mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 06:42:47 +00:00
Still alias function shadows builtin function (of any arity) by name. This allows to detect argument error as such, but might be a bit inconvenient if user wants to overload heads() for example. If needed, maybe we can add some config/revset syntax to import builtin function to alias namespace. The functions table is keyed by name, not by (name, arity) pair. That's mainly because std collections require keys to be Borrow, and a pair of borrowed values is incompatible with owned pair. Another reason is it makes easy to look up overloads by name. Alias overloading could also be achieved by adding default parameters, but that will complicate the implementation a bit more, and can't prevent shadowing of 0-ary immutable_heads(). Closes #2966
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785 lines
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// Copyright 2020-2024 The Jujutsu Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Domain-specific language helpers.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::{array, fmt};
use itertools::Itertools as _;
use pest::iterators::Pairs;
use pest::RuleType;
/// AST node without type or name checking.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ExpressionNode<'i, T> {
/// Expression item such as identifier, literal, function call, etc.
pub kind: T,
/// Span of the node.
pub span: pest::Span<'i>,
impl<'i, T> ExpressionNode<'i, T> {
/// Wraps the given expression and span.
pub fn new(kind: T, span: pest::Span<'i>) -> Self {
ExpressionNode { kind, span }
/// Function call in AST.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct FunctionCallNode<'i, T> {
/// Function name.
pub name: &'i str,
/// Span of the function name.
pub name_span: pest::Span<'i>,
/// List of positional arguments.
pub args: Vec<ExpressionNode<'i, T>>,
/// List of keyword arguments.
pub keyword_args: Vec<KeywordArgument<'i, T>>,
/// Span of the arguments list.
pub args_span: pest::Span<'i>,
/// Keyword argument pair in AST.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct KeywordArgument<'i, T> {
/// Parameter name.
pub name: &'i str,
/// Span of the parameter name.
pub name_span: pest::Span<'i>,
/// Value expression.
pub value: ExpressionNode<'i, T>,
impl<'i, T> FunctionCallNode<'i, T> {
/// Number of arguments assuming named arguments are all unique.
pub fn arity(&self) -> usize {
self.args.len() + self.keyword_args.len()
/// Ensures that no arguments passed.
pub fn expect_no_arguments(&self) -> Result<(), InvalidArguments<'i>> {
let ([], []) = self.expect_arguments()?;
/// Extracts exactly N required arguments.
pub fn expect_exact_arguments<const N: usize>(
) -> Result<&[ExpressionNode<'i, T>; N], InvalidArguments<'i>> {
let (args, []) = self.expect_arguments()?;
/// Extracts N required arguments and remainders.
pub fn expect_some_arguments<const N: usize>(
) -> Result<(&[ExpressionNode<'i, T>; N], &[ExpressionNode<'i, T>]), InvalidArguments<'i>> {
if self.args.len() >= N {
let (required, rest) = self.args.split_at(N);
Ok((required.try_into().unwrap(), rest))
} else {
Err(self.invalid_arguments_count(N, None))
/// Extracts N required arguments and M optional arguments.
pub fn expect_arguments<const N: usize, const M: usize>(
) -> Result<
&[ExpressionNode<'i, T>; N],
[Option<&ExpressionNode<'i, T>>; M],
> {
let count_range = N..=(N + M);
if count_range.contains(&self.args.len()) {
let (required, rest) = self.args.split_at(N);
let mut optional = rest.iter().map(Some).collect_vec();
optional.resize(M, None);
} else {
let (min, max) = count_range.into_inner();
Err(self.invalid_arguments_count(min, Some(max)))
/// Extracts N required arguments and M optional arguments. Some of them can
/// be specified as keyword arguments.
/// `names` is a list of parameter names. Unnamed positional arguments
/// should be padded with `""`.
