import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest"; import { Delta, LoroDoc, TextDiff } from "../src"; import { Cursor, OpId, PeerID, setDebug } from "loro-wasm"; describe("richtext", () => { it("mark", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); doc.configTextStyle({ bold: { expand: "after" }, link: { expand: "before" }, }); const text = doc.getText("text"); text.insert(0, "Hello World!"); text.mark({ start: 0, end: 5 }, "bold", true); expect(text.toDelta()).toStrictEqual([ { insert: "Hello", attributes: { bold: true, }, }, { insert: " World!", }, ] as Delta[]); }); it("insert after emoji", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText("text"); text.insert(0, "👨‍👩‍👦"); text.insert(8, "a"); expect(text.toString()).toBe("👨‍👩‍👦a"); }); it("emit event correctly", async () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText("text"); let triggered = false; text.subscribe((e) => { for (const event of { if (event.diff.type == "text") { expect(event.diff.diff).toStrictEqual([ { insert: "Hello", attributes: { bold: true, }, }, { insert: " World!", }, ] as Delta[]); triggered = true; } } }); text.insert(0, "Hello World!"); text.mark({ start: 0, end: 5 }, "bold", true); doc.commit(); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1)); expect(triggered).toBeTruthy(); }); it("emit event from merging doc correctly", async () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText("text"); let called = false; text.subscribe((event) => { if ([0].diff.type == "text") { called = true; expect([0].diff.diff).toStrictEqual([ { insert: "Hello", attributes: { bold: true, }, }, { insert: " World!", }, ] as Delta[]); } }); const docB = new LoroDoc(); const textB = docB.getText("text"); textB.insert(0, "Hello World!"); textB.mark({ start: 0, end: 5 }, "bold", true); doc.import(docB.exportFrom()); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1)); expect(called).toBeTruthy(); }); it("Delete emoji", async () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText("text"); text.insert(0, "012345👨‍👩‍👦6789"); doc.commit(); text.mark({ start: 0, end: 18 }, "bold", true); doc.commit(); expect(text.toDelta()).toStrictEqual([ { insert: "012345👨‍👩‍👦6789", attributes: { bold: true }, }, ]); text.delete(6, 8); doc.commit(); expect(text.toDelta()).toStrictEqual([ { insert: "0123456789", attributes: { bold: true }, }, ]); }); it("apply delta", async () => { const doc1 = new LoroDoc(); doc1.configTextStyle({ link: { expand: "none" }, bold: { expand: "after" }, }); const text1 = doc1.getText("text"); const doc2 = new LoroDoc(); doc2.configTextStyle({ link: { expand: "none" }, bold: { expand: "after" }, }); const text2 = doc2.getText("text"); text1.subscribe((event) => { for (const containerDiff of { const e = containerDiff.diff as TextDiff; text2.applyDelta(e.diff); } }); text1.insert(0, "foo"); text1.mark({ start: 0, end: 3 }, "link", true); doc1.commit(); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1)); expect(text2.toDelta()).toStrictEqual(text1.toDelta()); text1.insert(3, "baz"); doc1.commit(); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1)); expect(text2.toDelta()).toStrictEqual([ { insert: "foo", attributes: { link: true } }, { insert: "baz" }, ]); expect(text2.toDelta()).toStrictEqual(text1.toDelta()); text1.mark({ start: 2, end: 5 }, "bold", true); doc1.commit(); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1)); expect(text2.toDelta()).toStrictEqual(text1.toDelta()); }); it("custom richtext type", async () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); doc.configTextStyle({ myStyle: { expand: "none", }, }); const text = doc.getText("text"); text.insert(0, "foo"); text.mark({ start: 0, end: 3 }, "myStyle", 123); expect(text.toDelta()).toStrictEqual([ { insert: "foo", attributes: { myStyle: 123 } }, ]); expect(() => { text.mark({ start: 0, end: 3 }, "unknownStyle", 2); }).toThrowError(); expect(() => { // default style config should be overwritten text.mark({ start: 0, end: 3 }, "bold", 2); }).toThrowError(); }); it("allow overlapped styles", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); doc.configTextStyle({ comment: { expand: "none" }, }); const text = doc.getText("text"); text.insert(0, "The fox jumped."); text.mark({ start: 0, end: 7 }, "comment:alice", "Hi"); text.mark({ start: 4, end: 14 }, "comment:bob", "Jump"); expect(text.toDelta()).toStrictEqual([ { insert: "The ", attributes: { "comment:alice": "Hi" }, }, { insert: "fox", attributes: { "comment:alice": "Hi", "comment:bob": "Jump" }, }, { insert: " jumped", attributes: { "comment:bob": "Jump" }, }, { insert: ".", }, ]); }); it("Cursor example", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText("text"); text.insert(0, "123"); const pos0 = text.getCursor(0, 0); { const ans = doc.getCursorPos(pos0!); expect(ans.offset).toBe(0); } text.insert(0, "1"); { const ans = doc.getCursorPos(pos0!); expect(ans.offset).toBe(1); } }); it("Get and query cursor", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText("text"); doc.setPeerId("1"); text.insert(0, "123"); const posEnd = text.getCursor(10, 0); expect(posEnd!.containerId()).toBe("cid:root-text:Text"); expect(posEnd!.side()).toBe(1); const pos0 = text.getCursor(0, 0); expect(pos0?.containerId()).toBe("cid:root-text:Text"); // pos0 points to the first character, i.e. the id of '1' expect(pos0?.pos()).toStrictEqual({ peer: "1", counter: 0 } as OpId); { const ans = doc.getCursorPos(pos0!); expect(ans.side).toBe(0); expect(ans.offset).toBe(0); expect(ans.update).toBeUndefined(); } text.insert(0, "abc"); const bytes = pos0!.encode(); // Sending pos0 over the network const pos0decoded = Cursor.decode(bytes); const docA = new LoroDoc(); docA.import(doc.exportFrom()); { const ans = docA.getCursorPos(pos0decoded!); expect(ans.side).toBe(0); expect(ans.offset).toBe(3); expect(ans.update).toBeUndefined(); } // If "1" is removed from the text, the stable position should be updated text.delete(3, 1); // remove "1", "abc23" doc.commit(); { const ans = doc.getCursorPos(pos0!); expect(ans.side).toBe(-1); expect(ans.offset).toBe(3); expect(ans.update).toBeDefined(); // The update of the stable position should be returned // It points to "2" now so the pos should be { peer: "1", counter: 1 } expect(ans.update?.pos()).toStrictEqual({ peer: "1", counter: 1, } as OpId); // Side should be -1 because "1" was at the left side of "2" expect(ans.update!.side()).toBe(-1); expect(ans.update?.containerId()).toBe("cid:root-text:Text"); } }); it("Styles should not affect cursor pos", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText("text"); text.insert(0, "Hello"); const pos3 = text.getCursor(3); text.mark({ start: 0, end: 2 }, "bold", true); const ans = doc.getCursorPos(pos3!); expect(ans.offset).toBe(3); }); it("Insert cursed str", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText("text"); text.insert(0, `“aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa`); }); it("Insert/delete by utf8 index", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText('t'); text.insert(0, "你好"); text.insertUtf8(3, "a"); text.insertUtf8(7, "b"); expect(text.toDelta()).toStrictEqual([ { insert: "你a好b" }, ]); text.deleteUtf8(3, 4); expect(text.toDelta()).toStrictEqual([ { insert: "你b"}, ]); }); it("Slice", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText('t'); text.insert(0, "你好"); expect(text.slice(0, 1)).toStrictEqual("你"); }); it("Slice emoji", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText('t'); text.insert(0, "😡😡😡"); expect(text.slice(0, 2)).toStrictEqual("😡"); }); it("CharAt", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText('t'); text.insert(0, "你好"); expect(text.charAt(1)).toStrictEqual("好"); }); it("Splice", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText('t'); text.insert(0, "你好"); expect(text.splice(1, 1, "我")).toStrictEqual("好"); expect(text.toString()).toStrictEqual("你我"); }); it("Text iter", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText('t'); text.insert(0, "你好"); let str = ""; text.iter((s : string)=>{ str = str + s; return true; }); expect(text.toString(), "你好"); }); it("Text update", () => { const doc = new LoroDoc(); const text = doc.getText('t'); text.insert(0, "Hello 😊Bro"); text.update("Hello World Bro😊"); expect(text.toString()).toStrictEqual("Hello World Bro😊"); }); });