use std::{ collections::VecDeque, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; use either::Either; use fxhash::FxHashMap; use loro_common::{ ContainerID, Counter, CounterSpan, HasCounterSpan, HasIdSpan, IdSpan, LoroError, LoroResult, PeerID, }; use tracing::{debug_span, info_span, instrument}; use crate::{ change::get_sys_timestamp, event::{Diff, EventTriggerKind}, version::Frontiers, ContainerDiff, DocDiff, LoroDoc, }; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct DiffBatch(pub(crate) FxHashMap); impl DiffBatch { pub fn new(diff: Vec) -> Self { let mut map: FxHashMap = Default::default(); for d in diff.into_iter() { for item in d.diff.into_iter() { let old = map.insert(, item.diff); assert!(old.is_none()); } } Self(map) } pub fn compose(&mut self, other: &Self) { if other.0.is_empty() { return; } for (idx, diff) in self.0.iter_mut() { if let Some(b_diff) = other.0.get(idx) { diff.compose_ref(b_diff); } } } pub fn transform(&mut self, other: &Self, left_priority: bool) { if other.0.is_empty() { return; } for (idx, diff) in self.0.iter_mut() { if let Some(b_diff) = other.0.get(idx) { diff.transform(b_diff, left_priority); } } } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.0.clear(); } } /// UndoManager is responsible for managing undo/redo from the current peer's perspective. /// /// Undo/local is local: it cannot be used to undone the changes made by other peers. /// If you want to undo changes made by other peers, you may need to use the time travel feature. /// /// PeerID cannot be changed during the lifetime of the UndoManager #[derive(Debug)] pub struct UndoManager { peer: PeerID, container_remap: FxHashMap, inner: Arc>, } #[derive(Debug)] struct UndoManagerInner { latest_counter: Counter, undo_stack: Stack, redo_stack: Stack, processing_undo: bool, last_undo_time: i64, merge_interval: i64, max_stack_size: usize, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Stack { stack: VecDeque<(VecDeque, Arc>)>, size: usize, } impl Stack { pub fn new() -> Self { let mut stack = VecDeque::new(); stack.push_back((VecDeque::new(), Arc::new(Mutex::new(Default::default())))); Stack { stack, size: 0 } } pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<(CounterSpan, Arc>)> { while self.stack.back().unwrap().0.is_empty() && self.stack.len() > 1 { let (_, diff) = self.stack.pop_back().unwrap(); let diff = diff.try_lock().unwrap(); if !diff.0.is_empty() { self.stack .back_mut() .unwrap() .1 .try_lock() .unwrap() .compose(&diff); } } if self.stack.len() == 1 && self.stack.back().unwrap().0.is_empty() { self.stack.back_mut().unwrap().1.try_lock().unwrap().clear(); return None; } self.size -= 1; let last = self.stack.back_mut().unwrap(); last.0.pop_back().map(|x| (x, last.1.clone())) } pub fn push(&mut self, span: CounterSpan) { self.push_with_merge(span, false) } pub fn push_with_merge(&mut self, span: CounterSpan, can_merge: bool) { let last = self.stack.back_mut().unwrap(); let mut last_remote_diff = last.1.try_lock().unwrap(); if !last_remote_diff.0.is_empty() { // If the remote diff is not empty, we cannot merge if last.0.is_empty() { last.0.push_back(span); last_remote_diff.clear(); } else { drop(last_remote_diff); let mut v = VecDeque::new(); v.push_back(span); self.stack .push_back((v, Arc::new(Mutex::new(DiffBatch::default())))); } self.size += 1; } else { if can_merge { if let Some(last_span) = last.0.back_mut() { if last_span.end == span.start { // merge the span last_span.end = span.end; return; } } } self.size += 1; last.0.push_back(span); } } pub fn compose_remote_event(&mut self, diff: &[&ContainerDiff]) { if self.is_empty() { return; } let remote_diff = &mut self.stack.back_mut().unwrap().1; let mut remote_diff = remote_diff.try_lock().unwrap(); for e in diff { if let Some(d) = remote_diff.0.get_mut(& { d.compose_ref(&e.diff); } else { remote_diff.0.insert(, e.diff.clone()); } } } pub fn transform_based_on_this_delta(&mut self, diff: &DiffBatch) { if self.is_empty() { return; } let remote_diff = &mut self.stack.back_mut().unwrap().1; remote_diff.try_lock().unwrap().transform(diff, false); } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.stack = VecDeque::new(); self.stack.push_back((VecDeque::new(), Default::default())); self.size = 0; } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.size == 0 } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.size } fn pop_front(&mut self) { if self.is_empty() { return; } self.size -= 1; let first = self.stack.front_mut().unwrap(); let f = first.0.pop_front(); assert!