mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 10:40:54 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 161 additions and 156 deletions
@ -25,9 +25,13 @@ pub fn div<V>() -> Div<V> {
impl<V: 'static> Element<V> for Div<V> {
type Layout = ();
type PaintState = ();
fn layout(&mut self, view: &mut V, cx: &mut LayoutContext<V>) -> Result<Layout<V, ()>>
fn layout(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
cx: &mut LayoutContext<V>,
) -> Result<(LayoutId, Self::PaintState)>
Self: Sized,
@ -47,14 +51,16 @@ impl<V: 'static> Element<V> for Div<V> {
let layout = cx.add_layout_node(style, (), children.clone())?;
dbg!(layout.id(), children);
Ok((cx.add_layout_node(style, children)?, ()))
fn paint(&mut self, view: &mut V, layout: &mut Layout<V, ()>, cx: &mut PaintContext<V>)
fn paint(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
layout: &Layout,
paint_state: &mut Self::PaintState,
cx: &mut PaintContext<V>,
) where
Self: Sized,
let style = &self.computed_style();
@ -62,9 +68,9 @@ impl<V: 'static> Element<V> for Div<V> {
style.paint_background(layout.bounds(cx), cx);
style.paint_background(layout.bounds, cx);
.paint(layout.order(cx), layout.bounds(cx), cx);
.paint(layout.order, layout.bounds, cx);
for child in &mut self.children {
child.paint(view, cx);
@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
use anyhow::Result;
use gpui::{geometry::rect::RectF, EngineLayout};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use util::ResultExt;
pub use crate::layout_context::LayoutContext;
pub use crate::paint_context::PaintContext;
type LayoutId = gpui::LayoutId;
use anyhow::Result;
pub use gpui::{Layout, LayoutId};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
pub trait Element<V: 'static>: 'static {
type Layout;
type PaintState;
fn layout(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
cx: &mut LayoutContext<V>,
) -> Result<Layout<V, Self::Layout>>
) -> Result<(LayoutId, Self::PaintState)>
Self: Sized;
fn paint(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
layout: &mut Layout<V, Self::Layout>,
layout: &Layout,
state: &mut Self::PaintState,
cx: &mut PaintContext<V>,
) where
Self: Sized;
@ -34,7 +30,7 @@ pub trait Element<V: 'static>: 'static {
AnyElement(Box::new(StatefulElement {
element: self,
layout: None,
phase: ElementPhase::Init,
@ -48,24 +44,71 @@ trait AnyStatefulElement<V> {
/// A wrapper around an element that stores its layout state.
struct StatefulElement<V: 'static, E: Element<V>> {
element: E,
layout: Option<Layout<V, E::Layout>>,
phase: ElementPhase<V, E>,
enum ElementPhase<V: 'static, E: Element<V>> {
PostLayout {
layout_id: LayoutId,
paint_state: E::PaintState,
PostPaint {
layout: Layout,
paint_state: E::PaintState,
impl<V: 'static, E: Element<V>> Default for ElementPhase<V, E> {
fn default() -> Self {
/// We blanket-implement the object-safe ElementStateObject interface to make ElementStates into trait objects
impl<V, E: Element<V>> AnyStatefulElement<V> for StatefulElement<V, E> {
fn layout(&mut self, view: &mut V, cx: &mut LayoutContext<V>) -> Result<LayoutId> {
let layout = self.element.layout(view, cx)?;
let layout_id = layout.id;
self.layout = Some(layout);
let result;
self.phase = match std::mem::take(&mut self.phase) {
ElementPhase::Init => match self.element.layout(view, cx) {
Ok((layout_id, paint_state)) => {
result = Ok(layout_id);
ElementPhase::PostLayout {
Err(error) => {
let message = error.to_string();
result = Err(error);
_ => panic!("invalid element phase to call layout"),
fn paint(&mut self, view: &mut V, cx: &mut PaintContext<V>) {
let layout = self.layout.as_mut().expect("paint called before layout");
if layout.engine_layout.is_none() {
layout.engine_layout = dbg!(cx.computed_layout(dbg!(layout.id)).log_err())
self.element.paint(view, layout, cx)
self.phase = match std::mem::take(&mut self.phase) {
ElementPhase::PostLayout {
mut paint_state,
} => match cx.computed_layout(layout_id) {
Ok(layout) => {
self.element.paint(view, &layout, &mut paint_state, cx);
