mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 19:02:07 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 395 additions and 171 deletions
@ -146,131 +146,175 @@ impl<V: View> Node<V> {
fn id_as_str(&self) -> &str {
fn layout_children(&mut self, constraint: SizeConstraint) -> Vector2F {
fn layout_xy(
&mut self,
axis: Axis2d,
max_size: Vector2F,
primary_axis: Axis2d,
constraint: SizeConstraint,
rem_pixels: f32,
layout: &mut NodeLayout,
view: &mut V,
cx: &mut LayoutContext<V>,
) -> Vector2F {
"{}: max_size = {:?}",
let mut remaining_flex: f32 = 0.;
layout.margins = self.style.margins.fixed_pixels(rem_pixels);
remaining_flex += self.style.margins.flex().get(axis);
layout.padding = self.style.padding.fixed_pixels(rem_pixels);
remaining_flex += self.style.padding.flex().get(axis);
layout.margins = self.style.margins.fixed_pixels(rem_pixels);
let fixed_padding_size = layout.padding.size();
let fixed_margin_size = layout.margins.size();
let borders_size = &self.style.borders.size();
let flex_2f = self.style.flex();
let cross_axis = primary_axis.rotate();
let mut child_constraint = SizeConstraint::default();
let mut padded_max =
max_size - layout.margins.size() - self.style.borders.size() - layout.padding.size();
for axis in [Axis2d::X, Axis2d::Y] {
let length = self.style.size.get(axis);
match self.style.size.width {
Length::Hug => {}
Length::Fixed(width) => {
Length::Auto { min, max, .. } => padded_max.set_x(
.clamp(min.to_pixels(rem_pixels), max.to_pixels(rem_pixels)),
match self.style.size.height {
Length::Hug => {}
Length::Fixed(height) => padded_max.set_y(height.to_pixels(rem_pixels)),
Length::Auto { min, max, .. } => padded_max.set_y(
.clamp(min.to_pixels(rem_pixels), max.to_pixels(rem_pixels)),
// Before we layout children
match length {
Length::Fixed(fixed_length) => {
let fixed_length = fixed_length.to_pixels(rem_pixels);
let mut remaining_length = constraint.min.get(axis)
- fixed_margin_size.get(axis)
- borders_size.get(axis)
- fixed_padding_size.get(axis)
- fixed_length;
let mut remaining_length =
padded_max.get(axis) - self.style.size.get(axis).fixed_pixels(rem_pixels);
dbg!(padded_max, remaining_length);
let mut remaining_flex = flex_2f.get(axis);
// Pass 1: Total up flex units and layout inflexible children.
// Consume the remaining length as we layout inflexible children, so that any
// remaining length can be distributed among flexible children in the next pass.
let mut cross_axis_max: f32 = 0.;
let cross_axis = axis.rotate();
// Fixed children are unconstrained along the primary axis, and constrained to
// the padded max size along the cross axis.
let child_constraint =
SizeConstraint::loose(Vector2F::infinity().set(cross_axis, padded_max.get(cross_axis)));
"{}: child_max = {:?}, remaining_length: {}",
// Distribute remaining length to flexible padding, but only so long as the
// padding does not exceed the fixed length.
let mut padding_flex = self.style.padding.flex().get(axis);
let mut padding_length =
((padding_flex / remaining_flex) * remaining_length).min(fixed_length);
remaining_flex -= padding_flex;
*layout.padding.start_mut(axis) += self.style.padding.start(axis).flex_pixels(
&mut padding_flex,
&mut padding_length,
*layout.padding.end_mut(axis) += self.style.padding.end(axis).flex_pixels(
&mut padding_flex,
&mut padding_length,
for child in &mut self.children {
if let Some(child_flex) = child
.and_then(|style| style.flex(axis))
remaining_flex += child_flex;
} else {
let child_size = child.layout(child_constraint, view, cx);
cross_axis_max = cross_axis_max.max(child_size.get(cross_axis));
remaining_length -= child_size.get(axis);
"{}: child_max = {:?}, remaining_length: {}",
// Pass 2: Allocate the remaining space among flexible lengths along the primary axis.
if remaining_flex > 0. {
dbg!(self.id.as_deref(), remaining_length, remaining_flex);
// Add flex pixels from margin and padding.
