
531 lines
15 KiB

use std::{fmt::Display, sync::Arc};
use arbitrary::Arbitrary;
use enum_as_inner::EnumAsInner;
use nonmax::{NonMaxI32, NonMaxU32};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
mod error;
mod id;
mod internal_string;
mod macros;
mod span;
mod value;
pub use error::{LoroError, LoroResult, LoroTreeError};
pub use fxhash::FxHashMap;
pub use internal_string::InternalString;
pub use span::*;
pub use value::{to_value, LoroValue};
/// Unique id for each peer. It's a random u64 by default.
pub type PeerID = u64;
/// If it's the nth Op of a peer, the counter will be n.
pub type Counter = i32;
/// It's the [Lamport clock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamport_timestamp)
pub type Lamport = u32;
/// It's the unique ID of an Op represented by [PeerID] and [Counter].
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ID {
pub peer: PeerID,
pub counter: Counter,
/// It's the unique ID of an Op represented by [PeerID] and [Counter].
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct CompactId {
pub peer: PeerID,
pub counter: NonMaxI32,
impl CompactId {
pub fn new(peer: PeerID, counter: Counter) -> Self {
Self {
counter: NonMaxI32::new(counter).unwrap(),
pub fn to_id(&self) -> ID {
ID {
peer: self.peer,
counter: self.counter.get(),
pub fn inc(&self, start: i32) -> CompactId {
Self {
peer: self.peer,
counter: NonMaxI32::new(start + self.counter.get()).unwrap(),
impl TryFrom<ID> for CompactId {
type Error = ID;
fn try_from(id: ID) -> Result<Self, ID> {
if id.counter == i32::MAX {
return Err(id);
Ok(Self::new(id.peer, id.counter))
/// It's the unique ID of an Op represented by [PeerID] and [Lamport] clock.
/// It's used to define the total order of Ops.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct IdLp {
pub lamport: Lamport,
pub peer: PeerID,
impl IdLp {
pub fn compact(self) -> CompactIdLp {
CompactIdLp::new(self.peer, self.lamport)
/// It's the unique ID of an Op represented by [PeerID] and [Counter].
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct CompactIdLp {
pub peer: PeerID,
pub lamport: NonMaxU32,
impl CompactIdLp {
pub fn new(peer: PeerID, lamport: Lamport) -> Self {
Self {
lamport: NonMaxU32::new(lamport).unwrap(),
pub fn to_id(&self) -> IdLp {
IdLp {
peer: self.peer,
lamport: self.lamport.get(),
impl TryFrom<IdLp> for CompactIdLp {
type Error = IdLp;
fn try_from(id: IdLp) -> Result<Self, IdLp> {
if id.lamport == u32::MAX {
return Err(id);
Ok(Self::new(id.peer, id.lamport))
/// It's the unique ID of an Op represented by [PeerID], [Lamport] clock and [Counter].
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct IdFull {
pub peer: PeerID,
pub lamport: Lamport,
pub counter: Counter,
/// [ContainerID] includes the Op's [ID] and the type. So it's impossible to have
/// the same [ContainerID] with conflict [ContainerType].
/// This structure is really cheap to clone.
/// String representation:
/// - Root Container: `/<name>:<type>`
/// - Normal Container: `<counter>@<client>:<type>`
/// Note: It will be encoded into binary format, so the order of its fields should not be changed.
#[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, EnumAsInner)]
pub enum ContainerID {
/// Root container does not need an op to create. It can be created implicitly.
Root {
name: InternalString,
container_type: ContainerType,
Normal {
peer: PeerID,
counter: Counter,
container_type: ContainerType,
impl std::fmt::Debug for ContainerID {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Root {
} => {
write!(f, "Root(\"{}\" {:?})", &name, container_type)
Self::Normal {
} => {
write!(f, "Normal({:?} {}@{})", container_type, counter, peer,)
// TODO: add non_exausted
// Note: It will be encoded into binary format, so the order of its fields should not be changed.
