# -*-perl-*- $description = "Test miscellaneous failures."; # Test that the "did you mean TAB" message is printed properly run_make_test(q! $x. !, '', '#MAKEFILE#:2: *** missing separator. Stop.', 512); run_make_test(q! foo: bar !, '', '#MAKEFILE#:3: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.', 512); run_make_test(q! .RECIPEPREFIX = : foo: bar !, '', '#MAKEFILE#:4: *** missing separator. Stop.', 512); for my $kw ('eq', 'neq') { run_make_test(qq! if$kw(foo,bar) \$(error ouch) endif !, '', '#MAKEFILE#:2: *** missing separator (ifeq/ifneq must be followed by whitespace). Stop.', 512); run_make_test(qq! if$kw \$(error ouch) endif !, '', '#MAKEFILE#:2: *** invalid syntax in conditional. Stop.', 512); run_make_test(qq! if$kw blah \$(error ouch) endif !, '', '#MAKEFILE#:2: *** invalid syntax in conditional. Stop.', 512); } 1;