mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 11:05:46 +00:00
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The working-copy revision is usually the latest commit, but it's not always true. This patch ensures that the wc branch is emitted first so the graph node order is less dependent on rewrites.
2257 lines
88 KiB
2257 lines
88 KiB
// Copyright 2022 The Jujutsu Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::path::Path;
use itertools::Itertools;
use regex::Regex;
use crate::common::get_stdout_string;
use crate::common::strip_last_line;
use crate::common::TestEnvironment;
fn test_op_log() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m", "description 0"]);
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
"template-aliases.'format_time_range(x)' = 'x'",
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
@ d009cfc04993 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj describe -m 'description 0'
○ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 000000000000 root()
let op_log_lines = stdout.lines().collect_vec();
let add_workspace_id = op_log_lines[3].split(' ').nth(2).unwrap();
// Can load the repo at a specific operation ID
insta::assert_snapshot!(get_log_output(&test_env, &repo_path, add_workspace_id), @r###"
@ 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
◆ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
// "@" resolves to the head operation
insta::assert_snapshot!(get_log_output(&test_env, &repo_path, "@"), @r###"
@ 19611c995a342c01f525583e5fcafdd211f6d009
◆ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
// "@-" resolves to the parent of the head operation
insta::assert_snapshot!(get_log_output(&test_env, &repo_path, "@-"), @r###"
@ 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
◆ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["log", "--at-op", "@---"]), @r###"
Error: The "@---" expression resolved to no operations
// We get a reasonable message if an invalid operation ID is specified
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["log", "--at-op", "foo"]), @r###"
Error: Operation ID "foo" is not a valid hexadecimal prefix
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "--op-diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
@ d009cfc04993 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj describe -m 'description 0'
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 19611c99 (empty) description 0
│ - qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
○ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
○ 000000000000 root()
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m", "description 1"]);
"description 2",
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["log", "--at-op", "@-"]), @r#"
Error: The "@" expression resolved to more than one operation
Hint: Try specifying one of the operations by ID: fd29e648380b, 3e8ef7115a0c
fn test_op_log_with_custom_symbols() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m", "description 0"]);
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
"template-aliases.'format_time_range(x)' = 'x'\n",
"templates.op_log_node = 'if(current_operation, \"$\", if(root, \"┴\", \"┝\"))'",
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
$ d009cfc04993 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj describe -m 'description 0'
┝ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
┴ 000000000000 root()
fn test_op_log_with_no_template() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_cli_error(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-T"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r#"
error: a value is required for '--template <TEMPLATE>' but none was supplied
For more information, try '--help'.
Hint: The following template aliases are defined:
- builtin_log_comfortable
- builtin_log_compact
- builtin_log_compact_full_description
- builtin_log_detailed
- builtin_log_node
- builtin_log_node_ascii
- builtin_log_oneline
- builtin_op_log_comfortable
- builtin_op_log_compact
- builtin_op_log_node
- builtin_op_log_node_ascii
- commit_summary_separator
- description_placeholder
- email_placeholder
- name_placeholder
fn test_op_log_limit() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-Tdescription", "--limit=1"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r###"
@ add workspace 'default'
fn test_op_log_no_graph() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let stdout =
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "--no-graph", "--color=always"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r#"
[1m[38;5;12meac759b9ab75[39m [38;5;3mtest-username@host.example.com[39m [38;5;14m2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00[39m - [38;5;14m2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00[39m[0m
[1madd workspace 'default'[0m
[38;5;4m000000000000[39m [38;5;2mroot()[39m
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "--op-diff", "--no-graph"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
add workspace 'default'
Changed commits:
Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
000000000000 root()
fn test_op_log_no_graph_null_terminated() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "message1"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "message2"]);
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
r#"id.short(4) ++ "\0""#,
insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(stdout, @r#""ef17\0f412\0eac7\00000\0""#);
fn test_op_log_template() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let render = |template| test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-T", template]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(r#"id ++ "\n""#), @r#"
@ eac759b9ab75793fd3da96e60939fb48f2cd2b2a9c1f13ffe723cf620f3005b8d3e7e923634a07ea39513e4f2f360c87b9ad5d331cf90d7a844864b83b72eba1
○ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
render(r#"separate(" ", id.short(5), current_operation, user,
time.start(), time.end(), time.duration()) ++ "\n""#), @r#"
@ eac75 true test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 less than a microsecond
○ 00000 false @ 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 +00:00 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 +00:00 less than a microsecond
// Negative length shouldn't cause panic.
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(r#"id.short(-1) ++ "|""#), @r#"
@ <Error: out of range integral type conversion attempted>|
○ <Error: out of range integral type conversion attempted>|
// Test the default template, i.e. with relative start time and duration. We
// don't generally use that template because it depends on the current time,
// so we need to reset the time range format here.
