2024-05-22 23:07:52 +00:00
interface github {
/// A GitHub release.
record github-release {
/// The version of the release.
version: string,
/// The list of assets attached to the release.
assets: list<github-release-asset>,
/// An asset from a GitHub release.
record github-release-asset {
/// The name of the asset.
name: string,
/// The download URL for the asset.
download-url: string,
/// The options used to filter down GitHub releases.
record github-release-options {
/// Whether releases without assets should be included.
require-assets: bool,
/// Whether pre-releases should be included.
pre-release: bool,
/// Returns the latest release for the given GitHub repository.
latest-github-release: func(repo: string, options: github-release-options) -> result<github-release, string>;
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/// Returns the GitHub release with the specified tag name for the given GitHub repository.
/// Returns an error if a release with the given tag name does not exist.
github-release-by-tag-name: func(repo: string, tag: string) -> result<github-release, string>;
2024-05-22 23:07:52 +00:00