Paint scrollbars

We still need to wire up mouse listeners.
This commit is contained in:
Antonio Scandurra 2023-12-08 14:04:41 +01:00
parent 53ff5ff724
commit 28dfd3ab43

View file

@ -1230,203 +1230,189 @@ impl EditorElement {
bounds.upper_right().x -
// fn paint_scrollbar(
// &mut self,
// bounds: Bounds<Pixels>,
// layout: &mut LayoutState,
// editor: &Editor,
// cx: &mut ViewContext<Editor>,
// ) {
// enum ScrollbarMouseHandlers {}
// if layout.mode != EditorMode::Full {
// return;
// }
fn paint_scrollbar(
&mut self,
bounds: Bounds<Pixels>,
layout: &mut LayoutState,
cx: &mut WindowContext,
) {
if layout.mode != EditorMode::Full {
// let style = &;
let top = bounds.origin.y;
let bottom = bounds.lower_left().y;
let right = bounds.lower_right().x;
let left = self.scrollbar_left(&bounds);
let row_range = &layout.scrollbar_row_range;
let max_row = layout.max_row as f32 + (row_range.end - row_range.start);
// let top = bounds.min_y;
// let bottom = bounds.max_y;
// let right = bounds.max_x;
// let left = self.scrollbar_left(&bounds);
// let row_range = &layout.scrollbar_row_range;
// let max_row = layout.max_row as f32 + (row_range.end - row_range.start);
let mut height = bounds.size.height;
let mut first_row_y_offset = px(0.0);
// let mut height = bounds.height();
// let mut first_row_y_offset = 0.0;
// Impose a minimum height on the scrollbar thumb
let row_height = height / max_row;
let min_thumb_height = layout.position_map.line_height;
let thumb_height = (row_range.end - row_range.start) * row_height;
if thumb_height < min_thumb_height {
first_row_y_offset = (min_thumb_height - thumb_height) / 2.0;
height -= min_thumb_height - thumb_height;
// // Impose a minimum height on the scrollbar thumb
// let row_height = height / max_row;
// let min_thumb_height =
// style.min_height_factor * cx.font_cache.line_height(;
// let thumb_height = (row_range.end - row_range.start) * row_height;
// if thumb_height < min_thumb_height {
// first_row_y_offset = (min_thumb_height - thumb_height) / 2.0;
// height -= min_thumb_height - thumb_height;
// }
let y_for_row = |row: f32| -> Pixels { top + first_row_y_offset + row * row_height };
// let y_for_row = |row: f32| -> f32 { top + first_row_y_offset + row * row_height };
let thumb_top = y_for_row(row_range.start) - first_row_y_offset;
let thumb_bottom = y_for_row(row_range.end) + first_row_y_offset;
let track_bounds = Bounds::from_corners(point(left, top), point(right, bottom));
let thumb_bounds = Bounds::from_corners(point(left, thumb_top), point(right, thumb_bottom));
// let thumb_top = y_for_row(row_range.start) - first_row_y_offset;
// let thumb_bottom = y_for_row(row_range.end) + first_row_y_offset;
// let track_bounds = Bounds::<Pixels>::from_points(point(left, top), point(right, bottom));
// let thumb_bounds = Bounds::<Pixels>::from_points(point(left, thumb_top), point(right, thumb_bottom));
if layout.show_scrollbars {
gpui::blue(), // todo!("style.track.background_color")
Edges::default(), // todo!("style.track.border")
transparent_black(), // todo!("style.track.border")
let scrollbar_settings = EditorSettings::get_global(cx).scrollbar;
if layout.is_singleton && scrollbar_settings.selections {
let start_anchor = Anchor::min();
let end_anchor = Anchor::max();
let background_ranges = self
for range in background_ranges {
let start_y = y_for_row(range.start().row() as f32);
let mut end_y = y_for_row(range.end().row() as f32);
if end_y - start_y < px(1.) {
end_y = start_y + px(1.);
let bounds = Bounds::from_corners(point(left, start_y), point(right, end_y));
gpui::yellow(), // todo!("theme.editor.scrollbar")
Edges {
top: Pixels::ZERO,
right: px(1.),
bottom: Pixels::ZERO,
left: px(1.),