'format_time_range(time_range)' = 'time_range.end().ago() ++ ", lasted " ++ time_range.duration()'
let regex = Regex::new(r"\d\d years").unwrap();
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(regex.replace_all(&stdout, "NN years"), @r#"
@ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com NN years ago, lasted less than a microsecond
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 000000000000 root()
fn test_op_log_builtin_templates() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Render without graph and append "[EOF]" marker to test line ending
let render = |template| {
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-T", template, "--no-graph"])
+ "[EOF]\n"
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m", "description 0"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(r#"builtin_op_log_compact"#), @r#"
d009cfc04993 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
args: jj describe -m 'description 0'
eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
add workspace 'default'
000000000000 root()
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(r#"builtin_op_log_comfortable"#), @r#"
d009cfc04993 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
args: jj describe -m 'description 0'
eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
add workspace 'default'
000000000000 root()
fn test_op_log_word_wrap() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file1"), "foo\n".repeat(100)).unwrap();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["debug", "snapshot"]);
let render = |args: &[&str], columns: u32, word_wrap: bool| {
let mut args = args.to_vec();
if word_wrap {
let assert = test_env
.jj_cmd(&repo_path, &args)
.env("COLUMNS", columns.to_string())
// ui.log-word-wrap option works
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "log"], 40, false), @r#"
@ b7cd3d0069f6 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj debug snapshot
○ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 000000000000 root()
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "log"], 40, true), @r#"
@ b7cd3d0069f6
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj debug snapshot
○ eac759b9ab75
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 000000000000 root()
// Nested graph should be wrapped
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "log", "--op-diff"], 40, true), @r#"
@ b7cd3d0069f6
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj debug snapshot
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm e292def1 (no
│ description set)
│ - qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty)
│ (no description set)
○ eac759b9ab75
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 230dd059 (empty) (no
│ description set)
○ 000000000000 root()
// Nested diff stat shouldn't exceed the terminal width
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "log", "-n1", "--stat"], 40, true), @r#"
@ b7cd3d0069f6
│ test-username@host.example.com
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 -
│ 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj debug snapshot
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm e292def1 (no
│ description set)
│ - qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty)
│ (no description set)
│ file1 | 100 +++++++++++++++++++
│ 1 file changed, 100 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "log", "-n1", "--no-graph", "--stat"], 40, true), @r#"
2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 -
2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
snapshot working copy
args: jj debug snapshot
Changed commits:
Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm e292def1 (no description set)
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no
description set)
file1 | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 100 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
// Nested graph widths should be subtracted from the term width
let config = r#"templates.commit_summary='"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"'"#;
render(&["op", "log", "-T''", "--op-diff", "-n1", "--config-toml", config], 15, true), @r#"
│ Changed
│ commits:
│ ○ Change
│ qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + 0 1 2 3
│ 4 5 6 7 8
│ 9
│ - 0 1 2 3
│ 4 5 6 7 8
│ 9
fn test_op_log_configurable() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
r#"operation.hostname = "my-hostname"
operation.username = "my-username"
.jj_cmd(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"])
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
fn test_op_abandon_ancestors() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 1"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 2"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]), @r#"
@ 116edde65ded test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ commit 81a4ef3dd421f3184289df1c58bd3a16ea1e3d8e
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 2'
○ bee8c02a64bf test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 1'
○ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 000000000000 root()
// Abandon old operations. The working-copy operation id should be updated.
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "..@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r#"
Abandoned 2 operations and reparented 1 descendant operations.
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["debug", "local-working-copy", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r###"
Current operation: OperationId("8545e013752445fd845c84eb961dbfbce47e1deb628e4ef20df10f6dc9aae2ef9e47200b0fcc70ca51f050aede05d0fa6dd1db40e20ae740876775738a07d02e")
Current tree: Merge(Resolved(TreeId("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904")))
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]), @r###"
@ 8545e0137524 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ commit 81a4ef3dd421f3184289df1c58bd3a16ea1e3d8e
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 2'
○ 000000000000 root()
// Abandon operation range.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 3"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 4"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 5"]);
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "@---..@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Abandoned 2 operations and reparented 1 descendant operations.
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]), @r###"
@ d92d0753399f test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00
│ commit c5f7dd51add0046405055336ef443f882a0a8968
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 5'
○ 8545e0137524 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ commit 81a4ef3dd421f3184289df1c58bd3a16ea1e3d8e
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 2'
○ 000000000000 root()
// Can't abandon the current operation.
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "..@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Error: Cannot abandon the current operation d92d0753399f
Hint: Run `jj undo` to revert the current operation, then use `jj op abandon`
// Can't create concurrent abandoned operations explicitly.
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_cli_error(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "--at-op=@-", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Error: --at-op is not respected
// Abandon the current operation by undoing it first.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["undo"]);
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Abandoned 1 operations and reparented 1 descendant operations.
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["debug", "local-working-copy", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r###"
Current operation: OperationId("0699d720d0cecd80fb7d765c45955708c61b12feb1d7ed9ff2777ae719471f04ffed3c1dc24efdbf94bdb74426065d6fa9a4f0862a89db2c8c8e359eefc45462")
Current tree: Merge(Resolved(TreeId("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904")))
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]), @r###"
@ 0699d720d0ce test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:21.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:21.000 +07:00
│ undo operation d92d0753399f732e438bdd88fa7e5214cba2a310d120ec1714028a514c7116bcf04b4a0b26c04dbecf0a917f1d4c8eb05571b8816dd98b0502aaf321e92500b3
│ args: jj undo
○ 8545e0137524 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ commit 81a4ef3dd421f3184289df1c58bd3a16ea1e3d8e
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 2'
○ 000000000000 root()
// Abandon empty range.
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "@-..@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Nothing changed.
insta::assert_snapshot!(test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-n1"]), @r###"
@ 0699d720d0ce test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:21.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:21.000 +07:00
│ undo operation d92d0753399f732e438bdd88fa7e5214cba2a310d120ec1714028a514c7116bcf04b4a0b26c04dbecf0a917f1d4c8eb05571b8816dd98b0502aaf321e92500b3
│ args: jj undo
fn test_op_abandon_without_updating_working_copy() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 1"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 2"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 3"]);
// Abandon without updating the working copy.
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
&["op", "abandon", "@-", "--ignore-working-copy"],
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Abandoned 1 operations and reparented 1 descendant operations.
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["debug", "local-working-copy", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r#"
Current operation: OperationId("b0711a8ac91f5ac088cff9b57c9daf29dc61b1b4fedcbb9a07fe4c7f7da1e60e333c787eacf73d1e0544db048a4fe9c6c089991b4a67e25365c4f411fa8b489f")
Current tree: Merge(Resolved(TreeId("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904")))
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-n1", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r#"
@ 0508a30825ed test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ commit 220cb0b1b5d1c03cc0d351139d824598bb3c1967
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 3'
// The working-copy operation id isn't updated if it differs from the repo.
// It could be updated if the tree matches, but there's no extra logic for
// that.
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r#"
Abandoned 1 operations and reparented 1 descendant operations.
Warning: The working copy operation b0711a8ac91f is not updated because it differs from the repo 0508a30825ed.
