Paul Smith 11095a90f1 Make second expansion optional (partial implementation).
I decided this feature was too impacting to make the permanent default
behavior.  This set of changes makes the default behavior of make the
old behavior (no second expansion).  If you want second expansion, you
must define the .SECONDEXPANSION: special target before the first target
that needs it.

This set of changes ONLY fixes explicit and static pattern rules to work
like this.  Implicit rules still have second expansion enabled all the
time: I'll work on that next.

Note that there is still a backward-incompatibility: now to get the old
SysV behavior using $$@ etc. in the prerequisites list you need to set
2005-10-24 13:01:39 +00:00

341 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# -*-perl-*-
# Test driver for the Make test suite
# Usage: run_make_tests [testname]
# [-debug]
# [-help]
# [-verbose]
# [-keep]
# [-make <make prog>]
# (and others)
$valgrind = 0; # invoke make with valgrind
$pure_log = undef;
require "";
# Some target systems might not have the POSIX module...
$has_POSIX = eval { require "" };
#$SIG{INT} = sub { print STDERR "Caught a signal!\n"; die @_; };
sub valid_option
local($option) = @_;
if ($option =~ /^-make([-_]?path)?$/)
$make_path = shift @argv;
if (!-f $make_path)
print "$option $make_path: Not found.\n";
exit 0;
return 1;
if ($option =~ /^-valgrind$/i) {
$valgrind = 1;
return 1;
# This doesn't work--it _should_! Someone badly needs to fix this.
# elsif ($option =~ /^-work([-_]?dir)?$/)
# {
# $workdir = shift @argv;
# return 1;
# }
return 0;
# This is an "all-in-one" function. Arguments are as follows:
# [0] (string): The makefile to be tested. undef means use the last one.
# [1] (string): Arguments to pass to make.
# [2] (string): Answer we should get back.
# [3] (integer): Exit code we expect. A missing code means 0 (success)
$old_makefile = undef;
sub run_make_test
local ($makestring, $options, $answer, $err_code) = @_;
# If the user specified a makefile string, create a new makefile to contain
# it. If the first value is not defined, use the last one (if there is
# one).
if (! defined $makestring) {
defined $old_makefile
|| die "run_make_test(undef) invoked before run_make_test('...')\n";
$makefile = $old_makefile;
} else {
if (! defined($makefile)) {
$makefile = &get_tmpfile();
# Make sure it ends in a newline.
$makestring && $makestring !~ /\n$/s and $makestring .= "\n";
# Replace @MAKEFILE@ with the makefile name and @MAKE@ with the path to
# make
$makestring =~ s/#MAKEFILE#/$makefile/g;
$makestring =~ s/#MAKEPATH#/$mkpath/g;
$makestring =~ s/#MAKE#/$make_name/g;
$makestring =~ s/#PWD#/$pwd/g;
# Populate the makefile!
open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile") || die "Failed to open $makefile: $!\n";
print MAKEFILE $makestring;
close(MAKEFILE) || die "Failed to write $makefile: $!\n";
# Do the same processing on $answer as we did on $makestring.
$answer && $answer !~ /\n$/s and $answer .= "\n";
$answer =~ s/#MAKEFILE#/$makefile/g;
$answer =~ s/#MAKEPATH#/$mkpath/g;
$answer =~ s/#MAKE#/$make_name/g;
$answer =~ s/#PWD#/$pwd/g;
&run_make_with_options($makefile, $options, &get_logfile(0), $err_code);
&compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
$old_makefile = $makefile;
$makefile = undef;
# The old-fashioned way...
sub run_make_with_options {
local ($filename,$options,$logname,$expected_code) = @_;
local($command) = $make_path;
$expected_code = 0 unless defined($expected_code);
# Reset to reflect this one test.
$test_passed = 1;
if ($filename) {
$command .= " -f $filename";
if ($options) {
$command .= " $options";
if ($valgrind) {
print VALGRIND "\n\nExecuting: $command\n";
$code = &run_command_with_output($logname,$command);
# Check to see if we have Purify errors. If so, keep the logfile.
# For this to work you need to build with the Purify flag -exit-status=yes
if ($pure_log && -f $pure_log) {
if ($code & 0x7000) {
$code &= ~0x7000;
# If we have a purify log, save it
$tn = $pure_testname . ($num_of_logfiles ? ".$num_of_logfiles" : "");
print("Renaming purify log file to $tn\n") if $debug;
rename($pure_log, "$tn")
|| die "Can't rename $log to $tn: $!\n";