pub fn expect_named_arguments<const N: usize, const M: usize>(
names: &[&str],
) -> Result<
[&ExpressionNode<'i, T>; N],
[Option<&ExpressionNode<'i, T>>; M],
> {
if self.keyword_args.is_empty() {
let (required, optional) = self.expect_arguments::<N, M>()?;
// TODO: use .each_ref() if MSRV is bumped to 1.77.0
Ok((array::from_fn(|i| &required[i]), optional))
} else {
let (required, optional) = self.expect_named_arguments_vec(names, N, N + M)?;
fn expect_named_arguments_vec(
names: &[&str],
min: usize,
max: usize,
) -> Result<
Vec<&ExpressionNode<'i, T>>,
Vec<Option<&ExpressionNode<'i, T>>>,
> {
assert!(names.len() <= max);
if self.args.len() > max {
return Err(self.invalid_arguments_count(min, Some(max)));
let mut extracted = Vec::with_capacity(max);
extracted.resize(max, None);
for arg in &self.keyword_args {
let name = arg.name;
let span = arg.name_span.start_pos().span(&arg.value.span.end_pos());
let pos = names.iter().position(|&n| n == name).ok_or_else(|| {
self.invalid_arguments(format!(r#"Unexpected keyword argument "{name}""#), span)
if extracted[pos].is_some() {
return Err(self.invalid_arguments(
format!(r#"Got multiple values for keyword "{name}""#),
extracted[pos] = Some(&arg.value);
let optional = extracted.split_off(min);
let required = extracted.into_iter().flatten().collect_vec();
if required.len() != min {
return Err(self.invalid_arguments_count(min, Some(max)));
Ok((required, optional))
fn ensure_no_keyword_arguments(&self) -> Result<(), InvalidArguments<'i>> {
if let (Some(first), Some(last)) = (self.keyword_args.first(), self.keyword_args.last()) {
let span = first.name_span.start_pos().span(&last.value.span.end_pos());
Err(self.invalid_arguments("Unexpected keyword arguments".to_owned(), span))
} else {
fn invalid_arguments(&self, message: String, span: pest::Span<'i>) -> InvalidArguments<'i> {
InvalidArguments {
name: self.name,
fn invalid_arguments_count(&self, min: usize, max: Option<usize>) -> InvalidArguments<'i> {
let message = match (min, max) {
(min, Some(max)) if min == max => format!("Expected {min} arguments"),
(min, Some(max)) => format!("Expected {min} to {max} arguments"),
(min, None) => format!("Expected at least {min} arguments"),
self.invalid_arguments(message, self.args_span)
fn invalid_arguments_count_with_arities(
arities: impl IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
) -> InvalidArguments<'i> {
let message = format!("Expected {} arguments", arities.into_iter().join(", "));
self.invalid_arguments(message, self.args_span)
/// Unexpected number of arguments, or invalid combination of arguments.
/// This error is supposed to be converted to language-specific parse error
/// type, where lifetime `'i` will be eliminated.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct InvalidArguments<'i> {
/// Function name.
pub name: &'i str,
/// Error message.
pub message: String,
/// Span of the bad arguments.
pub span: pest::Span<'i>,
/// Expression item that can be transformed recursively by using `folder: F`.
pub trait FoldableExpression<'i>: Sized {
/// Transforms `self` by applying the `folder` to inner items.
fn fold<F>(self, folder: &mut F, span: pest::Span<'i>) -> Result<Self, F::Error>
F: ExpressionFolder<'i, Self> + ?Sized;
/// Visitor-like interface to transform AST nodes recursively.
pub trait ExpressionFolder<'i, T: FoldableExpression<'i>> {
/// Transform error.
type Error;
/// Transforms the expression `node`. By default, inner items are
/// transformed recursively.
fn fold_expression(
&mut self,
node: ExpressionNode<'i, T>,
) -> Result<ExpressionNode<'i, T>, Self::Error> {
let ExpressionNode { kind, span } = node;
let kind = kind.fold(self, span)?;
Ok(ExpressionNode { kind, span })
/// Transforms identifier.
fn fold_identifier(&mut self, name: &'i str, span: pest::Span<'i>) -> Result<T, Self::Error>;
/// Transforms function call.
fn fold_function_call(
&mut self,
function: Box<FunctionCallNode<'i, T>>,
span: pest::Span<'i>,
) -> Result<T, Self::Error>;
/// Transforms list of `nodes` by using `folder`.
pub fn fold_expression_nodes<'i, F, T>(
folder: &mut F,
nodes: Vec<ExpressionNode<'i, T>>,
) -> Result<Vec<ExpressionNode<'i, T>>, F::Error>
F: ExpressionFolder<'i, T> + ?Sized,
T: FoldableExpression<'i>,
.map(|node| folder.fold_expression(node))
/// Transforms function call arguments by using `folder`.
pub fn fold_function_call_args<'i, F, T>(
folder: &mut F,
function: FunctionCallNode<'i, T>,
) -> Result<FunctionCallNode<'i, T>, F::Error>
F: ExpressionFolder<'i, T> + ?Sized,
T: FoldableExpression<'i>,
Ok(FunctionCallNode {
name: function.name,
name_span: function.name_span,
args: fold_expression_nodes(folder, function.args)?,
keyword_args: function
.map(|arg| {
Ok(KeywordArgument {
name: arg.name,
name_span: arg.name_span,
value: folder.fold_expression(arg.value)?,
args_span: function.args_span,
/// Helper to parse string literal.