(f.is_some()); if first.0.is_empty() { self.stack.pop_front(); } } } impl Default for Stack { fn default() -> Self { Stack::new() } } impl UndoManagerInner { fn new(last_counter: Counter) -> Self { UndoManagerInner { latest_counter: last_counter, undo_stack: Default::default(), redo_stack: Default::default(), processing_undo: false, merge_interval: 0, last_undo_time: 0, max_stack_size: usize::MAX, } } fn record_checkpoint(&mut self, latest_counter: Counter) { if latest_counter == self.latest_counter { return; } assert!(self.latest_counter < latest_counter); let now = get_sys_timestamp(); let span = CounterSpan::new(self.latest_counter, latest_counter); if !self.undo_stack.is_empty() && now - self.last_undo_time < self.merge_interval { self.undo_stack.push_with_merge(span, true); } else { self.last_undo_time = now; self.undo_stack.push(span); } self.latest_counter = latest_counter; self.redo_stack.clear(); while self.undo_stack.len() > self.max_stack_size { self.undo_stack.pop_front(); } } } fn get_counter_end(doc: &LoroDoc, peer: PeerID) -> Counter { doc.oplog() .lock() .unwrap() .get_peer_changes(peer) .and_then(|x| x.last().map(|x| x.ctr_end())) .unwrap_or(0) } impl UndoManager { pub fn new(doc: &LoroDoc) -> Self { let peer = doc.peer_id(); let inner = Arc::new(Mutex::new(UndoManagerInner::new(get_counter_end( doc, peer, )))); let inner_clone = inner.clone(); doc.subscribe_root(Arc::new(move |event| match { EventTriggerKind::Local => { // TODO: PERF undo can be significantly faster if we can get // the DiffBatch for undo here let Ok(mut inner) = inner_clone.try_lock() else { return; }; if !inner.processing_undo { if let Some(id) =|x| x.peer == peer) { inner.record_checkpoint(id.counter + 1); } } } EventTriggerKind::Import => { let mut inner = inner_clone.try_lock().unwrap(); inner.undo_stack.compose_remote_event(; inner.redo_stack.compose_remote_event(; } EventTriggerKind::Checkout => {} })); UndoManager { peer, container_remap: Default::default(), inner, } } pub fn set_merge_interval(&mut self, interval: i64) { self.inner.try_lock().unwrap().merge_interval = interval; } pub fn set_max_undo_steps(&mut self, size: usize) { self.inner.try_lock().unwrap().max_stack_size = size; } pub fn record_new_checkpoint(&mut self, doc: &LoroDoc) -> LoroResult<()> { if doc.peer_id() != self.peer { return Err(LoroError::UndoWithDifferentPeerId { expected: self.peer, actual: doc.peer_id(), }); } doc.commit_then_renew(); let counter = get_counter_end(doc, self.peer); self.inner.try_lock().unwrap().record_checkpoint(counter); Ok(()) } #[instrument(skip_all)] pub fn undo(&mut self, doc: &LoroDoc) -> LoroResult<()> { self.perform(doc, |x| &mut x.undo_stack, |x| &mut x.redo_stack) } #[instrument(skip_all)] pub fn redo(&mut self, doc: &LoroDoc) -> LoroResult<()> { self.perform(doc, |x| &mut x.redo_stack, |x| &mut x.undo_stack) } fn perform( &mut self, doc: &LoroDoc, get_stack: impl Fn(&mut UndoManagerInner) -> &mut Stack, get_opposite: impl Fn(&mut UndoManagerInner) -> &mut Stack, ) -> LoroResult<()> { self.record_new_checkpoint(doc)?; let end_counter = get_counter_end(doc, self.peer); let mut top = { let mut inner = self.inner.try_lock().unwrap(); inner.processing_undo = true; get_stack(&mut inner).pop() }; while let Some((span, e)) = top { { let inner = self.inner.clone(); // TODO: Perf we can try to avoid this clone let e = e.try_lock().unwrap().clone(); doc.undo_internal( IdSpan { peer: self.peer, counter: span, }, &mut self.container_remap, Some(&e), &mut |diff| { info_span!