Yuya Nishihara d001291a27
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Back out "config: merge and print inline tables as values"
This backs out commit 0de36918e4. Documentation,
tests, and comments are updated accordingly. I also add ConfigTableLike type
alias as we decided to abstract table-like items away.

Closes #5255
2025-01-08 05:24:55 +00:00

1274 lines
42 KiB

// Copyright 2022 The Jujutsu Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Configuration store helpers.
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::slice;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use itertools::Itertools as _;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use serde::de::IntoDeserializer as _;
use serde::Deserialize;
use thiserror::Error;
use toml_edit::DocumentMut;
use toml_edit::ImDocument;
pub use crate::config_resolver::resolve;
pub use crate::config_resolver::ConfigResolutionContext;
use crate::file_util::IoResultExt as _;
use crate::file_util::PathError;
/// Config value or table node.
pub type ConfigItem = toml_edit::Item;
/// Non-inline table of config key and value pairs.
pub type ConfigTable = toml_edit::Table;
/// Non-inline or inline table of config key and value pairs.
pub type ConfigTableLike<'a> = dyn toml_edit::TableLike + 'a;
/// Generic config value.
pub type ConfigValue = toml_edit::Value;
/// Error that can occur when parsing or loading config variables.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum ConfigLoadError {
/// Config file or directory cannot be read.
#[error("Failed to read configuration file")]
Read(#[source] PathError),
/// TOML file or text cannot be parsed.
#[error("Configuration cannot be parsed as TOML document")]
Parse {
/// Source error.
error: toml_edit::TomlError,
/// Source file path.
source_path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Error that can occur when saving config variables to file.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
#[error("Failed to write configuration file")]
pub struct ConfigFileSaveError(#[source] pub PathError);
/// Error that can occur when looking up config variable.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum ConfigGetError {
/// Config value is not set.
#[error("Value not found for {name}")]
NotFound {
/// Dotted config name path.
name: String,
/// Config value cannot be converted to the expected type.
#[error("Invalid type or value for {name}")]
Type {
/// Dotted config name path.
name: String,
/// Source error.
error: Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>,
/// Source file path where the value is defined.
source_path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Error that can occur when updating config variable.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum ConfigUpdateError {
/// Non-table value exists at parent path, which shouldn't be removed.
#[error("Would overwrite non-table value with parent table {name}")]
WouldOverwriteValue {
/// Dotted config name path.
name: String,
/// Table exists at the path, which shouldn't be overwritten by a value.
#[error("Would overwrite entire table {name}")]
WouldOverwriteTable {
/// Dotted config name path.
name: String,
/// Table exists at the path, which shouldn't be deleted.
#[error("Would delete entire table {name}")]
WouldDeleteTable {
/// Dotted config name path.
name: String,
/// Extension methods for `Result<T, ConfigGetError>`.
pub trait ConfigGetResultExt<T> {
/// Converts `NotFound` error to `Ok(None)`, leaving other errors.
fn optional(self) -> Result<Option<T>, ConfigGetError>;
impl<T> ConfigGetResultExt<T> for Result<T, ConfigGetError> {
fn optional(self) -> Result<Option<T>, ConfigGetError> {
match self {
Ok(value) => Ok(Some(value)),
Err(ConfigGetError::NotFound { .. }) => Ok(None),
Err(err) => Err(err),
/// Dotted config name path.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct ConfigNamePathBuf(Vec<toml_edit::Key>);
impl ConfigNamePathBuf {
/// Creates an empty path pointing to the root table.
