolved(TreeId("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904")))
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-n1", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r###"
@ 467d42715f00 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ commit 220cb0b1b5d1c03cc0d351139d824598bb3c1967
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 3'
// The working-copy operation id isn't updated if it differs from the repo.
// It could be updated if the tree matches, but there's no extra logic for
// that.
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Abandoned 1 operations and reparented 1 descendant operations.
Warning: The working copy operation cd2b4690faf2 is not updated because it differs from the repo 467d42715f00.
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["debug", "local-working-copy", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r###"
Current operation: OperationId("cd2b4690faf20cdc477e90c224f15a1f4d62b4d16d0d515fc0f9c998ff91a971cb114d82075c9a7331f3f94d7188c1f93628b7b93e4ca77ac89435a7b536de1e")
Current tree: Merge(Resolved(TreeId("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904")))
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-n1", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r###"
@ 050b33d674ff test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ commit 220cb0b1b5d1c03cc0d351139d824598bb3c1967
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 3'
fn test_op_abandon_multiple_heads() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Create 1 base operation + 2 operations to be diverged.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 1"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 2"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 3"]);
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "log", "--no-graph", r#"-Tid.short() ++ "\n""#],
let (head_op_id, prev_op_id) = stdout.lines().next_tuple().unwrap();
insta::assert_snapshot!(head_op_id, @"cd2b4690faf2");
insta::assert_snapshot!(prev_op_id, @"c2878c428b1c");
// Create 1 other concurrent operation.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "--at-op=@--", "-m", "commit 4"]);
// Can't resolve operation relative to @.
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Error: The "@" expression resolved to more than one operation
Hint: Try specifying one of the operations by ID: cd2b4690faf2, 603773cdd351
let (_, other_head_op_id) = stderr.trim_end().rsplit_once(", ").unwrap();
insta::assert_snapshot!(other_head_op_id, @"603773cdd351");
assert_ne!(head_op_id, other_head_op_id);
// Can't abandon one of the head operations.
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", head_op_id]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Error: Cannot abandon the current operation cd2b4690faf2
// Can't abandon the other head operation.
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", other_head_op_id]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Error: Cannot abandon the current operation 603773cdd351
// Can abandon the operation which is not an ancestor of the other head.
// This would crash if we attempted to remap the unchanged op in the op
// heads store.
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", prev_op_id]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Abandoned 1 operations and reparented 2 descendant operations.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###"
@ fb7f33a29cd8 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:17.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:17.000 +07:00
├─╮ reconcile divergent operations
│ │ args: jj op log
○ │ 467d42715f00 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ │ commit 220cb0b1b5d1c03cc0d351139d824598bb3c1967
│ │ args: jj commit -m 'commit 3'
│ ○ 603773cdd351 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00
├─╯ commit 81a4ef3dd421f3184289df1c58bd3a16ea1e3d8e
│ args: jj commit '--at-op=@--' -m 'commit 4'
○ 5d0ab09ab0fa test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 1'
○ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
○ 000000000000 root()
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Concurrent modification detected, resolving automatically.
fn test_op_recover_from_bad_gc() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo", "--colocate"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let git_object_path = |hex: &str| {
let (shard, file_name) = hex.split_at(2);
let mut file_path = repo_path.to_owned();
file_path.extend([".git", "objects", shard, file_name]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m1"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m2"]); // victim
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["abandon"]); // break predecessors chain
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new", "-m3"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m4"]);
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "log", "--no-graph", r#"-Tid.short() ++ "\n""#],
let (head_op_id, _, _, bad_op_id) = stdout.lines().next_tuple().unwrap();
insta::assert_snapshot!(head_op_id, @"43d51d9b0c0c");
insta::assert_snapshot!(bad_op_id, @"e02cba71e65d");
// Corrupt the repo by removing hidden but reachable commit object.