// Distribute remaining length to flexible margins.
*layout.margins.start_mut(axis) += self.style.margins.start(axis).flex_pixels(
&mut remaining_flex,
&mut remaining_length,
dbg!(self.id.as_deref(), layout.margins.start(axis));
*layout.padding.start_mut(axis) += self.style.padding.start(axis).flex_pixels(
*layout.margins.end_mut(axis) += self.style.margins.end(axis).flex_pixels(
&mut remaining_flex,
&mut remaining_length,
// Lay out the flexible children
let mut child_max = padded_max;
child_constraint.max.set(axis, remaining_length);
if axis == cross_axis {
child_constraint.min.set(axis, remaining_length);
Length::Auto { .. } => {
// If the length is flex, we calculate the content's share first
let mut remaining_flex = flex_2f.get(axis);
let mut remaining_length = constraint.max.get(axis)
- fixed_margin_size.get(axis)
- borders_size.get(axis)
- fixed_padding_size.get(axis);
let children_length =
length.flex_pixels(rem_pixels, &mut remaining_flex, &mut remaining_length);
child_constraint.max.set(axis, children_length);
if axis == cross_axis {
child_constraint.min.set(axis, children_length);
Length::Hug => {
// Leave the min/max children size at 0 for this dimension,
// so that children can be as small as they want.
// Layout fixed children using the child constraint determined above.
let mut remaining_child_length = child_constraint.max.get(primary_axis);
let mut remaining_child_flex = 0.;
let mut total_child_length = 0.;
let mut cross_axis_max: f32 = 0.;
child_constraint.min.set(primary_axis, 0.);
child_constraint.max.set(primary_axis, 0.);
for child in &mut self.children {
// Skip children that are flexible in the primary for this first pass.
if let Some(child_flex) = child
.map(|style| style.flex().get(primary_axis))
if child_flex > 0. {
remaining_child_flex += child_flex;
// The child is fixed along the primary axis, so perform layout.
let child_size = child.layout(child_constraint, view, cx);
let child_length = child_size.get(primary_axis);
remaining_child_length -= child_length;
total_child_length += child_length;
cross_axis_max = cross_axis_max.max(child_size.get(cross_axis));
// Now layout all the flexible children.
for child in &mut self.children {
if let Some(child_flex) = child
.and_then(|style| style.flex(axis))
.map(|style| style.flex().get(primary_axis))
child_max.set(axis, child_flex / remaining_flex * remaining_length);
let child_size = child.layout(SizeConstraint::loose(child_max), view, cx);
if child_flex > 0. {
(child_flex / remaining_child_flex) * remaining_child_length,
remaining_flex -= child_flex;
remaining_length -= child_size.get(axis);
cross_axis_max = child_size.get(cross_axis).max(cross_axis_max);
let child_size = child.layout(child_constraint, view, cx);
let child_length = child_size.get(primary_axis);
total_child_length += child_length;
remaining_child_length -= child_length;
remaining_child_flex -= child_flex;
cross_axis_max = cross_axis_max.max(child_size.get(cross_axis));
// Add flex pixels from margin and padding.
