use loro_common::IdSpanVector; use smallvec::smallvec; use std::{ cmp::Ordering, ops::{Deref, DerefMut}, sync::Arc, }; use fxhash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use tracing::instrument; use crate::{ change::Lamport, id::{Counter, ID}, refactor::oplog::AppDag, span::{CounterSpan, HasIdSpan, IdSpan}, LoroError, PeerID, }; /// [VersionVector]( /// /// It's a map from [ClientID] to [Counter]. Its a right-open interval. /// i.e. a [VersionVector] of `{A: 1, B: 2}` means that A has 1 atomic op and B has 2 atomic ops, /// thus ID of `{client: A, counter: 1}` is out of the range. /// #[repr(transparent)] #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct VersionVector(FxHashMap); /// Immutable version vector /// /// It has O(1) clone time and O(logN) insert/delete/lookup time. /// /// It's more memory efficient than [VersionVector] when the version vector /// can be created from cloning and modifying other similar version vectors. #[repr(transparent)] #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct ImVersionVector(im::HashMap); impl ImVersionVector { pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.0.clear() } pub fn get(&self, key: &PeerID) -> Option<&Counter> { self.0.get(key) } pub fn insert(&mut self, k: PeerID, v: Counter) { self.0.insert(k, v); } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_empty() } pub fn iter(&self) -> im::hashmap::Iter<'_, PeerID, Counter> { self.0.iter() } pub fn remove(&mut self, k: &PeerID) -> Option { self.0.remove(k) } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.0.len() } pub fn contains_key(&self, k: &PeerID) -> bool { self.0.contains_key(k) } /// Convert to a [Frontiers] /// /// # Panic /// /// When self is greater than dag.vv pub fn to_frontiers(&self, dag: &AppDag) -> Frontiers { let last_ids: Vec = self .iter() .filter_map(|(client_id, cnt)| { if *cnt == 0 { return None; } Some(ID::new(*client_id, cnt - 1)) }) .collect(); shrink_frontiers(last_ids, dag) } } // TODO: use a better data structure that is Array when small // and hashmap when it's big #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Frontiers(SmallVec<[ID; 2]>); impl PartialEq for Frontiers { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { if self.len() <= 1 { self.0 == other.0 } else if self.len() <= 10 { self.0.iter().all(|id| other.0.contains(id)) } else { let set = self.0.iter().collect::>(); other.iter().all(|x| set.contains(x)) } } } impl Frontiers { #[inline] pub(crate) fn from_id(id: ID) -> Self { Self(smallvec![id]) } #[inline] pub fn encode(&self) -> Vec { postcard::to_allocvec(&self).unwrap() } #[inline] pub fn decode(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result { postcard::from_bytes(bytes).map_err(|_| { LoroError::DecodeError("Decode Frontiers error".to_string().into_boxed_str()) }) } pub fn retain_non_included(&mut self, other: &Frontiers) { self.retain(|id| !other.contains(id)); } pub fn filter_peer(&mut self, peer: PeerID) { self.retain(|id| id.peer != peer); } } impl Deref for Frontiers { type Target = SmallVec<[ID; 2]>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl DerefMut for Frontiers { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } impl From> for Frontiers { fn from(value: SmallVec<[ID; 2]>) -> Self { Self(value) } } impl From<&[ID]> for Frontiers { fn from(value: &[ID]) -> Self { Self(value.into()) } } impl From<&Vec> for Frontiers { fn from(value: &Vec) -> Self { let ids: &[ID] = value; Self(ids.into()) } } impl From> for Frontiers { fn from(value: Vec) -> Self { Self(value.into()) } } impl FromIterator for Frontiers { fn from_iter>(iter: I) -> Self { Self(iter.into_iter().collect()) } } impl