("transform remote diff").in_scope(|| { let mut inner = inner.try_lock().unwrap(); get_stack(&mut inner).transform_based_on_this_delta(diff); }); }, )?; } let new_counter = get_counter_end(doc, self.peer); if end_counter != new_counter { let mut inner = self.inner.try_lock().unwrap(); get_opposite(&mut inner).push(CounterSpan::new(end_counter, new_counter)); inner.latest_counter = new_counter; break; } else { // continue to pop the undo item as this undo is a no-op top = get_stack(&mut self.inner.try_lock().unwrap()).pop(); continue; } } self.inner.try_lock().unwrap().processing_undo = false; Ok(()) } pub fn can_undo(&self) -> bool { !self.inner.try_lock().unwrap().undo_stack.is_empty() } pub fn can_redo(&self) -> bool { !self.inner.try_lock().unwrap().redo_stack.is_empty() } } /// Undo the given spans of operations. /// /// # Parameters /// /// - `spans`: A vector of tuples where each tuple contains an `IdSpan` and its associated `Frontiers`. /// - `IdSpan`: Represents a span of operations identified by an ID. /// - `Frontiers`: Represents the deps of the given id_span /// - `latest_frontiers`: The latest frontiers of the document /// - `calc_diff`: A closure that takes two `Frontiers` and calculates the difference between them, returning a `DiffBatch`. /// /// # Returns /// /// - `DiffBatch`: Applying this batch on the `latest_frontiers` will undo the ops in the given spans. pub(crate) fn undo( spans: Vec<(IdSpan, Frontiers)>, last_frontiers_or_last_bi: Either<&Frontiers, &DiffBatch>, calc_diff: impl Fn(&Frontiers, &Frontiers) -> DiffBatch, on_last_event_a: &mut dyn FnMut(&DiffBatch), ) -> DiffBatch { // The process of performing undo is: // // 0. Split the span into a series of continuous spans. There is no external dep within each continuous span. // // For each continuous span_i: // // 1. a. Calculate the event of checkout from id_span.last to id_span.deps, call it Ai. It undo the ops in the current span. // b. Calculate A'i = Ai + T(Ci-1, Ai) if i > 0, otherwise A'i = Ai. // NOTE: A'i can undo the ops in the current span and the previous spans, if it's applied on the id_span.last version. // 2. Calculate the event of checkout from id_span.last to [the next span's last id] or [the latest version], call it Bi. // 3. Transform event A'i based on Bi, call it Ci // 4. If span_i is the last span, apply Ci to the current state. // ------------------------------------------------------- // 0. Split the span into a series of continuous spans // ------------------------------------------------------- let mut last_ci: Option = None; for i in 0..spans.len() { debug_span!("Undo", ?i, "Undo span {:?}", &spans[i]).in_scope(|| { let (this_id_span, this_deps) = &spans[i]; // --------------------------------------- // 1.a Calc event A_i // --------------------------------------- let mut event_a_i = debug_span!("1. Calc event A_i").in_scope(|| { // Checkout to the last id of the id_span calc_diff(&this_id_span.id_last().into(), this_deps) }); // --------------------------------------- // 2. Calc event B_i // --------------------------------------- let mut stack_diff_batch = None; let event_b_i = debug_span!("2. Calc event B_i").in_scope(|| { let next = if i + 1 < spans.len() { spans[i + 1].0.id_last().into() } else { match last_frontiers_or_last_bi { Either::Left(last_frontiers) => last_frontiers.clone(), Either::Right(right) => return right, } }; stack_diff_batch = Some(calc_diff(&this_id_span.id_last().into(), &next)); stack_diff_batch.as_ref().unwrap() }); // event_a_prime can undo the ops in the current span and the previous spans let mut event_a_prime = if let Some(mut last_ci) = last_ci.take() { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 1.b Transform and apply Ci-1 based on Ai, call it A'i // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ last_ci.transform(&event_a_i, true); event_a_i.compose(&last_ci); event_a_i } else { event_a_i }; if i == spans.len() - 1 { on_last_event_a(&event_a_prime); } // -------------------------------------------------- // 3. Transform event A'_i based on B_i, call it C_i // -------------------------------------------------- event_a_prime.transform(event_b_i, true); let c_i = event_a_prime; last_ci = Some(c_i); }); } last_ci.unwrap() }