*layout.margins.end_mut(axis) += self.style.margins.end(axis).flex_pixels(
let children_size = match primary_axis {
Axis2d::X => vec2f(total_child_length, cross_axis_max),
Axis2d::Y => vec2f(cross_axis_max, total_child_length),
for axis in [Axis2d::X, Axis2d::Y] {
let length = self.style.size.get(axis);
// Finish with flexible margins and padding now that children are laid out.
match length {
Length::Hug => {
// Now that we know the size of our children, we can distribute
// space to flexible padding and margins.
let mut remaining_flex = flex_2f.get(axis);
let mut remaining_length = constraint.max.get(axis)
- fixed_margin_size.get(axis)
- borders_size.get(axis)
- fixed_padding_size.get(axis)
- children_size.get(axis);
// Distribute remaining length to flexible padding
*layout.padding.start_mut(axis) += self.style.padding.start(axis).flex_pixels(
&mut remaining_flex,
&mut remaining_length,
@ -280,49 +324,234 @@ impl<V: View> Node<V> {
&mut remaining_flex,
&mut remaining_length,
let width = match self.style.size.width {
Length::Hug => match axis {
Axis2d::X => max_size.get(axis) - remaining_length,
Axis2d::Y => {
+ layout.padding.size().get(cross_axis)
+ self.style.borders.size().get(cross_axis)
+ layout.margins.size().get(cross_axis)
// Distribute remaining length to flexible margins.
*layout.margins.start_mut(axis) += self.style.margins.start(axis).flex_pixels(
&mut remaining_flex,
&mut remaining_length,
*layout.margins.end_mut(axis) += self.style.margins.end(axis).flex_pixels(
&mut remaining_flex,
&mut remaining_length,
Length::Fixed(width) => width.to_pixels(rem_pixels),
Length::Auto { min, max, .. } => max_size
.clamp(min.to_pixels(rem_pixels), max.to_pixels(rem_pixels)),
Length::Auto { flex, .. } => {
// If the length is flex, we subtract the fixed margins, padding, and
// children length along the current dimension, then distribute the
// remaining length among margins and padding.
let mut remaining_flex = flex_2f.get(axis) - flex;
let mut remaining_length = constraint.max.get(axis)
- fixed_margin_size.get(axis)
- borders_size.get(axis)
- fixed_padding_size.get(axis)
- children_size.get(axis);
let height = match self.style.size.height {
Length::Hug => match axis {
Axis2d::Y => max_size.get(axis) - remaining_length,
Axis2d::X => {
+ layout.padding.size().get(cross_axis)
+ self.style.borders.size().get(cross_axis)
+ layout.margins.size().get(cross_axis)
Length::Fixed(height) => height.to_pixels(rem_pixels),
Length::Auto { min, max, .. } => max_size
.clamp(min.to_pixels(rem_pixels), max.to_pixels(rem_pixels)),
"{}: size = {} {}",
// Distribute remaining length to flexible padding
*layout.padding.start_mut(axis) += self.style.padding.start(axis).flex_pixels(
&mut remaining_flex,
&mut remaining_length,
*layout.padding.end_mut(axis) += self.style.padding.end(axis).flex_pixels(
&mut remaining_flex,
&mut remaining_length,
vec2f(width, height)
// Distribute remaining length to flexible margins.
*layout.margins.start_mut(axis) += self.style.margins.start(axis).flex_pixels(
&mut remaining_flex,
&mut remaining_length,
*layout.margins.end_mut(axis) += self.style.margins.end(axis).flex_pixels(
&mut remaining_flex,
&mut remaining_length,
Length::Fixed(_) => {
// If we had a fixed length, we've already computed margins and
// padding, so there's nothing to do.
children_size + layout.padding.size() + self.style.borders.size() + layout.margins.size()
// If this element is flexible, we need to distribute the available space
// between the margin, padding, and content, any of which can be flexible.