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["debug", "local-working-copy", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r#"
Current operation: OperationId("b0711a8ac91f5ac088cff9b57c9daf29dc61b1b4fedcbb9a07fe4c7f7da1e60e333c787eacf73d1e0544db048a4fe9c6c089991b4a67e25365c4f411fa8b489f")
Current tree: Merge(Resolved(TreeId("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904")))
test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "-n1", "--ignore-working-copy"]), @r#"
@ 2631d5576876 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ commit 220cb0b1b5d1c03cc0d351139d824598bb3c1967
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 3'
fn test_op_abandon_multiple_heads() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Create 1 base operation + 2 operations to be diverged.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 1"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 2"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "-m", "commit 3"]);
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "log", "--no-graph", r#"-Tid.short() ++ "\n""#],
let (head_op_id, prev_op_id) = stdout.lines().next_tuple().unwrap();
insta::assert_snapshot!(head_op_id, @"b0711a8ac91f");
insta::assert_snapshot!(prev_op_id, @"116edde65ded");
// Create 1 other concurrent operation.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["commit", "--at-op=@--", "-m", "commit 4"]);
// Can't resolve operation relative to @.
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", "@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r#"
Error: The "@" expression resolved to more than one operation
Hint: Try specifying one of the operations by ID: b0711a8ac91f, 617923db9f7a
let (_, other_head_op_id) = stderr.trim_end().rsplit_once(", ").unwrap();
insta::assert_snapshot!(other_head_op_id, @"617923db9f7a");
assert_ne!(head_op_id, other_head_op_id);
// Can't abandon one of the head operations.
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", head_op_id]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r#"
Error: Cannot abandon the current operation b0711a8ac91f
// Can't abandon the other head operation.
let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", other_head_op_id]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r#"
Error: Cannot abandon the current operation 617923db9f7a
// Can abandon the operation which is not an ancestor of the other head.
// This would crash if we attempted to remap the unchanged op in the op
// heads store.
let (_stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", prev_op_id]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Abandoned 1 operations and reparented 2 descendant operations.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r#"
@ 7e65e7e27e34 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:17.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:17.000 +07:00
├─╮ reconcile divergent operations
│ │ args: jj op log
○ │ 0508a30825ed test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ │ commit 220cb0b1b5d1c03cc0d351139d824598bb3c1967
│ │ args: jj commit -m 'commit 3'
│ ○ 617923db9f7a test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00
├─╯ commit 81a4ef3dd421f3184289df1c58bd3a16ea1e3d8e
│ args: jj commit '--at-op=@--' -m 'commit 4'
○ bee8c02a64bf test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj commit -m 'commit 1'
○ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 000000000000 root()
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Concurrent modification detected, resolving automatically.
fn test_op_recover_from_bad_gc() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo", "--colocate"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let git_object_path = |hex: &str| {
let (shard, file_name) = hex.split_at(2);
let mut file_path = repo_path.clone();
file_path.extend([".git", "objects", shard, file_name]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m1"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m2"]); // victim
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["abandon"]); // break predecessors chain
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new", "-m3"]);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "-m4"]);
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "log", "--no-graph", r#"-Tid.short() ++ "\n""#],
let (head_op_id, _, _, bad_op_id) = stdout.lines().next_tuple().unwrap();
insta::assert_snapshot!(head_op_id, @"f999e12a5d8b");
insta::assert_snapshot!(bad_op_id, @"e7377e6a642b");
// Corrupt the repo by removing hidden but reachable commit object.
let bad_commit_id = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
insta::assert_snapshot!(bad_commit_id, @"ddf84fc5e0dd314092b3dfb13e09e37fa7d04ef9");
// Do concurrent modification to make the situation even worse. At this
// point, the index can be loaded, so this command succeeds.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["--at-op=@-", "describe", "-m4.1"]);
let stderr =
test_env.jj_cmd_internal_error(&repo_path, &["--at-op", head_op_id, "debug", "reindex"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(strip_last_line(&stderr), @r#"
Internal error: Failed to index commits at operation e7377e6a642bae88039615ee159117d49688719e9d5ece9de8b0b42d7be7076904d2fa8381391f8289a0c3527405de81e8dd6504655311c69175c3681786dd3c
Caused by:
1: Object ddf84fc5e0dd314092b3dfb13e09e37fa7d04ef9 of type commit not found
// "op log" should still be usable.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
&["op", "log", "--ignore-working-copy", "--at-op", head_op_id],
insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r#"
@ f999e12a5d8b test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 37bb762e5dc08073ec4323bdffc023a0f0cc901e
│ args: jj describe -m4
○ fb75e6b1c70a test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
│ new empty commit
│ args: jj new -m3
○ 44d11f83204d test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ abandon commit ddf84fc5e0dd314092b3dfb13e09e37fa7d04ef9
│ args: jj abandon
○ e7377e6a642b test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 8b64ddff700dc214dec05d915e85ac692233e6e3
│ args: jj describe -m2
○ 319610522e90 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj describe -m1
○ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 000000000000 root()
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @"");
// "op abandon" should work.
let (_stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "abandon", &format!("..{bad_op_id}")]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r#"
Abandoned 3 operations and reparented 4 descendant operations.
