2023-11-06 22:35:49 +00:00
use std::{any::TypeId, sync::Arc};
use gpui::{
2023-11-07 20:23:08 +00:00
div, AnyView, AppContext, Component, DispatchPhase, Div, ParentElement, Render,
StatelessInteractive, Styled, View, ViewContext,
2023-11-06 22:35:49 +00:00
use crate::Workspace;
pub struct ModalRegistry {
registered_modals: Vec<(TypeId, Box<dyn Fn(Div<Workspace>) -> Div<Workspace>>)>,
pub trait Modal {}
pub struct ModalLayer {
open_modal: Option<AnyView>,
pub fn init_modal_registry(cx: &mut AppContext) {
cx.set_global(ModalRegistry {
registered_modals: Vec::new(),
struct ToggleModal {
name: String,
impl ModalRegistry {
pub fn register_modal<A: 'static, V, B>(&mut self, action: A, build_view: B)
V: Render,
B: Fn(&Workspace, &mut ViewContext<Workspace>) -> View<V> + 'static,
let build_view = Arc::new(build_view);
Box::new(move |mut div| {
let build_view = build_view.clone();
move |workspace: &mut Workspace,
event: &A,
phase: DispatchPhase,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Workspace>| {
dbg!("GOT HERE");
if phase == DispatchPhase::Capture {
let new_modal = (build_view)(workspace, cx);
workspace.modal_layer.update(cx, |modal_layer, _| {
modal_layer.open_modal = Some(new_modal.into());
impl ModalLayer {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { open_modal: None }
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// Workspace
// - ModalLayer parent
// - - container
// - - - modal
// - - - content of the modal
// - - content of the workspace
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2023-11-07 20:23:08 +00:00
// app
// workspace
// container some layer that contains all modals and is 100% wide and high
// modal (this has a shadow, some witdht)
// whatever
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2023-11-07 20:23:08 +00:00
pub fn render(&self, workspace: &Workspace, cx: &ViewContext<Workspace>) -> Div<Workspace> {
let mut parent = div().relative();
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for (_, action) in cx.global::<ModalRegistry>().registered_modals.iter() {
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parent = (action)(parent);
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2023-11-07 20:23:08 +00:00
parent.when_some(self.open_modal.as_ref(), |parent, open_modal| {
let container1 = div()
// transparent layer
let container2 = div()
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// impl Render for ModalLayer {
// type Element = Div<Self>;
// fn render(&mut self, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>) -> Self::Element {
// let mut div = div();
// for (type_id, build_view) in cx.global::<ModalRegistry>().registered_modals {
// div = div.useful_on_action(
// type_id,
// Box::new(|this, _: dyn Any, phase, cx: &mut ViewContext<Self>| {
// if phase == DispatchPhase::Capture {
// return;
// }
// self.workspace.update(cx, |workspace, cx| {
// self.open_modal = Some(build_view(workspace, cx));
// });
// cx.notify();
// }),
// )
// }
// div
// }
// }