Arbitrary, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize, Deserialize,
pub enum ContainerType {
#[cfg(feature = "counter")]
impl ContainerType {
#[cfg(feature = "counter")]
pub const ALL_TYPES: [ContainerType; 6] = [
#[cfg(not(feature = "counter"))]
pub const ALL_TYPES: [ContainerType; 5] = [
pub fn default_value(&self) -> LoroValue {
match self {
ContainerType::Map => LoroValue::Map(Arc::new(Default::default())),
ContainerType::List => LoroValue::List(Arc::new(Default::default())),
ContainerType::Text => LoroValue::String(Arc::new(Default::default())),
ContainerType::Tree => LoroValue::List(Arc::new(Default::default())),
ContainerType::MovableList => LoroValue::List(Arc::new(Default::default())),
#[cfg(feature = "counter")]
ContainerType::Counter => LoroValue::I64(0),
ContainerType::Unknown(_) => unreachable!(),
pub fn to_u8(self) -> u8 {
match self {
ContainerType::Map => 0,
ContainerType::List => 1,
ContainerType::Text => 2,
ContainerType::Tree => 3,
ContainerType::MovableList => 4,
#[cfg(feature = "counter")]
ContainerType::Counter => 5,
ContainerType::Unknown(k) => k,
pub fn try_from_u8(v: u8) -> LoroResult<Self> {
match v {
0 => Ok(ContainerType::Map),
1 => Ok(ContainerType::List),
2 => Ok(ContainerType::Text),
3 => Ok(ContainerType::Tree),
4 => Ok(ContainerType::MovableList),
#[cfg(feature = "counter")]
5 => Ok(ContainerType::Counter),
_ => Err(LoroError::DecodeError(
format!("Unknown container type {v}").into_boxed_str(),
pub type IdSpanVector = fxhash::FxHashMap<PeerID, CounterSpan>;
mod container {
use super::*;
impl Display for ContainerType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.write_str(match self {
ContainerType::Map => "Map",
ContainerType::List => "List",
ContainerType::MovableList => "MovableList",
ContainerType::Text => "Text",
ContainerType::Tree => "Tree",
#[cfg(feature = "counter")]
ContainerType::Counter => "Counter",
ContainerType::Unknown(k) => return f.write_fmt(format_args!("Unknown({})", k)),
impl Display for ContainerID {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
ContainerID::Root {
} => f.write_fmt(format_args!("cid:root-{}:{}", name, container_type))?,
ContainerID::Normal {
} => f.write_fmt(format_args!(
ID::new(*peer, *counter),
impl TryFrom<&str> for ContainerID {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(mut s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if !s.starts_with("cid:") {
return Err(());
s = &s[4..];
if s.starts_with("root-") {
// root container
s = &s[5..];
let split = s.rfind(':').ok_or(())?;
if split == 0 {
return Err(());
let kind = ContainerType::try_from(&s[split + 1..]).map_err(|_| ())?;
let name = &s[..split];
Ok(ContainerID::Root {
name: name.into(),
container_type: kind,
} else {
let mut iter = s.split(':');
let id = iter.next().ok_or(())?;
let kind = iter.next().ok_or(())?;
if iter.next().is_some() {
return Err(());
let id = ID::try_from(id).map_err(|_| ())?;
let kind = ContainerType::try_from(kind).map_err(|_| ())?;
Ok(ContainerID::Normal {
peer: id.peer,
counter: id.counter,
container_type: kind,
impl ContainerID {
pub fn new_normal(id: ID, container_type: ContainerType) -> Self {
ContainerID::Normal {
peer: id.peer,
counter: id.counter,
pub fn new_root(name: &str, container_type: ContainerType) -> Self {
ContainerID::Root {
name: name.into(),
pub fn name(&self) -> &InternalString {
match self {
ContainerID::Root { name, .. } => name,
ContainerID::Normal { .. } => unreachable!(),
pub fn container_type(&self) -> ContainerType {
match self {
ContainerID::Root { container_type, .. } => *container_type,
ContainerID::Normal { container_type, .. } => *container_type,
pub fn is_unknown(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.container_type(), ContainerType::Unknown(_))
impl TryFrom<&str> for ContainerType {
type Error = LoroError;
fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
"Map" | "map" => Ok(ContainerType::Map),
"List" | "list" => Ok(ContainerType::List),
"Text" | "text" => Ok(ContainerType::Text),
"Tree" | "tree" => Ok(ContainerType::Tree),
"MovableList" | "movableList" => Ok(ContainerType::MovableList),
_ => Err(LoroError::DecodeError(
format!("Unknown container type \"{}\". The valid options are Map|List|Text|Tree|MovableList.", value).into(),
/// In movable tree, we use a specific [`TreeID`] to represent the root of **ALL** deleted tree node.
