mirror of
synced 2025-01-09 10:56:20 +00:00
Remove unused code
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 6 additions and 192 deletions
@ -4,17 +4,13 @@
// Allow binary to be called Zed for a nice application menu when running executable directly
use crate::open_listener::{OpenListener, OpenRequest};
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _, Result};
use backtrace::Backtrace;
use cli::{
ipc::{self, IpcSender},
CliRequest, CliResponse, IpcHandshake, FORCE_CLI_MODE_ENV_VAR_NAME,
use client::UserStore;
use db::kvp::KEY_VALUE_STORE;
use fs::RealFs;
use futures::{channel::mpsc, SinkExt, StreamExt};
use futures::StreamExt;
use gpui::{Action, App, AppContext, AsyncAppContext, Context, SemanticVersion, Task};
use isahc::{prelude::Configurable, Request};
use language::LanguageRegistry;
@ -50,8 +46,10 @@ use util::{
use uuid::Uuid;
use workspace::{AppState, WorkspaceStore};
use zed2::{build_window_options, initialize_workspace, languages};
use zed2::{ensure_only_instance, Assets, IsOnlyInstance};
use zed2::{
build_window_options, ensure_only_instance, handle_cli_connection, initialize_workspace,
languages, Assets, IsOnlyInstance, OpenListener, OpenRequest,
mod open_listener;
@ -762,190 +760,6 @@ fn load_embedded_fonts(cx: &AppContext) {
// #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
// fn watch_file_types(_fs: Arc<dyn Fs>, _cx: &mut AppContext) {}
fn connect_to_cli(
server_name: &str,
) -> Result<(mpsc::Receiver<CliRequest>, IpcSender<CliResponse>)> {
let handshake_tx = cli::ipc::IpcSender::<IpcHandshake>::connect(server_name.to_string())
.context("error connecting to cli")?;
let (request_tx, request_rx) = ipc::channel::<CliRequest>()?;
let (response_tx, response_rx) = ipc::channel::<CliResponse>()?;
.send(IpcHandshake {
requests: request_tx,
responses: response_rx,
.context("error sending ipc handshake")?;
let (mut async_request_tx, async_request_rx) =
thread::spawn(move || {
while let Ok(cli_request) = request_rx.recv() {
if smol::block_on(async_request_tx.send(cli_request)).is_err() {
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(())
Ok((async_request_rx, response_tx))
async fn handle_cli_connection(
(mut requests, _responses): (mpsc::Receiver<CliRequest>, IpcSender<CliResponse>),
_app_state: Arc<AppState>,
mut _cx: AsyncAppContext,
) {
if let Some(request) = requests.next().await {
match request {
CliRequest::Open { paths: _, wait: _ } => {
// let mut caret_positions = HashMap::new();
// todo!("workspace")
// let paths = if paths.is_empty() {
// workspace::last_opened_workspace_paths()
// .await
// .map(|location| location.paths().to_vec())
// .unwrap_or_default()
// } else {
// paths
// .into_iter()
// .filter_map(|path_with_position_string| {
// let path_with_position = PathLikeWithPosition::parse_str(
// &path_with_position_string,
// |path_str| {
// Ok::<_, std::convert::Infallible>(
// Path::new(path_str).to_path_buf(),
// )
// },
// )
// .expect("Infallible");
// let path = path_with_position.path_like;
// if let Some(row) = path_with_position.row {
// if path.is_file() {
// let row = row.saturating_sub(1);
// let col =
// path_with_position.column.unwrap_or(0).saturating_sub(1);
// caret_positions.insert(path.clone(), Point::new(row, col));
// }
// }
// Some(path)
// })
// .collect()
// };
// let mut errored = false;
// match cx
// .update(|cx| workspace::open_paths(&paths, &app_state, None, cx))
// .await
// {
// Ok((workspace, items)) => {
// let mut item_release_futures = Vec::new();
// for (item, path) in items.into_iter().zip(&paths) {
// match item {
// Some(Ok(item)) => {
// if let Some(point) = caret_positions.remove(path) {
// if let Some(active_editor) = item.downcast::<Editor>() {
// active_editor
// .downgrade()
// .update(&mut cx, |editor, cx| {
// let snapshot =
// editor.snapshot(cx).display_snapshot;
// let point = snapshot
// .buffer_snapshot
// .clip_point(point, Bias::Left);
// editor.change_selections(
// Some(Autoscroll::center()),
// cx,
// |s| s.select_ranges([point..point]),
// );
// })
// .log_err();
// }
// }
// let released = oneshot::channel();
// cx.update(|cx| {
// item.on_release(
// cx,
// Box::new(move |_| {
// let _ = released.0.send(());
// }),
// )
// .detach();
// });
// item_release_futures.push(released.1);
// }
// Some(Err(err)) => {
// responses
// .send(CliResponse::Stderr {
// message: format!("error opening {:?}: {}", path, err),
// })
// .log_err();
// errored = true;
// }
// None => {}
// }
// }
// if wait {
// let background = cx.background();
// let wait = async move {
// if paths.is_empty() {
// let (done_tx, done_rx) = oneshot::channel();
// if let Some(workspace) = workspace.upgrade(&cx) {
// let _subscription = cx.update(|cx| {
// cx.observe_release(&workspace, move |_, _| {
// let _ = done_tx.send(());
// })
// });
// drop(workspace);
// let _ = done_rx.await;
// }
// } else {
// let _ =
// futures::future::try_join_all(item_release_futures).await;
// };
// }
// .fuse();
// futures::pin_mut!(wait);
// loop {
// // Repeatedly check if CLI is still open to avoid wasting resources
// // waiting for files or workspaces to close.
// let mut timer = background.timer(Duration::from_secs(1)).fuse();
// futures::select_biased! {
// _ = wait => break,
// _ = timer => {
// if responses.send(CliResponse::Ping).is_err() {
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// Err(error) => {
// errored = true;
// responses
// .send(CliResponse::Stderr {
// message: format!("error opening {:?}: {}", paths, error),
// })
// .log_err();
// }
// }
// responses
// .send(CliResponse::Exit {
// status: i32::from(errored),
// })
// .log_err();
pub fn background_actions() -> &'static [(&'static str, &'static dyn Action)] {
// &[
// ("Go to file", &file_finder::Toggle),
Reference in a new issue