//! DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is a common data structure in distributed system. //! //! This mod contains the DAGs in our CRDT. It's not a general DAG, it has some specific properties that //! we used to optimize the speed: //! - Each node has lamport clock. //! - Each node has its ID (client_id, counter). //! - We use ID to refer to node rather than content addressing (hash) //! use std::{ borrow::Cow, collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap}, fmt::Debug, }; use fxhash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet}; use loro_common::IdSpanVector; use rle::{HasLength, Sliceable}; use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec}; mod iter; mod mermaid; #[cfg(test)] mod test; use crate::{ change::Lamport, id::{Counter, PeerID, ID}, span::{CounterSpan, HasId, HasIdSpan, HasLamport, HasLamportSpan, IdSpan}, version::{Frontiers, VersionVector, VersionVectorDiff}, }; use self::{ iter::{iter_dag, iter_dag_with_vv, DagCausalIter, DagIterator, DagIteratorVV}, mermaid::dag_to_mermaid, }; pub(crate) trait DagNode: HasLamport + HasId + HasLength + Debug + Sliceable { fn deps(&self) -> &[ID]; #[inline] fn get_lamport_from_counter(&self, c: Counter) -> Lamport { self.lamport() + c as Lamport - self.id_start().counter as Lamport } } /// Dag (Directed Acyclic Graph). /// /// We have following invariance in DAG /// - All deps' lamports are smaller than current node's lamport pub(crate) trait Dag: Debug { type Node: DagNode; fn get(&self, id: ID) -> Option<&Self::Node>; fn frontier(&self) -> &[ID]; fn vv(&self) -> VersionVector; } pub(crate) trait DagUtils: Dag { fn find_common_ancestor(&self, a_id: &[ID], b_id: &[ID]) -> Frontiers; /// Slow, should probably only use on dev fn get_vv(&self, id: ID) -> VersionVector; fn find_path(&self, from: &[ID], to: &[ID]) -> VersionVectorDiff; fn contains(&self, id: ID) -> bool; fn iter_causal(&self, from: &[ID], target: IdSpanVector) -> DagCausalIter<'_, Self> where Self: Sized; fn iter(&self) -> DagIterator<'_, Self::Node> where Self: Sized; fn iter_with_vv(&self) -> DagIteratorVV<'_, Self::Node> where Self: Sized; fn mermaid(&self) -> String where Self: Sized; } impl DagUtils for T { #[inline] fn find_common_ancestor(&self, a_id: &[ID], b_id: &[ID]) -> Frontiers { // TODO: perf: make it also return the spans to reach common_ancestors find_common_ancestor(&|id| self.get(id), a_id, b_id) } #[inline] fn contains(&self, id: ID) -> bool { self.vv().includes_id(id) } #[inline] fn get_vv(&self, id: ID) -> VersionVector { get_version_vector(&|id| self.get(id), id) } fn find_path(&self, from: &[ID], to: &[ID]) -> VersionVectorDiff { let mut ans = VersionVectorDiff::default(); if from == to { return ans; } if from.len() == 1 && to.len() == 1 { let from = from[0]; let to = to[0]; if from.peer == to.peer { let from_span = self.get(from).unwrap(); let to_span = self.get(to).unwrap(); if std::ptr::eq(from_span, to_span) { if from.counter < to.counter { ans.right.insert( from.peer, CounterSpan::new(from.counter + 1, to.counter + 1), ); } else { ans.left.insert( from.peer, CounterSpan::new(to.counter + 1, from.counter + 1), ); } return ans; } if from_span.deps().len() == 1 && to_span.contains_id(from_span.deps()[0]) { ans.left.insert( from.peer, CounterSpan::new(to.counter + 1, from.counter + 1), ); return ans; } if to_span.deps().len() == 1 && from_span.contains_id(to_span.deps()[0]) { ans.right.insert( from.peer, CounterSpan::new(from.counter + 1, to.counter + 1), ); return ans; } } } _find_common_ancestor( &|v| self.get(v), from, to, &mut |span, node_type| match node_type { NodeType::A => ans.merge_left(span), NodeType::B => ans.merge_right(span), NodeType::Shared => { ans.subtract_start_left(span); ans.subtract_start_right(span); } }, true, ); ans } #[inline(always)] fn iter_with_vv(&self) -> DagIteratorVV<'_, Self::Node> where Self: Sized, { iter_dag_with_vv(self) } #[inline(always)] fn iter_causal(&self, from: &[ID], target: IdSpanVector) -> DagCausalIter<'_, Self> where Self: Sized, { DagCausalIter::new(self, from.into(), target) } #[inline(always)] fn iter(&self) -> DagIterator<'_, Self::Node> where Self: Sized, { iter_dag(self) } /// You can visualize and generate img link at https://mermaid.live/ #[inline] fn