mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 04:09:37 +00:00
302 lines
7.9 KiB
Protocol Buffer
302 lines
7.9 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package livekit;
option go_package = "github.com/livekit/protocol/livekit";
option csharp_namespace = "LiveKit.Proto";
option ruby_package = "LiveKit::Proto";
import "livekit_models.proto";
message SignalRequest {
oneof message {
// initial join exchange, for publisher
SessionDescription offer = 1;
// participant answering publisher offer
SessionDescription answer = 2;
TrickleRequest trickle = 3;
AddTrackRequest add_track = 4;
// mute the participant's published tracks
MuteTrackRequest mute = 5;
// Subscribe or unsubscribe from tracks
UpdateSubscription subscription = 6;
// Update settings of subscribed tracks
UpdateTrackSettings track_setting = 7;
// Immediately terminate session
LeaveRequest leave = 8;
// Set active published layers, deprecated in favor of automatic tracking
// SetSimulcastLayers simulcast = 9;
// Update published video layers
UpdateVideoLayers update_layers = 10;
// Update subscriber permissions
SubscriptionPermission subscription_permission = 11;
// sync client's subscribe state to server during reconnect
SyncState sync_state = 12;
// Simulate conditions, for client validations
SimulateScenario simulate = 13;
// client triggered ping to server
int64 ping = 14;
message SignalResponse {
oneof message {
// sent when join is accepted
JoinResponse join = 1;
// sent when server answers publisher
SessionDescription answer = 2;
// sent when server is sending subscriber an offer
SessionDescription offer = 3;
// sent when an ICE candidate is available
TrickleRequest trickle = 4;
// sent when participants in the room has changed
ParticipantUpdate update = 5;
// sent to the participant when their track has been published
TrackPublishedResponse track_published = 6;
// Immediately terminate session
LeaveRequest leave = 8;
// server initiated mute
MuteTrackRequest mute = 9;
// indicates changes to speaker status, including when they've gone to not speaking
SpeakersChanged speakers_changed = 10;
// sent when metadata of the room has changed
RoomUpdate room_update = 11;
// when connection quality changed
ConnectionQualityUpdate connection_quality = 12;
// when streamed tracks state changed, used to notify when any of the streams were paused due to
// congestion
StreamStateUpdate stream_state_update = 13;
// when max subscribe quality changed, used by dynamic broadcasting to disable unused layers
SubscribedQualityUpdate subscribed_quality_update = 14;
// when subscription permission changed
SubscriptionPermissionUpdate subscription_permission_update = 15;
// update the token the client was using, to prevent an active client from using an expired token
string refresh_token = 16;
// server initiated track unpublish
TrackUnpublishedResponse track_unpublished = 17;
// respond to ping
int64 pong = 18;
enum SignalTarget {
message SimulcastCodec {
string codec = 1;
string cid = 2;
bool enable_simulcast_layers = 3;
message AddTrackRequest {
// client ID of track, to match it when RTC track is received
string cid = 1;
string name = 2;
TrackType type = 3;
// to be deprecated in favor of layers
uint32 width = 4;
uint32 height = 5;
// true to add track and initialize to muted
bool muted = 6;
// true if DTX (Discontinuous Transmission) is disabled for audio
bool disable_dtx = 7;
TrackSource source = 8;
repeated VideoLayer layers = 9;
repeated SimulcastCodec simulcast_codecs = 10;
// server ID of track, publish new codec to exist track
string sid = 11;
message TrickleRequest {
string candidateInit = 1;
SignalTarget target = 2;
message MuteTrackRequest {
string sid = 1;
bool muted = 2;
message JoinResponse {
Room room = 1;
ParticipantInfo participant = 2;
repeated ParticipantInfo other_participants = 3;
// deprecated. use server_info.version instead.
string server_version = 4;
repeated ICEServer ice_servers = 5;
// use subscriber as the primary PeerConnection
bool subscriber_primary = 6;
// when the current server isn't available, return alternate url to retry connection
// when this is set, the other fields will be largely empty
string alternative_url = 7;
ClientConfiguration client_configuration = 8;
// deprecated. use server_info.region instead.
string server_region = 9;
int32 ping_timeout = 10;
int32 ping_interval = 11;
ServerInfo server_info = 12;
message TrackPublishedResponse {
string cid = 1;
TrackInfo track = 2;
message TrackUnpublishedResponse {
string track_sid = 1;
message SessionDescription {
string type = 1; // "answer" | "offer" | "pranswer" | "rollback"
string sdp = 2;
message ParticipantUpdate {
repeated ParticipantInfo participants = 1;
message UpdateSubscription {
repeated string track_sids = 1;
bool subscribe = 2;
repeated ParticipantTracks participant_tracks = 3;
message UpdateTrackSettings {
repeated string track_sids = 1;
// when true, the track is placed in a paused state, with no new data returned
bool disabled = 3;
// deprecated in favor of width & height
VideoQuality quality = 4;
// for video, width to receive
uint32 width = 5;
// for video, height to receive
uint32 height = 6;
message LeaveRequest {
// sent when server initiates the disconnect due to server-restart
// indicates clients should attempt full-reconnect sequence
bool can_reconnect = 1;
DisconnectReason reason = 2;
// message to indicate published video track dimensions are changing
message UpdateVideoLayers {
string track_sid = 1;
repeated VideoLayer layers = 2;
message ICEServer {
repeated string urls = 1;
string username = 2;
string credential = 3;
message SpeakersChanged {
repeated SpeakerInfo speakers = 1;
message RoomUpdate {
Room room = 1;
message ConnectionQualityInfo {
string participant_sid = 1;
ConnectionQuality quality = 2;
float score = 3;
message ConnectionQualityUpdate {
repeated ConnectionQualityInfo updates = 1;
enum StreamState {
message StreamStateInfo {
string participant_sid = 1;
string track_sid = 2;
StreamState state = 3;
message StreamStateUpdate {
repeated StreamStateInfo stream_states = 1;
message SubscribedQuality {
VideoQuality quality = 1;
bool enabled = 2;
message SubscribedCodec {
string codec = 1;
repeated SubscribedQuality qualities = 2;
message SubscribedQualityUpdate {
string track_sid = 1;
repeated SubscribedQuality subscribed_qualities = 2;
repeated SubscribedCodec subscribed_codecs = 3;
message TrackPermission {
// permission could be granted either by participant sid or identity
string participant_sid = 1;
bool all_tracks = 2;
repeated string track_sids = 3;
string participant_identity = 4;
message SubscriptionPermission {
bool all_participants = 1;
repeated TrackPermission track_permissions = 2;
message SubscriptionPermissionUpdate {
string participant_sid = 1;
string track_sid = 2;
bool allowed = 3;
message SyncState {
// last subscribe answer before reconnecting
SessionDescription answer = 1;
UpdateSubscription subscription = 2;
repeated TrackPublishedResponse publish_tracks = 3;
repeated DataChannelInfo data_channels = 4;
// last received server side offer before reconnecting
SessionDescription offer = 5;
message DataChannelInfo {
string label = 1;
uint32 id = 2;
SignalTarget target = 3;
enum CandidateProtocol {
UDP = 0;
TCP = 1;
TLS = 2;
message SimulateScenario {
oneof scenario {
// simulate N seconds of speaker activity
int32 speaker_update = 1;
// simulate local node failure
bool node_failure = 2;
// simulate migration
bool migration = 3;
// server to send leave
bool server_leave = 4;
// switch candidate protocol to tcp
CandidateProtocol switch_candidate_protocol = 5;