// The repo should no longer be corrupt.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @r#"
@ mzvwutvl?? test.user@example.com 2001-02-03 08:05:12 6d868f04
│ (empty) 4
│ ○ mzvwutvl?? test.user@example.com 2001-02-03 08:05:15 dc2c6d52
├─╯ (empty) 4.1
○ zsuskuln test.user@example.com 2001-02-03 08:05:10 git_head() f652c321
│ (empty) (no description set)
◆ zzzzzzzz root() 00000000
insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
Concurrent modification detected, resolving automatically.
fn test_op_summary_diff_template() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Tests in color (easier to read with `less -R`)
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new", "--no-edit", "-m=scratch"]);
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "undo", "--color=always"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r#"
Undid operation: [38;5;4mac20a4ff4791[39m ([38;5;6m2001-02-03 08:05:08[39m) new empty commit
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: [38;5;4m000000000000[39m [38;5;2mroot()[39m
To operation: [38;5;4me3792fce5b1f[39m ([38;5;6m2001-02-03 08:05:09[39m) undo operation ac20a4ff47914da9a2e43677b94455b86383bfb9227374d6531ecee85b9ff9230eeb96416a24bb27e7477aa18d50c01810e97c6a008b5c584224650846f4c05b
Changed commits:
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
[38;5;2m+[39m [1m[38;5;5mq[0m[38;5;8mpvuntsm[39m [1m[38;5;4m2[0m[38;5;8m30dd059[39m [38;5;2m(empty)[39m [38;5;2m(no description set)[39m
// Tests with templates
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new", "--no-edit", "-m=scratch"]);
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "undo", "--color=debug"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r#"
Undid operation: [38;5;4m<<operation id short::2301f6e6ec31>>[39m<<operation:: (>>[38;5;6m<<operation time end local format::2001-02-03 08:05:11>>[39m<<operation::) >><<operation description first_line::new empty commit>>
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: [38;5;4m<<operation id short::000000000000>>[39m<<operation:: >>[38;5;2m<<operation root::root()>>[39m
To operation: [38;5;4m<<operation id short::d208ae1b4e3c>>[39m<<operation:: (>>[38;5;6m<<operation time end local format::2001-02-03 08:05:12>>[39m<<operation::) >><<operation description first_line::undo operation 2301f6e6ec31931a9b0a594742d6035a44c05250d1707f7f8678e888b11a98773ef07bf0e8008a5bccddf7114da4a35d1a1b1f7efa37c1e6c80d6bdb8f0d7a90>>
Changed commits:
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
[38;5;2m<<diff added::+>>[39m [1m[38;5;5m<<change_id shortest prefix::q>>[0m[38;5;8m<<change_id shortest rest::pvuntsm>>[39m [1m[38;5;4m<<commit_id shortest prefix::2>>[0m[38;5;8m<<commit_id shortest rest::30dd059>>[39m [38;5;2m<<empty::(empty)>>[39m [38;5;2m<<empty description placeholder::(no description set)>>[39m
fn test_op_diff() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
let git_repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("git-repo");
let git_repo = init_bare_git_repo(&git_repo_path);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "clone", "git-repo", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Overview of op log.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
@ 4d05b146ac44 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ check out git remote's default branch
│ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
○ 85a54acdbc88 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ fetch from git remote into empty repo
│ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
○ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 000000000000 root()
// Diff between the same operation should be empty.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "diff", "--from", "0000000", "--to", "0000000"],
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 000000000000 root()
To operation: 000000000000 root()
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--from", "@", "--to", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 4d05b146ac44 (2001-02-03 08:05:07) check out git remote's default branch
To operation: 4d05b146ac44 (2001-02-03 08:05:07) check out git remote's default branch
// Diff from parent operation to latest operation.
// `jj op diff --op @` should behave identically to `jj op diff --from
// @- --to @` (if `@` is not a merge commit).
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--from", "@-", "--to", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 85a54acdbc88 (2001-02-03 08:05:07) fetch from git remote into empty repo
To operation: 4d05b146ac44 (2001-02-03 08:05:07) check out git remote's default branch
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
+ sqpuoqvx 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
Changed local bookmarks:
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- (absent)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- untracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
let stdout_without_from_to = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
assert_eq!(stdout, stdout_without_from_to);
// Diff from root operation to latest operation
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--from", "0000000"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 000000000000 root()
To operation: 4d05b146ac44 (2001-02-03 08:05:07) check out git remote's default branch
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
│ + sqpuoqvx 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
○ Change ulyvmwyzwuwt
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
+ tqyxmszt 3e785984 bookmark-3@origin | Commit 3
○ Change yuvsmzqkmpws
+ yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
Changed local bookmarks:
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- (absent)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked tqyxmszt 3e785984 bookmark-3@origin | Commit 3
- untracked (absent)
// Diff from latest operation to root operation
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--to", "0000000"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 4d05b146ac44 (2001-02-03 08:05:07) check out git remote's default branch
To operation: 000000000000 root()
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
│ - sqpuoqvx hidden 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
○ Change ulyvmwyzwuwt
- ulyvmwyz hidden 1d843d1f Commit 1
○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
- tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
○ Change yuvsmzqkmpws
- yuvsmzqk hidden 3d9189bc Commit 2
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (absent)
- ulyvmwyz hidden 1d843d1f Commit 1
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ untracked (absent)
- tracked ulyvmwyz hidden 1d843d1f Commit 1
+ untracked (absent)
- untracked yuvsmzqk hidden 3d9189bc Commit 2
+ untracked (absent)
- untracked tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
// Create a conflicted bookmark using a concurrent operation.
