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synced 2025-02-11 22:58:23 +00:00
73 lines
2 KiB
73 lines
2 KiB
import { init, Loro } from "../mod.ts";
import { resolve } from "https://deno.land/std@0.105.0/path/mod.ts";
import __ from "https://deno.land/x/dirname@1.1.2/mod.ts";
const { __dirname } = __(import.meta);
import * as compress from "https://deno.land/x/compress@v0.4.5/zlib/mod.ts";
const wasm = await init(
await Deno.readFile(
resolve(__dirname, "../pkg/loro_wasm_bg.wasm"),
const automerge = resolve(
const { txns } = JSON.parse(
new TextDecoder().decode(compress.inflate(Deno.readFileSync(automerge))),
const loro = apply();
const encoded = encode_updates(loro);
const snapshot = loro.exportSnapshot();
function apply() {
const loro = new Loro();
const text = loro.getText("text");
for (let k = 0; k < 1; k++) {
for (let i = 0; i < txns.length; i++) {
const { patches } = txns[i];
for (const [pos, delHere, insContent] of patches) {
if (delHere > 0) text.delete(loro, pos, delHere);
if (insContent !== "") text.insert(loro, pos, insContent);
return loro;
function encode_updates(loro: Loro): Uint8Array {
return loro.exportUpdates();
function decode_updates(updates: Uint8Array): Loro {
const loro = new Loro();
return loro
console.log("Encoded updates size", encoded.byteLength);
console.log("Encoded snapshot size", snapshot.byteLength);
console.log("WASM buffer size", wasm.memory.buffer.byteLength);
Deno.bench("[Apply] Loro WASM apply Automerge dataset", () => {apply().free()});
Deno.bench("[Encode.Updates] Loro WASM encode updates Automerge dataset", () => {
Deno.bench("[Decode.Updates] Loro WASM decode updates Automerge dataset", () => {
Deno.bench("[Encode.Snapshot] Loro WASM encode snapshot Automerge dataset", () => {
Deno.bench("[Decode.Snapshot] Loro WASM decode snapshot Automerge dataset", () => {