/// Deletion operation is equivalent to move target tree node to [`DELETED_TREE_ROOT`].
pub const DELETED_TREE_ROOT: TreeID = TreeID {
peer: PeerID::MAX,
counter: Counter::MAX,
/// Each node of movable tree has a unique [`TreeID`] generated by Loro.
/// To further represent the metadata (a MapContainer) associated with each node,
/// we also use [`TreeID`] as [`ID`] portion of [`ContainerID`].
/// This not only allows for convenient association of metadata with each node,
/// but also ensures the uniqueness of the MapContainer.
/// Special ID:
/// - [`DELETED_TREE_ROOT`]: the root of all deleted nodes. To get it by [`TreeID::delete_root()`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TreeID {
pub peer: PeerID,
// TODO: can use a NonMax here
pub counter: Counter,
impl TreeID {
pub fn new(peer: PeerID, counter: Counter) -> Self {
Self { peer, counter }
/// return [`DELETED_TREE_ROOT`]
pub const fn delete_root() -> Self {
/// return `true` if the `TreeID` is deleted root
pub fn is_deleted_root(target: &TreeID) -> bool {
pub fn from_id(id: ID) -> Self {
Self {
peer: id.peer,
counter: id.counter,
pub fn id(&self) -> ID {
ID {
peer: self.peer,
counter: self.counter,
pub fn associated_meta_container(&self) -> ContainerID {
ContainerID::new_normal(self.id(), ContainerType::Map)
impl Display for TreeID {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl TryFrom<&str> for TreeID {
type Error = LoroError;
fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let id = ID::try_from(value)?;
Ok(TreeID {
peer: id.peer,
counter: id.counter,
#[cfg(feature = "wasm")]
pub mod wasm {
use crate::{LoroError, TreeID};
use wasm_bindgen::JsValue;
impl From<TreeID> for JsValue {
fn from(value: TreeID) -> Self {
JsValue::from_str(&format!("{}", value.id()))
impl TryFrom<JsValue> for TreeID {
type Error = LoroError;
fn try_from(value: JsValue) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let id = value.as_string().unwrap();
mod test {
use crate::ContainerID;
fn test_container_id_convert_to_and_from_str() {
let id = ContainerID::Root {
name: "name".into(),
container_type: crate::ContainerType::Map,
let id_str = id.to_string();
assert_eq!(id_str.as_str(), "cid:root-name:Map");
assert_eq!(ContainerID::try_from(id_str.as_str()).unwrap(), id);
let id = ContainerID::Normal {
counter: 10,
peer: 255,
container_type: crate::ContainerType::Map,
let id_str = id.to_string();
assert_eq!(id_str.as_str(), "cid:10@255:Map");
assert_eq!(ContainerID::try_from(id_str.as_str()).unwrap(), id);
let id = ContainerID::try_from("cid:root-a:b:c:Tree").unwrap();
ContainerID::new_root("a:b:c", crate::ContainerType::Tree)
fn test_convert_invalid_container_id_str() {