/// This isn't a valid TOML key expression, but provided for convenience.
pub fn root() -> Self {
/// Returns true if the path is empty (i.e. pointing to the root table.)
pub fn is_root(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if the `base` is a prefix of this path.
pub fn starts_with(&self, base: impl AsRef<[toml_edit::Key]>) -> bool {
/// Returns iterator of path components (or keys.)
pub fn components(&self) -> slice::Iter<'_, toml_edit::Key> {
/// Appends the given `key` component.
pub fn push(&mut self, key: impl Into<toml_edit::Key>) {
impl<K: Into<toml_edit::Key>> FromIterator<K> for ConfigNamePathBuf {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = K>>(iter: I) -> Self {
let keys = iter.into_iter().map(|k| k.into()).collect();
impl FromStr for ConfigNamePathBuf {
type Err = toml_edit::TomlError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
// TOML parser ensures that the returned vec is not empty.
impl AsRef<[toml_edit::Key]> for ConfigNamePathBuf {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[toml_edit::Key] {
impl fmt::Display for ConfigNamePathBuf {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut components = self.0.iter().fuse();
if let Some(key) = components.next() {
write!(f, "{key}")?;
components.try_for_each(|key| write!(f, ".{key}"))
/// Value that can be converted to a dotted config name path.
/// This is an abstraction to specify a config name path in either a string or a
/// parsed form. It's similar to `Into<T>`, but the output type `T` is
/// constrained by the source type.
pub trait ToConfigNamePath: Sized {
/// Path type to be converted from `Self`.
type Output: Borrow<ConfigNamePathBuf>;
/// Converts this object into a dotted config name path.
fn into_name_path(self) -> Self::Output;
impl ToConfigNamePath for ConfigNamePathBuf {
type Output = Self;
fn into_name_path(self) -> Self::Output {
impl ToConfigNamePath for &ConfigNamePathBuf {
type Output = Self;
fn into_name_path(self) -> Self::Output {
impl ToConfigNamePath for &'static str {
// This can be changed to ConfigNamePathStr(str) if allocation cost matters.
type Output = ConfigNamePathBuf;
/// Parses this string into a dotted config name path.
/// The string must be a valid TOML dotted key. A static str is required to
/// prevent API misuse.
fn into_name_path(self) -> Self::Output {
.expect("valid TOML dotted key must be provided")
impl<const N: usize> ToConfigNamePath for [&str; N] {
type Output = ConfigNamePathBuf;
fn into_name_path(self) -> Self::Output {
impl<const N: usize> ToConfigNamePath for &[&str; N] {
type Output = ConfigNamePathBuf;
fn into_name_path(self) -> Self::Output {
impl ToConfigNamePath for &[&str] {
type Output = ConfigNamePathBuf;
fn into_name_path(self) -> Self::Output {
/// Source of configuration variables in order of precedence.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum ConfigSource {
/// Default values (which has the lowest precedence.)
/// Base environment variables.
/// User configuration files.
/// Repo configuration files.
/// Override environment variables.
/// Command-line arguments (which has the highest precedence.)
/// Set of configuration variables with source information.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ConfigLayer {
/// Source type of this layer.
pub source: ConfigSource,
/// Source file path of this layer if any.
pub path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Configuration variables.
pub data: DocumentMut,
impl ConfigLayer {
/// Creates new layer with empty data.
pub fn empty(source: ConfigSource) -> Self {
Self::with_data(source, DocumentMut::new())
/// Creates new layer with the configuration variables `data`.
pub fn with_data(source: ConfigSource, data: DocumentMut) -> Self {
ConfigLayer {
path: None,
/// Parses TOML document `text` into new layer.
pub fn parse(source: ConfigSource, text: &str) -> Result<Self, ConfigLoadError> {
let data = ImDocument::parse(text).map_err(|error| ConfigLoadError::Parse {
source_path: None,
Ok(Self::with_data(source, data.into_mut()))
/// Loads TOML file from the specified `path`.
pub fn load_from_file(source: ConfigSource, path: PathBuf) -> Result<Self, ConfigLoadError> {
let text = fs::read_to_string(&path)
let data = ImDocument::parse(text).map_err(|error| ConfigLoadError::Parse {
source_path: Some(path.clone()),
Ok(ConfigLayer {
path: Some(path),
data: data.into_mut(),
fn load_from_dir(source: ConfigSource, path: &Path) -> Result<Vec<Self>, ConfigLoadError> {
// TODO: Walk the directory recursively?
let mut file_paths: Vec<_> = path
.and_then(|dir_entries| {
.map(|entry| Ok(entry?.path()))
// TODO: Accept only certain file extensions?