let (_, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Concurrent modification detected, resolving automatically.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
@ cd3fc3ddbdd9 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00
├─╮ reconcile divergent operations
│ │ args: jj log
○ │ 4d05b146ac44 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ │ check out git remote's default branch
│ │ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
│ ○ 484785c371e5 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:15.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:15.000 +07:00
├─╯ point bookmark bookmark-1 to commit 3d9189bc56a1972729350456eb95ec5bf90be2a8
│ args: jj bookmark set bookmark-1 -r bookmark-2@origin --at-op @-
○ 85a54acdbc88 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ fetch from git remote into empty repo
│ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
○ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 000000000000 root()
let op_log_lines = stdout.lines().collect_vec();
let op_id = op_log_lines[0].split(' ').nth(4).unwrap();
let first_parent_id = op_log_lines[3].split(' ').nth(3).unwrap();
let second_parent_id = op_log_lines[6].split(' ').nth(3).unwrap();
// Diff between the first parent of the merge operation and the merge operation.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "diff", "--from", first_parent_id, "--to", op_id],
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 4d05b146ac44 (2001-02-03 08:05:07) check out git remote's default branch
To operation: cd3fc3ddbdd9 (2001-02-03 08:05:16) reconcile divergent operations
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (added) ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
+ (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
- ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
// Diff between the second parent of the merge operation and the merge
// operation.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "diff", "--from", second_parent_id, "--to", op_id],
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 484785c371e5 (2001-02-03 08:05:15) point bookmark bookmark-1 to commit 3d9189bc56a1972729350456eb95ec5bf90be2a8
To operation: cd3fc3ddbdd9 (2001-02-03 08:05:16) reconcile divergent operations
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
+ sqpuoqvx 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (added) ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
+ (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
- yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
- untracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
// Test fetching from git remote.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["git", "fetch"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
bookmark: bookmark-1@origin [updated] tracked
bookmark: bookmark-2@origin [updated] untracked
bookmark: bookmark-3@origin [deleted] untracked
Abandoned 1 commits that are no longer reachable.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: cd3fc3ddbdd9 (2001-02-03 08:05:16) reconcile divergent operations
To operation: 894f1f54aabe (2001-02-03 08:05:20) fetch from git remote(s) origin
Changed commits:
○ Change qzxslznxxpoz
+ qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
○ Change slvtnnzxztqy
+ slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
- tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (added) slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
+ (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
- (added) ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f Commit 1
- (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
- tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f Commit 1
+ untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
- untracked yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
+ untracked (absent)
- untracked tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
// Test creation of bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Created 1 bookmarks pointing to qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 894f1f54aabe (2001-02-03 08:05:20) fetch from git remote(s) origin
To operation: ed134e3dc5c6 (2001-02-03 08:05:22) create bookmark bookmark-2 pointing to commit d487febd08e690ee775a4e0387e30d544307e409
Changed local bookmarks:
+ qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
- (absent)
// Test tracking of bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "track", "bookmark-2@origin"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Started tracking 1 remote bookmarks.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: ed134e3dc5c6 (2001-02-03 08:05:22) create bookmark bookmark-2 pointing to commit d487febd08e690ee775a4e0387e30d544307e409
To operation: 871bda1a359f (2001-02-03 08:05:24) track remote bookmark bookmark-2@origin
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
- untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
// Test creation of new commit.
// Test tracking of bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "track", "bookmark-2@origin"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Warning: Remote bookmark already tracked: bookmark-2@origin
Nothing changed.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: ed134e3dc5c6 (2001-02-03 08:05:22) create bookmark bookmark-2 pointing to commit d487febd08e690ee775a4e0387e30d544307e409
To operation: 871bda1a359f (2001-02-03 08:05:24) track remote bookmark bookmark-2@origin
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
- untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
// Test creation of new commit.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
&["new", "bookmark-1@origin", "-m", "new commit"],
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: wvuyspvk 358b82d6 (empty) new commit
Parent commit : slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
Added 1 files, modified 0 files, removed 1 files
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 871bda1a359f (2001-02-03 08:05:24) track remote bookmark bookmark-2@origin
To operation: 2604b8b3b9e5 (2001-02-03 08:05:28) new empty commit
Changed commits:
○ Change wvuyspvkupzz
+ wvuyspvk 358b82d6 (empty) new commit
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
- sqpuoqvx hidden 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
// Test updating of local bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "set", "bookmark-1", "-r", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Moved 1 bookmarks to wvuyspvk 358b82d6 bookmark-1* | (empty) new commit
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 2604b8b3b9e5 (2001-02-03 08:05:28) new empty commit
To operation: e64617a51cdb (2001-02-03 08:05:30) point bookmark bookmark-1 to commit 358b82d6be53fa9b062325abb8bc820a8b34c68d
Changed local bookmarks:
+ wvuyspvk 358b82d6 bookmark-1* | (empty) new commit
- (added) slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
- (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc Commit 2
// Test deletion of local bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "delete", "bookmark-2"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Deleted 1 bookmarks.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: e64617a51cdb (2001-02-03 08:05:30) point bookmark bookmark-1 to commit 358b82d6be53fa9b062325abb8bc820a8b34c68d
To operation: e07e94fbdd09 (2001-02-03 08:05:32) delete bookmark bookmark-2
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (absent)
- qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
// Test pushing to Git remote.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["git", "push", "--tracked"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r#"
Changes to push to origin:
Move forward bookmark bookmark-1 from 4f856199edbf to 358b82d6be53
Delete bookmark bookmark-2 from d487febd08e6
Warning: The working-copy commit in workspace 'default' became immutable, so a new commit has been created on top of it.
Working copy now at: oupztwtk 2f0718a0 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : wvuyspvk 358b82d6 bookmark-1 | (empty) new commit
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: e07e94fbdd09 (2001-02-03 08:05:32) delete bookmark bookmark-2
To operation: 203fe2a7ed9e (2001-02-03 08:05:34) push all tracked bookmarks to git remote origin
Changed commits:
○ Change oupztwtkortx
+ oupztwtk 2f0718a0 (empty) (no description set)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked wvuyspvk 358b82d6 bookmark-1 | (empty) new commit
- tracked slvtnnzx 4f856199 Commit 4
+ untracked (absent)
- tracked qzxslznx d487febd Commit 5
fn test_op_diff_patch() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Update working copy with a single file and create new commit.
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file"), "a\n").unwrap();
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: rlvkpnrz 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 6b1027d2 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--op", "@-", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: eac759b9ab75 (2001-02-03 08:05:07) add workspace 'default'
To operation: 187a5a9d8a22 (2001-02-03 08:05:08) snapshot working copy
Changed commits:
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 6b1027d2 (no description set)
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
diff --git a/file b/file
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7898192261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/file
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "--op", "@", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 187a5a9d8a22 (2001-02-03 08:05:08) snapshot working copy
To operation: a7e535e73c4b (2001-02-03 08:05:08) new empty commit
Changed commits:
○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
+ rlvkpnrz 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
// Squash the working copy commit.