let bad_commit_id = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
insta::assert_snapshot!(bad_commit_id, @"ddf84fc5e0dd314092b3dfb13e09e37fa7d04ef9");
// Do concurrent modification to make the situation even worse. At this
// point, the index can be loaded, so this command succeeds.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["--at-op=@-", "describe", "-m4.1"]);
let stderr =
test_env.jj_cmd_internal_error(&repo_path, &["--at-op", head_op_id, "debug", "reindex"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(strip_last_line(&stderr), @r###"
Internal error: Failed to index commits at operation e02cba71e65dc9b58bb46e4a31500d94c31ce217f19459883fc85c2d1cfde7124f556565be4f8a3bcd059fe1faee317c3e3eacd3034d419083fd6b85aea396f4
Caused by:
1: Object ddf84fc5e0dd314092b3dfb13e09e37fa7d04ef9 of type commit not found
// "op log" should still be usable.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
&["op", "log", "--ignore-working-copy", "--at-op", head_op_id],
insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###"
@ 43d51d9b0c0c test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 37bb762e5dc08073ec4323bdffc023a0f0cc901e
│ args: jj describe -m4
○ 13035304f7d6 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
│ new empty commit
│ args: jj new -m3
○ fcf34f8ae8ac test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ abandon commit ddf84fc5e0dd314092b3dfb13e09e37fa7d04ef9
│ args: jj abandon
○ e02cba71e65d test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 8b64ddff700dc214dec05d915e85ac692233e6e3
│ args: jj describe -m2
○ 0d7016e495d7 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj describe -m1
○ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
○ 000000000000 root()
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @"");
// "op abandon" should work.
let (_stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", &format!("..{bad_op_id}")]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Abandoned 4 operations and reparented 4 descendant operations.
// The repo should no longer be corrupt.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###"
○ mzvwutvl?? test.user@example.com 2001-02-03 08:05:15 dc2c6d52
│ (empty) 4.1
│ @ mzvwutvl?? test.user@example.com 2001-02-03 08:05:12 6d868f04
├─╯ (empty) 4
○ zsuskuln test.user@example.com 2001-02-03 08:05:10 HEAD@git f652c321
│ (empty) (no description set)
◆ zzzzzzzz root() 00000000
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Concurrent modification detected, resolving automatically.
fn test_op_diff() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
let git_repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("git-repo");
let git_repo = init_bare_git_repo(&git_repo_path);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "clone", "git-repo", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Overview of op log.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
@ ea112f6a02be test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ check out git remote's default branch
│ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
○ cba9d7096849 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ fetch from git remote into empty repo
│ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
○ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
○ 000000000000 root()
// Diff between the same operation should be empty.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "diff", "--from", "0000000", "--to", "0000000"],
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation 000000000000 root()
To operation 000000000000 root()
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--from", "@", "--to", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation ea112f6a02be 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 check out git remote's default branch
To operation ea112f6a02be 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 check out git remote's default branch
// Diff from parent operation to latest operation.
// `jj op diff --op @` should behave identically to `jj op diff --from
// @- --to @` (if `@` is not a merge commit).
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--from", "@-", "--to", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation cba9d7096849 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 fetch from git remote into empty repo
To operation ea112f6a02be 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 check out git remote's default branch
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
+ sqpuoqvx 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
Changed local bookmarks:
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- (absent)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- untracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
let stdout_without_from_to = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
assert_eq!(stdout, stdout_without_from_to);
// Diff from root operation to latest operation
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--from", "0000000"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation 000000000000 root()
To operation ea112f6a02be 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 check out git remote's default branch
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
│ + sqpuoqvx 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
○ Change ulyvmwyzwuwt
│ + ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
│ ○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
├─╯ + tqyxmszt 3e785984 bookmark-3@origin | Commit 3
│ ○ Change yuvsmzqkmpws
├─╯ + yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
○ Change zzzzzzzzzzzz
+ zzzzzzzz 00000000 (empty) (no description set)
Changed local bookmarks:
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- (absent)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked tqyxmszt 3e785984 bookmark-3@origin | Commit 3
- untracked (absent)
// Diff from latest operation to root operation
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--to", "0000000"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation ea112f6a02be 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 check out git remote's default branch
To operation 000000000000 root()
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
│ - sqpuoqvx hidden 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
○ Change ulyvmwyzwuwt
│ - ulyvmwyz hidden 1d843d1f Commit 1
│ ○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
├─╯ - tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
│ ○ Change yuvsmzqkmpws
├─╯ - yuvsmzqk hidden 3d9189bc Commit 2
○ Change zzzzzzzzzzzz
- zzzzzzzz hidden 00000000 (empty) (no description set)
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (absent)
- ulyvmwyz hidden 1d843d1f Commit 1
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ untracked (absent)
- tracked ulyvmwyz hidden 1d843d1f Commit 1
+ untracked (absent)
- untracked yuvsmzqk hidden 3d9189bc Commit 2
+ untracked (absent)
- untracked tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
// Create a conflicted bookmark using a concurrent operation.