.filter_ok(|path| path.is_file())
.map(|path| Self::load_from_file(source, path))
/// Returns true if the table has no configuration variables.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
// Add .get_value(name) if needed. look_up_*() are low-level API.
/// Looks up sub table by the `name` path. Returns `Some(table)` if a table
/// was found at the path. Returns `Err(item)` if middle or leaf node wasn't
/// a table.
pub fn look_up_table(
name: impl ToConfigNamePath,
) -> Result<Option<&ConfigTableLike>, &ConfigItem> {
match self.look_up_item(name) {
Ok(Some(item)) => match item.as_table_like() {
Some(table) => Ok(Some(table)),
None => Err(item),
Ok(None) => Ok(None),
Err(item) => Err(item),
/// Looks up item by the `name` path. Returns `Some(item)` if an item
/// found at the path. Returns `Err(item)` if middle node wasn't a table.
pub fn look_up_item(
name: impl ToConfigNamePath,
) -> Result<Option<&ConfigItem>, &ConfigItem> {
look_up_item(self.data.as_item(), name.into_name_path().borrow())
/// Sets `new_value` to the `name` path. Returns old value if any.
/// This function errors out if attempted to overwrite a non-table middle
/// node or a leaf table (in the same way as file/directory operation.)
pub fn set_value(
&mut self,
name: impl ToConfigNamePath,
new_value: impl Into<ConfigValue>,
) -> Result<Option<ConfigValue>, ConfigUpdateError> {
let name = name.into_name_path();
let name = name.borrow();
let (parent_table, leaf_key) = ensure_parent_table(self.data.as_table_mut(), name)
.map_err(|keys| ConfigUpdateError::WouldOverwriteValue {
name: keys.join("."),
match parent_table.entry_format(leaf_key) {
toml_edit::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
// TODO: Don't overwrite inline table because it is a merge-able item
if !entry.get().is_value() {
return Err(ConfigUpdateError::WouldOverwriteTable {
name: name.to_string(),
let old_item = entry.insert(toml_edit::value(new_value));
toml_edit::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
// Reset whitespace formatting (i.e. insert space before '=')
let mut new_key = parent_table.key_mut(leaf_key).unwrap();
/// Deletes value specified by the `name` path. Returns old value if any.
/// Returns `Ok(None)` if middle node wasn't a table or a value wasn't
/// found. Returns `Err` if attempted to delete a table.
pub fn delete_value(
&mut self,
name: impl ToConfigNamePath,
) -> Result<Option<ConfigValue>, ConfigUpdateError> {
let would_delete_table = |name| ConfigUpdateError::WouldDeleteTable { name };
let name = name.into_name_path();
let name = name.borrow();
let mut keys = name.components();
let leaf_key = keys
.ok_or_else(|| would_delete_table(name.to_string()))?;
let root_table = self.data.as_table_mut();
let Some(parent_table) =
// TODO: as_table_like_mut()
keys.try_fold(root_table, |table, key| table.get_mut(key)?.as_table_mut())
else {
return Ok(None);
match parent_table.entry(leaf_key) {
toml_edit::Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
// TODO: Don't delete inline table because it is a merge-able item
if !entry.get().is_value() {
return Err(would_delete_table(name.to_string()));
let old_item = entry.remove();
toml_edit::Entry::Vacant(_) => Ok(None),
/// Looks up item from the `root_item`. Returns `Some(item)` if an item found at
/// the path. Returns `Err(item)` if middle node wasn't a table.
fn look_up_item<'a>(
root_item: &'a ConfigItem,
name: &ConfigNamePathBuf,
) -> Result<Option<&'a ConfigItem>, &'a ConfigItem> {
let mut cur_item = root_item;
for key in name.components() {
let Some(table) = cur_item.as_table_like() else {
return Err(cur_item);
cur_item = match table.get(key) {
Some(item) => item,
None => return Ok(None),
/// Inserts tables down to the parent of the `name` path. Returns `Err(keys)` if
/// middle node exists at the prefix name `keys` and wasn't a table.
