2024-05-30 08:40:18 -04:00

338 lines
14 KiB

use crate::salsa_struct::{SalsaField, SalsaStruct};
use proc_macro2::{Literal, TokenStream};
/// For an entity struct `Foo` with fields `f1: T1, ..., fN: TN`, we generate...
/// * the "id struct" `struct Foo(salsa::Id)`
/// * the entity ingredient, which maps the id fields to the `Id`
/// * for each value field, a function ingredient
pub(crate) fn input(
args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
match SalsaStruct::new(args, input, "input").and_then(|el| InputStruct(el).generate_input()) {
Ok(s) => s.into(),
Err(err) => err.into_compile_error().into(),
struct InputStruct(SalsaStruct<Self>);
impl std::ops::Deref for InputStruct {
type Target = SalsaStruct<Self>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl crate::options::AllowedOptions for InputStruct {
const RETURN_REF: bool = false;
const SPECIFY: bool = false;
const NO_EQ: bool = false;
const SINGLETON: bool = true;
const JAR: bool = true;
const DATA: bool = true;
const DB: bool = false;
const RECOVERY_FN: bool = false;
const LRU: bool = false;
const CONSTRUCTOR_NAME: bool = true;
impl InputStruct {
fn generate_input(&self) -> syn::Result<TokenStream> {
let id_struct = self.the_struct_id();
let inherent_impl = self.input_inherent_impl();
let ingredients_for_impl = self.input_ingredients();
let as_id_impl = self.as_id_impl();
let from_id_impl = self.impl_of_from_id();
let salsa_struct_in_db_impl = self.salsa_struct_in_db_impl();
let as_debug_with_db_impl = self.as_debug_with_db_impl();
let debug_impl = self.debug_impl();
Ok(quote! {
/// Generate an inherent impl with methods on the entity type.
fn input_inherent_impl(&self) -> syn::ItemImpl {
let ident = self.the_ident();
let jar_ty = self.jar_ty();
let db_dyn_ty = self.db_dyn_ty();
let input_index = self.input_index();
let field_indices = self.all_field_indices();
let field_names = self.all_field_names();
let field_vises = self.all_field_vises();
let field_tys: Vec<_> = self.all_field_tys();
let field_clones: Vec<_> = self.all_fields().map(SalsaField::is_clone_field).collect();
let get_field_names: Vec<_> = self.all_get_field_names();
let field_getters: Vec<syn::ImplItemFn> = field_indices.iter().zip(&get_field_names).zip(&field_vises).zip(&field_tys).zip(&field_clones).map(|((((field_index, get_field_name), field_vis), field_ty), is_clone_field)|
if !*is_clone_field {
parse_quote_spanned! { get_field_name.span() =>
#field_vis fn #get_field_name<'db>(self, __db: &'db #db_dyn_ty) -> &'db #field_ty
let (__jar, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(__db);
let __ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor< #ident >>::ingredient(__jar);
__ingredients.#field_index.fetch(__runtime, self)
} else {
parse_quote_spanned! { get_field_name.span() =>
#field_vis fn #get_field_name<'db>(self, __db: &'db #db_dyn_ty) -> #field_ty
let (__jar, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(__db);
let __ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor< #ident >>::ingredient(__jar);
__ingredients.#field_index.fetch(__runtime, self).clone()
// setters
let set_field_names = self.all_set_field_names();
let field_setters: Vec<syn::ImplItemFn> = field_indices.iter()
.filter_map(|(((field_index, &set_field_name), field_vis), field_ty)| {
let set_field_name = set_field_name?;
Some(parse_quote_spanned! { set_field_name.span() =>
#field_vis fn #set_field_name<'db>(self, __db: &'db mut #db_dyn_ty) -> salsa::setter::Setter<'db, #ident, #field_ty>
let (__jar, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar_mut(__db);
let __ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor< #ident >>::ingredient_mut(__jar);
salsa::setter::Setter::new(__runtime, self, &mut __ingredients.#field_index)
let constructor_name = self.constructor_name();
let singleton = self.0.is_isingleton();
let constructor: syn::ImplItemFn = if singleton {
parse_quote_spanned! { constructor_name.span() =>
/// Creates a new singleton input
/// # Panics
/// If called when an instance already exists
pub fn #constructor_name(__db: &#db_dyn_ty, #(#field_names: #field_tys,)*) -> Self
let (__jar, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(__db);
let __ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor< #ident >>::ingredient(__jar);
let __id = __ingredients.#input_index.new_singleton_input(__runtime);
__ingredients.#field_indices.store_new(__runtime, __id, #field_names, salsa::Durability::LOW);
} else {
parse_quote_spanned! { constructor_name.span() =>
pub fn #constructor_name(__db: &#db_dyn_ty, #(#field_names: #field_tys,)*) -> Self
let (__jar, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(__db);
let __ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor< #ident >>::ingredient(__jar);
let __id = __ingredients.#input_index.new_input(__runtime);
__ingredients.#field_indices.store_new(__runtime, __id, #field_names, salsa::Durability::LOW);
let salsa_id = quote!(
pub fn salsa_id(&self) -> salsa::Id {
if singleton {
let get: syn::ImplItemFn = parse_quote! {
pub fn get(__db: &#db_dyn_ty) -> Self {
let (__jar, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(__db);
let __ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor< #ident >>::ingredient(__jar);
__ingredients.#input_index.get_singleton_input(__runtime).expect("singleton input struct not yet initialized")
let try_get: syn::ImplItemFn = parse_quote! {
pub fn try_get(__db: &#db_dyn_ty) -> Option<Self> {
let (__jar, __runtime) = <_ as salsa::storage::HasJar<#jar_ty>>::jar(__db);
let __ingredients = <#jar_ty as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor< #ident >>::ingredient(__jar);
parse_quote! {
impl #ident {
} else {
parse_quote! {
#[allow(dead_code, clippy::pedantic, clippy::complexity, clippy::style)]
impl #ident {
// }
/// Generate the `IngredientsFor` impl for this entity.