let (_, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Concurrent modification detected, resolving automatically.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
@ f534dfc3151b test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00
├─╮ reconcile divergent operations
│ │ args: jj log
○ │ ea112f6a02be test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ │ check out git remote's default branch
│ │ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
│ ○ 9ded7e2755e1 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:15.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:15.000 +07:00
├─╯ point bookmark bookmark-1 to commit 3d9189bc56a1972729350456eb95ec5bf90be2a8
│ args: jj bookmark set bookmark-1 -r bookmark-2@origin --at-op @-
○ cba9d7096849 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ fetch from git remote into empty repo
│ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
○ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
○ 000000000000 root()
let op_log_lines = stdout.lines().collect_vec();
let op_id = op_log_lines[0].split(' ').nth(4).unwrap();
let first_parent_id = op_log_lines[3].split(' ').nth(3).unwrap();
let second_parent_id = op_log_lines[6].split(' ').nth(3).unwrap();
// Diff between the first parent of the merge operation and the merge operation.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "diff", "--from", first_parent_id, "--to", op_id],
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation ea112f6a02be 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 check out git remote's default branch
To operation f534dfc3151b 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 reconcile divergent operations
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (added) ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
+ (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
- ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
// Diff between the second parent of the merge operation and the merge
// operation.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "diff", "--from", second_parent_id, "--to", op_id],
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation 9ded7e2755e1 2001-02-03 04:05:15.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:15.000 +07:00 point bookmark bookmark-1 to commit 3d9189bc56a1972729350456eb95ec5bf90be2a8
To operation f534dfc3151b 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 reconcile divergent operations
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
+ sqpuoqvx 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (added) ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
+ (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
- yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
- untracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
// Test fetching from git remote.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["git", "fetch"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
bookmark: bookmark-1@origin [updated] tracked
bookmark: bookmark-2@origin [updated] untracked
bookmark: bookmark-3@origin [deleted] untracked
Abandoned 1 commits that are no longer reachable.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation f534dfc3151b 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 reconcile divergent operations
To operation 8a21e297a587 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00 fetch from git remote(s) origin
Changed commits:
○ Change qzxslznxxpoz
+ qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
○ Change slvtnnzxztqy
+ slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
- tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (added) slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
+ (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
- (added) ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f Commit 1
- (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
- tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f Commit 1
+ untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
- untracked yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
+ untracked (absent)
- untracked tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
// Test creation of bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Created 1 bookmarks pointing to qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation 8a21e297a587 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00 fetch from git remote(s) origin
To operation ef314062f7f5 2001-02-03 04:05:22.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:22.000 +07:00 create bookmark bookmark-2 pointing to commit d487febd08e690ee775a4e0387e30d544307e409
Changed local bookmarks:
+ qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
- (absent)
// Test tracking of bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "track", "bookmark-2@origin"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Started tracking 1 remote bookmarks.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation ef314062f7f5 2001-02-03 04:05:22.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:22.000 +07:00 create bookmark bookmark-2 pointing to commit d487febd08e690ee775a4e0387e30d544307e409
To operation bc306c9bb67f 2001-02-03 04:05:24.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:24.000 +07:00 track remote bookmark bookmark-2@origin
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
- untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
// Test creation of new commit.