gpui::green(), // todo!("style.thumb.border.color")
// if layout.show_scrollbars {
// cx.paint_quad(Quad {
// bounds: track_bounds,
// border: style.track.border.into(),
// background: style.track.background_color,
// ..Default::default()
// });
// let scrollbar_settings = settings::get::<EditorSettings>(cx).scrollbar;
// let theme = theme::current(cx);
// let scrollbar_theme = &theme.editor.scrollbar;
// if layout.is_singleton && scrollbar_settings.selections {
// let start_anchor = Anchor::min();
// let end_anchor = Anchor::max;
// let color = scrollbar_theme.selections;
// let border = Border {
// width: 1.,
// color: style.thumb.border.color,
// overlay: false,
// top: false,
// right: true,
// bottom: false,
// left: true,
// };
// let mut push_region = |start: DisplayPoint, end: DisplayPoint| {
// let start_y = y_for_row(start.row() as f32);
// let mut end_y = y_for_row(end.row() as f32);
// if end_y - start_y < 1. {
// end_y = start_y + 1.;
// }
// let bounds = Bounds::<Pixels>::from_points(point(left, start_y), point(right, end_y));
if layout.is_singleton && scrollbar_settings.git_diff {
for hunk in layout
.git_diff_hunks_in_range(0..(max_row.floor() as u32))
let start_display = Point::new(hunk.buffer_range.start, 0)
let end_display = Point::new(hunk.buffer_range.end, 0)
let start_y = y_for_row(start_display.row() as f32);
let mut end_y = if hunk.buffer_range.start == hunk.buffer_range.end {
y_for_row((end_display.row() + 1) as f32)
} else {
y_for_row((end_display.row()) as f32)
// cx.paint_quad(Quad {
// bounds,
// background: Some(color),
// border: border.into(),
// corner_radii: style.thumb.corner_radii.into(),
// })
// };
// let background_ranges = editor
// .background_highlight_row_ranges::<crate::items::BufferSearchHighlights>(
// start_anchor..end_anchor,
// &layout.position_map.snapshot,
// 50000,
// );
// for row in background_ranges {
// let start = row.start();
// let end = row.end();
// push_region(*start, *end);
// }
// }
if end_y - start_y < px(1.) {
end_y = start_y + px(1.);
let bounds = Bounds::from_corners(point(left, start_y), point(right, end_y));
// if layout.is_singleton && scrollbar_settings.git_diff {
// let diff_style = scrollbar_theme.git.clone();
// for hunk in layout
// .position_map
// .snapshot
// .buffer_snapshot
// .git_diff_hunks_in_range(0..(max_row.floor() as u32))
// {
// let start_display = Point::new(hunk.buffer_range.start, 0)
// .to_display_point(&layout.position_map.snapshot.display_snapshot);
// let end_display = Point::new(hunk.buffer_range.end, 0)
// .to_display_point(&layout.position_map.snapshot.display_snapshot);
// let start_y = y_for_row(start_display.row() as f32);
// let mut end_y = if hunk.buffer_range.start == hunk.buffer_range.end {
// y_for_row((end_display.row() + 1) as f32)
// } else {
// y_for_row((end_display.row()) as f32)
// };
let color = match hunk.status() {
DiffHunkStatus::Added => gpui::green(), // todo!("use the right color")
DiffHunkStatus::Modified => gpui::yellow(), // todo!("use the right color")
DiffHunkStatus::Removed => gpui::red(), // todo!("use the right color")
Edges {
top: Pixels::ZERO,
right: px(1.),
bottom: Pixels::ZERO,
left: px(1.),
gpui::green(), // todo!("style.thumb.border.color")
// if end_y - start_y < 1. {
// end_y = start_y + 1.;
// }
// let bounds = Bounds::<Pixels>::from_points(point(left, start_y), point(right, end_y));
gpui::black(), // todo!("style.thumb.background_color")
Edges {
top: Pixels::ZERO,
right: px(1.),
bottom: Pixels::ZERO,
left: px(1.),
gpui::green(), // todo!("style.thumb.border.color")
// let color = match hunk.status() {
// DiffHunkStatus::Added => diff_style.inserted,
// DiffHunkStatus::Modified => diff_style.modified,