fn ensure_parent_table<'a, 'b>(
root_table: &'a mut ConfigTable,
name: &'b ConfigNamePathBuf,
) -> Result<(&'a mut ConfigTable, &'b toml_edit::Key), &'b [toml_edit::Key]> {
let mut keys = name.components();
let leaf_key = keys.next_back().ok_or(&name.0[..])?;
let parent_table = keys.enumerate().try_fold(root_table, |table, (i, key)| {
let sub_item = table.entry_format(key).or_insert_with(new_implicit_table);
// TODO: as_table_like_mut()
Ok((parent_table, leaf_key))
fn new_implicit_table() -> ConfigItem {
let mut table = ConfigTable::new();
/// Wrapper for file-based [`ConfigLayer`], providing convenient methods for
/// modification.
pub struct ConfigFile {
layer: Arc<ConfigLayer>,
impl ConfigFile {
/// Loads TOML file from the specified `path` if exists. Returns an empty
/// object if the file doesn't exist.
pub fn load_or_empty(
source: ConfigSource,
path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
) -> Result<Self, ConfigLoadError> {
let layer = match ConfigLayer::load_from_file(source, path.into()) {
Ok(layer) => Arc::new(layer),
Err(ConfigLoadError::Read(PathError { path, error }))
if error.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound =>
Arc::new(ConfigLayer {
path: Some(path),
data: DocumentMut::new(),
Err(err) => return Err(err),
Ok(ConfigFile { layer })
/// Wraps file-based [`ConfigLayer`] for modification. Returns `Err(layer)`
/// if the source `path` is unknown.
pub fn from_layer(layer: Arc<ConfigLayer>) -> Result<Self, Arc<ConfigLayer>> {
if layer.path.is_some() {
Ok(ConfigFile { layer })
} else {
/// Writes serialized data to the source file.
pub fn save(&self) -> Result<(), ConfigFileSaveError> {
fs::write(self.path(), self.layer.data.to_string())
/// Source file path.
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
self.layer.path.as_ref().expect("path must be known")
/// Returns the underlying config layer.
pub fn layer(&self) -> &Arc<ConfigLayer> {
/// See [`ConfigLayer::set_value()`].
pub fn set_value(
&mut self,
name: impl ToConfigNamePath,
new_value: impl Into<ConfigValue>,
) -> Result<Option<ConfigValue>, ConfigUpdateError> {
Arc::make_mut(&mut self.layer).set_value(name, new_value)
/// See [`ConfigLayer::delete_value()`].
pub fn delete_value(
&mut self,
name: impl ToConfigNamePath,
) -> Result<Option<ConfigValue>, ConfigUpdateError> {
Arc::make_mut(&mut self.layer).delete_value(name)
/// Stack of configuration layers which can be merged as needed.
/// A [`StackedConfig`] is something like a read-only `overlayfs`. Tables and
/// values are directories and files respectively, and tables are merged across
/// layers. Tables and values can be addressed by [dotted name
/// paths](ToConfigNamePath).
/// There's no tombstone notation to remove items from the lower layers.
/// Beware that arrays of tables are no different than inline arrays. They are
/// values, so are never merged. This might be confusing because they would be
/// merged if two TOML documents are concatenated literally. Avoid using array
/// of tables syntax.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StackedConfig {
/// Layers sorted by `source` (the lowest precedence one first.)
layers: Vec<Arc<ConfigLayer>>,
impl StackedConfig {
/// Creates an empty stack of configuration layers.
pub fn empty() -> Self {
StackedConfig { layers: vec![] }
/// Creates a stack of configuration layers containing the default variables
/// referred to by `jj-lib`.
pub fn with_defaults() -> Self {
StackedConfig {
layers: DEFAULT_CONFIG_LAYERS.to_vec(),
/// Loads config file from the specified `path`, inserts it at the position
/// specified by `source`. The file should exist.
pub fn load_file(
&mut self,
source: ConfigSource,
path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
) -> Result<(), ConfigLoadError> {
let layer = ConfigLayer::load_from_file(source, path.into())?;
/// Loads config files from the specified directory `path`, inserts them at
/// the position specified by `source`. The directory should exist.