pub struct StringLiteralParser<R> {
/// String content part.
pub content_rule: R,
/// Escape sequence part including backslash character.
pub escape_rule: R,
impl<R: RuleType> StringLiteralParser<R> {
/// Parses the given string literal `pairs` into string.
pub fn parse(&self, pairs: Pairs<R>) -> String {
let mut result = String::new();
for part in pairs {
if part.as_rule() == self.content_rule {
} else if part.as_rule() == self.escape_rule {
match &part.as_str()[1..] {
"\"" => result.push('"'),
"\\" => result.push('\\'),
"t" => result.push('\t'),
"r" => result.push('\r'),
"n" => result.push('\n'),
"0" => result.push('\0'),
char => panic!("invalid escape: \\{char:?}"),
} else {
panic!("unexpected part of string: {part:?}");
/// Map of symbol and function aliases.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct AliasesMap<P> {
symbol_aliases: HashMap<String, String>,
// name: [(params, defn)] (sorted by arity)
function_aliases: HashMap<String, Vec<(Vec<String>, String)>>,
// Parser type P helps prevent misuse of AliasesMap of different language.
parser: P,
impl<P> AliasesMap<P> {
/// Creates an empty aliases map with default-constructed parser.
pub fn new() -> Self
P: Default,
/// Adds new substitution rule `decl = defn`.
/// Returns error if `decl` is invalid. The `defn` part isn't checked. A bad
/// `defn` will be reported when the alias is substituted.
pub fn insert(&mut self, decl: impl AsRef<str>, defn: impl Into<String>) -> Result<(), P::Error>
P: AliasDeclarationParser,
match self.parser.parse_declaration(decl.as_ref())? {
AliasDeclaration::Symbol(name) => {
self.symbol_aliases.insert(name, defn.into());
AliasDeclaration::Function(name, params) => {
let overloads = self.function_aliases.entry(name).or_default();
match overloads.binary_search_by_key(¶ms.len(), |(params, _)| params.len()) {
Ok(i) => overloads[i] = (params, defn.into()),
Err(i) => overloads.insert(i, (params, defn.into())),
/// Iterates symbol names in arbitrary order.
pub fn symbol_names(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> {
self.symbol_aliases.keys().map(|n| n.as_ref())
/// Iterates function names in arbitrary order.
pub fn function_names(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> {
self.function_aliases.keys().map(|n| n.as_ref())
/// Looks up symbol alias by name. Returns identifier and definition text.
pub fn get_symbol(&self, name: &str) -> Option<(AliasId<'_>, &str)> {
.map(|(name, defn)| (AliasId::Symbol(name), defn.as_ref()))
/// Looks up function alias by name and arity. Returns identifier, list of
/// parameter names, and definition text.
pub fn get_function(&self, name: &str, arity: usize) -> Option<(AliasId<'_>, &[String], &str)> {
let overloads = self.get_function_overloads(name)?;
/// Looks up function aliases by name.
fn get_function_overloads(&self, name: &str) -> Option<AliasFunctionOverloads<'_>> {
let (name, overloads) = self.function_aliases.get_key_value(name)?;
Some(AliasFunctionOverloads { name, overloads })
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct AliasFunctionOverloads<'a> {
name: &'a String,
overloads: &'a Vec<(Vec<String>, String)>,
impl<'a> AliasFunctionOverloads<'a> {
fn arities(self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = usize> + ExactSizeIterator + 'a {
self.overloads.iter().map(|(params, _)| params.len())
fn min_arity(self) -> usize {
fn max_arity(self) -> usize {
fn find_by_arity(self, arity: usize) -> Option<(AliasId<'a>, &'a [String], &'a str)> {
let index = self
.binary_search_by_key(&arity, |(params, _)| params.len())
let (params, defn) = &self.overloads[index];
// Exact parameter names aren't needed to identify a function, but they
// provide a better error indication. (e.g. "foo(x, y)" is easier to
// follow than "foo/2".)
Some((AliasId::Function(self.name, params), params, defn))
/// Borrowed reference to identify alias expression.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum AliasId<'a> {
/// Symbol name.
Symbol(&'a str),
/// Function name and parameter names.
Function(&'a str, &'a [String]),
/// Function parameter name.
