This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.7 from make.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION GNU Packages START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Make: (make). Remake files automatically. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This file documents the GNU Make utility, which determines automatically which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled, and issues the commands to recompile them. This is Edition 0.70, last updated 07 May 2005, of `The GNU Make Manual', for `make', Version 3.81. Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".  Indirect: 1003 296079  Tag Table: (Indirect) Node: Top1003 Node: Overview13595 Node: Preparing14605 Node: Reading15577 Node: Bugs16504 Node: Introduction18334 Node: Rule Introduction19926 Node: Simple Makefile21670 Node: How Make Works25299 Node: Variables Simplify27954 Node: make Deduces30160 Node: Combine By Prerequisite31900 Node: Cleanup32929 Node: Makefiles34348 Node: Makefile Contents35314 Node: Makefile Names38269 Node: Include39880 Ref: Include-Footnote-143512 Node: MAKEFILES Variable43646 Node: MAKEFILE_LIST Variable45156 Node: Special Variables46424 Node: Remaking Makefiles49630 Node: Overriding Makefiles53879 Node: Reading Makefiles55932 Node: Secondary Expansion58836 Node: Rules65758 Node: Rule Example68430 Node: Rule Syntax69287 Node: Prerequisite Types71651 Node: Wildcards73427 Node: Wildcard Examples75118 Node: Wildcard Pitfall76374 Node: Wildcard Function78163 Node: Directory Search79947 Node: General Search81089 Node: Selective Search82804 Node: Search Algorithm85792 Node: Commands/Search88311 Node: Implicit/Search89657 Node: Libraries/Search90601 Node: Phony Targets92695 Node: Force Targets97755 Node: Empty Targets98800 Node: Special Targets100098 Node: Multiple Targets106802 Node: Multiple Rules108677 Node: Static Pattern110913 Node: Static Usage111565 Node: Static versus Implicit115286 Node: Double-Colon117030 Node: Automatic Prerequisites118687 Node: Commands122932 Node: Echoing124625 Node: Execution125911 Ref: Execution-Footnote-1130858 Node: Parallel131004 Node: Errors134597 Node: Interrupts138243 Node: Recursion139830 Node: MAKE Variable141924 Node: Variables/Recursion144191 Node: Options/Recursion149603 Node: -w Option154768 Node: Sequences155763 Node: Empty Commands158775 Node: Using Variables159949 Node: Reference163062 Node: Flavors164621 Node: Advanced170410 Node: Substitution Refs170915 Node: Computed Names172468 Node: Values177012 Node: Setting177925 Node: Appending179961 Node: Override Directive183883 Node: Defining185267 Node: Environment187731 Node: Target-specific190481 Node: Pattern-specific193448 Node: Conditionals194850 Node: Conditional Example195560 Node: Conditional Syntax198137 Node: Testing Flags203862 Node: Functions204964 Node: Syntax of Functions206310 Node: Text Functions208509 Node: File Name Functions217080 Node: Foreach Function222292 Node: If Function225500 Node: Call Function226776 Node: Value Function229656 Node: Eval Function231093 Node: Origin Function233367 Node: Shell Function236584 Node: Make Control Functions238218 Node: Running239887 Node: Makefile Arguments241876 Node: Goals242592 Node: Instead of Execution247333 Node: Avoiding Compilation250619 Node: Overriding252594 Node: Testing254892 Node: Options Summary256777 Node: Implicit Rules266903 Node: Using Implicit269049 Node: Catalogue of Rules272588 Node: Implicit Variables281581 Node: Chained Rules285853 Node: Pattern Rules289864 Node: Pattern Intro291400 Node: Pattern Examples294270 Node: Automatic Variables296079 Node: Pattern Match303450 Node: Match-Anything Rules305085 Node: Canceling Rules308960 Node: Last Resort309676 Node: Suffix Rules311523 Node: Implicit Rule Search315252 Node: Archives318771 Node: Archive Members319469 Node: Archive Update321082 Node: Archive Symbols322996 Node: Archive Pitfalls324230 Node: Archive Suffix Rules324953 Node: Features326500 Node: Missing335055 Node: Makefile Conventions338793 Node: Makefile Basics339579 Node: Utilities in Makefiles342746 Node: Command Variables344884 Node: Directory Variables348454 Node: Standard Targets362594 Ref: Standard Targets-Footnote-1375713 Node: Install Command Categories375813 Node: Quick Reference380339 Node: Error Messages390913 Node: Complex Makefile398603 Node: GNU Free Documentation License407321 Node: Concept Index429770 Node: Name Index493453  End Tag Table