pub fn load_dir(
&mut self,
source: ConfigSource,
path: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Result<(), ConfigLoadError> {
let layers = ConfigLayer::load_from_dir(source, path.as_ref())?;
/// Inserts new layer at the position specified by `layer.source`.
pub fn add_layer(&mut self, layer: impl Into<Arc<ConfigLayer>>) {
let layer = layer.into();
let index = self.insert_point(layer.source);
self.layers.insert(index, layer);
/// Inserts multiple layers at the positions specified by `layer.source`.
pub fn extend_layers<I>(&mut self, layers: I)
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Into<Arc<ConfigLayer>>,
let layers = layers.into_iter().map(Into::into);
for (source, chunk) in &layers.chunk_by(|layer| layer.source) {
let index = self.insert_point(source);
self.layers.splice(index..index, chunk);
/// Removes layers of the specified `source`.
pub fn remove_layers(&mut self, source: ConfigSource) {
fn layer_range(&self, source: ConfigSource) -> Range<usize> {
// Linear search since the size of Vec wouldn't be large.
let start = self
.take_while(|layer| layer.source < source)
let count = self.layers[start..]
.take_while(|layer| layer.source == source)
start..(start + count)
fn insert_point(&self, source: ConfigSource) -> usize {
// Search from end since layers are usually added in order, and the size
// of Vec wouldn't be large enough to do binary search.
let skip = self
.take_while(|layer| layer.source > source)
self.layers.len() - skip
/// Layers sorted by precedence.
pub fn layers(&self) -> &[Arc<ConfigLayer>] {
/// Layers of the specified `source`.
pub fn layers_for(&self, source: ConfigSource) -> &[Arc<ConfigLayer>] {
/// Looks up value of the specified type `T` from all layers, merges sub
/// fields as needed.
pub fn get<'de, T: Deserialize<'de>>(
name: impl ToConfigNamePath,
) -> Result<T, ConfigGetError> {
self.get_value_with(name, |value| T::deserialize(value.into_deserializer()))
/// Looks up value from all layers, merges sub fields as needed.
pub fn get_value(&self, name: impl ToConfigNamePath) -> Result<ConfigValue, ConfigGetError> {
self.get_value_with::<_, Infallible>(name, Ok)
/// Looks up value from all layers, merges sub fields as needed, then
/// converts the value by using the given function.
pub fn get_value_with<T, E: Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>>(
name: impl ToConfigNamePath,
convert: impl FnOnce(ConfigValue) -> Result<T, E>,
) -> Result<T, ConfigGetError> {
self.get_item_with(name, |item| {
// Item variants other than Item::None can be converted to a Value,
// and Item::None is not a valid TOML type. See also the following
// thread: https://github.com/toml-rs/toml/issues/299
let value = item
.expect("Item::None should not exist in loaded tables");
/// Looks up sub table from all layers, merges fields as needed.
/// Use `table_keys(prefix)` and `get([prefix, key])` instead if table
/// values have to be converted to non-generic value type.
pub fn get_table(&self, name: impl ToConfigNamePath) -> Result<ConfigTable, ConfigGetError> {
self.get_item_with(name, |item| {
.map_err(|item| format!("Expected a table, but is {}", item.type_name()))
fn get_item_with<T, E: Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>>(
name: impl ToConfigNamePath,
convert: impl FnOnce(ConfigItem) -> Result<T, E>,
) -> Result<T, ConfigGetError> {
let name = name.into_name_path();
let name = name.borrow();
let (item, layer_index) =
get_merged_item(&self.layers, name).ok_or_else(|| ConfigGetError::NotFound {
name: name.to_string(),
// If the value is a table, the error might come from lower layers. We
// cannot report precise source information in that case. However,
// toml_edit captures dotted keys in the error object. If the keys field
// were public, we can look up the source information. This is probably
// simpler than reimplementing Deserializer.
convert(item).map_err(|err| ConfigGetError::Type {
name: name.to_string(),
error: err.into(),
source_path: self.layers[layer_index].path.clone(),
/// Returns iterator over sub table keys in order of layer precedence.