ElementPhase::PostPaint {
Err(error) => ElementPhase::Error(error.to_string()),
phase @ ElementPhase::Error(_) => phase,
_ => panic!("invalid element phase to call paint"),
@ -82,55 +125,6 @@ impl<V> AnyElement<V> {
pub struct Layout<V, D> {
id: LayoutId,
engine_layout: Option<EngineLayout>,
element_data: Option<D>,
view_type: PhantomData<V>,
impl<V: 'static, D> Layout<V, D> {
pub fn new(id: LayoutId, element_data: D) -> Self {
Self {
engine_layout: None,
element_data: Some(element_data),
view_type: PhantomData,
pub fn id(&self) -> LayoutId {
pub fn bounds(&mut self, cx: &mut PaintContext<V>) -> RectF {
pub fn order(&mut self, cx: &mut PaintContext<V>) -> u32 {
pub fn update<F, T>(&mut self, update: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(&mut Self, &mut D) -> T,
.map(|mut element_data| {
let result = update(self, &mut element_data);
self.element_data = Some(element_data);
.expect("reentrant calls to Layout::update are not supported")
fn engine_layout(&mut self, cx: &mut PaintContext<'_, '_, '_, '_, V>) -> &mut EngineLayout {
.get_or_insert_with(|| cx.computed_layout(self.id).log_err().unwrap_or_default())
pub trait ParentElement<V: 'static> {
fn children_mut(&mut self) -> &mut SmallVec<[AnyElement<V>; 2]>;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use crate::{
style::{Style, StyleHelpers, Styleable},
use anyhow::Result;
use gpui::platform::MouseMovedEvent;
use gpui::{platform::MouseMovedEvent, LayoutId};
use refineable::{CascadeSlot, Refineable, RefinementCascade};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::{cell::Cell, rc::Rc};
@ -40,40 +40,44 @@ impl<E: Styleable> Styleable for Hoverable<E> {
impl<V: 'static, E: Element<V> + Styleable> Element<V> for Hoverable<E> {
type Layout = E::Layout;
type PaintState = E::PaintState;
fn layout(&mut self, view: &mut V, cx: &mut LayoutContext<V>) -> Result<Layout<V, Self::Layout>>
fn layout(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
cx: &mut LayoutContext<V>,
) -> Result<(LayoutId, Self::PaintState)>
Self: Sized,
self.child.layout(view, cx)
Ok(self.child.layout(view, cx)?)
fn paint(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
layout: &mut Layout<V, Self::Layout>,
layout: &Layout,
paint_state: &mut Self::PaintState,
cx: &mut PaintContext<V>,
) where
Self: Sized,
let bounds = layout.bounds(cx);
let order = layout.order(cx);
let slot = self.cascade_slot;
let style = self.hovered.get().then_some(self.hovered_style.clone());
self.style_cascade().set(slot, style);
let hovered = self.hovered.clone();
cx.on_event(order, move |view, event: &MouseMovedEvent, cx| {
let bounds = layout.bounds;
cx.on_event(layout.order, move |view, event: &MouseMovedEvent, cx| {
if bounds.contains_point(cx.mouse_position()) != hovered.get() {
self.child.paint(view, layout, cx);
self.child.paint(view, layout, paint_state, cx);
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
use crate::{element::LayoutId, style::Style};
use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
use derive_more::{Deref, DerefMut};
use gpui::{geometry::Size, MeasureParams, RenderContext, ViewContext};
pub use gpui::{taffy::tree::NodeId, LayoutContext as LegacyLayoutContext};
use crate::{element::Layout, style::Style};
#[derive(Deref, DerefMut)]
pub struct LayoutContext<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, V> {
@ -35,12 +34,11 @@ impl<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, V: 'static> LayoutContext<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, V> {
Self { legacy_cx }
pub fn add_layout_node<D>(
pub fn add_layout_node(
&mut self,
style: Style,
element_data: D,
children: impl IntoIterator<Item = NodeId>,
) -> Result<Layout<V, D>> {
) -> Result<LayoutId> {
let rem_size = self.rem_pixels();
let id = self
@ -48,15 +46,10 @@ impl<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, V: 'static> LayoutContext<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, V> {
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no layout engine"))?
