Martin von Zweigbergk 828d528361 merged_tree: add a function for resolving conflicts
This adds a function for resolving conflicts that can be automatically
resolved, i.e. like our current `merge_trees()` function. However, the
new function is written to merge an arbitrary number of trees and, in
case of unresolvable conflicts, to produce a `Conflict<TreeId>` as
result instead of writing path-level conflicts to the backend. Like
`merge_trees()`, it still leaves conflicts unresolved at the file
level if any hunks conflict, and it resolves paths that can be
trivially resolved even if there are other paths that do conflict.
2023-07-19 22:04:16 -07:00

695 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2020 The Jujutsu Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::fmt::{Debug, Error, Formatter};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::io::Read;
use std::sync::Arc;
use itertools::Itertools;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::backend::{
BackendError, ConflictId, FileId, ObjectId, TreeEntriesNonRecursiveIterator, TreeEntry, TreeId,
use crate::conflicts::Conflict;
use crate::files::MergeResult;
use crate::matchers::{EverythingMatcher, Matcher};
use crate::merge::trivial_merge;
use crate::repo_path::{RepoPath, RepoPathComponent, RepoPathJoin};
use crate::store::Store;
use crate::{backend, files};
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum TreeMergeError {
#[error("Failed to read file with ID {} ", .file_id.hex())]
ReadError {
source: std::io::Error,
file_id: FileId,
#[error("Backend error: {0}")]
BackendError(#[from] BackendError),
pub struct Tree {
store: Arc<Store>,
dir: RepoPath,
id: TreeId,
data: Arc<backend::Tree>,
impl Debug for Tree {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
.field("dir", &self.dir)
.field("id", &self.id)
impl PartialEq for Tree {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.id == other.id && self.dir == other.dir
impl Eq for Tree {}
impl Hash for Tree {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct DiffSummary {
pub modified: Vec<RepoPath>,
pub added: Vec<RepoPath>,
pub removed: Vec<RepoPath>,
impl DiffSummary {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.modified.is_empty() && self.added.is_empty() && self.removed.is_empty()
impl Tree {
pub fn new(store: Arc<Store>, dir: RepoPath, id: TreeId, data: Arc<backend::Tree>) -> Self {
Tree {
pub fn null(store: Arc<Store>, dir: RepoPath) -> Self {
Tree {
id: TreeId::new(vec![]),
data: Arc::new(backend::Tree::default()),
pub fn store(&self) -> &Arc<Store> {
pub fn dir(&self) -> &RepoPath {
pub fn id(&self) -> &TreeId {
pub fn data(&self) -> &backend::Tree {
pub fn entries_non_recursive(&self) -> TreeEntriesNonRecursiveIterator {
pub fn entries(&self) -> TreeEntriesIterator<'static> {
TreeEntriesIterator::new(self.clone(), &EverythingMatcher)
pub fn entries_matching<'matcher>(
matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher,
) -> TreeEntriesIterator<'matcher> {
TreeEntriesIterator::new(self.clone(), matcher)
pub fn entry(&self, basename: &RepoPathComponent) -> Option<TreeEntry> {
pub fn value(&self, basename: &RepoPathComponent) -> Option<&TreeValue> {
pub fn path_value(&self, path: &RepoPath) -> Option<TreeValue> {
assert_eq!(self.dir(), &RepoPath::root());
match path.split() {
Some((dir, basename)) => self
.and_then(|tree| tree.data.value(basename).cloned()),
None => Some(TreeValue::Tree(self.id.clone())),
pub fn sub_tree(&self, name: &RepoPathComponent) -> Option<Tree> {
self.data.value(name).and_then(|sub_tree| match sub_tree {
TreeValue::Tree(sub_tree_id) => {
let subdir = self.dir.join(name);
Some(self.store.get_tree(&subdir, sub_tree_id).unwrap())
_ => None,
fn known_sub_tree(&self, subdir: &RepoPath, id: &TreeId) -> Tree {
self.store.get_tree(subdir, id).unwrap()
fn sub_tree_recursive(&self, components: &[RepoPathComponent]) -> Option<Tree> {
if let Some((first, tail)) = components.split_first() {
.try_fold(self.sub_tree(first)?, |tree, name| tree.sub_tree(name))
} else {
// TODO: It would be nice to be able to return a reference here, but
// then we would have to figure out how to share Tree instances
// across threads.
