Paul Smith a581146562 tests [WINDOWS32]: Support Strawberry Perl on Windows
Strawberry Perl has some different behaviors from ActiveState Perl
which impact the test suite:

- Avoid Perl's chomp() as it may not remove CRs; chomp() may remove
  only the final NL but not the CR in a CRNL line ending.
- Strawberry Perl doesn't support ActiveState's system(1, ...) form.
- Strawberry Perl (or msys?) does something weird with "/tmp" when
  provided to exec(), replacing it with the user's %TEMP%.
- Strawberry Perl uses msys paths like /c/foo instead of C:\foo.

* tests/ (get_osname): Strawberry Perl uses 'msys' as
its $^O so if we see that use a port of 'W32'.
(_run_with_timeout): Strawberry Perl doesn't support the special
system(1, ...) form of system() so use POSIX standard fork/exec.
(compare_answer): Paths generated by Strawberry Perl use msys path
format (e.g., /c/foo instead of C:\foo); check for those differences
and compare RE against both the unmodified and modified log.
* tests/ (set_defaults): Switch from chomp to s///
to remove CRNL and NL line endings.
* tests/scripts/features/errors: Executing directories on Strawberry
will give an error; translate it to Windows error output format.
* tests/scripts/features/output-sync: Ditto.
* tests/scripts/features/temp_stdin: Ditto.
* tests/scripts/functions/realpath: Ditto.
* tests/scripts/options/dash-I: Ditto.
* tests/scripts/variables/INCLUDE_DIRS: Ditto.
* tests/scripts/misc/close_stdout: /dev/full is reported as existing
on Strawberry Perl, but it doesn't do anything.  Skip the test.
* tests/scripts/variables/MAKEFLAGS: When an argument containing
/tmp is passed to a program via exec(), something replaces it with
the expansion of the %TEMP% variable.  Instead of using /tmp create
a local directory to use.
2022-12-20 02:14:18 -05:00

129 lines
2.9 KiB

# -*-perl-*-
$description = "Test ignored failures in recipe command lines";
\t-exit 1
\texit 0
\texit 1
\texit 0
"one", "exit 1\n#MAKE#: [#MAKEFILE#:3: one] Error 1 (ignored)\nexit 0\n");
# TEST #1
# -------
run_make_test(undef, " -i two",
"exit 1\n#MAKE#: [#MAKEFILE#:6: two] Error 1 (ignored)\nexit 0\n");
# TEST #2
# -------
# Test that error line offset works
\t\@echo hi
\t\@echo there
\t\@exit 1
'', "hi\nthere\n#MAKE#: *** [#MAKEFILE#:5: all] Error 1", 512);
# Windows error look completely different :-/
sub errors_getinfo
my ($cmd, $args, $err) = @_;
if ($port_type eq 'W32') {
return (2, "process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, $cmd$args, ...) failed.\nmake (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.");
if (!$err) { $err = $ERR_no_such_file; }
return (127, "#MAKE#: $cmd: $err");
# TEST #3
# -------
# Try failing due to unknown command
my $unk = './foobarbazbozblat';
my ($ernum, $erstr) = errors_getinfo($unk, " xx yy");
one: ; -$unk xx yy
!, 'one',
"$unk xx yy\n$erstr\n#MAKE#: [#MAKEFILE#:2: one] Error $ernum (ignored)\n");
# TEST #4
# -------
($ernum, $erstr) = errors_getinfo($unk, " aa bb");
two: ; $unk aa bb
!, 'two -i',
"$unk aa bb\n$erstr\n#MAKE#: [#MAKEFILE#:2: two] Error $ernum (ignored)\n");
# TEST #5
# -------
run_make_test(undef, 'two',
"$unk aa bb\n$erstr\n#MAKE#: *** [#MAKEFILE#:2: two] Error $ernum\n", 512);
# SV #56918 : Test the unknown command as the second recipe line
($ernum, $erstr) = errors_getinfo($unk, " qq rr");
\t\@echo one
\t$unk qq rr
!, 'three',
"one\n$unk qq rr\n$erstr\n#MAKE#: *** [#MAKEFILE#:4: three] Error $ernum\n", 512);
# Try failing due to non-executable file
if ($ERR_nonexe_file) {
my $noexe = './barfooblatboz';
one: ; -$noexe xx yy
two: ; $noexe aa bb
'one', "$noexe xx yy\n#MAKE#: $noexe: $ERR_nonexe_file\n#MAKE#: [#MAKEFILE#:2: one] Error 127 (ignored)\n");
# Try failing by "running" a directory
if ($ERR_exe_dir) {
mkdir('sd', 0775) or print "mkdir: sd: $!\n";
($ernum, $erstr) = errors_getinfo('sd', '', $ERR_exe_dir);
PATH := .
all: ; sd
'', "sd\n$erstr\n#MAKE#: *** [#MAKEFILE#:3: all] Error $ernum", 512);
if ($port_type eq 'W32') {
$ernum = 5;
$erstr = "process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, ./sd, ...) failed.\nmake (e=5): Access is denied.";
} else {
$ernum = 127;
$erstr = "#MAKE#: ./sd: $ERR_exe_dir";
all: ; ./sd
'', "./sd\n$erstr\n#MAKE#: *** [#MAKEFILE#:2: all] Error $ernum", 512);