PartialEq for VersionVector { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.iter() .all(|(client, counter)| other.get(client).unwrap_or(&0) == counter) && other .iter() .all(|(client, counter)| self.get(client).unwrap_or(&0) == counter) } } impl Eq for VersionVector {} impl PartialEq for ImVersionVector { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.0 .iter() .all(|(client, counter)| other.0.get(client).unwrap_or(&0) == counter) && other .0 .iter() .all(|(client, counter)| self.0.get(client).unwrap_or(&0) == counter) } } impl Eq for ImVersionVector {} impl Deref for VersionVector { type Target = FxHashMap; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } #[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct VersionVectorDiff { /// need to add these spans to move from right to left pub left: IdSpanVector, /// need to add these spans to move from left to right pub right: IdSpanVector, } impl VersionVectorDiff { #[inline] pub fn merge_left(&mut self, span: IdSpan) { merge(&mut self.left, span); } #[inline] pub fn merge_right(&mut self, span: IdSpan) { merge(&mut self.right, span); } #[inline] pub fn subtract_start_left(&mut self, span: IdSpan) { subtract_start(&mut self.left, span); } #[inline] pub fn subtract_start_right(&mut self, span: IdSpan) { subtract_start(&mut self.right, span); } pub fn get_id_spans_left(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.left.iter().map(|(client_id, span)| IdSpan { client_id: *client_id, counter: *span, }) } pub fn get_id_spans_right(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.right.iter().map(|(client_id, span)| IdSpan { client_id: *client_id, counter: *span, }) } } fn subtract_start(m: &mut FxHashMap, target: IdSpan) { if let Some(span) = m.get_mut(&target.client_id) { if span.start < target.counter.end { span.start = target.counter.end; } } } fn merge(m: &mut FxHashMap, mut target: IdSpan) { target.normalize_(); if let Some(span) = m.get_mut(&target.client_id) { span.start = span.start.min(target.counter.start); span.end = span.end.max(target.counter.end); } else { m.insert(target.client_id, target.counter); } } impl PartialOrd for VersionVector { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { let mut self_greater = true; let mut other_greater = true; let mut eq = true; for (client_id, other_end) in other.iter() { if let Some(self_end) = self.get(client_id) { if self_end < other_end { self_greater = false; eq = false; } if self_end > other_end { other_greater = false; eq = false; } } else if *other_end > 0 { self_greater = false; eq = false; } } for (client_id, self_end) in self.iter() { if other.contains_key(client_id) { continue; } else if *self_end > 0 { other_greater = false; eq = false; } } if eq { Some(Ordering::Equal) } else if self_greater { Some(Ordering::Greater) } else if other_greater { Some(Ordering::Less) } else { None } } } impl PartialOrd for ImVersionVector { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { let mut self_greater = true; let mut other_greater = true; let mut eq = true; for (client_id, other_end) in other.iter() { if let Some(self_end) = self.get(client_id) { if self_end < other_end { self_greater = false; eq = false; } if self_end > other_end { other_greater = false; eq = false; } } else if *other_end > 0 { self_greater = false; eq = false; } } for (client_id, self_end) in self.iter() { if other.contains_key(client_id) { continue; } else if *self_end > 0 { other_greater = false; eq = false; } } if eq { Some(Ordering::Equal) } else if self_greater { Some(Ordering::Greater) } else if other_greater { Some(Ordering::Less) } else { None } } } impl DerefMut for VersionVector { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } impl VersionVector { pub fn diff(&self, rhs: &Self) -> VersionVectorDiff { let mut ans: VersionVectorDiff = Default::default(); for (client_id, &counter) in self.iter() { if let Some(&rhs_counter) = rhs.get(client_id) { match counter.cmp(&rhs_counter) { Ordering::Less => { ans.right.insert( *client_id, CounterSpan { start: counter, end: rhs_counter, }, ); } Ordering::Greater => { ans.left.insert( *client_id, CounterSpan { start: rhs_counter, end: counter, }, ); } Ordering::Equal => {} } } else { ans.left.insert( *client_id, CounterSpan { start: 0, end: counter, }, ); } } for (client_id, &rhs_counter) in rhs.iter() { if !self.contains_key(client_id) { ans.right.insert( *client_id, CounterSpan { start: 0, end: rhs_counter, }, ); } } ans } /// Returns two iterators that cover the differences between two version vectors. /// /// - The first iterator contains the spans that are in `self` but not in `rhs` /// - The second iterator contains the spans that are in `rhs` but not in `self` pub fn diff_iter<'a>( &'a self, rhs: &'a Self, ) -> ( impl Iterator + 'a, impl Iterator + 'a, ) { (self.sub_iter(rhs), rhs.sub_iter(self)) } /// Returns the spans that are in `self` but not in `rhs` pub fn sub_iter<'a>(&'a self, rhs: &'a Self) -> impl Iterator + 'a { self.iter().filter_map(move |(client_id, &counter)| { if let Some(&rhs_counter) = rhs.get(client_id) { if counter > rhs_counter { Some(IdSpan { client_id: *client_id, counter: CounterSpan { start: rhs_counter, end: counter, }, }) } else { None } } else if counter > 0 { Some(IdSpan { client_id: *client_id, counter: CounterSpan { start: 0, end: counter, }, }) } else { None } }) } pub fn sub_vec(&self, rhs: &Self) -> IdSpanVector { self.sub_iter(rhs) .map(|x| (x.client_id, x.counter)) .collect() } pub fn to_spans(&self) -> IdSpanVector { self.iter() .map(|(client_id, &counter)| { ( *client_id, CounterSpan { start: 0, end: counter, }, ) }) .collect() } #[inline] pub fn get_frontiers(&self) -> Frontiers { self.iter() .filter_map(|(client_id, &counter)| { if counter > 0 { Some(ID { peer: *client_id, counter: counter - 1, }) } else { None } }) .collect() } #[inline] pub fn new() -> Self { Self(Default::default()) } /// set the inclusive ending point. target id will be included by self #[inline] pub fn set_last(&mut self, id: ID) { self.0.insert(id.peer, id.counter + 1); } #[inline] pub fn get_last(&self, client_id: PeerID) -> Option { self.0 .get(&client_id) .and_then(|&x| if x == 0 { None } else { Some(x - 1) }) } /// set the exclusive ending point. target id will NOT be included by self #[inline] pub fn set_end(&mut self, id: ID) { self.0.insert(id.peer, id.counter); } /// Update the end counter of the given client if the end is greater. /// Return whether updated #[inline] pub fn try_update_last(&mut self, id: ID) -> bool { if let Some(end) = self.0.get_mut(&id.peer) { if *end < id.counter + 1 { *end = id.counter + 1; true } else { false } } else { self.0.insert(id.peer, id.counter + 1); true } } pub fn get_missing_span(&self, target: &Self) -> Vec { let mut ans = vec![]; for (client_id, other_end) in target.iter() { if let Some(my_end) = self.get(client_id) { if my_end < other_end { ans.push(IdSpan::new(*client_id, *my_end, *other_end)); } } else { ans.push(IdSpan::new(*client_id, 0, *other_end)); } } ans } pub fn merge(&mut self, other: &Self) { for (&client_id, &other_end) in other.iter() { if let Some(my_end) = self.get_mut(&client_id) { if *my_end < other_end { *my_end = other_end; } } else { self.0.insert(client_id, other_end); } } } pub fn includes_id(&self, id: ID) -> bool { if let Some(end) = self.get(&id.peer) { if *end > id.counter { return true; } } false } pub fn intersect_span(&self, target: &S) -> Option { let id = target.id_start(); if let Some(end) = self.get(&id.peer) { if *end > id.counter { return Some(CounterSpan { start: id.counter, end: *end, }); } } None } pub fn extend_to_include_vv<'a>( &mut self, vv: impl Iterator, ) { for (&client_id, &counter) in vv { if let Some(my_counter) = self.get_mut(&client_id) { if *my_counter < counter { *my_counter = counter; } } else { self.0.insert(client_id, counter); } } } pub fn extend_to_include_last_id(&mut self, id: ID) { if let Some(counter) = self.get_mut(&id.peer) { if *counter <= id.counter { *counter = id.counter + 1; } } else { self.set_last(id) } } pub fn extend_to_include_end_id(&mut self, id: ID) { if let Some(counter) = self.get_mut(&id.peer) { if *counter < id.counter { *counter = id.counter; } } else { self.set_end(id) } } pub fn extend_to_include(&mut self, span: IdSpan) { if let Some(counter) = self.get_mut(&span.client_id) { if *counter < span.counter.norm_end() { *counter = span.counter.norm_end(); } } else { self.insert(span.client_id, span.counter.norm_end()); } } pub fn shrink_to_exclude(&mut self, span: IdSpan) { if span.counter.min() == 0 { self.remove(&span.client_id); return; } if let Some(counter) = self.get_mut(&span.client_id) { if *counter > span.counter.min() { *counter = span.counter.min(); } } } pub fn forward(&mut self, spans: &IdSpanVector) { for span in spans.iter() { self.extend_to_include(IdSpan { client_id: *span.0, counter: *span.1, }); } } pub fn retreat(&mut self, spans: &IdSpanVector) { for span in spans.iter() { self.shrink_to_exclude(IdSpan { client_id: *span.0, counter: *span.1, }); } } pub fn intersection(&self, other: &VersionVector) -> VersionVector { let mut ans = VersionVector::new(); for (client_id, &counter) in self.iter() { if let Some(&other_counter) = other.get(client_id) { if counter < other_counter { if counter != 0 { ans.insert(*client_id, counter); } } else if other_counter != 0 { ans.insert(*client_id, other_counter); } } } ans } #[inline(always)] #[instrument(skip_all)] pub fn encode(&self) -> Vec { postcard::to_allocvec(self).unwrap() } #[inline(always)] #[instrument(skip_all)] pub fn decode(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result { postcard::from_bytes(bytes).map_err(|_| LoroError::DecodeVersionVectorError) } /// Convert to a [Frontiers] /// /// # Panic /// /// When self is greater than dag.vv pub fn to_frontiers(&self, dag: &AppDag) -> Frontiers { let last_ids: Vec = self .iter() .filter_map(|(client_id, cnt)| { if *cnt == 0 { return None; } Some(ID::new(*client_id, cnt - 1)) }) .collect(); shrink_frontiers(last_ids, dag) } } impl ImVersionVector { pub fn extend_to_include_vv<'a>( &mut self, vv: impl Iterator, ) { for (&client_id, &counter) in vv { if let Some(my_counter) = self.0.get_mut(&client_id) { if *my_counter < counter { *my_counter = counter; } } else { self.0.insert(client_id, counter); } } } #[inline] pub fn set_last(&mut self, id: ID) { self.0.insert(id.peer, id.counter + 1); } pub fn extend_to_include_last_id(&mut self, id: ID) { if let Some(counter) = self.0.get_mut(&id.peer) { if *counter <= id.counter { *counter = id.counter + 1; } } else { self.set_last(id) } } } /// Use minimal set of ids to represent the frontiers fn shrink_frontiers(mut last_ids: Vec, dag: &AppDag) -> Frontiers { // it only keep the ids of ops that are concurrent to each other let mut frontiers = Frontiers::default(); let mut frontiers_vv = Vec::new(); if last_ids.len() == 1 { frontiers.push(last_ids[0]); return frontiers; } // sort by lamport, ascending last_ids.sort_by_cached_key(|x| ((dag.get_lamport(x).unwrap() as