/// Duplicated keys are omitted.
pub fn table_keys(&self, name: impl ToConfigNamePath) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> {
let name = name.into_name_path();
let name = name.borrow();
let to_merge = get_tables_to_merge(&self.layers, name);
.flat_map(|table| table.iter().map(|(k, _)| k))
/// Looks up item from `layers`, merges sub fields as needed. Returns a merged
/// item and the uppermost layer index where the item was found.
fn get_merged_item(
layers: &[Arc<ConfigLayer>],
name: &ConfigNamePathBuf,
) -> Option<(ConfigItem, usize)> {
let mut to_merge = Vec::new();
for (index, layer) in layers.iter().enumerate().rev() {
let item = match layer.look_up_item(name) {
Ok(Some(item)) => item,
Ok(None) => continue, // parent is a table, but no value found
Err(_) => break, // parent is not a table, shadows lower layers
if item.is_table_like() {
to_merge.push((item, index));
} else if to_merge.is_empty() {
return Some((item.clone(), index)); // no need to allocate vec
} else {
break; // shadows lower layers
// Simply merge tables from the bottom layer. Upper items should override
// the lower items (including their children) no matter if the upper items
// are shadowed by the other upper items.
let (item, mut top_index) = to_merge.pop()?;
let mut merged = item.clone();
for (item, index) in to_merge.into_iter().rev() {
merge_items(&mut merged, item);
top_index = index;
Some((merged, top_index))
/// Looks up tables to be merged from `layers`, returns in reverse order.
fn get_tables_to_merge<'a>(
layers: &'a [Arc<ConfigLayer>],
name: &ConfigNamePathBuf,
) -> Vec<&'a ConfigTableLike<'a>> {
let mut to_merge = Vec::new();
for layer in layers.iter().rev() {
match layer.look_up_table(name) {
Ok(Some(table)) => to_merge.push(table),
Ok(None) => {} // parent is a table, but no value found
Err(_) => break, // parent/leaf is not a table, shadows lower layers
/// Merges `upper_item` fields into `lower_item` recursively.
fn merge_items(lower_item: &mut ConfigItem, upper_item: &ConfigItem) {
let (Some(lower_table), Some(upper_table)) =
(lower_item.as_table_like_mut(), upper_item.as_table_like())
else {
// Not a table, the upper item wins.
*lower_item = upper_item.clone();
for (key, upper) in upper_table.iter() {
match lower_table.entry(key) {
toml_edit::Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
merge_items(entry.into_mut(), upper);
toml_edit::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
static DEFAULT_CONFIG_LAYERS: Lazy<[Arc<ConfigLayer>; 1]> = Lazy::new(|| {
let parse = |text: &str| Arc::new(ConfigLayer::parse(ConfigSource::Default, text).unwrap());
mod tests {
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use indoc::indoc;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use super::*;
fn test_config_layer_set_value() {
let mut layer = ConfigLayer::empty(ConfigSource::User);
// Cannot overwrite the root table
layer.set_value(ConfigNamePathBuf::root(), 0),
Err(ConfigUpdateError::WouldOverwriteValue { name }) if name.is_empty()
// Insert some values
layer.set_value("foo", 1).unwrap();
layer.set_value("bar.baz.blah", "2").unwrap();
.set_value("bar.qux", ConfigValue::from_iter([("inline", "table")]))
insta::assert_snapshot!(layer.data, @r#"
foo = 1
qux = { inline = "table" }
blah = "2"
// Can overwrite value
.set_value("foo", ConfigValue::from_iter(["new", "foo"]))
// Can overwrite inline table
layer.set_value("bar.qux", "new bar.qux").unwrap();
// Cannot overwrite table
layer.set_value("bar", 0),
Err(ConfigUpdateError::WouldOverwriteTable { name }) if name == "bar"
// Cannot overwrite value by table
layer.set_value("bar.baz.blah.blah", 0),