pub fn diff<'matcher>(
other: &Tree,
matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher,
) -> TreeDiffIterator<'matcher> {
TreeDiffIterator::new(self.clone(), other.clone(), matcher)
pub fn diff_summary(&self, other: &Tree, matcher: &dyn Matcher) -> DiffSummary {
let mut modified = vec![];
let mut added = vec![];
let mut removed = vec![];
for (file, diff) in self.diff(other, matcher) {
match diff {
Diff::Modified(_, _) => modified.push(file.clone()),
Diff::Added(_) => added.push(file.clone()),
Diff::Removed(_) => removed.push(file.clone()),
DiffSummary {
pub fn conflicts_matching(&self, matcher: &dyn Matcher) -> Vec<(RepoPath, ConflictId)> {
let mut conflicts = vec![];
for (name, value) in self.entries_matching(matcher) {
if let TreeValue::Conflict(id) = value {
conflicts.push((name.clone(), id.clone()));
pub fn conflicts(&self) -> Vec<(RepoPath, ConflictId)> {
pub fn has_conflict(&self) -> bool {
pub struct TreeEntriesIterator<'matcher> {
stack: Vec<TreeEntriesDirItem>,
matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher,
struct TreeEntriesDirItem {
entry_iterator: TreeEntriesNonRecursiveIterator<'static>,
// On drop, tree must outlive entry_iterator
tree: Box<Tree>,
impl TreeEntriesDirItem {
fn new(tree: Tree) -> Self {
let tree = Box::new(tree);
let entry_iterator = tree.entries_non_recursive();
let entry_iterator: TreeEntriesNonRecursiveIterator<'static> =
unsafe { std::mem::transmute(entry_iterator) };
Self {
impl<'matcher> TreeEntriesIterator<'matcher> {
fn new(tree: Tree, matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher) -> Self {
// TODO: Restrict walk according to Matcher::visit()
Self {
stack: vec![TreeEntriesDirItem::new(tree)],
impl Iterator for TreeEntriesIterator<'_> {
type Item = (RepoPath, TreeValue);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while let Some(top) = self.stack.last_mut() {
if let Some(entry) = top.entry_iterator.next() {
let path = top.tree.dir().join(entry.name());
match entry.value() {
TreeValue::Tree(id) => {
// TODO: Handle the other cases (specific files and trees)
if self.matcher.visit(&path).is_nothing() {
let subtree = top.tree.known_sub_tree(&path, id);
value => {
if self.matcher.matches(&path) {
return Some((path, value.clone()));
} else {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum Diff<T> {
Modified(T, T),
impl<T> Diff<T> {
pub fn from_options(left: Option<T>, right: Option<T>) -> Self {
match (left, right) {
(Some(left), Some(right)) => Diff::Modified(left, right),
(None, Some(right)) => Diff::Added(right),
(Some(left), None) => Diff::Removed(left),
(None, None) => panic!("left and right cannot both be None"),
pub fn into_options(self) -> (Option<T>, Option<T>) {
match self {
Diff::Modified(left, right) => (Some(left), Some(right)),
Diff::Added(right) => (None, Some(right)),
Diff::Removed(left) => (Some(left), None),
struct TreeEntryDiffIterator<'trees> {
tree1: &'trees Tree,
tree2: &'trees Tree,
basename_iter: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'trees RepoPathComponent> + 'trees>,
impl<'trees> TreeEntryDiffIterator<'trees> {
fn new(tree1: &'trees Tree, tree2: &'trees Tree) -> Self {
let basename_iter = Box::new(tree1.data.names().merge(tree2.data.names()).dedup());
TreeEntryDiffIterator {
impl<'trees> Iterator for TreeEntryDiffIterator<'trees> {
type Item = (
&'trees RepoPathComponent,
Option<&'trees TreeValue>,
Option<&'trees TreeValue>,
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
for basename in self.basename_iter.by_ref() {
let value1 = self.tree1.value(basename);
let value2 = self.tree2.value(basename);
if value1 != value2 {
return Some((basename, value1, value2));
pub struct TreeDiffIterator<'matcher> {
stack: Vec<TreeDiffItem>,
matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher,
struct TreeDiffDirItem {
path: RepoPath,
// Iterator over the diffs between tree1 and tree2
entry_iterator: TreeEntryDiffIterator<'static>,
// On drop, tree1 and tree2 must outlive entry_iterator
tree1: Box<Tree>,
tree2: Box<Tree>,
enum TreeDiffItem {
// This is used for making sure that when a directory gets replaced by a file, we
// yield the value for the addition of the file after we yield the values
// for removing files in the directory.
