mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 08:02:27 +00:00
176 lines
7.7 KiB
176 lines
7.7 KiB
// use std::time::Duration;
// todo!()
// use futures::StreamExt;
// use gpui2::{actions, keymap_matcher::Binding, Menu, MenuItem};
// use live_kit_client2::{
// LocalAudioTrack, LocalVideoTrack, RemoteAudioTrackUpdate, RemoteVideoTrackUpdate, Room,
// };
// use live_kit_server::token::{self, VideoGrant};
// use log::LevelFilter;
// use simplelog::SimpleLogger;
// actions!(capture, [Quit]);
fn main() {
// SimpleLogger::init(LevelFilter::Info, Default::default()).expect("could not initialize logger");
// gpui2::App::new(()).unwrap().run(|cx| {
// #[cfg(any(test, feature = "test-support"))]
// println!("USING TEST LIVEKIT");
// #[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "test-support")))]
// println!("USING REAL LIVEKIT");
// cx.platform().activate(true);
// cx.add_global_action(quit);
// cx.add_bindings([Binding::new("cmd-q", Quit, None)]);
// cx.set_menus(vec![Menu {
// name: "Zed",
// items: vec![MenuItem::Action {
// name: "Quit",
// action: Box::new(Quit),
// os_action: None,
// }],
// }]);
// let live_kit_url = std::env::var("LIVE_KIT_URL").unwrap_or("http://localhost:7880".into());
// let live_kit_key = std::env::var("LIVE_KIT_KEY").unwrap_or("devkey".into());
// let live_kit_secret = std::env::var("LIVE_KIT_SECRET").unwrap_or("secret".into());
// cx.spawn(|cx| async move {
// let user_a_token = token::create(
// &live_kit_key,
// &live_kit_secret,
// Some("test-participant-1"),
// VideoGrant::to_join("test-room"),
// )
// .unwrap();
// let room_a = Room::new();
// room_a.connect(&live_kit_url, &user_a_token).await.unwrap();
// let user2_token = token::create(
// &live_kit_key,
// &live_kit_secret,
// Some("test-participant-2"),
// VideoGrant::to_join("test-room"),
// )
// .unwrap();
// let room_b = Room::new();
// room_b.connect(&live_kit_url, &user2_token).await.unwrap();
// let mut audio_track_updates = room_b.remote_audio_track_updates();
// let audio_track = LocalAudioTrack::create();
// let audio_track_publication = room_a.publish_audio_track(audio_track).await.unwrap();
// if let RemoteAudioTrackUpdate::Subscribed(track, _) =
// audio_track_updates.next().await.unwrap()
// {
// let remote_tracks = room_b.remote_audio_tracks("test-participant-1");
// assert_eq!(remote_tracks.len(), 1);
// assert_eq!(remote_tracks[0].publisher_id(), "test-participant-1");
// assert_eq!(track.publisher_id(), "test-participant-1");
// } else {
// panic!("unexpected message");
// }
// audio_track_publication.set_mute(true).await.unwrap();
// println!("waiting for mute changed!");
// if let RemoteAudioTrackUpdate::MuteChanged { track_id, muted } =
// audio_track_updates.next().await.unwrap()
// {
// let remote_tracks = room_b.remote_audio_tracks("test-participant-1");
// assert_eq!(remote_tracks[0].sid(), track_id);
// assert_eq!(muted, true);
// } else {
// panic!("unexpected message");
// }
// audio_track_publication.set_mute(false).await.unwrap();
// if let RemoteAudioTrackUpdate::MuteChanged { track_id, muted } =
// audio_track_updates.next().await.unwrap()
// {
// let remote_tracks = room_b.remote_audio_tracks("test-participant-1");
// assert_eq!(remote_tracks[0].sid(), track_id);
// assert_eq!(muted, false);
// } else {
// panic!("unexpected message");
// }
// println!("Pausing for 5 seconds to test audio, make some noise!");
// let timer = cx.background().timer(Duration::from_secs(5));
// timer.await;
// let remote_audio_track = room_b
// .remote_audio_tracks("test-participant-1")
// .pop()
// .unwrap();
// room_a.unpublish_track(audio_track_publication);
// // Clear out any active speakers changed messages
// let mut next = audio_track_updates.next().await.unwrap();
// while let RemoteAudioTrackUpdate::ActiveSpeakersChanged { speakers } = next {
// println!("Speakers changed: {:?}", speakers);
// next = audio_track_updates.next().await.unwrap();
// }
// if let RemoteAudioTrackUpdate::Unsubscribed {
// publisher_id,
// track_id,
// } = next
// {
// assert_eq!(publisher_id, "test-participant-1");
// assert_eq!(remote_audio_track.sid(), track_id);
// assert_eq!(room_b.remote_audio_tracks("test-participant-1").len(), 0);
// } else {
// panic!("unexpected message");
// }
// let mut video_track_updates = room_b.remote_video_track_updates();
// let displays = room_a.display_sources().await.unwrap();
// let display = displays.into_iter().next().unwrap();
// let local_video_track = LocalVideoTrack::screen_share_for_display(&display);
// let local_video_track_publication =
// room_a.publish_video_track(local_video_track).await.unwrap();
// if let RemoteVideoTrackUpdate::Subscribed(track) =
// video_track_updates.next().await.unwrap()
// {
// let remote_video_tracks = room_b.remote_video_tracks("test-participant-1");
// assert_eq!(remote_video_tracks.len(), 1);
// assert_eq!(remote_video_tracks[0].publisher_id(), "test-participant-1");
// assert_eq!(track.publisher_id(), "test-participant-1");
// } else {
// panic!("unexpected message");
// }
// let remote_video_track = room_b
// .remote_video_tracks("test-participant-1")
// .pop()
// .unwrap();
// room_a.unpublish_track(local_video_track_publication);
// if let RemoteVideoTrackUpdate::Unsubscribed {
// publisher_id,
// track_id,
// } = video_track_updates.next().await.unwrap()
// {
// assert_eq!(publisher_id, "test-participant-1");
// assert_eq!(remote_video_track.sid(), track_id);
// assert_eq!(room_b.remote_video_tracks("test-participant-1").len(), 0);
// } else {
// panic!("unexpected message");
// }
// cx.platform().quit();
// })
// .detach();
// });
// fn quit(_: &Quit, cx: &mut gpui2::AppContext) {
// cx.platform().quit();
// }