Err(ConfigUpdateError::WouldOverwriteValue { name }) if name == "bar.baz.blah"
insta::assert_snapshot!(layer.data, @r#"
foo = ["new", "foo"]
qux = "new bar.qux"
blah = "2"
fn test_config_layer_set_value_formatting() {
let mut layer = ConfigLayer::empty(ConfigSource::User);
// Quoting style should be preserved on insertion
"'foo' . bar . 'baz'",
insta::assert_snapshot!(layer.data, @r"
['foo' . bar]
'baz' = 'value'
// Style of existing keys isn't updated
layer.set_value("foo.bar.baz", "new value").unwrap();
layer.set_value("foo.'bar'.blah", 0).unwrap();
insta::assert_snapshot!(layer.data, @r#"
['foo' . bar]
'baz' = "new value"
blah = 0
fn test_config_layer_delete_value() {
let mut layer = ConfigLayer::empty(ConfigSource::User);
// Cannot delete the root table
Err(ConfigUpdateError::WouldDeleteTable { name }) if name.is_empty()
// Insert some values
layer.set_value("foo", 1).unwrap();
layer.set_value("bar.baz.blah", "2").unwrap();
.set_value("bar.qux", ConfigValue::from_iter([("inline", "table")]))
insta::assert_snapshot!(layer.data, @r#"
foo = 1
qux = { inline = "table" }
blah = "2"
// Can delete value
let old_value = layer.delete_value("foo").unwrap();
assert_eq!(old_value.and_then(|v| v.as_integer()), Some(1));
// Can delete inline table
let old_value = layer.delete_value("bar.qux").unwrap();
assert!(old_value.is_some_and(|v| v.is_inline_table()));
// Cannot delete table
Err(ConfigUpdateError::WouldDeleteTable { name }) if name == "bar"
// Deleting a non-table child isn't an error because the value doesn't
// exist
assert_matches!(layer.delete_value("bar.baz.blah.blah"), Ok(None));
insta::assert_snapshot!(layer.data, @r#"
blah = "2"
fn test_stacked_config_layer_order() {
let empty_data = || DocumentMut::new();
let layer_sources = |config: &StackedConfig| {
.map(|layer| layer.source)
// Insert in reverse order
let mut config = StackedConfig::empty();
config.add_layer(ConfigLayer::with_data(ConfigSource::Repo, empty_data()));
config.add_layer(ConfigLayer::with_data(ConfigSource::User, empty_data()));
config.add_layer(ConfigLayer::with_data(ConfigSource::Default, empty_data()));
// Insert some more
config.add_layer(ConfigLayer::with_data(ConfigSource::EnvBase, empty_data()));
config.add_layer(ConfigLayer::with_data(ConfigSource::User, empty_data()));
// Remove last, first, middle
vec![ConfigSource::EnvBase, ConfigSource::Repo]
// Remove unknown
vec![ConfigSource::EnvBase, ConfigSource::Repo]
// Insert multiple
ConfigLayer::with_data(ConfigSource::Repo, empty_data()),
ConfigLayer::with_data(ConfigSource::Repo, empty_data()),
ConfigLayer::with_data(ConfigSource::User, empty_data()),
// Remove remainders
assert_eq!(layer_sources(&config), vec![]);
fn new_user_layer(text: &str) -> ConfigLayer {
ConfigLayer::parse(ConfigSource::User, text).unwrap()
fn test_stacked_config_get_simple_value() {
let mut config = StackedConfig::empty();
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.b.c = 'a.b.c #0'
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.d = ['a.d #1']
assert_eq!(config.get::<String>("a.b.c").unwrap(), "a.b.c #0");
vec!["a.d #1".to_owned()]
// Table "a.b" exists, but key doesn't
Err(ConfigGetError::NotFound { name }) if name == "a.b.missing"
// Node "a.b.c" is not a table
Err(ConfigGetError::NotFound { name }) if name == "a.b.c.d"
// Type error
Err(ConfigGetError::Type { name, .. }) if name == "a.b"
fn test_stacked_config_get_table_as_value() {
let mut config = StackedConfig::empty();
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.b = { c = 'a.b.c #0' }
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.d = ['a.d #1']
// Table can be converted to a value (so it can be deserialized to a
// structured value.)
