Revert "More keybindings in macOs modals with buttons"

This reverts commit 1398a12062.
This commit is contained in:
Joseph Lyons 2023-05-11 11:37:34 -04:00
parent 6385e51957
commit 0ab94551f4

View file

@ -699,31 +699,6 @@ impl platform::Window for Window {
msg: &str,
answers: &[&str],
) -> oneshot::Receiver<usize> {
// macOs applies overrides to modal window buttons after they are added.
// Two most important for this logic are:
// * Buttons with "Cancel" title will be displayed as the last buttons in the modal
// * Last button added to the modal via `addButtonWithTitle` stays focused
// * Focused buttons react on "space"/" " keypresses
// * Usage of `keyEquivalent`, `makeFirstResponder` or `setInitialFirstResponder` does not change the focus
// See also
// ```
// By default, the first button has a key equivalent of Return,
// any button with a title of “Cancel” has a key equivalent of Escape,
// and any button with the title “Dont Save” has a key equivalent of Command-D (but only if its not the first button).
// ```
// To avoid situations when the last element added is "Cancel" and it gets the focus
// (hence stealing both ESC and Space shortcuts), we find and add one non-Cancel button
// last, so it gets focus and a Space shortcut.
// This way, "Save this file? Yes/No/Cancel"-ish modals will get all three buttons mapped with a key.
let latest_non_cancel_label = answers
.find(|(_, &label)| label != "Cancel")
.filter(|&(label_index, _)| label_index > 0);
unsafe {
let alert: id = msg_send![class!(NSAlert), alloc];
let alert: id = msg_send![alert, init];
@ -734,20 +709,10 @@ impl platform::Window for Window {
let _: () = msg_send![alert, setAlertStyle: alert_style];
let _: () = msg_send![alert, setMessageText: ns_string(msg)];
for (ix, answer) in answers
.filter(|&(ix, _)| Some(ix) !=|(ix, _)| ix))
for (ix, answer) in answers.iter().enumerate() {
let button: id = msg_send![alert, addButtonWithTitle: ns_string(answer)];
let _: () = msg_send![button, setTag: ix as NSInteger];
if let Some((ix, answer)) = latest_non_cancel_label {
let button: id = msg_send![alert, addButtonWithTitle: ns_string(answer)];
let _: () = msg_send![button, setTag: ix as NSInteger];
let (done_tx, done_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let done_tx = Cell::new(Some(done_tx));
let block = ConcreteBlock::new(move |answer: NSInteger| {
@ -755,7 +720,7 @@ impl platform::Window for Window {
let _ = postage::sink::Sink::try_send(&mut done_tx, answer.try_into().unwrap());
let block = block.copy();
let native_window = self.0.borrow().native_window;