2014-04-13 01:03:46 -07:00

100 lines
2.5 KiB

# -*-perl-*-
$description = 'Test the $(guile ...) function.';
$details = 'This only works on systems that support it.';
# If this instance of make doesn't support GNU Guile, skip it
# This detects if guile is loaded using the "load" directive
# $makefile = get_tmpfile();
# open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile") || die "Failed to open $makefile: $!\n";
# print MAKEFILE q!
# -load guile
# all: ; @echo $(filter guile,$(.LOADED))
# !;
# close(MAKEFILE) || die "Failed to write $makefile: $!\n";
# $cmd = subst_make_string("#MAKEPATH# -f $makefile");
# $log = get_logfile(0);
# $code = run_command_with_output($log, $cmd);
# read_file_into_string ($log) eq "guile\n" and $FEATURES{guile} = 1;
# If we don't have Guile support, never mind.
exists $FEATURES{guile} or return -1;
# Verify simple data type conversions
# Currently we don't support vectors:
# echo '$(guile (vector 1 2 3))'; \
x:;@echo '$(guile #f)'; \
echo '$(guile #t)'; \
echo '$(guile #\c)'; \
echo '$(guile 1234)'; \
echo '$(guile 'foo)'; \
echo '$(guile "bar")'; \
echo '$(guile (cons 'a 'b))'; \
echo '$(guile '(a b (c . d) 1 (2) 3))'
'', "\n#t\nc\n1234\nfoo\nbar\na b\na b c d 1 2 3");
# Verify the gmk-expand function
VAR = $(guile (gmk-expand "$(shell echo hi)"))
x:;@echo '$(VAR)'
'', "hi");
# Verify the gmk-eval function
# Prove that the string is expanded only once (by eval)
TEST = bye
EVAL = VAR = $(TEST) $(shell echo there)
$(guile (gmk-eval "$(value EVAL)"))
TEST = hi
x:;@echo '$(VAR)'
'', "hi there");
# Verify the gmk-eval function with a list
$(guile (gmk-eval '(VAR = 1 (2) () 3)))
x:;@echo '$(VAR)'
'', "1 2 3");
# Verify the gmk-var function
VALUE = hi $(shell echo there)
VAR = $(guile (gmk-var "VALUE"))
x:;@echo '$(VAR)'
'', "hi there");
# Verify the gmk-var function with a symbol
VALUE = hi $(shell echo there)
VAR = $(guile (gmk-var 'VALUE))
x:;@echo '$(VAR)'
'', "hi there");
# Write a Guile program using define and run it
# Define the "fib" function in Guile
define fib
;; A procedure for counting the n:th Fibonacci number
;; See SICP, p. 37
(define (fib n)
(cond ((= n 0) 0)
((= n 1) 1)
(else (+ (fib (- n 1))
(fib (- n 2))))))
$(guile $(fib))
# Now run it
x:;@echo $(guile (fib $(FIB)))
'FIB=10', "55");