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package zed:extension;
world extension {
import lsp;
use lsp.{completion, symbol};
/// Initializes the extension.
export init-extension: func();
/// A GitHub release.
record github-release {
/// The version of the release.
version: string,
/// The list of assets attached to the release.
assets: list<github-release-asset>,
/// An asset from a GitHub release.
record github-release-asset {
/// The name of the asset.
name: string,
/// The download URL for the asset.
download-url: string,
/// The options used to filter down GitHub releases.
record github-release-options {
/// Whether releases without assets should be included.
require-assets: bool,
/// Whether pre-releases should be included.
pre-release: bool,
/// An operating system.
enum os {
/// macOS.
/// Linux.
/// Windows.
/// A platform architecture.
enum architecture {
/// AArch64 (e.g., Apple Silicon).
/// x86.
/// x86-64.
/// The type of a downloaded file.
enum downloaded-file-type {
/// A gzipped file (`.gz`).
/// A gzipped tar archive (`.tar.gz`).
/// A ZIP file (`.zip`).
/// An uncompressed file.
/// The installation status for a language server.
variant language-server-installation-status {
/// The language server has no installation status.
/// The language server is being downloaded.
/// The language server is checking for updates.
/// The language server installation failed for specified reason.
/// Returns operating system and architecture for the current platform.
import current-platform: func() -> tuple<os, architecture>;
/// Returns the path to the Node binary used by Zed.
import node-binary-path: func() -> result<string, string>;
/// Returns the latest version of the given NPM package.
import npm-package-latest-version: func(package-name: string) -> result<string, string>;
/// Returns the installed version of the given NPM package, if it exists.
import npm-package-installed-version: func(package-name: string) -> result<option<string>, string>;
/// Installs the specified NPM package.
import npm-install-package: func(package-name: string, version: string) -> result<_, string>;
/// Returns the latest release for the given GitHub repository.
import latest-github-release: func(repo: string, options: github-release-options) -> result<github-release, string>;
/// Downloads a file from the given URL and saves it to the given path within the extension's
/// working directory.
/// The file will be extracted according to the given file type.
import download-file: func(url: string, file-path: string, file-type: downloaded-file-type) -> result<_, string>;
/// Makes the file at the given path executable.
import make-file-executable: func(filepath: string) -> result<_, string>;
/// Updates the installation status for the given language server.
import set-language-server-installation-status: func(language-server-name: string, status: language-server-installation-status);
/// A list of environment variables.
type env-vars = list<tuple<string, string>>;
/// A command.
record command {
/// The command to execute.
command: string,
/// The arguments to pass to the command.
args: list<string>,
/// The environment variables to set for the command.
env: env-vars,
/// A Zed worktree.
resource worktree {
/// Returns the textual contents of the specified file in the worktree.
read-text-file: func(path: string) -> result<string, string>;
/// Returns the path to the given binary name, if one is present on the `$PATH`.
which: func(binary-name: string) -> option<string>;
/// Returns the current shell environment.
shell-env: func() -> env-vars;
/// Returns the command used to start up the language server.
export language-server-command: func(language-server-id: string, worktree: borrow<worktree>) -> result<command, string>;
/// Returns the initialization options to pass to the language server on startup.
/// The initialization options are represented as a JSON string.
export language-server-initialization-options: func(language-server-id: string, worktree: borrow<worktree>) -> result<option<string>, string>;
record code-label {
/// The source code to parse with Tree-sitter.
code: string,
spans: list<code-label-span>,
filter-range: range,
variant code-label-span {
/// A range into the parsed code.
record code-label-span-literal {
text: string,
highlight-name: option<string>,
record range {
start: u32,
end: u32,
export labels-for-completions: func(language-server-id: string, completions: list<completion>) -> result<list<option<code-label>>, string>;
export labels-for-symbols: func(language-server-id: string, symbols: list<symbol>) -> result<list<option<code-label>>, string>;