use crate::{ change::{Change, Lamport, Timestamp}, container::{ registry::{ContainerIdx, ContainerInstance}, Container, ContainerID, }, id::{ClientID, Counter, ID}, span::{HasCounter, HasId, HasLamport}, }; use rle::{HasIndex, HasLength, Mergable, RleVec, Sliceable}; mod content; pub use content::*; use smallvec::SmallVec; /// Operation is a unit of change. /// /// It has 3 types: /// - Insert /// - Delete /// - Restore /// /// A Op may have multiple atomic operations, since Op can be merged. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Op { pub(crate) counter: Counter, pub(crate) container: ContainerIdx, pub(crate) content: InnerContent, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct RemoteOp { pub(crate) counter: Counter, pub(crate) container: ContainerID, pub(crate) contents: RleVec<[RemoteContent; 1]>, } /// RichOp includes lamport and timestamp info, which is used for conflict resolution. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct RichOp<'a> { op: &'a Op, client_id: ClientID, lamport: Lamport, timestamp: Timestamp, start: usize, end: usize, } /// RichOp includes lamport and timestamp info, which is used for conflict resolution. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct OwnedRichOp { pub op: Op, pub client_id: ClientID, pub lamport: Lamport, pub timestamp: Timestamp, } impl Op { #[inline] pub(crate) fn new(id: ID, content: InnerContent, container: ContainerIdx) -> Self { Op { counter: id.counter, content, container, } } pub(crate) fn convert(self, container: &mut ContainerInstance, gc: bool) -> RemoteOp { RemoteOp { counter: self.counter, container:, contents: RleVec::from(container.to_export(self.content, gc)), } } } impl RemoteOp { pub(crate) fn convert( self, container: &mut ContainerInstance, container_idx: ContainerIdx, ) -> SmallVec<[Op; 1]> { let mut counter = self.counter; self.contents .into_iter() .map(|content| { let ans = Op { counter, container: container_idx, content: container.to_import(content), }; counter += ans.atom_len() as Counter; ans }) .collect() } } impl Mergable for Op { fn is_mergable(&self, other: &Self, cfg: &()) -> bool { self.counter + self.content_len() as Counter == other.counter && self.container == other.container && self.content.is_mergable(&other.content, cfg) } fn merge(&mut self, other: &Self, cfg: &()) { self.content.merge(&other.content, cfg) } } impl HasLength for Op { fn content_len(&self) -> usize { self.content.content_len() } } impl Sliceable for Op { fn slice(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Self { assert!(to > from); let content: InnerContent = self.content.slice(from, to); Op { counter: (self.counter + from as Counter), content, container: self.container, } } } impl Mergable for RemoteOp { fn is_mergable(&self, other: &Self, cfg: &()) -> bool { self.counter + self.content_len() as Counter == other.counter && other.contents.len() == 1 && self .contents .last() .unwrap() .is_mergable(other.contents.first().unwrap(), cfg) && self.container == other.container } fn merge(&mut self, other: &Self, _: &()) { for content in other.contents.iter() { self.contents.push(content.clone()) } } } impl HasLength for RemoteOp { fn content_len(&self) -> usize { self.contents.iter().map(|x| x.atom_len()).sum() } } impl Sliceable for RemoteOp { fn slice(&self, from: usize, to: usize) -> Self { assert!(to > from); RemoteOp { counter: (self.counter + from as Counter), contents: self.contents.slice(from, to), container: self.container.clone(), } } } impl HasIndex for Op { type Int = Counter; fn get_start_index(&self) -> Self::Int { self.counter } } impl HasIndex for RemoteOp { type Int = Counter; fn get_start_index(&self) -> Self::Int { self.counter } } impl HasCounter for Op { fn ctr_start(&self) -> Counter { self.counter } } impl HasCounter for RemoteOp { fn ctr_start(&self) -> Counter { self.counter } } impl<'a> HasId for RichOp<'a> { fn id_start(&self) -> ID { ID { client_id: self.client_id, counter: self.op.counter + self.start as Counter, } } } impl<'a> HasLength for RichOp<'a> { fn content_len(&self) -> usize { self.end - self.start } } impl<'a> HasLamport for RichOp<'a> { fn lamport(&self) -> Lamport { self.lamport + self.start as Lamport } } impl<'a> RichOp<'a> { pub fn new(op: &'a Op, client_id: ClientID, lamport: Lamport, timestamp: Timestamp) -> Self { RichOp { op, client_id, lamport, timestamp, start: 0, end: op.content_len(), } } pub fn new_by_change(change: &Change, op: &'a Op) -> Self { let diff = op.counter -; RichOp { op, client_id:, lamport: change.lamport + diff as Lamport, timestamp: change.timestamp, start: 0, end: op.atom_len(), } } /// we want the overlap part of the op and change[start..end] /// /// op is contained in the change, but it's not necessary overlap with change[start..end] pub fn new_by_slice_on_change(change: &Change, start: i32, end: i32, op: &'a Op) -> Self { debug_assert!(end > start); let op_index_in_change = op.counter -; let op_slice_start = (start - op_index_in_change).clamp(0, op.atom_len() as i32); let op_slice_end = (end - op_index_in_change).clamp(0, op.atom_len() as i32); RichOp { op, client_id:, lamport: change.lamport + op_index_in_change as Lamport, timestamp: change.timestamp, start: op_slice_start as usize, end: op_slice_end as usize, } } pub fn get_sliced(&self) -> Op { self.op.slice(self.start, self.end) } pub fn as_owned(&self) -> OwnedRichOp { OwnedRichOp { op: self.get_sliced(), client_id: self.client_id, lamport: self.lamport, timestamp: self.timestamp, } } pub fn op(&self) -> &Op { self.op } pub fn client_id(&self) -> u64 { self.client_id } pub fn timestamp(&self) -> i64 { self.timestamp } pub fn start(&self) -> usize { self.start } pub fn end(&self) -> usize { self.end } } impl OwnedRichOp { pub fn rich_op(&self) -> RichOp { RichOp { op: &self.op, client_id: self.client_id, lamport: self.lamport, timestamp: self.timestamp, start: 0, end: self.op.atom_len(), } } }