// If the node's size is fixed, we distribute the flexible space
// let mut remaining_size = todo!();
// layout.margins = self.style.margins.fixed_pixels(rem_pixels);
// remaining_size -= layout.margins.size();
// layout.padding = self.style.padding.fixed_pixels(rem_pixels);
// remaining_size -= layout.padding.size();
// remaining_size -= self.style.size.fixed_pixels(rem_pixels);
// //
// // The available space
// let flex = self.style.flex();
// let mut padded_max =
// max_size - layout.margins.size() - self.style.borders.size() - layout.padding.size();
// match self.style.size.width {
// Length::Hug => {}
// Length::Fixed(width) => {
// padded_max.set_x(width.to_pixels(rem_pixels));
// }
// Length::Auto { min, max, .. } => padded_max.set_x(
// padded_max
// .x()
// .clamp(min.to_pixels(rem_pixels), max.to_pixels(rem_pixels)),
// ),
// };
// match self.style.size.height {
// Length::Hug => {}
// Length::Fixed(height) => padded_max.set_y(height.to_pixels(rem_pixels)),
// Length::Auto { min, max, .. } => padded_max.set_y(
// padded_max
// .y()
// .clamp(min.to_pixels(rem_pixels), max.to_pixels(rem_pixels)),
// ),
// };
// let mut remaining_length =
// padded_max.get(axis) - self.style.size.get(axis).fixed_pixels(rem_pixels);
// dbg!(padded_max, remaining_length);
// // Pass 1: Total up flex units and layout inflexible children.
// //
// // Consume the remaining length as we layout inflexible children, so that any
// // remaining length can be distributed among flexible children in the next pass.
// let mut cross_axis_max: f32 = 0.;
// let cross_axis = axis.rotate();
// // Fixed children are unconstrained along the primary axis, and constrained to
// // the padded max size along the cross axis.
// let child_constraint =
// SizeConstraint::loose(Vector2F::infinity().set(cross_axis, padded_max.get(cross_axis)));
// eprintln!(
// "{}: child_max = {:?}, remaining_length: {}",
// self.id.as_deref().unwrap_or(""),
// child_constraint.max,
// remaining_length
// );
// for child in &mut self.children {
// if let Some(child_flex) = child
// .metadata::<NodeStyle>()
// .map(|style| style.flex().get(axis))
// {
// remaining_flex += child_flex;
// } else {
// let child_size = child.layout(child_constraint, view, cx);
// cross_axis_max = cross_axis_max.max(child_size.get(cross_axis));
// remaining_length -= child_size.get(axis);
// }
// }
// eprintln!(
// "{}: child_max = {:?}, remaining_length: {}",
// self.id.as_deref().unwrap_or(""),
// child_constraint.max,
// remaining_length
// );
// // Pass 2: Allocate the remaining space among flexible lengths along the primary axis.
// if remaining_flex > 0. {
// dbg!(self.id.as_deref(), remaining_length, remaining_flex);
// // Add flex pixels from margin and padding.
// *layout.margins.start_mut(axis) += self.style.margins.start(axis).flex_pixels(
// rem_pixels,
// &mut remaining_flex,
// &mut remaining_length,
// );
// dbg!(self.id.as_deref(), layout.margins.start(axis));
// *layout.padding.start_mut(axis) += self.style.padding.start(axis).flex_pixels(
// rem_pixels,
// &mut remaining_flex,
// &mut remaining_length,
// );
// // Lay out the flexible children
// let mut child_max = padded_max;
// for child in &mut self.children {
// if let Some(child_flex) = child.metadata::<NodeStyle>().map(|style| style.flex()) {
// child_max.set(axis, child_flex / remaining_flex * remaining_length);
// let child_size = child.layout(SizeConstraint::loose(child_max), view, cx);
// remaining_flex -= child_flex;
// remaining_length -= child_size.get(axis);
// cross_axis_max = child_size.get(cross_axis).max(cross_axis_max);
// }
// }
// // Add flex pixels from margin and padding.