File(RepoPath, Diff<TreeValue>),
impl<'matcher> TreeDiffIterator<'matcher> {
fn new(tree1: Tree, tree2: Tree, matcher: &'matcher dyn Matcher) -> Self {
let root_dir = RepoPath::root();
let mut stack = Vec::new();
if !matcher.visit(&root_dir).is_nothing() {
root_dir, tree1, tree2,
Self { stack, matcher }
impl TreeDiffDirItem {
fn new(path: RepoPath, tree1: Tree, tree2: Tree) -> Self {
let tree1 = Box::new(tree1);
let tree2 = Box::new(tree2);
let iter: TreeEntryDiffIterator = TreeEntryDiffIterator::new(&tree1, &tree2);
let iter: TreeEntryDiffIterator<'static> = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(iter) };
Self {
entry_iterator: iter,
fn subdir(
subdir_path: &RepoPath,
before: Option<&TreeValue>,
after: Option<&TreeValue>,
) -> Self {
let before_tree = match before {
Some(TreeValue::Tree(id_before)) => self.tree1.known_sub_tree(subdir_path, id_before),
_ => Tree::null(self.tree1.store().clone(), subdir_path.clone()),
let after_tree = match after {
Some(TreeValue::Tree(id_after)) => self.tree2.known_sub_tree(subdir_path, id_after),
_ => Tree::null(self.tree2.store().clone(), subdir_path.clone()),
Self::new(subdir_path.clone(), before_tree, after_tree)
impl Iterator for TreeDiffIterator<'_> {
type Item = (RepoPath, Diff<TreeValue>);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while let Some(top) = self.stack.last_mut() {
let (dir, (name, before, after)) = match top {
TreeDiffItem::Dir(dir) => {
if let Some(entry) = dir.entry_iterator.next() {
(dir, entry)
} else {
TreeDiffItem::File(..) => {
if let TreeDiffItem::File(name, diff) = self.stack.pop().unwrap() {
return Some((name, diff));
} else {
let path = dir.path.join(name);
let tree_before = matches!(before, Some(TreeValue::Tree(_)));
let tree_after = matches!(after, Some(TreeValue::Tree(_)));
let post_subdir =
if (tree_before || tree_after) && !self.matcher.visit(&path).is_nothing() {
let subdir = dir.subdir(&path, before, after);
self.stack.len() - 1
} else {
if self.matcher.matches(&path) {
if !tree_before && tree_after {
if let Some(value_before) = before {
return Some((path, Diff::Removed(value_before.clone())));
} else if tree_before && !tree_after {
if let Some(value_after) = after {
TreeDiffItem::File(path, Diff::Added(value_after.clone())),
} else if !tree_before && !tree_after {
return Some((path, Diff::from_options(before.cloned(), after.cloned())));
pub fn merge_trees(
side1_tree: &Tree,
base_tree: &Tree,
side2_tree: &Tree,
) -> Result<Tree, TreeMergeError> {
let store = base_tree.store();
let dir = base_tree.dir();
assert_eq!(side1_tree.dir(), dir);
assert_eq!(side2_tree.dir(), dir);
if let Some(resolved) = trivial_merge(&[base_tree], &[side1_tree, side2_tree]) {
return Ok((*resolved).clone());
// Start with a tree identical to side 1 and modify based on changes from base
// to side 2.
let mut new_tree = side1_tree.data().clone();
for (basename, maybe_base, maybe_side2) in TreeEntryDiffIterator::new(base_tree, side2_tree) {
let maybe_side1 = side1_tree.value(basename);
if maybe_side1 == maybe_base {
// side 1 is unchanged: use the value from side 2
new_tree.set_or_remove(basename, maybe_side2.cloned());
} else if maybe_side1 == maybe_side2 {
// Both sides changed in the same way: new_tree already has the
// value
} else {
// The two sides changed in different ways
let new_value =
merge_tree_value(store, dir, basename, maybe_base, maybe_side1, maybe_side2)?;
new_tree.set_or_remove(basename, new_value);
Ok(store.write_tree(dir, new_tree)?)
/// Returns `Some(TreeId)` if this is a directory or missing. If it's missing,
/// we treat it as an empty tree.
fn maybe_tree_id<'id>(
value: Option<&'id TreeValue>,
empty_tree_id: &'id TreeId,
) -> Option<&'id TreeId> {
match value {
Some(TreeValue::Tree(id)) => Some(id),
None => Some(empty_tree_id),
_ => None,
fn merge_tree_value(
store: &Arc<Store>,
dir: &RepoPath,
basename: &RepoPathComponent,
maybe_base: Option<&TreeValue>,
maybe_side1: Option<&TreeValue>,
maybe_side2: Option<&TreeValue>,
) -> Result<Option<TreeValue>, TreeMergeError> {
// Resolve non-trivial conflicts:
// * resolve tree conflicts by recursing
// * try to resolve file conflicts by merging the file contents
// * leave other conflicts (e.g. file/dir conflicts, remove/modify conflicts)
// unresolved
let empty_tree_id = store.empty_tree_id();
let base_tree_id = maybe_tree_id(maybe_base, empty_tree_id);
let side1_tree_id = maybe_tree_id(maybe_side1, empty_tree_id);
let side2_tree_id = maybe_tree_id(maybe_side2, empty_tree_id);
Ok(match (base_tree_id, side1_tree_id, side2_tree_id) {
(Some(base_id), Some(side1_id), Some(side2_id)) => {
let subdir = dir.join(basename);
let base_tree = store.get_tree(&subdir, base_id)?;
let side1_tree = store.get_tree(&subdir, side1_id)?;
let side2_tree = store.get_tree(&subdir, side2_id)?;
let merged_tree = merge_trees(&side1_tree, &base_tree, &side2_tree)?;
if merged_tree.id() == empty_tree_id {
} else {
_ => {
// Start by creating a Conflict object. Conflicts can cleanly represent a single
// resolved state, the absence of a state, or a conflicted state.
