# -*-perl-*- $description = "Tests the new VPATH+ functionality added in 3.76."; $details = ""; mkdir('work'); $VP = "work$pathsep"; @touchedfiles = (); $off = -500; sub touchfiles { foreach (@_) { &utouch($off, $_); $off += 10; push(@touchedfiles, $_); } } &touchfiles("$VP/foo.d", "$VP/bar.d", "$VP/foo.c", "$VP/bar.c", "foo.b", "bar.d"); # Run the general-case test run_make_test(qq!VPATH = $VP! . q! .SUFFIXES: .a .b .c .d .PHONY: general rename notarget intermediate %.a: %.b: %.c: %.d: %.a : %.b ; cat $^ > $@ %.b : %.c ; cat $^ > $@ 2>/dev/null || exit 1 %.c :: %.d ; cat $^ > $@ # General testing info: general: foo.b foo.b: foo.c bar.c # Rename testing info: rename: $(VPATH)/foo.c foo.d # Target not made testing info: notarget: notarget.b notarget.c: notarget.d ; -@echo "not creating $@ from $^" # Intermediate files: intermediate: inter.a !, 'general', "cat bar.d > bar.c\ncat ${VP}foo.c bar.c > foo.b 2>/dev/null || exit 1\n"); push(@touchedfiles, "bar.c"); # Test rules that don't make the target correctly &touchfiles("$VP/notarget.c", "notarget.b", "notarget.d"); run_make_test(undef, 'notarget', "not creating notarget.c from notarget.d\ncat notarget.c > notarget.b 2>/dev/null || exit 1\n#MAKE#: *** [#MAKEFILE#:11: notarget.b] Error 1\n", 512); # Test intermediate file handling (part 1) &touchfiles("$VP/inter.d"); my $be = pack("L", 1) eq pack("N", 1); my $intfiles = $be ? "inter.c inter.b" : "inter.b inter.c"; run_make_test(undef, 'intermediate', "cat ${VP}inter.d > inter.c\ncat inter.c > inter.b 2>/dev/null || exit 1\ncat inter.b > inter.a\nrm $intfiles\n"); push(@touchedfiles, "inter.a", "inter.b"); # Test intermediate file handling (part 2) &utouch(-20, "inter.a"); &utouch(-10, "$VP/inter.b"); &touch("$VP/inter.d"); run_make_test(undef, 'intermediate', "cat ${VP}inter.d > inter.c\ncat inter.c > inter.b 2>/dev/null || exit 1\ncat inter.b > inter.a\nrm inter.c\n"); push(@touchedfiles, "$VP/inter.b", "$VP/inter.d"); unlink @touchedfiles unless $keep; 1;