// Test tracking of bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "track", "bookmark-2@origin"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Warning: Remote bookmark already tracked: bookmark-2@origin
Nothing changed.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation ef314062f7f5 2001-02-03 04:05:22.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:22.000 +07:00 create bookmark bookmark-2 pointing to commit d487febd08e690ee775a4e0387e30d544307e409
To operation bc306c9bb67f 2001-02-03 04:05:24.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:24.000 +07:00 track remote bookmark bookmark-2@origin
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
- untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
// Test creation of new commit.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
&["new", "bookmark-1@origin", "-m", "new commit"],
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: wvuyspvk 358b82d6 (empty) new commit
Parent commit : slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
Added 1 files, modified 0 files, removed 1 files
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation bc306c9bb67f 2001-02-03 04:05:24.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:24.000 +07:00 track remote bookmark bookmark-2@origin
To operation 1ae777a7acc8 2001-02-03 04:05:28.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:28.000 +07:00 new empty commit
Changed commits:
○ Change wvuyspvkupzz
+ wvuyspvk 358b82d6 (empty) new commit
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
- sqpuoqvx hidden 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
// Test updating of local bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "set", "bookmark-1", "-r", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Moved 1 bookmarks to wvuyspvk 358b82d6 bookmark-1* | (empty) new commit
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation 1ae777a7acc8 2001-02-03 04:05:28.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:28.000 +07:00 new empty commit
To operation 5728693d7de3 2001-02-03 04:05:30.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:30.000 +07:00 point bookmark bookmark-1 to commit 358b82d6be53fa9b062325abb8bc820a8b34c68d
Changed local bookmarks:
+ wvuyspvk 358b82d6 bookmark-1* | (empty) new commit
- (added) slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
- (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc Commit 2
// Test deletion of local bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "delete", "bookmark-2"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Deleted 1 bookmarks.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation 5728693d7de3 2001-02-03 04:05:30.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:30.000 +07:00 point bookmark bookmark-1 to commit 358b82d6be53fa9b062325abb8bc820a8b34c68d
To operation 0f77d601f1cd 2001-02-03 04:05:32.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:32.000 +07:00 delete bookmark bookmark-2
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (absent)
- qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
// Test pushing to Git remote.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["git", "push", "--tracked"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r#"
Changes to push to origin:
Move forward bookmark bookmark-1 from 4f856199edbf to 358b82d6be53
Delete bookmark bookmark-2 from d487febd08e6
Warning: The working-copy commit in workspace 'default' became immutable, so a new commit has been created on top of it.
Working copy now at: oupztwtk 2f0718a0 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : wvuyspvk 358b82d6 bookmark-1 | (empty) new commit
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation 0f77d601f1cd 2001-02-03 04:05:32.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:32.000 +07:00 delete bookmark bookmark-2
To operation 65409e59d36a 2001-02-03 04:05:34.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:34.000 +07:00 push all tracked bookmarks to git remote origin
Changed commits:
○ Change oupztwtkortx
+ oupztwtk 2f0718a0 (empty) (no description set)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked wvuyspvk 358b82d6 bookmark-1 | (empty) new commit
- tracked slvtnnzx 4f856199 Commit 4
+ untracked (absent)
- tracked qzxslznx d487febd Commit 5
fn test_op_diff_patch() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Update working copy with a single file and create new commit.
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file"), "a\n").unwrap();
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: rlvkpnrz 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 6b1027d2 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--op", "@-", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation b51416386f26 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 add workspace 'default'
To operation 6188e9d1f7da 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 snapshot working copy
Changed commits:
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 6b1027d2 (no description set)
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
diff --git a/file b/file
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7898192261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/file
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--op", "@", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation 6188e9d1f7da 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 snapshot working copy
To operation 8f6a879bef11 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 new empty commit
Changed commits:
○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
+ rlvkpnrz 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
// Squash the working copy commit.
