2024-01-24 19:40:55 +00:00
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime , timedelta
from typing import Optional
from github import Github
from github . Issue import Issue
from github . Repository import Repository
from pytz import timezone
import typer
from typer import Typer
app : Typer = typer . Typer ( )
DATETIME_FORMAT : str = " % m/ %d / % Y % I: % M % p "
CORE_LABELS : set [ str ] = set (
" defect " ,
" design " ,
" documentation " ,
" enhancement " ,
" panic / crash " ,
" platform support "
# A set of labels for adding in labels that we want present in the final
# report, but that we don't want being defined as a core label, since issues
# with without core labels are flagged as errors.
ADDITIONAL_LABELS : set [ str ] = set ( [ " ai " , " vim " ] )
IGNORED_LABELS : set [ str ] = set (
" meta " ,
class IssueData :
def __init__ ( self , issue : Issue ) - > None :
self . url : str = issue . html_url
self . like_count : int = issue . _rawData [ " reactions " ] [ " +1 " ] # type: ignore [attr-defined]
self . creation_datetime : str = issue . created_at . strftime ( DATETIME_FORMAT )
# TODO: Change script to support storing labels here, rather than directly in the script
self . labels : set [ str ] = set ( label [ " name " ] for label in issue . _rawData [ " labels " ] ) # type: ignore [attr-defined]
@app.command ( )
def main ( github_token : Optional [ str ] = None , prod : bool = False ) - > None :
start_time : datetime = datetime . now ( )
# GitHub Workflow will pass in the token as an environment variable,
# but we can place it in our env when running the script locally, for convenience
github_token = github_token or os . getenv ( " GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN " )
github = Github ( github_token )
remaining_requests_before : int = github . rate_limiting [ 0 ]
print ( f " Remaining requests before: { remaining_requests_before } " )
repo_name : str = " zed-industries/zed "
repository : Repository = github . get_repo ( repo_name )
# There has to be a nice way of adding types to tuple unpacking
label_to_issue_data : dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ]
error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data : dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ]
label_to_issue_data ,
error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data ,
) = get_issue_maps ( github , repository )
issue_text : str = get_issue_text (
label_to_issue_data ,
error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data ,
if prod :
top_ranking_issues_issue : Issue = repository . get_issue ( 5393 )
top_ranking_issues_issue . edit ( body = issue_text )
else :
print ( issue_text )
remaining_requests_after : int = github . rate_limiting [ 0 ]
print ( f " Remaining requests after: { remaining_requests_after } " )
print ( f " Requests used: { remaining_requests_before - remaining_requests_after } " )
run_duration : timedelta = datetime . now ( ) - start_time
print ( run_duration )
def get_issue_maps (
github : Github , repository : Repository
) - > tuple [ dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ] , dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ] ] :
label_to_issues : defaultdict [ str , list [ Issue ] ] = get_label_to_issues (
github , repository
label_to_issue_data : dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ] = get_label_to_issue_data (
error_message_to_erroneous_issues : defaultdict [
str , list [ Issue ]
] = get_error_message_to_erroneous_issues ( github , repository )
error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data : dict [
str , list [ IssueData ]
] = get_error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data ( error_message_to_erroneous_issues )
# Create a new dictionary with labels ordered by the summation the of likes on the associated issues
labels = list ( label_to_issue_data . keys ( ) )
labels . sort (
key = lambda label : sum (
issue_data . like_count for issue_data in label_to_issue_data [ label ]
) ,
reverse = True ,
label_to_issue_data = { label : label_to_issue_data [ label ] for label in labels }
return (
label_to_issue_data ,
error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data ,
def get_label_to_issues (
github : Github , repository : Repository
) - > defaultdict [ str , list [ Issue ] ] :
label_to_issues : defaultdict [ str , list [ Issue ] ] = defaultdict ( list )
labels : set [ str ] = CORE_LABELS | ADDITIONAL_LABELS
ignored_labels_text : str = " " . join (
[ f ' -label: " { label } " ' for label in IGNORED_LABELS ]
for label in labels :
query : str = f ' repo: { repository . full_name } is:open is:issue label: " { label } " { ignored_labels_text } sort:reactions-+1-desc '
for issue in github . search_issues ( query ) [ 0 : ISSUES_PER_LABEL ] :
label_to_issues [ label ] . append ( issue )
return label_to_issues
def get_label_to_issue_data (
label_to_issues : defaultdict [ str , list [ Issue ] ]
) - > dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ] :
