import { walk } from ""; const DIRS_TO_SCAN = ["./nodejs", "./bundler", "./web"]; const FILES_TO_PROCESS = ["index.js", "index.d.ts"]; async function replaceInFile(filePath: string) { try { let content = await Deno.readTextFile(filePath); // Replace various import/require patterns for 'loro-wasm' const isWebIndexJs = filePath.includes("web") && filePath.endsWith("index.js"); const target = isWebIndexJs ? "./loro_wasm.js" : "./loro_wasm"; content = content.replace( /from ["']loro-wasm["']/g, `from "${target}"` ); content = content.replace( /require\(["']loro-wasm["']\)/g, `require("${target}")` ); content = content.replace( /import\(["']loro-wasm["']\)/g, `import("${target}")` ); if (isWebIndexJs) { content = `export { default } from "./loro_wasm.js";\n${content}`; } await Deno.writeTextFile(filePath, content); console.log(`✓ Processed: ${filePath}`); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error processing ${filePath}:`, error); } } async function main() { for (const dir of DIRS_TO_SCAN) { try { for await (const entry of walk(dir, { includeDirs: false, match: [/index\.(js|d\.ts)$/], })) { if (FILES_TO_PROCESS.includes( { await replaceInFile(entry.path); } } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error scanning directory ${dir}:`, error); } } } if (import.meta.main) { main(); }