// DiffHunkStatus::Removed => diff_style.deleted,
// };
// cx.scene().push_cursor_region(CursorRegion {
// bounds: track_bounds,
// style: CursorStyle::Arrow,
// });
// let region_id = cx.view_id();
// cx.scene().push_mouse_region(
// MouseRegion::new::<ScrollbarMouseHandlers>(region_id, region_id, track_bounds)
// .on_move(move |event, editor: &mut Editor, cx| {
// if event.pressed_button.is_none() {
// editor.scroll_manager.show_scrollbar(cx);
// }
// })
// .on_down(MouseButton::Left, {
// let row_range = row_range.clone();
// move |event, editor: &mut Editor, cx| {
// let y = event.position.y;
// if y < thumb_top || thumb_bottom < y {
// let center_row = ((y - top) * max_row as f32 / height).round() as u32;
// let top_row = center_row
// .saturating_sub((row_range.end - row_range.start) as u32 / 2);
// let mut position = editor.scroll_position(cx);
// position.set_y(top_row as f32);
// editor.set_scroll_position(position, cx);
// } else {
// editor.scroll_manager.show_scrollbar(cx);
// }
// }
// })
// .on_drag(MouseButton::Left, {
// move |event, editor: &mut Editor, cx| {
// if event.end {
// return;
// }
// let border = Border {
// width: 1.,
// color: style.thumb.border.color,
// overlay: false,
// top: false,
// right: true,
// bottom: false,
// left: true,
// };
// cx.paint_quad(Quad {
// bounds,
// background: Some(color),
// border: border.into(),
// corner_radii: style.thumb.corner_radii.into(),
// })
// }
// }
// cx.paint_quad(Quad {
// bounds: thumb_bounds,
// border: style.thumb.border.into(),
// background: style.thumb.background_color,
// corner_radii: style.thumb.corner_radii.into(),
// });
// }
// cx.scene().push_cursor_region(CursorRegion {
// bounds: track_bounds,
// style: CursorStyle::Arrow,
// });
// let region_id = cx.view_id();
// cx.scene().push_mouse_region(
// MouseRegion::new::<ScrollbarMouseHandlers>(region_id, region_id, track_bounds)
// .on_move(move |event, editor: &mut Editor, cx| {
// if event.pressed_button.is_none() {
// editor.scroll_manager.show_scrollbar(cx);
// }
// })
// .on_down(MouseButton::Left, {
// let row_range = row_range.clone();
// move |event, editor: &mut Editor, cx| {
// let y = event.position.y;
// if y < thumb_top || thumb_bottom < y {
// let center_row = ((y - top) * max_row as f32 / height).round() as u32;
// let top_row = center_row
// .saturating_sub((row_range.end - row_range.start) as u32 / 2);
// let mut position = editor.scroll_position(cx);
// position.set_y(top_row as f32);
// editor.set_scroll_position(position, cx);
// } else {
// editor.scroll_manager.show_scrollbar(cx);
// }
// }
// })
// .on_drag(MouseButton::Left, {
// move |event, editor: &mut Editor, cx| {
// if event.end {
// return;
// }
// let y = event.prev_mouse_position.y;
// let new_y = event.position.y;
// if thumb_top < y && y < thumb_bottom {
// let mut position = editor.scroll_position(cx);
// position.set_y(position.y + (new_y - y) * (max_row as f32) / height);
// if position.y < 0.0 {
// position.set_y(0.);
// }
// editor.set_scroll_position(position, cx);
// }
// }
// }),
// );
// }
// let y = event.prev_mouse_position.y;
// let new_y = event.position.y;
// if thumb_top < y && y < thumb_bottom {
// let mut position = editor.scroll_position(cx);
// position.set_y(position.y + (new_y - y) * (max_row as f32) / height);
// if position.y < 0.0 {
// position.set_y(0.);
// }
// editor.set_scroll_position(position, cx);
// }
// }
// }),
// );
fn paint_highlighted_range(
@ -2840,9 +2826,11 @@ impl Element for EditorElement {
cx.with_z_index(1, |cx| {
cx.with_element_id(Some("editor_blocks"), |cx| {
self.paint_blocks(bounds, &mut layout, cx);
self.paint_scrollbar(bounds, &mut layout, cx);