label_to_issue_data : dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ] = { }
for label in label_to_issues :
issues : list [ Issue ] = label_to_issues [ label ]
issue_data : list [ IssueData ] = [ IssueData ( issue ) for issue in issues ]
issue_data . sort (
key = lambda issue_data : (
- issue_data . like_count ,
issue_data . creation_datetime ,
if issue_data :
label_to_issue_data [ label ] = issue_data
return label_to_issue_data
def get_error_message_to_erroneous_issues (
github : Github , repository : Repository
) - > defaultdict [ str , list [ Issue ] ] :
error_message_to_erroneous_issues : defaultdict [ str , list [ Issue ] ] = defaultdict ( list )
# Query for all open issues that don't have either a core or ignored label and mark those as erroneous
filter_labels : set [ str ] = CORE_LABELS | IGNORED_LABELS
filter_labels_text : str = " " . join ( [ f ' -label: " { label } " ' for label in filter_labels ] )
query : str = f " repo: { repository . full_name } is:open is:issue { filter_labels_text } "
for issue in github . search_issues ( query ) :
error_message_to_erroneous_issues [ " missing core label " ] . append ( issue )
return error_message_to_erroneous_issues
def get_error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data (
error_message_to_erroneous_issues : defaultdict [ str , list [ Issue ] ] ,
) - > dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ] :
error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data : dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ] = { }
for label in error_message_to_erroneous_issues :
issues : list [ Issue ] = error_message_to_erroneous_issues [ label ]
issue_data : list [ IssueData ] = [ IssueData ( issue ) for issue in issues ]
error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data [ label ] = issue_data
return error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data
def get_issue_text (
label_to_issue_data : dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ] ,
error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data : dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ] ,
) - > str :
tz = timezone ( " america/new_york " )
current_datetime : str = datetime . now ( tz ) . strftime ( f " { DATETIME_FORMAT } (%Z) " )
highest_ranking_issues_lines : list [ str ] = get_highest_ranking_issues_lines (
issue_text_lines : list [ str ] = [
f " *Updated on { current_datetime } * " ,
* highest_ranking_issues_lines ,
" " ,
" --- \n " ,
erroneous_issues_lines : list [ str ] = get_erroneous_issues_lines (
if erroneous_issues_lines :
core_labels_text : str = " , " . join (
f ' " { core_label } " ' for core_label in CORE_LABELS
ignored_labels_text : str = " , " . join (
f ' " { ignored_label } " ' for ignored_label in IGNORED_LABELS
issue_text_lines . extend (
" ## errors with issues (this section only shows when there are errors with issues) \n " ,
f " This script expects every issue to have at least one of the following core labels: { core_labels_text } " ,
f " This script currently ignores issues that have one of the following labels: { ignored_labels_text } \n " ,
" ### what to do? \n " ,
" - Adjust the core labels on an issue to put it into a correct state or add a currently-ignored label to the issue " ,
" - Adjust the core and ignored labels registered in this script " ,
* erroneous_issues_lines ,
" " ,
" --- \n " ,
issue_text_lines . extend (
2024-01-24 19:48:44 +00:00
" *For details on how this issue is generated, [see the script](https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/blob/main/script/update_top_ranking_issues/main.py)* " ,
2024-01-24 19:40:55 +00:00
return " \n " . join ( issue_text_lines )
def get_highest_ranking_issues_lines (
label_to_issue_data : dict [ str , list [ IssueData ] ] ,
) - > list [ str ] :
highest_ranking_issues_lines : list [ str ] = [ ]
if label_to_issue_data :
for label , issue_data in label_to_issue_data . items ( ) :
highest_ranking_issues_lines . append ( f " \n ## { label } \n " )
for i , issue_data in enumerate ( issue_data ) :
markdown_bullet_point : str = (
f " { issue_data . url } ( { issue_data . like_count } :thumbsup:) "
markdown_bullet_point = f " { i + 1 } . { markdown_bullet_point } "
highest_ranking_issues_lines . append ( markdown_bullet_point )
return highest_ranking_issues_lines
def get_erroneous_issues_lines (
error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data ,
) - > list [ str ] :
erroneous_issues_lines : list [ str ] = [ ]
if error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data :
for (
error_message ,
erroneous_issue_data ,
) in error_message_to_erroneous_issue_data . items ( ) :
erroneous_issues_lines . append ( f " \n #### { error_message } \n " )
2024-01-24 19:58:47 +00:00
for erroneous_issue_data in erroneous_issue_data :
erroneous_issues_lines . append ( f " - { erroneous_issue_data . url } " )
2024-01-24 19:40:55 +00:00
return erroneous_issues_lines
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
app ( )
# TODO: Sort label output into core and non core sections