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file"), "b\n").unwrap();
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["squash"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation 874d3a8b4c77 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 snapshot working copy
To operation c53f5f1afbc6 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 squash commits into 6b1027d2770cd0a39c468e525e52bf8c47e1464a
Changed commits:
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
│ + mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
│ ○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
├─╯ - rlvkpnrz hidden 1d7f8f94 (no description set)
│ diff --git a/file b/file
│ index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
│ --- a/file
│ +++ b/file
│ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
│ -a
│ +b
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
- qpvuntsm hidden 6b1027d2 (no description set)
diff --git a/file b/file
index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
--- a/file
+++ b/file
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
// Abandon the working copy commit.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["abandon"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Abandoned commit mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
Working copy now at: yqosqzyt 33f321c4 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation c53f5f1afbc6 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 squash commits into 6b1027d2770cd0a39c468e525e52bf8c47e1464a
To operation e13dc1c7a3b3 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00 abandon commit 9f4fb57fba25a7b47ce5980a5d9a4766778331e8
Changed commits:
○ Change yqosqzytrlsw
+ yqosqzyt 33f321c4 (empty) (no description set)
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
- mzvwutvl hidden 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
fn test_op_diff_sibling() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "log", "--no-graph", r#"-Tid.short() ++ "\n""#],
let base_op_id = stdout.lines().next().unwrap();
insta::assert_snapshot!(base_op_id, @"b51416386f26");
// Create merge commit at one operation side. The parent trees will have to
// be merged when diffing, which requires the commit index of this side.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new", "root()", "-mA.1"]);
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file1"), "a\n").unwrap();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new", "root()", "-mA.2"]);
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file2"), "a\n").unwrap();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new", "all:@-+", "-mA"]);
// Create another operation diverged from the base operation.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "--at-op", base_op_id, "-mB"]);
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
@ 2629707e5305 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00
├─╮ reconcile divergent operations
│ │ args: jj op log
○ │ b8584dcdb220 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
│ │ new empty commit
│ │ args: jj new 'all:@-+' -mA
○ │ f0bb05eb2e7e test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
│ │ snapshot working copy
│ │ args: jj new 'all:@-+' -mA
○ │ ee4ec332e269 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ │ new empty commit
│ │ args: jj new 'root()' -mA.2
○ │ 971683f333fa test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ │ snapshot working copy
│ │ args: jj new 'root()' -mA.2
○ │ 3df45c2cdcb4 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ │ new empty commit
│ │ args: jj new 'root()' -mA.1
│ ○ 654f3215449e test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00
├─╯ describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj describe --at-op b51416386f26 -mB
○ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
○ 000000000000 root()
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Concurrent modification detected, resolving automatically.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "log", "--no-graph", r#"-Tid.short() ++ "\n""#],
let (head_op_id, p1_op_id, _, _, _, _, p2_op_id) = stdout.lines().next_tuple().unwrap();
insta::assert_snapshot!(head_op_id, @"2629707e5305");
insta::assert_snapshot!(p1_op_id, @"b8584dcdb220");
insta::assert_snapshot!(p2_op_id, @"654f3215449e");
// Diff between p1 and p2 operations should work no matter if p2 is chosen
// as a base operation.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation b8584dcdb220 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 new empty commit
To operation 654f3215449e 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00 describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
Changed commits:
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 02ef2bc4 (empty) B
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
├─╮ - mzvwutvl hidden 270db3d9 (empty) A
│ ○ Change kkmpptxzrspx
│ - kkmpptxz hidden 8331e0a3 A.1
│ A file1
○ Change zsuskulnrvyr
- zsuskuln hidden 8afecaef A.2
A file2
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation 654f3215449e 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00 describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
To operation b8584dcdb220 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 new empty commit
Changed commits:
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
├─╮ + mzvwutvl 270db3d9 (empty) A
│ ○ Change kkmpptxzrspx
│ + kkmpptxz 8331e0a3 A.1
│ A file1
○ Change zsuskulnrvyr
+ zsuskuln 8afecaef A.2
A file2
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
- qpvuntsm hidden 02ef2bc4 (empty) B