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file"), "b\n").unwrap();
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["squash"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 15c3c5d0baf0 (2001-02-03 08:05:11) snapshot working copy
To operation: 894c12d90345 (2001-02-03 08:05:11) squash commits into 6b1027d2770cd0a39c468e525e52bf8c47e1464a
Changed commits:
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
│ + mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
│ ○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
├─╯ - rlvkpnrz hidden 1d7f8f94 (no description set)
│ diff --git a/file b/file
│ index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
│ --- a/file
│ +++ b/file
│ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
│ -a
│ +b
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
- qpvuntsm hidden 6b1027d2 (no description set)
diff --git a/file b/file
index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
--- a/file
+++ b/file
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
// Abandon the working copy commit.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["abandon"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Abandoned commit mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
Working copy now at: yqosqzyt 33f321c4 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "diff", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 894c12d90345 (2001-02-03 08:05:11) squash commits into 6b1027d2770cd0a39c468e525e52bf8c47e1464a
To operation: e5505aa79d31 (2001-02-03 08:05:13) abandon commit 9f4fb57fba25a7b47ce5980a5d9a4766778331e8
Changed commits:
○ Change yqosqzytrlsw
+ yqosqzyt 33f321c4 (empty) (no description set)
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
- mzvwutvl hidden 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
fn test_op_diff_sibling() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "log", "--no-graph", r#"-Tid.short() ++ "\n""#],
let base_op_id = stdout.lines().next().unwrap();
insta::assert_snapshot!(base_op_id, @"eac759b9ab75");
// Create merge commit at one operation side. The parent trees will have to
// be merged when diffing, which requires the commit index of this side.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new", "root()", "-mA.1"]);
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file1"), "a\n").unwrap();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new", "root()", "-mA.2"]);
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file2"), "a\n").unwrap();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new", "all:@-+", "-mA"]);
// Create another operation diverged from the base operation.
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "--at-op", base_op_id, "-mB"]);
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
@ 779ecb7ea7f0 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00
├─╮ reconcile divergent operations
│ │ args: jj op log
○ │ d700dc16fded test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
│ │ new empty commit
│ │ args: jj new 'all:@-+' -mA
○ │ b47de32023e1 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
│ │ snapshot working copy
│ │ args: jj new 'all:@-+' -mA
○ │ 8a31868f615d test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ │ new empty commit
│ │ args: jj new 'root()' -mA.2
○ │ 2cd33ddecde8 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
│ │ snapshot working copy
│ │ args: jj new 'root()' -mA.2
○ │ d86c1ae55c48 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
│ │ new empty commit
│ │ args: jj new 'root()' -mA.1
│ ○ 13b143e1f4f9 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00
├─╯ describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
│ args: jj describe --at-op eac759b9ab75 -mB
○ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 000000000000 root()
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Concurrent modification detected, resolving automatically.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
&["op", "log", "--no-graph", r#"-Tid.short() ++ "\n""#],
let (head_op_id, p1_op_id, _, _, _, _, p2_op_id) = stdout.lines().next_tuple().unwrap();
insta::assert_snapshot!(head_op_id, @"779ecb7ea7f0");
insta::assert_snapshot!(p1_op_id, @"d700dc16fded");
insta::assert_snapshot!(p2_op_id, @"13b143e1f4f9");
// Diff between p1 and p2 operations should work no matter if p2 is chosen
// as a base operation.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: d700dc16fded (2001-02-03 08:05:11) new empty commit
To operation: 13b143e1f4f9 (2001-02-03 08:05:12) describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
Changed commits:
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 02ef2bc4 (empty) B
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
├─╮ - mzvwutvl hidden 270db3d9 (empty) A
│ ○ Change kkmpptxzrspx
│ - kkmpptxz hidden 8331e0a3 A.1
│ A file1
○ Change zsuskulnrvyr
- zsuskuln hidden 8afecaef A.2
A file2
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
From operation: 13b143e1f4f9 (2001-02-03 08:05:12) describe commit 230dd059e1b059aefc0da06a2e5a7dbf22362f22
To operation: d700dc16fded (2001-02-03 08:05:11) new empty commit
Changed commits:
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
├─╮ + mzvwutvl 270db3d9 (empty) A
│ ○ Change kkmpptxzrspx
│ + kkmpptxz 8331e0a3 A.1
│ A file1
○ Change zsuskulnrvyr
+ zsuskuln 8afecaef A.2
A file2
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
- qpvuntsm hidden 02ef2bc4 (empty) B
fn test_op_diff_word_wrap() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
let git_repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("git-repo");
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "clone", "git-repo", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
let render = |args: &[&str], columns: u32, word_wrap: bool| {
let mut args = args.to_vec();
if word_wrap {
let assert = test_env
.jj_cmd(&repo_path, &args)
.env("COLUMNS", columns.to_string())
// Add some file content changes
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file1"), "foo\n".repeat(100)).unwrap();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["debug", "snapshot"]);
// ui.log-word-wrap option works, and diff stat respects content width
insta::assert_snapshot!(render(&["op", "diff", "--from=@---", "--stat"], 40, true), @r#"
From operation: eac759b9ab75 (2001-02-03 08:05:07) add workspace 'default'
To operation: f3052392e08c (2001-02-03 08:05:08) snapshot working copy
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
│ + sqpuoqvx 850efc9e (no description
│ set)
│ file1 | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++
│ 1 file changed, 100 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
○ Change ulyvmwyzwuwt
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 |
Commit 1
some-file | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 0 deletions(-)
○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
+ tqyxmszt 3e785984 bookmark-3@origin
| Commit 3
some-file | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 0 deletions(-)
○ Change yuvsmzqkmpws
+ yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-2@origin
| Commit 2
some-file | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 0 deletions(-)
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty)
(no description set)
0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Changed local bookmarks:
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit
- (absent)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 |
Commit 1
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc
bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked tqyxmszt 3e785984
bookmark-3@origin | Commit 3
- untracked (absent)
// Graph width should be subtracted from the term width
let config = r#"templates.commit_summary='"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"'"#;
render(&["op", "diff", "--from=@---", "--config-toml", config], 10, true), @r#"
From operation: eac759b9ab75 (2001-02-03 08:05:07) add workspace 'default'
To operation: f3052392e08c (2001-02-03 08:05:08) snapshot working copy
○ Change
│ sqpuoqvxutmz
│ + 0 1 2
│ 3 4 5 6
│ 7 8 9
○ Change
+ 0 1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9
○ Change
+ 0 1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9
○ Change
+ 0 1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9
○ Change
- 0 1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9
+ 0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
- (absent)
+ tracked
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
fn test_op_show() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
let git_repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("git-repo");
let git_repo = init_bare_git_repo(&git_repo_path);
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "clone", "git-repo", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Overview of op log.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
@ 4d05b146ac44 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ check out git remote's default branch
│ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
○ 85a54acdbc88 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ fetch from git remote into empty repo
│ args: jj git clone git-repo repo
○ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
○ 000000000000 root()
// The root operation is empty.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "0000000"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
000000000000 root()
// Showing the latest operation.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
4d05b146ac44 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
check out git remote's default branch
args: jj git clone git-repo repo
Changed commits:
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
+ sqpuoqvx 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
Changed local bookmarks:
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- (absent)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
- untracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1 | Commit 1
// `jj op show @` should behave identically to `jj op show`.
