-*-text-*- Obtaining CVS Code ------------------ This seems redundant, since if you're reading this you most likely have already performed this step; however, for completeness, you can obtain the GNU make source code via anonymous CVS from the FSF's Savannah project : $ cvs -d:pserver:anoncvs@subversions.gnu.org:/cvsroot/make co make You might want to use the "-z3" option to get compression, and you most certainly will want the -P option to avoid unneeded directories cluttering up your source. Personally I add these (as well as -dP for update) to my ~/.cvsrc file. If you have an older version of CVS, you might have to login first. There is no password; just hit the ENTER key if you are asked for one. Building From CVS ----------------- To build GNU make from CVS, you will need Autoconf 2.56 (or better), Automake 1.7.1 (or better), and Gettext 0.11.5 (or better), and any tools that those utilities require (GNU m4, Perl, etc.). You will also need a copy of wget. After checking out the code, you will need to perform these steps to get to the point where you can run "make". 1) $ autoreconf -i -s This rebuilds all the things that need rebuilding, installing missing files as symbolic links. 2) $ ./configure Generate a Makefile 3) $ make update Use wget to retrieve various other files that GNU make relies on, but does not keep in its own source tree. At this point you have successfully brought your CVS copy of the GNU make source directory up to the point where it can be treated more-or-less like the official package you would get from ftp.gnu.org. That is, you can just run: $ make && make check && make install to build and install GNU make. Creating a Package ------------------ Once you have performed the above steps (including the configuration and build) you can create a GNU make package. This is very simple, just run: $ make dist-gzip and, if you like: $ make dist-bzip2 Even better, you should run this: $ make distcheck Which will build both .gz and .bz2 package files, then unpack them into a temporary location, try to build them, and repack them, verifying that everything works, you get the same results, _and_ no extraneous files are left over after the "distclean" rule--whew!! Now, _that_ is why converting to Automake is worth the trouble! A big "huzzah!" to Tom T. and the AutoToolers! That's it, you're done! Appendix A - For The Brave -------------------------- For those of you who trust me implicitly, or are just brave (or foolhardy), here is a canned sequence of commands to build a GNU make distribution package from a virgin CVS source checkout (assuming all the prerequisites are available of course). This list is eminently suitable for a quick swipe o' the mouse and a swift click o' mouse-2 into an xterm. Go for it! autoreconf -i -s ./configure make update make make check make distcheck