fn test_op_diff_word_wrap() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
let git_repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("git-repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "clone", "git-repo", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let render = |args: &[&str], columns: u32, word_wrap: bool| {
let mut args = args.to_vec();
if word_wrap {
let assert = test_env
.jj_cmd(&repo_path, &args)
.env("COLUMNS", columns.to_string())
// Add some file content changes
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file1"), "foo\n".repeat(100)).unwrap();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["debug", "snapshot"]);
// ui.log-word-wrap option works, and diff stat respects content width
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "diff", "--from=@---", "--stat"], 40, true), @r#"
From operation b51416386f26 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 add workspace 'default'
To operation d12081b11443 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 snapshot working copy
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
│ + sqpuoqvx 850efc9e (no description
│ set)
│ file1 | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++
│ 1 file changed, 100 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
○ Change ulyvmwyzwuwt
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 |
Commit 1
some-file | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 0 deletions(-)
○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
+ tqyxmszt 3e785984 bookmark-3@origin
| Commit 3
some-file | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 0 deletions(-)
○ Change yuvsmzqkmpws
+ yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-2@origin
| Commit 2
some-file | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 0 deletions(-)
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty)
(no description set)
0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Changed local bookmarks:
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit
- (absent)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 |
Commit 1
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc
bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked tqyxmszt 3e785984
bookmark-3@origin | Commit 3
- untracked (absent)
// Graph width should be subtracted from the term width
let config = r#"templates.commit_summary='"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"'"#;
render(&["op", "diff", "--from=@---", "--config-toml", config], 10, true), @r#"
From operation b51416386f26 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 add workspace 'default'
To operation d12081b11443 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 snapshot working copy
○ Change
│ sqpuoqvxutmz
│ + 0 1 2
│ 3 4 5 6
│ 7 8 9
○ Change
+ 0 1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9
○ Change
+ 0 1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9
○ Change
+ 0 1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9
○ Change
- 0 1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9
+ 0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
- (absent)
+ tracked
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
fn test_op_show() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
let git_repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("git-repo");
let git_repo = init_bare_git_repo(&git_repo_path);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "clone", "git-repo", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Overview of op log.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
@ ea112f6a02be test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ check out git remote's default branch
│ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
○ cba9d7096849 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ fetch from git remote into empty repo
│ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
○ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
○ 000000000000 root()
// The root operation is empty.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "0000000"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
000000000000 root()
// Showing the latest operation.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
ea112f6a02be test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
check out git remote's default branch
args: jj git clone git-repo repo
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
+ sqpuoqvx 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
Changed local bookmarks:
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- (absent)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- untracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
// `jj op show @` should behave identically to `jj op show`.
let stdout_without_op_id = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
assert_eq!(stdout, stdout_without_op_id);
// Showing a given operation.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
cba9d7096849 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
fetch from git remote into empty repo
args: jj git clone git-repo repo
Changed commits:
○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
+ tqyxmszt 3e785984 bookmark-3@origin | Commit 3
○ Change yuvsmzqkmpws
+ yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
○ Change ulyvmwyzwuwt
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ untracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked tqyxmszt 3e785984 bookmark-3@origin | Commit 3
- untracked (absent)
// Create a conflicted bookmark using a concurrent operation.
let (_, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Concurrent modification detected, resolving automatically.