let stdout_without_op_id = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
assert_eq!(stdout, stdout_without_op_id);
// Showing a given operation.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "@-"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
85a54acdbc88 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
fetch from git remote into empty repo
args: jj git clone git-repo repo
Changed commits:
○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
+ tqyxmszt 3e785984 bookmark-3@origin | Commit 3
○ Change yuvsmzqkmpws
+ yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
○ Change ulyvmwyzwuwt
+ ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ untracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f bookmark-1@origin | Commit 1
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-2@origin | Commit 2
- untracked (absent)
+ untracked tqyxmszt 3e785984 bookmark-3@origin | Commit 3
- untracked (absent)
// Create a conflicted bookmark using a concurrent operation.
let (_, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["log"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Concurrent modification detected, resolving automatically.
// Showing a merge operation is empty.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
140254f5a707 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:14.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:14.000 +07:00
reconcile divergent operations
args: jj log
// Test fetching from git remote.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["git", "fetch"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
bookmark: bookmark-1@origin [updated] tracked
bookmark: bookmark-2@origin [updated] untracked
bookmark: bookmark-3@origin [deleted] untracked
Abandoned 1 commits that are no longer reachable.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
4d5647c16e09 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:16.000 +07:00
fetch from git remote(s) origin
args: jj git fetch
Changed commits:
○ Change qzxslznxxpoz
+ qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
○ Change slvtnnzxztqy
+ slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
○ Change tqyxmsztkvot
- tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (added) slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
+ (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
- (added) ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f Commit 1
- (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
- tracked ulyvmwyz 1d843d1f Commit 1
+ untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
- untracked yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc bookmark-1?? | Commit 2
+ untracked (absent)
- untracked tqyxmszt hidden 3e785984 Commit 3
// Test creation of bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Created 1 bookmarks pointing to qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
c23f32312992 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:18.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:18.000 +07:00
create bookmark bookmark-2 pointing to commit d487febd08e690ee775a4e0387e30d544307e409
args: jj bookmark create bookmark-2 -r bookmark-2@origin
Changed local bookmarks:
+ qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
- (absent)
// Test tracking of a bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "track", "bookmark-2@origin"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Started tracking 1 remote bookmarks.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
eb6a6c523f67 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00
track remote bookmark bookmark-2@origin
args: jj bookmark track bookmark-2@origin
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
- untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
// Test creation of new commit.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "track", "bookmark-2@origin"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Warning: Remote bookmark already tracked: bookmark-2@origin
Nothing changed.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
eb6a6c523f67 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:20.000 +07:00
track remote bookmark bookmark-2@origin
args: jj bookmark track bookmark-2@origin
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
- untracked qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2 | Commit 5
// Test creation of new commit.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
&["new", "bookmark-1@origin", "-m", "new commit"],
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: xznxytkn eb6c2b21 (empty) new commit
Parent commit : slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1?? bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
Added 1 files, modified 0 files, removed 1 files
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
0228d6c4044a test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:24.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:24.000 +07:00
new empty commit
args: jj new bookmark-1@origin -m 'new commit'
Changed commits:
○ Change xznxytknoqwo
+ xznxytkn eb6c2b21 (empty) new commit
○ Change sqpuoqvxutmz
- sqpuoqvx hidden 9708515f (empty) (no description set)
// Test updating of local bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) =
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "set", "bookmark-1", "-r", "@"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Moved 1 bookmarks to xznxytkn eb6c2b21 bookmark-1* | (empty) new commit
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
f37c3d23beab test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:26.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:26.000 +07:00
point bookmark bookmark-1 to commit eb6c2b21ec20a33ab6a1c44bc86c59d84ffd93ac
args: jj bookmark set bookmark-1 -r @
Changed local bookmarks:
+ xznxytkn eb6c2b21 bookmark-1* | (empty) new commit
- (added) slvtnnzx 4f856199 bookmark-1@origin | Commit 4
- (added) yuvsmzqk 3d9189bc Commit 2
// Test deletion of local bookmark.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["bookmark", "delete", "bookmark-2"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Deleted 1 bookmarks.
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
ee9e64b76138 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:28.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:28.000 +07:00
delete bookmark bookmark-2
args: jj bookmark delete bookmark-2
Changed local bookmarks:
+ (absent)
- qzxslznx d487febd bookmark-2@origin | Commit 5
// Test pushing to Git remote.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["git", "push", "--tracked"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r###"
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r#"
Changes to push to origin:
Move forward bookmark bookmark-1 from 4f856199edbf to eb6c2b21ec20
Delete bookmark bookmark-2 from d487febd08e6
Warning: The working-copy commit in workspace 'default' became immutable, so a new commit has been created on top of it.