// *layout.margins.end_mut(axis) += self.style.margins.end(axis).flex_pixels(
// rem_pixels,
// &mut remaining_flex,
// &mut remaining_length,
// );
// *layout.padding.end_mut(axis) += self.style.padding.end(axis).flex_pixels(
// rem_pixels,
// &mut remaining_flex,
// &mut remaining_length,
// );
// }
// let width = match self.style.size.width {
// Length::Hug => match axis {
// Axis2d::X => max_size.get(axis) - remaining_length,
// Axis2d::Y => {
// cross_axis_max
// + layout.padding.size().get(cross_axis)
// + self.style.borders.size().get(cross_axis)
// + layout.margins.size().get(cross_axis)
// }
// },
// Length::Fixed(width) => width.to_pixels(rem_pixels),
// Length::Auto { min, max, .. } => max_size
// .x()
// .clamp(min.to_pixels(rem_pixels), max.to_pixels(rem_pixels)),
// };
// let height = match self.style.size.height {
// Length::Hug => match axis {
// Axis2d::Y => max_size.get(axis) - remaining_length,
// Axis2d::X => {
// cross_axis_max
// + layout.padding.size().get(cross_axis)
// + self.style.borders.size().get(cross_axis)
// + layout.margins.size().get(cross_axis)
// }
// },
// Length::Fixed(height) => height.to_pixels(rem_pixels),
// Length::Auto { min, max, .. } => max_size
// .y()
// .clamp(min.to_pixels(rem_pixels), max.to_pixels(rem_pixels)),
// };
// eprintln!(
// "{}: size = {} {}",
// self.id.as_deref().unwrap_or(""),
// width,
// height
// );
// vec2f(width, height)
// }
fn paint_children_xy(
&mut self,
@ -392,7 +621,7 @@ impl<V: View> Element<V> for Node<V> {
let mut layout = NodeLayout::default();
let size = if let Some(axis) = self.style.axis.to_2d() {
self.layout_xy(axis, constraint.max, cx.rem_pixels(), &mut layout, view, cx)
self.layout_xy(axis, constraint, cx.rem_pixels(), &mut layout, view, cx)
} else {
@ -615,25 +844,8 @@ pub struct NodeStyle {
impl NodeStyle {
fn flex(&self, axis: Axis2d) -> Option<f32> {
let mut sum = None;
match axis {
Axis2d::X => {
sum = optional_add(sum, self.margins.left.flex());
sum = optional_add(sum, self.padding.left.flex());
sum = optional_add(sum, self.size.width.flex());
sum = optional_add(sum, self.padding.right.flex());
sum = optional_add(sum, self.margins.right.flex());
Axis2d::Y => {
sum = optional_add(sum, self.margins.top.flex());
sum = optional_add(sum, self.padding.top.flex());
sum = optional_add(sum, self.size.height.flex());
sum = optional_add(sum, self.padding.bottom.flex());
sum = optional_add(sum, self.margins.bottom.flex());
fn flex(&self) -> Vector2F {
self.margins.flex() + self.padding.flex() + self.size.flex()
@ -660,14 +872,14 @@ impl<T: Copy> Size<T> {
impl<T: Copy + Add<Output = T>> Size<Option<T>> {
fn add_assign_optional(&mut self, rhs: Size<Option<T>>) {
self.width = optional_add(self.width, rhs.width);
self.height = optional_add(self.height, rhs.height);
impl Size<Length> {
fn fixed_pixels(&self, rem_pixels: f32) -> Size<f32> {
Size {
width: self.width.fixed_pixels(rem_pixels),
height: self.height.fixed_pixels(rem_pixels),
impl Size<Length> {
pub fn fixed(&self) -> Size<Rems> {
Size {
width: self.width.fixed().unwrap_or_default(),
@ -1002,7 +1214,7 @@ impl Axis3d {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Axis2d {
@ -1385,6 +1597,8 @@ trait Vector2FExt {
fn infinity() -> Self;
fn get(self, axis: Axis2d) -> f32;
fn set(&mut self, axis: Axis2d, value: f32) -> Self;
fn inc_x(&mut self, delta: f32) -> f32;
fn increment_y(&mut self, delta: f32) -> f32;
impl Vector2FExt for Vector2F {
@ -1407,6 +1621,16 @@ impl Vector2FExt for Vector2F {
fn inc_x(&mut self, delta: f32) -> f32 {
self.set_x(self.x() + delta);
fn increment_y(&mut self, delta: f32) -> f32 {
self.set_y(self.y() + delta);
trait ElementExt<V: View> {
Reference in a new issue