// Showing a merge operation is empty.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
5d52ce7672bb test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:14.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:14.000 +07:00
reconcile divergent operations
args: jj log
// Test fetching from git remote.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["git", "fetch"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
bookmark: bookmark-1@origin [updated] tracked
bookmark: bookmark-2@origin [updated] untracked
bookmark: bookmark-3@origin [deleted] untracked
Abandoned 1 commits that are no longer reachable.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
5eed0f5f5fbc test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00
fetch from git remote(s) origin
args: jj git fetch
Changed commits:
○ Change qzxslznxxpoz
+ qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
○ Change slvtnnzxztqy
+ slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
- tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (added) slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
+ (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
- (added) ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f Commit 1
- (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
- tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f Commit 1
+ untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
- untracked yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
+ untracked (absent)
- untracked tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
// Test creation of bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Created 1 bookmarks pointing to qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
25b687bb01b6 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:18.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:18.000 +07:00
create bookmark bookmark-2 pointing to commit d487febd08e690ee775a4e0387e30d544307e409
args: jj bookmark create bookmark-2 -r bookmark-2@origin
Changed local bookmarks:
+ qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
- (absent)
// Test tracking of a bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "track", "bookmark-2@origin"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Started tracking 1 remote bookmarks.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
48cf434c463d test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00
track remote bookmark bookmark-2@origin
args: jj bookmark track bookmark-2@origin
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
- untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
// Test creation of new commit.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "track", "bookmark-2@origin"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Warning: Remote bookmark already tracked: bookmark-2@origin
Nothing changed.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
48cf434c463d test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00
track remote bookmark bookmark-2@origin
args: jj bookmark track bookmark-2@origin
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
- untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
// Test creation of new commit.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
&["new", "bookmark-1@origin", "-m", "new commit"],
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: xznxytkn eb6c2b21 (empty) new commit
Parent commit : slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
Added 1 files, modified 0 files, removed 1 files
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
89aa6cca51fc test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:24.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:24.000 +07:00
new empty commit
args: jj new bookmark-1@origin -m 'new commit'
Changed commits:
○ Change xznxytknoqwo
+ xznxytkn eb6c2b21 (empty) new commit
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
- sqpuoqvx hidden 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
// Test updating of local bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "set", "bookmark-1", "-r", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Moved 1 bookmarks to xznxytkn eb6c2b21 bookmark-1* | (empty) new commit
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
6d6bf9b35d8a test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:26.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:26.000 +07:00
point bookmark bookmark-1 to commit eb6c2b21ec20a33ab6a1c44bc86c59d84ffd93ac
args: jj bookmark set bookmark-1 -r @
Changed local bookmarks:
+ xznxytkn eb6c2b21 bookmark-1* | (empty) new commit
- (added) slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
- (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc Commit 2
// Test deletion of local bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "delete", "bookmark-2"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Deleted 1 bookmarks.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
a50c95a6b180 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:28.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:28.000 +07:00
delete bookmark bookmark-2
args: jj bookmark delete bookmark-2
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (absent)
- qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
// Test pushing to Git remote.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["git", "push", "--tracked"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r#"
Changes to push to origin:
Move forward bookmark bookmark-1 from 4f856199edbf to eb6c2b21ec20
Delete bookmark bookmark-2 from d487febd08e6
Warning: The working-copy commit in workspace 'default' became immutable, so a new commit has been created on top of it.
Working copy now at: pzsxstzt 7ab2d837 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : xznxytkn eb6c2b21 bookmark-1 | (empty) new commit
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
5d994bb7d230 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:30.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:30.000 +07:00
push all tracked bookmarks to git remote origin
args: jj git push --tracked
Changed commits:
○ Change pzsxstztnpkv
+ pzsxstzt 7ab2d837 (empty) (no description set)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked xznxytkn eb6c2b21 bookmark-1 | (empty) new commit
- tracked slvtnnzx 4f856199 Commit 4
+ untracked (absent)
- tracked qzxslznx d487febd Commit 5
fn test_op_show_patch() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Update working copy with a single file and create new commit.
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file"), "a\n").unwrap();
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: rlvkpnrz 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 6b1027d2 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "@-", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
6188e9d1f7da test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
snapshot working copy
args: jj new
Changed commits:
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 6b1027d2 (no description set)
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
diff --git a/file b/file
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7898192261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/file
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "@", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
8f6a879bef11 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
new empty commit
args: jj new
Changed commits:
○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
+ rlvkpnrz 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
// Squash the working copy commit.