Parameter(&'a str),
impl fmt::Display for AliasId<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
AliasId::Symbol(name) => write!(f, "{name}"),
AliasId::Function(name, params) => {
write!(f, "{name}({params})", params = params.join(", "))
AliasId::Parameter(name) => write!(f, "{name}"),
/// Parsed declaration part of alias rule.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum AliasDeclaration {
/// Symbol name.
/// Function name and parameters.
Function(String, Vec<String>),
// AliasDeclarationParser and AliasDefinitionParser can be merged into a single
// trait, but it's unclear whether doing that would simplify the abstraction.
/// Parser for symbol and function alias declaration.
pub trait AliasDeclarationParser {
/// Parse error type.
type Error;
/// Parses symbol or function name and parameters.
fn parse_declaration(&self, source: &str) -> Result<AliasDeclaration, Self::Error>;
/// Parser for symbol and function alias definition.
pub trait AliasDefinitionParser {
/// Expression item type.
type Output<'i>;
/// Parse error type.
type Error;
/// Parses alias body.
fn parse_definition<'i>(
source: &'i str,
) -> Result<ExpressionNode<'i, Self::Output<'i>>, Self::Error>;
/// Expression item that supports alias substitution.
pub trait AliasExpandableExpression<'i>: FoldableExpression<'i> {
/// Wraps identifier.
fn identifier(name: &'i str) -> Self;
/// Wraps function call.
fn function_call(function: Box<FunctionCallNode<'i, Self>>) -> Self;
/// Wraps substituted expression.
fn alias_expanded(id: AliasId<'i>, subst: Box<ExpressionNode<'i, Self>>) -> Self;
/// Error that may occur during alias substitution.
pub trait AliasExpandError: Sized {
/// Unexpected number of arguments, or invalid combination of arguments.
fn invalid_arguments(err: InvalidArguments<'_>) -> Self;
/// Recursion detected during alias substitution.
fn recursive_expansion(id: AliasId<'_>, span: pest::Span<'_>) -> Self;
/// Attaches alias trace to the current error.
fn within_alias_expansion(self, id: AliasId<'_>, span: pest::Span<'_>) -> Self;
/// Expands aliases recursively in tree of `T`.
struct AliasExpander<'i, T, P> {
/// Alias symbols and functions that are globally available.
aliases_map: &'i AliasesMap<P>,
/// Stack of aliases and local parameters currently expanding.
states: Vec<AliasExpandingState<'i, T>>,
struct AliasExpandingState<'i, T> {
id: AliasId<'i>,
locals: HashMap<&'i str, ExpressionNode<'i, T>>,
impl<'i, T, P, E> AliasExpander<'i, T, P>
T: AliasExpandableExpression<'i> + Clone,
P: AliasDefinitionParser<Output<'i> = T, Error = E>,
E: AliasExpandError,
fn expand_defn(
&mut self,
id: AliasId<'i>,
defn: &'i str,
locals: HashMap<&'i str, ExpressionNode<'i, T>>,
span: pest::Span<'i>,
) -> Result<T, E> {
// The stack should be short, so let's simply do linear search.
if self.states.iter().any(|s| s.id == id) {
return Err(E::recursive_expansion(id, span));
self.states.push(AliasExpandingState { id, locals });
// Parsed defn could be cached if needed.
let result = self
.and_then(|node| self.fold_expression(node))
.map(|node| T::alias_expanded(id, Box::new(node)))
.map_err(|e| e.within_alias_expansion(id, span));
impl<'i, T, P, E> ExpressionFolder<'i, T> for AliasExpander<'i, T, P>
T: AliasExpandableExpression<'i> + Clone,
P: AliasDefinitionParser<Output<'i> = T, Error = E>,
E: AliasExpandError,
type Error = E;
fn fold_identifier(&mut self, name: &'i str, span: pest::Span<'i>) -> Result<T, Self::Error> {
if let Some(subst) = self.states.last().and_then(|s| s.locals.get(name)) {
let id = AliasId::Parameter(name);
Ok(T::alias_expanded(id, Box::new(subst.clone())))
} else if let Some((id, defn)) = self.aliases_map.get_symbol(name) {
let locals = HashMap::new(); // Don't spill out the current scope
self.expand_defn(id, defn, locals, span)
} else {
fn fold_function_call(
&mut self,
function: Box<FunctionCallNode<'i, T>>,
span: pest::Span<'i>,
) -> Result<T, Self::Error> {
// For better error indication, builtin functions are shadowed by name,
// not by (name, arity).