let conflict = Conflict::new(
vec![maybe_side1.cloned(), maybe_side2.cloned()],
let filename = dir.join(basename);
let conflict = simplify_conflict(store, &filename, conflict)?;
if let Some(value) = conflict.as_resolved() {
return Ok(value.clone());
if let Some(tree_value) = try_resolve_file_conflict(store, &filename, &conflict)? {
} else {
let conflict_id = store.write_conflict(&filename, &conflict)?;
pub fn try_resolve_file_conflict(
store: &Store,
filename: &RepoPath,
conflict: &Conflict<Option<TreeValue>>,
) -> Result<Option<TreeValue>, TreeMergeError> {
// If there are any non-file or any missing parts in the conflict, we can't
// merge it. We check early so we don't waste time reading file contents if
// we can't merge them anyway. At the same time we determine whether the
// resulting file should be executable.
let Some(file_id_conflict) = conflict.maybe_map(|term| match term {
Some(TreeValue::File { id, executable: _ }) => Some(id),
_ => None,
}) else {
return Ok(None);
let Some(executable_conflict) = conflict.maybe_map(|term| match term {
Some(TreeValue::File { id: _, executable }) => Some(executable),
_ => None,
}) else {
return Ok(None);
let Some(&&executable) = executable_conflict.resolve_trivial() else {
// We're unable to determine whether the result should be executable
return Ok(None);
if let Some(&resolved_file_id) = file_id_conflict.resolve_trivial() {
// Don't bother reading the file contents if the conflict can be trivially
// resolved.
return Ok(Some(TreeValue::File {
id: resolved_file_id.clone(),
let mut removed_contents = vec![];
let mut added_contents = vec![];
for &file_id in file_id_conflict.removes() {
let mut content = vec![];
.read_file(filename, file_id)?
.read_to_end(&mut content)
.map_err(|err| TreeMergeError::ReadError {
source: err,
file_id: file_id.clone(),
for &file_id in file_id_conflict.adds() {
let mut content = vec![];
.read_file(filename, file_id)?
.read_to_end(&mut content)
.map_err(|err| TreeMergeError::ReadError {
source: err,
file_id: file_id.clone(),
let merge_result = files::merge(
match merge_result {
MergeResult::Resolved(merged_content) => {
let id = store.write_file(filename, &mut merged_content.0.as_slice())?;
Ok(Some(TreeValue::File { id, executable }))
MergeResult::Conflict(_) => Ok(None),
fn simplify_conflict(
store: &Store,
path: &RepoPath,
conflict: Conflict<Option<TreeValue>>,
) -> Result<Conflict<Option<TreeValue>>, BackendError> {
// Important cases to simplify:
// D
// |
// B C
// |/
// A
// 1. rebase C to B, then back to A => there should be no conflict
// 2. rebase C to B, then to D => the conflict should not mention B
// 3. rebase B to C and D to B', then resolve the conflict in B' and rebase D'
// on top => the conflict should be between B'', B, and D; it should not
// mention the conflict in B'
// Case 1 above:
// After first rebase, the conflict is {+B-A+C}. After rebasing back,
// the unsimplified conflict is {+A-B+{+B-A+C}}. Since the
// inner conflict is positive, we can simply move it into the outer conflict. We
// thus get {+A-B+B-A+C}, which we can then simplify to just C (because {+C} ==
// C).
// Case 2 above:
// After first rebase, the conflict is {+B-A+C}. After rebasing to D,
// the unsimplified conflict is {+D-C+{+B-A+C}}. As in the
// previous case, the inner conflict can be moved into the outer one. We then
// get {+D-C+B-A+C}. That can be simplified to
// {+D+B-A}, which is the desired conflict.
// Case 3 above:
// TODO: describe this case
let expanded = conflict.try_map(|term| match term {
Some(TreeValue::Conflict(id)) => store.read_conflict(path, id),
_ => Ok(Conflict::resolved(term.clone())),