mermaid(&self) -> String where Self: Sized, { dag_to_mermaid(self) } } fn get_version_vector<'a, Get, D>(get: &'a Get, id: ID) -> VersionVector where Get: Fn(ID) -> Option<&'a D>, D: DagNode + 'a, { let mut vv = VersionVector::new(); let mut visited: FxHashSet = FxHashSet::default(); vv.insert(id.peer, id.counter + 1); let node = get(id).unwrap(); if node.deps().is_empty() { return vv; } let mut stack = Vec::with_capacity(node.deps().len()); for dep in node.deps() { stack.push(dep); } while !stack.is_empty() { let node_id = *stack.pop().unwrap(); let node = get(node_id).unwrap(); let node_id_start = node.id_start(); if !visited.contains(&node_id_start) { vv.try_update_last(node_id); for dep in node.deps() { if !visited.contains(dep) { stack.push(dep); } } visited.insert(node_id_start); } } vv } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct OrdIdSpan<'a> { id: ID, lamport: Lamport, len: usize, deps: Cow<'a, [ID]>, } impl<'a> HasLength for OrdIdSpan<'a> { fn content_len(&self) -> usize { self.len } } impl<'a> HasId for OrdIdSpan<'a> { fn id_start(&self) -> ID { self.id } } impl<'a> HasLamport for OrdIdSpan<'a> { fn lamport(&self) -> Lamport { self.lamport } } impl<'a> PartialOrd for OrdIdSpan<'a> { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } impl<'a> Ord for OrdIdSpan<'a> { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering { self.lamport_last() .cmp(&other.lamport_last()) .then(self.id_last().cmp(&other.id_last())) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy)] enum NodeType { A, B, Shared, } impl<'a> OrdIdSpan<'a> { #[inline] fn from_dag_node(id: ID, get: &'a F) -> Option where D: DagNode + 'a, F: Fn(ID) -> Option<&'a D>, { let span = get(id)?; let span_id = span.id_start(); Some(OrdIdSpan { id: span_id, lamport: span.lamport(), deps: Cow::Borrowed(span.deps()), len: (id.counter - span_id.counter) as usize + 1, }) } #[inline] fn get_min(&self) -> OrdIdSpan<'a> { OrdIdSpan { id: self.id, lamport: self.lamport, deps: Cow::Borrowed(&[]), len: 1, } } } #[inline(always)] fn find_common_ancestor<'a, F, D>(get: &'a F, a_id: &[ID], b_id: &[ID]) -> Frontiers where D: DagNode + 'a, F: Fn(ID) -> Option<&'a D>, { if a_id.is_empty() || b_id.is_empty() { return Default::default(); } _find_common_ancestor_new(get, a_id, b_id) } /// - deep whether keep searching until the min of non-shared node is found fn _find_common_ancestor<'a, F, D, G>( get: &'a F, a_ids: &[ID], b_ids: &[ID], notify: &mut G, find_path: bool, ) -> FxHashMap where D: DagNode + 'a, F: Fn(ID) -> Option<&'a D>, G: FnMut(IdSpan, NodeType), { let mut ans: FxHashMap = Default::default(); let mut queue: BinaryHeap<(OrdIdSpan, NodeType)> = BinaryHeap::new(); for id in a_ids { queue.push((OrdIdSpan::from_dag_node(*id, get).unwrap(), NodeType::A)); } for id in b_ids { queue.push((OrdIdSpan::from_dag_node(*id, get).unwrap(), NodeType::B)); } let mut visited: HashMap = FxHashMap::default(); // invariants in this method: // // - visited's (client, counters) are subset of max(version_vector_a, version_vector_b) // - visited's node type reflecting whether we found the shared node of this client // - ans's client id never repeat // - nodes with the same id will only be visited once // - we may visit nodes that are before the common ancestors // type count in the queue. if both are zero, we can stop let mut a_count = a_ids.len(); let mut b_count = b_ids.len(); let mut min = None; while let Some((node, mut node_type)) = queue.pop() { match node_type { NodeType::A => a_count -= 1, NodeType::B => b_count -= 1, NodeType::Shared => {} } if node_type != NodeType::Shared { if let Some(min) = &mut min { let node_start = node.get_min(); if node_start < *min { *min = node_start; } } else { min = Some(node.get_min()) } } // pop the same node in the queue while let Some((other_node, other_type)) = queue.peek() { if node.id_span() == other_node.id_span() { if node_type == *other_type { match node_type { NodeType::A => a_count -= 1, NodeType::B => b_count -= 1, NodeType::Shared => {} } } else { if node_type != NodeType::Shared { if visited.get(&node.id.peer).map(|(_, t)| *t) != Some(NodeType::Shared) { ans.insert(node.id.peer, other_node.id_last().counter); } node_type = NodeType::Shared; } match other_type { NodeType::A => a_count -= 1, NodeType::B => b_count -= 1, NodeType::Shared => {} } } queue.pop(); } else { break; } } // detect whether client is visited by other if let Some((ctr, visited_type)) = visited.get_mut(&node.id.peer) { debug_assert!