if let Some(overloads) = self.aliases_map.get_function_overloads(function.name) {
// TODO: add support for keyword arguments
let Some((id, params, defn)) = overloads.find_by_arity(function.arity()) else {
let min = overloads.min_arity();
let max = overloads.max_arity();
let err = if max - min + 1 == overloads.arities().len() {
function.invalid_arguments_count(min, Some(max))
} else {
return Err(E::invalid_arguments(err));
// Resolve arguments in the current scope, and pass them in to the alias
// expansion scope.
let args = fold_expression_nodes(self, function.args)?;
let locals = params.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).zip(args).collect();
self.expand_defn(id, defn, locals, span)
} else {
let function = Box::new(fold_function_call_args(self, *function)?);
/// Expands aliases recursively.
pub fn expand_aliases<'i, T, P>(
node: ExpressionNode<'i, T>,
aliases_map: &'i AliasesMap<P>,
) -> Result<ExpressionNode<'i, T>, P::Error>
T: AliasExpandableExpression<'i> + Clone,
P: AliasDefinitionParser<Output<'i> = T>,
P::Error: AliasExpandError,
let mut expander = AliasExpander {
states: Vec::new(),
/// Collects similar names from the `candidates` list.
pub fn collect_similar<I>(name: &str, candidates: I) -> Vec<String>
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: AsRef<str>,
.filter(|cand| {
// The parameter is borrowed from clap f5540d26
strsim::jaro(name, cand.as_ref()) > 0.7
.map(|s| s.as_ref().to_owned())
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_expect_arguments() {
fn empty_span() -> pest::Span<'static> {
pest::Span::new("", 0, 0).unwrap()
fn function(
name: &'static str,
args: impl Into<Vec<ExpressionNode<'static, u32>>>,
keyword_args: impl Into<Vec<KeywordArgument<'static, u32>>>,
) -> FunctionCallNode<'static, u32> {
FunctionCallNode {
name_span: empty_span(),
args: args.into(),
keyword_args: keyword_args.into(),
args_span: empty_span(),
fn value(v: u32) -> ExpressionNode<'static, u32> {
ExpressionNode::new(v, empty_span())
fn keyword(name: &'static str, v: u32) -> KeywordArgument<'static, u32> {
KeywordArgument {
name_span: empty_span(),
value: value(v),
let f = function("foo", [], []);
assert!(f.expect_arguments::<0, 0>().is_ok());
assert!(f.expect_named_arguments::<0, 0>(&[]).is_ok());
let f = function("foo", [value(0)], []);
(&[], [value(0)].as_slice())
(&[value(0)], [].as_slice())
assert!(f.expect_arguments::<0, 0>().is_err());
f.expect_arguments::<0, 1>().unwrap(),
(&[], [Some(&value(0))])
assert_eq!(f.expect_arguments::<1, 1>().unwrap(), (&[value(0)], [None]));
assert!(f.expect_named_arguments::<0, 0>(&[]).is_err());
f.expect_named_arguments::<0, 1>(&["a"]).unwrap(),
([], [Some(&value(0))])
f.expect_named_arguments::<1, 0>(&["a"]).unwrap(),
([&value(0)], [])
let f = function("foo", [], [keyword("a", 0)]);
assert!(f.expect_arguments::<0, 1>().is_err());
assert!(f.expect_arguments::<1, 0>().is_err());
assert!(f.expect_named_arguments::<0, 0>(&[]).is_err());
assert!(f.expect_named_arguments::<0, 1>(&[]).is_err());
assert!(f.expect_named_arguments::<1, 0>(&[]).is_err());
f.expect_named_arguments::<1, 0>(&["a"]).unwrap(),
([&value(0)], [])
f.expect_named_arguments::<1, 1>(&["a", "b"]).unwrap(),
([&value(0)], [None])
assert!(f.expect_named_arguments::<1, 1>(&["b", "a"]).is_err());
let f = function("foo", [value(0)], [keyword("a", 1), keyword("b", 2)]);
assert!(f.expect_named_arguments::<0, 0>(&[]).is_err());
assert!(f.expect_named_arguments::<1, 1>(&["a", "b"]).is_err());
f.expect_named_arguments::<1, 2>(&["c", "a", "b"]).unwrap(),
([&value(0)], [Some(&value(1)), Some(&value(2))])
f.expect_named_arguments::<2, 1>(&["c", "b", "a"]).unwrap(),
([&value(0), &value(2)], [Some(&value(1))])
f.expect_named_arguments::<0, 3>(&["c", "b", "a"]).unwrap(),
([], [Some(&value(0)), Some(&value(2)), Some(&value(1))])
let f = function("foo", [], [keyword("a", 0), keyword("a", 1)]);
assert!(f.expect_named_arguments::<1, 1>(&["", "a"]).is_err());