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file"), "b\n").unwrap();
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["squash"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
c53f5f1afbc6 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
squash commits into 6b1027d2770cd0a39c468e525e52bf8c47e1464a
args: jj squash
Changed commits:
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
│ + mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
│ ○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
├─╯ - rlvkpnrz hidden 1d7f8f94 (no description set)
│ diff --git a/file b/file
│ index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
│ --- a/file
│ +++ b/file
│ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
│ -a
│ +b
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
- qpvuntsm hidden 6b1027d2 (no description set)
diff --git a/file b/file
index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
--- a/file
+++ b/file
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
// Abandon the working copy commit.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["abandon"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Abandoned commit mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
Working copy now at: yqosqzyt 33f321c4 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
e13dc1c7a3b3 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00
abandon commit 9f4fb57fba25a7b47ce5980a5d9a4766778331e8
args: jj abandon
Changed commits:
○ Change yqosqzytrlsw
+ yqosqzyt 33f321c4 (empty) (no description set)
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
- mzvwutvl hidden 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
// Try again with "op log".
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
@ e13dc1c7a3b3 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00
│ abandon commit 9f4fb57fba25a7b47ce5980a5d9a4766778331e8
│ args: jj abandon
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change yqosqzytrlsw
│ + yqosqzyt 33f321c4 (empty) (no description set)
│ ○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
│ - mzvwutvl hidden 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
○ c53f5f1afbc6 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
│ squash commits into 6b1027d2770cd0a39c468e525e52bf8c47e1464a
│ args: jj squash
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
│ │ + mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
│ │ ○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
│ ├─╯ - rlvkpnrz hidden 1d7f8f94 (no description set)
│ │ diff --git a/file b/file
│ │ index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
│ │ --- a/file
│ │ +++ b/file
│ │ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
│ │ -a
│ │ +b
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
│ - qpvuntsm hidden 6b1027d2 (no description set)
│ diff --git a/file b/file
│ index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
│ --- a/file
│ +++ b/file
│ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
│ -a
│ +b
○ 874d3a8b4c77 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj squash
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
│ + rlvkpnrz 1d7f8f94 (no description set)
│ - rlvkpnrz hidden 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
│ diff --git a/file b/file
│ index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
│ --- a/file
│ +++ b/file
│ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
│ -a
│ +b
○ 8f6a879bef11 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ new empty commit
│ args: jj new
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
│ + rlvkpnrz 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
○ 6188e9d1f7da test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj new
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 6b1027d2 (no description set)
│ - qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
│ diff --git a/file b/file
│ new file mode 100644
│ index 0000000000..7898192261
│ --- /dev/null
│ +++ b/file
│ @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
│ +a
○ b51416386f26 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
○ 9a7d829846af test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ initialize repo
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change zzzzzzzzzzzz
│ + zzzzzzzz 00000000 (empty) (no description set)
○ 000000000000 root()
fn init_bare_git_repo(git_repo_path: &Path) -> git2::Repository {
let git_repo = git2::Repository::init_bare(git_repo_path).unwrap();
let git_blob_oid = git_repo.blob(b"some content").unwrap();
let mut git_tree_builder = git_repo.treebuilder(None).unwrap();
.insert("some-file", git_blob_oid, 0o100644)
let git_tree_id = git_tree_builder.write().unwrap();
let git_tree = git_repo.find_tree(git_tree_id).unwrap();
let git_signature = git2::Signature::new(
"Git User",
&git2::Time::new(123, 60),
"Commit 1",
"Commit 2",
"Commit 3",
fn modify_git_repo(git_repo: git2::Repository) -> git2::Repository {
let git_blob_oid = git_repo.blob(b"more content").unwrap();
let mut git_tree_builder = git_repo.treebuilder(None).unwrap();
.insert("next-file", git_blob_oid, 0o100644)
let git_tree_id = git_tree_builder.write().unwrap();
let git_tree = git_repo.find_tree(git_tree_id).unwrap();
let git_signature = git2::Signature::new(
"Git User",
&git2::Time::new(123, 60),
let bookmark1_commit = git_repo
let bookmark2_commit = git_repo
"Commit 4",
"Commit 5",
fn get_log_output(test_env: &TestEnvironment, repo_path: &Path, op_id: &str) -> String {
&["log", "-T", "commit_id", "--at-op", op_id, "-r", "all()"],