/// The entity's ingredients include both the main entity ingredient along with a
/// function ingredient for each of the value fields.
fn input_ingredients(&self) -> syn::ItemImpl {
use crate::literal;
let ident = self.the_ident();
let field_ty = self.all_field_tys();
let jar_ty = self.jar_ty();
let all_field_indices: Vec<Literal> = self.all_field_indices();
let input_index: Literal = self.input_index();
let debug_name_struct = literal(self.the_ident());
let debug_name_fields: Vec<_> = self.all_field_names().into_iter().map(literal).collect();
parse_quote! {
impl salsa::storage::IngredientsFor for #ident {
type Jar = #jar_ty;
type Ingredients = (
salsa::input_field::InputFieldIngredient<#ident, #field_ty>,
fn create_ingredients<DB>(
routes: &mut salsa::routes::Routes<DB>,
) -> Self::Ingredients
DB: salsa::DbWithJar<Self::Jar> + salsa::storage::JarFromJars<Self::Jar>,
let index = routes.push(
|jars| {
let jar = <DB as salsa::storage::JarFromJars<Self::Jar>>::jar_from_jars(jars);
let ingredients = <_ as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor<Self>>::ingredient(jar);
|jars| {
let jar = <DB as salsa::storage::JarFromJars<Self::Jar>>::jar_from_jars_mut(jars);
let ingredients = <_ as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor<Self>>::ingredient_mut(jar);
&mut ingredients.#all_field_indices
salsa::input_field::InputFieldIngredient::new(index, #debug_name_fields)
let index = routes.push(
|jars| {
let jar = <DB as salsa::storage::JarFromJars<Self::Jar>>::jar_from_jars(jars);
let ingredients = <_ as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor<Self>>::ingredient(jar);
|jars| {
let jar = <DB as salsa::storage::JarFromJars<Self::Jar>>::jar_from_jars_mut(jars);
let ingredients = <_ as salsa::storage::HasIngredientsFor<Self>>::ingredient_mut(jar);
&mut ingredients.#input_index
salsa::input::InputIngredient::new(index, #debug_name_struct)
/// For the entity, we create a tuple that contains the function ingredients
/// for each "other" field and the entity ingredient. This is the index of
/// the entity ingredient within that tuple.
fn input_index(&self) -> Literal {
/// For the entity, we create a tuple that contains the function ingredients
/// for each field and an entity ingredient. These are the indices
/// of the function ingredients within that tuple.
fn all_field_indices(&self) -> Vec<Literal> {
.map(|(_, i)| Literal::usize_unsuffixed(i))
/// Names of setters of all fields that should be generated. Returns an optional Ident for the field name
/// that is None when the field should not generate a setter.
/// Setters are not created for fields with #[id] tag so they'll be safe to include in debug formatting
pub(crate) fn all_set_field_names(&self) -> Vec<Option<&syn::Ident>> {
.map(|ef| (!ef.has_id_attr).then(|| ef.set_name()))
/// Implementation of `SalsaStructInDb`.
fn salsa_struct_in_db_impl(&self) -> syn::ItemImpl {
let ident = self.the_ident();
let jar_ty = self.jar_ty();
parse_quote! {
impl<DB> salsa::salsa_struct::SalsaStructInDb<DB> for #ident
DB: ?Sized + salsa::DbWithJar<#jar_ty>,
fn register_dependent_fn(_db: &DB, _index: salsa::routes::IngredientIndex) {
// Do nothing here, at least for now.
// If/when we add ability to delete inputs, this would become relevant.