@"{ b = { c = 'a.b.c #0' }, d = ['a.d #1'] }");
fn test_stacked_config_get_inline_table() {
let mut config = StackedConfig::empty();
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.b = { c = 'a.b.c #0' }
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.b = { d = 'a.b.d #1' }
// Inline tables are merged
@" { c = 'a.b.c #0' , d = 'a.b.d #1' }");
fn test_stacked_config_get_inline_non_inline_table() {
let mut config = StackedConfig::empty();
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.b = { c = 'a.b.c #0' }
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.b.d = 'a.b.d #1'
@" { c = 'a.b.c #0' , d = 'a.b.d #1'}");
@"b = { c = 'a.b.c #0' , d = 'a.b.d #1'}");
fn test_stacked_config_get_value_shadowing_table() {
let mut config = StackedConfig::empty();
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.b.c = 'a.b.c #0'
// a.b.c is shadowed by a.b
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.b = 'a.b #1'
assert_eq!(config.get::<String>("a.b").unwrap(), "a.b #1");
Err(ConfigGetError::NotFound { name }) if name == "a.b.c"
fn test_stacked_config_get_table_shadowing_table() {
let mut config = StackedConfig::empty();
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.b = 'a.b #0'
// a.b is shadowed by a.b.c
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.b.c = 'a.b.c #1'
insta::assert_snapshot!(config.get_table("a.b").unwrap(), @"c = 'a.b.c #1'");
fn test_stacked_config_get_merged_table() {
let mut config = StackedConfig::empty();
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.a.a = 'a.a.a #0'
a.a.b = 'a.a.b #0'
a.b = 'a.b #0'
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.a.b = 'a.a.b #1'
a.a.c = 'a.a.c #1'
a.c = 'a.c #1'
insta::assert_snapshot!(config.get_table("a").unwrap(), @r"
a.a = 'a.a.a #0'
a.b = 'a.a.b #1'
a.c = 'a.a.c #1'
b = 'a.b #0'
c = 'a.c #1'
assert_eq!(config.table_keys("a").collect_vec(), vec!["a", "b", "c"]);
assert_eq!(config.table_keys("a.a").collect_vec(), vec!["a", "b", "c"]);
assert_eq!(config.table_keys("a.b").collect_vec(), vec![""; 0]);
assert_eq!(config.table_keys("a.missing").collect_vec(), vec![""; 0]);
fn test_stacked_config_get_merged_table_shadowed_top() {
let mut config = StackedConfig::empty();
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.a.a = 'a.a.a #0'
a.b = 'a.b #0'
// a.a.a and a.b are shadowed by a
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a = 'a #1'
// a is shadowed by a.a.b
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.a.b = 'a.a.b #2'
insta::assert_snapshot!(config.get_table("a").unwrap(), @"a.b = 'a.a.b #2'");
assert_eq!(config.table_keys("a").collect_vec(), vec!["a"]);
assert_eq!(config.table_keys("a.a").collect_vec(), vec!["b"]);
fn test_stacked_config_get_merged_table_shadowed_child() {
let mut config = StackedConfig::empty();
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.a.a = 'a.a.a #0'
a.b = 'a.b #0'
// a.a.a is shadowed by a.a
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.a = 'a.a #1'
// a.a is shadowed by a.a.b
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.a.b = 'a.a.b #2'
insta::assert_snapshot!(config.get_table("a").unwrap(), @r"
a.b = 'a.a.b #2'
b = 'a.b #0'
assert_eq!(config.table_keys("a").collect_vec(), vec!["a", "b"]);
assert_eq!(config.table_keys("a.a").collect_vec(), vec!["b"]);
fn test_stacked_config_get_merged_table_shadowed_parent() {
let mut config = StackedConfig::empty();
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.a.a = 'a.a.a #0'
// a.a.a is shadowed by a
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a = 'a #1'
// a is shadowed by a.a.b
config.add_layer(new_user_layer(indoc! {"
a.a.b = 'a.a.b #2'
// a is not under a.a, but it should still shadow lower layers
insta::assert_snapshot!(config.get_table("a.a").unwrap(), @"b = 'a.a.b #2'");
assert_eq!(config.table_keys("a.a").collect_vec(), vec!["b"]);