isize), x.peer)); for id in last_ids.iter().rev() { let vv = dag.get_vv(*id).unwrap(); let mut should_insert = true; for f_vv in frontiers_vv.iter() { if vv.partial_cmp(f_vv).is_some() { // This is not concurrent op, should be ignored in frontiers should_insert = false; break; } } if should_insert { frontiers.push(*id); frontiers_vv.push(vv); } } frontiers } impl Default for VersionVector { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl From> for VersionVector { fn from(map: FxHashMap) -> Self { let mut im_map = FxHashMap::default(); for (client_id, counter) in map { im_map.insert(client_id, counter); } Self(im_map) } } impl From> for VersionVector { fn from(vec: Vec) -> Self { let mut vv = VersionVector::new(); for id in vec { vv.set_last(id); } vv } } impl FromIterator for VersionVector { fn from_iter>(iter: T) -> Self { let mut vv = VersionVector::new(); for id in iter { vv.set_last(id); } vv } } // Note: It will be encoded into binary format, so the order of its fields should not be changed. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub(crate) struct TotalOrderStamp { pub(crate) lamport: Lamport, pub(crate) client_id: PeerID, } pub fn are_frontiers_eq(a: &[ID], b: &[ID]) -> bool { if a.len() != b.len() { return false; } let mut a: SmallVec<[ID; 10]> = a.into(); let mut b: SmallVec<[ID; 10]> = b.into(); a.sort(); b.sort(); a == b } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct PatchedVersionVector { pub base: Arc, pub patch: VersionVector, } impl Clone for PatchedVersionVector { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { base: Arc::clone(&self.base), patch: self.patch.clone(), } } } impl From for VersionVector { fn from(mut v: PatchedVersionVector) -> Self { for (client_id, counter) in v.base.iter() { if v.patch.contains_key(client_id) { continue; } v.patch.set_last(ID::new(*client_id, *counter)); } v.patch } } impl PatchedVersionVector { #[inline] pub fn new(base: Arc) -> Self { Self { base, patch: Default::default(), } } #[inline] pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.patch.is_empty() && self.base.is_empty() } pub fn from_version(base: &Arc, version: &VersionVector) -> Self { let mut patch = VersionVector::new(); for (client_id, counter) in version.iter() { if let Some(base_counter) = base.get(client_id) { if *base_counter != *counter { patch.set_end(ID::new(*client_id, *counter)); } } else { patch.set_end(ID::new(*client_id, *counter)); } } if cfg!(debug_assertions) { for (client_id, counter) in base.iter() { if let Some(patch_counter) = version.get(client_id) { assert!(*patch_counter >= *counter); } else { unreachable!("base should be a subset of version"); } } } Self { base: Arc::clone(base), patch, } } #[inline] pub fn extend_to_include_last_id(&mut self, id: ID) { self.patch.extend_to_include_last_id(id); self.omit_if_needless(id.peer); } #[inline] pub fn set_end(&mut self, id: ID) { self.patch.set_end(id); self.omit_if_needless(id.peer); } #[inline] pub fn set_last(&mut self, id: ID) { self.patch.set_last(id); self.omit_if_needless(id.peer); } #[inline] pub fn extend_to_include(&mut self, span: IdSpan) { self.patch.extend_to_include(span); self.omit_if_needless(span.client_id); } #[inline] pub fn shrink_to_exclude(&mut self, span: IdSpan) { self.patch.shrink_to_exclude(span); self.omit_if_needless(span.client_id); } #[inline] pub fn forward(&mut self, spans: &IdSpanVector) { for span in spans.iter() { let span = IdSpan { client_id: *span.0, counter: *span.1, }; if let Some(counter) = self.patch.get_mut(&span.client_id) { if *counter < span.counter.norm_end() { *counter = span.counter.norm_end(); self.omit_if_needless(span.client_id); } } else { let target = span.counter.norm_end(); if self.base.get(&span.client_id) == Some(&target) { continue; } self.patch.insert(span.client_id, target); } } } #[inline] pub fn retreat(&mut self, spans: &IdSpanVector) { for span in spans.iter() { let span = IdSpan { client_id: *span.0, counter: *span.1, }; if let Some(counter) = self.patch.get_mut(&span.client_id) { if *counter > span.counter.min() { *counter = span.counter.min(); self.omit_if_needless(span.client_id); } } } } #[inline(always)] fn omit_if_needless(&mut self, client_id: PeerID) { if let Some(patch_value) = self.patch.get(&client_id) { if *patch_value == *self.base.get(&client_id).unwrap_or(&0) { self.patch.remove(&client_id); } } } #[inline] pub fn get(&self, client_id: &PeerID) -> Option<&Counter> { self.patch .get(client_id) .or_else(|| self.base.get(client_id)) } #[inline] pub fn insert(&mut self, client_id: PeerID, counter: Counter) { self.patch.insert(client_id, counter); self.omit_if_needless(client_id); } #[inline] pub fn includes_id(&self, id: ID) -> bool { self.patch.includes_id(id) || self.base.includes_id(id) } pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.patch.iter().chain( self.base .iter() .filter(|(client_id, _)| !self.patch.contains_key(client_id)), ) } pub fn sub_iter<'a>(&'a self, rhs: &'a Self) -> impl Iterator + 'a { if !Arc::ptr_eq(&self.base, &rhs.base) { unimplemented!(); } self.patch.sub_iter(&rhs.patch) } pub fn diff_iter<'a>( &'a self, rhs: &'a Self, ) -> ( impl Iterator + 'a, impl Iterator + 'a, ) { if !Arc::ptr_eq(&self.base, &rhs.base) { unimplemented!(); } self.patch.diff_iter(&rhs.patch) } } impl PartialEq for PatchedVersionVector { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { if Arc::ptr_eq(&self.base, &other.base) { self.patch.eq(&other.patch) } else { self.base == other.base && self.patch == other.patch } } } impl PartialOrd for PatchedVersionVector { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { if Arc::ptr_eq(&self.base, &other.base) || self.base == other.base { self.patch.partial_cmp(&other.patch) } else { None } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #![allow(clippy::neg_cmp_op_on_partial_ord)] use super::*; mod cmp { use super::*; #[test] fn test() { let a: VersionVector = vec![ID::new(1, 1), ID::new(2, 2)].into(); let b: VersionVector = vec![ID::new(1, 1), ID::new(2, 2)].into(); assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Ordering::Equal)); assert!(a == b); let a: VersionVector = vec![ID::new(1, 2), ID::new(2, 1)].into(); let b: VersionVector = vec![ID::new(1, 1), ID::new(2, 2)].into(); assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), None); assert!(!(a > b)); assert!(!(b > a)); assert!(!(b == a)); let a: VersionVector = vec![ID::new(1, 2), ID::new(2, 3)].into(); let b: VersionVector = vec![ID::new(1, 1), ID::new(2, 2)].into(); assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Ordering::Greater)); assert!(a > b); assert!(a >= b); let a: VersionVector = vec![ID::new(1, 0), ID::new(2, 2)].into(); let b: VersionVector = vec![ID::new(1, 1), ID::new(2, 2)].into(); assert_eq!(a.partial_cmp(&b), Some(Ordering::Less)); assert!(a < b); assert!(a <= b); } } #[test] fn im() { let mut a = VersionVector::new(); a.set_last(ID::new(1, 1)); a.set_last(ID::new(2, 1)); let mut b = a.clone(); b.merge(&vec![ID::new(1, 2), ID::new(2, 2)].into()); assert!(a != b); assert_eq!(a.get(&1), Some(&2)); assert_eq!(a.get(&2), Some(&2)); assert_eq!(b.get(&1), Some(&3)); assert_eq!(b.get(&2), Some(&3)); } #[test] fn field_order() { let tos = TotalOrderStamp { lamport: 0, client_id: 1, }; let buf = vec![0, 1]; assert_eq!(postcard::from_bytes::(&buf).unwrap(), tos); } }