Show diagnostic hover popover

This commit is contained in:
Antonio Scandurra 2023-11-27 19:07:55 +01:00
parent a5951df21f
commit 1e6214440d

View file

@ -6,13 +6,16 @@ use crate::{
use futures::FutureExt;
use gpui::{
actions, div, px, AnyElement, AppContext, InteractiveElement, IntoElement, Model, MouseButton,
ParentElement, Pixels, Size, StatefulInteractiveElement, Styled, Task, ViewContext, WeakView,
actions, div, px, AnyElement, AppContext, CursorStyle, InteractiveElement, IntoElement, Model,
MouseButton, ParentElement, Pixels, SharedString, Size, StatefulInteractiveElement, Styled,
Task, ViewContext, WeakView,
use language::{markdown, Bias, DiagnosticEntry, Language, LanguageRegistry, ParsedMarkdown};
use lsp::DiagnosticSeverity;
use project::{HoverBlock, HoverBlockKind, InlayHintLabelPart, Project};
use settings::Settings;
use std::{ops::Range, sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use ui::Tooltip;
use util::TryFutureExt;
use workspace::Workspace;
@ -507,56 +510,34 @@ impl DiagnosticPopover {
max_size: Size<Pixels>,
cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>,
) -> AnyElement {
// enum PrimaryDiagnostic {}
let text = match &self.local_diagnostic.diagnostic.source {
Some(source) => format!("{source}: {}", self.local_diagnostic.diagnostic.message),
None => self.local_diagnostic.diagnostic.message.clone(),
// let mut text_style = style.hover_popover.prose.clone();
// text_style.font_size = style.text.font_size;
// let diagnostic_source_style = style.hover_popover.diagnostic_source_highlight.clone();
let container_bg = crate::diagnostic_style(
// let text = match &self.local_diagnostic.diagnostic.source {
// Some(source) => Text::new(
// format!("{source}: {}", self.local_diagnostic.diagnostic.message),
// text_style,
// )
// .with_highlights(vec![(0..source.len(), diagnostic_source_style)]),
// None => Text::new(self.local_diagnostic.diagnostic.message.clone(), text_style),
// };
// let container_style = match self.local_diagnostic.diagnostic.severity {
// DiagnosticSeverity::HINT => style.hover_popover.info_container,
// DiagnosticSeverity::INFORMATION => style.hover_popover.info_container,
// DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING => style.hover_popover.warning_container,
// DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR => style.hover_popover.error_container,
// _ => style.hover_popover.container,
// };
// let tooltip_style = theme::current(cx).tooltip.clone();
// MouseEventHandler::new::<DiagnosticPopover, _>(0, cx, |_, _| {
// text.with_soft_wrap(true)
// .contained()
// .with_style(container_style)
// })
// .with_padding(Padding {
// ..Default::default()
// })
// .on_move(|_, _, _| {}) // Consume move events so they don't reach regions underneath.
// .on_click(MouseButton::Left, |_, this, cx| {
// this.go_to_diagnostic(&Default::default(), cx)
// })
// .with_cursor_style(CursorStyle::PointingHand)
// .with_tooltip::<PrimaryDiagnostic>(
// 0,
// "Go To Diagnostic".to_string(),
// Some(Box::new(crate::GoToDiagnostic)),
// tooltip_style,
// cx,
// )
// .into_any()
.tooltip(move |cx| Tooltip::for_action("Go To Diagnostic", &crate::GoToDiagnostic, cx))
// Prevent a mouse move on the popover from being propagated to the editor,
// because that would dismiss the popover.
.on_mouse_move(|_, cx| cx.stop_propagation())
// Prevent a mouse down on the popover from being propagated to the editor,
// because that would move the cursor.
.on_mouse_down(MouseButton::Left, |_, cx| cx.stop_propagation())
.on_click(cx.listener(|editor, _, cx| editor.go_to_diagnostic(&Default::default(), cx)))
pub fn activation_info(&self) -> (usize, Anchor) {