} else {
if ($code != $expected_code) {
print "Error running $make_path (expected $expected_code; got $code): $command\n";
$test_passed = 0;
# If it's a SIGINT, stop here
if ($code & 127) {
print STDERR "\nCaught signal ".($code & 127)."!\n";
return 0;
if ($profile & $vos) {
system "add_profile $make_path";
sub print_usage
&print_standard_usage ("run_make_tests", "[-make_path make_pathname]");
sub print_help
&print_standard_help ("-make_path",
"\tYou may specify the pathname of the copy of make to run.");
sub get_this_pwd {
$delete_command = "rm";
if ($has_POSIX) {
$__pwd = POSIX::getcwd();
} elsif ($vos) {
$delete_command = "delete_file";
$__pwd = `++(current_dir)`;
} else {
# No idea... just try using pwd as a last resort.
chop ($__pwd = `pwd`);
return $__pwd;
sub set_defaults
# $profile = 1;
$testee = "GNU make";
$make_path = "make";
$tmpfilesuffix = "mk";
$pwd = &get_this_pwd;
sub set_more_defaults
# Make sure we're in the C locale for those systems that support it,
# so sorting, etc. is predictable.
$ENV{LANG} = 'C';
# find the type of the port. We do this up front to have a single
# point of change if it needs to be tweaked.
# This is probably not specific enough.
if ($osname =~ /Windows/i || $osname =~ /MINGW32/i) {
$port_type = 'W32';
# Bleah, the osname is so variable on DOS. This kind of bites.
# Well, as far as I can tell if we check for some text at the
# beginning of the line with either no spaces or a single space, then
# a D, then either "OS", "os", or "ev" and a space. That should
# match and be pretty specific.
elsif ($osname =~ /^([^ ]*|[^ ]* [^ ]*)D(OS|os|ev) /) {
$port_type = 'DOS';
# Check for OS/2
elsif ($osname =~ m%OS/2%) {
$port_type = 'OS/2';
# Everything else, right now, is UNIX. Note that we should integrate
# the VOS support into this as well and get rid of $vos; we'll do
# that next time.
else {
$port_type = 'UNIX';
# On DOS/Windows system the filesystem apparently can't track
# timestamps with second granularity (!!). Change the sleep time
# needed to force a file to be considered "old".
$wtime = $port_type eq 'UNIX' ? 1 : $port_type eq 'OS/2' ? 2 : 4;
print "Port type: $port_type\n" if $debug;
print "Make path: $make_path\n" if $debug;
# Find the full pathname of Make. For DOS systems this is more
# complicated, so we ask make itself.
my $mk = `sh -c 'echo "all:;\@echo \\\$(MAKE)" | $make_path -f-'`;
chop $mk;
$mk or die "FATAL ERROR: Cannot determine the value of \$(MAKE):\n
'echo \"all:;\@echo \\\$(MAKE)\" | $make_path -f-' failed!\n";
$make_path = $mk;
print "Make\t= `$make_path'\n" if $debug;
$string = `$make_path -v -f /dev/null 2> /dev/null`;
$string =~ /^(GNU Make [^,\n]*)/;
$testee_version = "$1\n";
$string = `sh -c "$make_path -f /dev/null 2>&1"`;
if ($string =~ /(.*): \*\*\* No targets\. Stop\./) {
$make_name = $1;
else {
if ($make_path =~ /$pathsep([^\n$pathsep]*)$/) {
$make_name = $1;
else {
$make_name = $make_path;
# prepend pwd if this is a relative path (ie, does not
# start with a slash, but contains one). Thanks for the
# clue, Roland.
if (index ($make_path, ":") != 1 && index ($make_path, "/") > 0)
$mkpath = "$pwd$pathsep$make_path";
$mkpath = $make_path;
# Get Purify log info--if any.
&& $ENV{PURIFYOPTIONS} =~ /.*-logfile=([^ ]+)/) {
$pure_log = $1 || '';
$pure_log =~ s/%v/$make_name/;
$purify_errors = 0;
$string = `sh -c "$make_path -j 2 -f /dev/null 2>&1"`;
if ($string =~ /not supported/) {
$parallel_jobs = 0;
else {
$parallel_jobs = 1;
# Set up for valgrind, if requested.
if ($valgrind) {
open(VALGRIND, "> valgrind.out")
|| die "Cannot open valgrind.out: $!\n";
# -q --leak-check=yes
$make_path = "valgrind --num-callers=15 --logfile-fd=".fileno(VALGRIND)." $make_path";
# F_SETFD is 2
fcntl(VALGRIND, 2, 0) or die "fcntl(setfd) failed: $!\n";
system("echo Starting on `date` 1>&".fileno(VALGRIND));
print "Enabled valgrind support.\n";
sub setup_for_test
$makefile = &get_tmpfile;
if (-f $makefile) {
unlink $makefile;
# Get rid of any Purify logs.
if ($pure_log) {
($pure_testname = $testname) =~ tr,/,_,;
$pure_testname = "$pure_log.$pure_testname";
system("rm -f $pure_testname*");
print("Purify testfiles are: $pure_testname*\n") if $debug;
exit !&toplevel;