Working copy now at: pzsxstzt 7ab2d837 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : xznxytkn eb6c2b21 bookmark-1 | (empty) new commit
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
cd1704964f59 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:30.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:30.000 +07:00
push all tracked bookmarks to git remote origin
args: jj git push --tracked
Changed commits:
○ Change pzsxstztnpkv
+ pzsxstzt 7ab2d837 (empty) (no description set)
Changed remote bookmarks:
+ tracked xznxytkn eb6c2b21 bookmark-1 | (empty) new commit
- tracked slvtnnzx 4f856199 Commit 4
+ untracked (absent)
- tracked qzxslznx d487febd Commit 5
fn test_op_show_patch() {
let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
// Update working copy with a single file and create new commit.
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file"), "a\n").unwrap();
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: rlvkpnrz 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 6b1027d2 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "@-", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
187a5a9d8a22 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
snapshot working copy
args: jj new
Changed commits:
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 6b1027d2 (no description set)
- qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
diff --git a/file b/file
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7898192261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/file
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "@", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
a7e535e73c4b test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
new empty commit
args: jj new
Changed commits:
○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
+ rlvkpnrz 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
// Squash the working copy commit.
std::fs::write(repo_path.join("file"), "b\n").unwrap();
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["squash"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Working copy now at: mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
894c12d90345 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
squash commits into 6b1027d2770cd0a39c468e525e52bf8c47e1464a
args: jj squash
Changed commits:
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
│ + mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
│ ○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
├─╯ - rlvkpnrz hidden 1d7f8f94 (no description set)
│ diff --git a/file b/file
│ index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
│ --- a/file
│ +++ b/file
│ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
│ -a
│ +b
○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
+ qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
- qpvuntsm hidden 6b1027d2 (no description set)
diff --git a/file b/file
index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
--- a/file
+++ b/file
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
// Abandon the working copy commit.
let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["abandon"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @"");
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stderr, @r###"
Abandoned commit mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
Working copy now at: yqosqzyt 33f321c4 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "show", "-p", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
e5505aa79d31 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00
abandon commit 9f4fb57fba25a7b47ce5980a5d9a4766778331e8
args: jj abandon
Changed commits:
○ Change yqosqzytrlsw
+ yqosqzyt 33f321c4 (empty) (no description set)
○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
- mzvwutvl hidden 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
// Try again with "op log".
let stdout = test_env.jj_cmd_success(&repo_path, &["op", "log", "--git"]);
insta::assert_snapshot!(&stdout, @r#"
@ e5505aa79d31 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:13.000 +07:00
│ abandon commit 9f4fb57fba25a7b47ce5980a5d9a4766778331e8
│ args: jj abandon
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change yqosqzytrlsw
│ + yqosqzyt 33f321c4 (empty) (no description set)
│ ○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
│ - mzvwutvl hidden 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
○ 894c12d90345 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
│ squash commits into 6b1027d2770cd0a39c468e525e52bf8c47e1464a
│ args: jj squash
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change mzvwutvlkqwt
│ │ + mzvwutvl 9f4fb57f (empty) (no description set)
│ │ ○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
│ ├─╯ - rlvkpnrz hidden 1d7f8f94 (no description set)
│ │ diff --git a/file b/file
│ │ index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
│ │ --- a/file
│ │ +++ b/file
│ │ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
│ │ -a
│ │ +b
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 2ac85fd1 (no description set)
│ - qpvuntsm hidden 6b1027d2 (no description set)
│ diff --git a/file b/file
│ index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
│ --- a/file
│ +++ b/file
│ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
│ -a
│ +b
○ 15c3c5d0baf0 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:11.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj squash
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
│ + rlvkpnrz 1d7f8f94 (no description set)
│ - rlvkpnrz hidden 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
│ diff --git a/file b/file
│ index 7898192261..6178079822 100644
│ --- a/file
│ +++ b/file
│ @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
│ -a
│ +b
○ a7e535e73c4b test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ new empty commit
│ args: jj new
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change rlvkpnrzqnoo
│ + rlvkpnrz 56950632 (empty) (no description set)
○ 187a5a9d8a22 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
│ snapshot working copy
│ args: jj new
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 6b1027d2 (no description set)
│ - qpvuntsm hidden 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
│ diff --git a/file b/file
│ new file mode 100644
│ index 0000000000..7898192261
│ --- /dev/null
│ +++ b/file
│ @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
│ +a
○ eac759b9ab75 test-username@host.example.com 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00 - 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
│ add workspace 'default'
│ Changed commits:
│ ○ Change qpvuntsmwlqt
│ + qpvuntsm 230dd059 (empty) (no description set)
○ 000000000000 root()
fn init_bare_git_repo(git_repo_path: &Path) -> git2::Repository {
let git_repo = git2::Repository::init_bare(git_repo_path).unwrap();
let git_blob_oid = git_repo.blob(b"some content").unwrap();
let mut git_tree_builder = git_repo.treebuilder(None).unwrap();
.insert("some-file", git_blob_oid, 0o100644)
let git_tree_id = git_tree_builder.write().unwrap();
let git_tree = git_repo.find_tree(git_tree_id).unwrap();
let git_signature = git2::Signature::new(
"Git User",
&git2::Time::new(123, 60),
"Commit 1",
"Commit 2",
"Commit 3",
fn modify_git_repo(git_repo: git2::Repository) -> git2::Repository {
let git_blob_oid = git_repo.blob(b"more content").unwrap();
let mut git_tree_builder = git_repo.treebuilder(None).unwrap();
.insert("next-file", git_blob_oid, 0o100644)
let git_tree_id = git_tree_builder.write().unwrap();
let git_tree = git_repo.find_tree(git_tree_id).unwrap();
let git_signature = git2::Signature::new(
"Git User",
&git2::Time::new(123, 60),
let bookmark1_commit = git_repo
let bookmark2_commit = git_repo
"Commit 4",
"Commit 5",
fn get_log_output(test_env: &TestEnvironment, repo_path: &Path, op_id: &str) -> String {
&["log", "-T", "commit_id", "--at-op", op_id, "-r", "all()"],