(*ctr >= node.id_last().counter); if *visited_type == NodeType::Shared { node_type = NodeType::Shared; } else if *visited_type != node_type { // if node_type is shared, ans should already contains it or its descendance if node_type != NodeType::Shared { ans.insert(node.id.peer, node.id_last().counter); } *visited_type = NodeType::Shared; node_type = NodeType::Shared; } } else { visited.insert(node.id.peer, (node.id_last().counter, node_type)); } // if this is not shared, the end of the span must be only reachable from A, or only reachable from B. // but the begin of the span may be reachable from both A and B notify(node.id_span(), node_type); match node_type { NodeType::A => a_count += node.deps.len(), NodeType::B => b_count += node.deps.len(), NodeType::Shared => {} } if a_count == 0 && b_count == 0 && (min.is_none() || &node <= min.as_ref().unwrap()) { if node_type != NodeType::Shared { ans.clear(); } break; } for &dep_id in node.deps.as_ref() { queue.push((OrdIdSpan::from_dag_node(dep_id, get).unwrap(), node_type)); } if node_type != NodeType::Shared { if queue.is_empty() { ans.clear(); break; } if node.deps.is_empty() && !find_path { if node.len == 1 { ans.clear(); break; } match node_type { NodeType::A => a_count += 1, NodeType::B => b_count += 1, NodeType::Shared => {} } queue.push(( OrdIdSpan { deps: Cow::Borrowed(&[]), id: node.id, len: 1, lamport: node.lamport, }, node_type, )); } } } ans } fn _find_common_ancestor_new<'a, F, D>(get: &'a F, left: &[ID], right: &[ID]) -> Frontiers where D: DagNode + 'a, F: Fn(ID) -> Option<&'a D>, { if left.len() == 1 && right.len() == 1 { let left = left[0]; let right = right[0]; if left.peer == right.peer { let left_span = get(left).unwrap(); let right_span = get(right).unwrap(); if std::ptr::eq(left_span, right_span) { if left.counter < right.counter { return smallvec![left].into(); } else { return smallvec![right].into(); } } if left_span.deps().len() == 1 && right_span.contains_id(left_span.deps()[0]) { return smallvec![right].into(); } if right_span.deps().len() == 1 && left_span.contains_id(right_span.deps()[0]) { return smallvec![left].into(); } } } let mut ans: Frontiers = Default::default(); let mut queue: BinaryHeap<(SmallVec<[OrdIdSpan; 1]>, NodeType)> = BinaryHeap::new(); fn ids_to_ord_id_spans<'a, D: DagNode + 'a, F: Fn(ID) -> Option<&'a D>>( ids: &[ID], get: &'a F, ) -> SmallVec<[OrdIdSpan<'a>; 1]> { let mut ans: SmallVec<[OrdIdSpan<'a>; 1]> = ids .iter() .map(|&id| OrdIdSpan::from_dag_node(id, get).unwrap()) .collect(); if ans.len() > 1 { ans.sort(); ans.reverse(); } ans } queue.push((ids_to_ord_id_spans(left, get), NodeType::A)); queue.push((ids_to_ord_id_spans(right, get), NodeType::B)); while let Some((mut node, mut node_type)) = queue.pop() { while let Some((other_node, other_type)) = queue.peek() { if node == *other_node { if node_type != *other_type { node_type = NodeType::Shared; } queue.pop(); } else { break; } } if queue.is_empty() { if node_type == NodeType::Shared { ans = node.into_iter().map(|x| x.id_last()).collect(); } break; } if node.len() > 1 { for node in node.drain(1..node.len()) { queue.push((smallvec::smallvec![node], node_type)); } } if let Some(other) = queue.peek() { if other.0.len() == 1 && node[0].contains_id(other.0[0].id_last()) && node_type != other.1 { node[0].len = (other.0[0].id_last().counter - node[0].id.counter + 1) as usize; queue.push((node, node_type)); continue; } if node[0].len > 1 { if other.0[0].lamport_last() > node[0].lamport { node[0].len = (other.0[0].lamport_last() - node[0].lamport) .min(node[0].len as u32 - 1) as usize; queue.push((node, node_type)); continue; } else { node[0].len = 1; queue.push((node, node_type)); continue; } } } if node[0].deps.len() > 0 { queue.push((ids_to_ord_id_spans(node[0].deps.as_ref(), get), node_type)); } else { break; } } ans } pub fn remove_included_frontiers(frontiers: &mut VersionVector, new_change_deps: &[ID]) { for dep in new_change_deps.iter() { if let Some(last) = frontiers.get_last(dep.peer) { if last <= dep.counter { frontiers.remove(&dep.peer); } } } }