.add_node(style.to_taffy(rem_size), children)?;
Ok(Layout::new(id, element_data))
pub fn add_measured_layout_node<D, F>(
&mut self,
style: Style,
element_data: D,
measure: F,
) -> Result<Layout<V, D>>
pub fn add_measured_layout_node<F>(&mut self, style: Style, measure: F) -> Result<LayoutId>
F: Fn(MeasureParams) -> Size<f32> + Sync + Send + 'static,
@ -66,6 +59,6 @@ impl<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, V: 'static> LayoutContext<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, V> {
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no layout engine"))?
.add_measured_node(style.to_taffy(rem_size), measure)?;
Ok(Layout::new(layout_id, element_data))
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
use derive_more::{Deref, DerefMut};
pub use gpui::taffy::tree::NodeId;
use gpui::{
scene::EventHandler, EngineLayout, EventContext, LayoutId, PaintContext as LegacyPaintContext,
scene::EventHandler, EventContext, Layout, LayoutId, PaintContext as LegacyPaintContext,
RenderContext, ViewContext,
use std::{any::TypeId, rc::Rc};
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, V: 'static> PaintContext<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, V> {
pub(crate) fn computed_layout(&mut self, layout_id: LayoutId) -> Result<EngineLayout> {
pub(crate) fn computed_layout(&mut self, layout_id: LayoutId) -> Result<Layout> {
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("no layout engine present"))?
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use crate::{
style::{Style, StyleHelpers, Styleable},
use anyhow::Result;
use gpui::platform::MouseButtonEvent;
use gpui::{platform::MouseButtonEvent, LayoutId};
use refineable::{CascadeSlot, Refineable, RefinementCascade};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::{cell::Cell, rc::Rc};
@ -40,9 +40,13 @@ impl<E: Styleable> Styleable for Pressable<E> {
impl<V: 'static, E: Element<V> + Styleable> Element<V> for Pressable<E> {
type Layout = E::Layout;
type PaintState = E::PaintState;
fn layout(&mut self, view: &mut V, cx: &mut LayoutContext<V>) -> Result<Layout<V, Self::Layout>>
fn layout(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
cx: &mut LayoutContext<V>,
) -> Result<(LayoutId, Self::PaintState)>
Self: Sized,
@ -52,7 +56,8 @@ impl<V: 'static, E: Element<V> + Styleable> Element<V> for Pressable<E> {
fn paint(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
layout: &mut Layout<V, Self::Layout>,
layout: &Layout,
paint_state: &mut Self::PaintState,
cx: &mut PaintContext<V>,
) where
Self: Sized,
@ -61,10 +66,9 @@ impl<V: 'static, E: Element<V> + Styleable> Element<V> for Pressable<E> {
let style = self.pressed.get().then_some(self.pressed_style.clone());
self.style_cascade().set(slot, style);
let bounds = layout.bounds(cx);
let order = layout.order(cx);
let pressed = self.pressed.clone();
cx.on_event(order, move |view, event: &MouseButtonEvent, cx| {
let bounds = layout.bounds;
cx.on_event(layout.order, move |view, event: &MouseButtonEvent, cx| {
if event.is_down {
if bounds.contains_point(event.position) {
@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ impl<V: 'static, E: Element<V> + Styleable> Element<V> for Pressable<E> {
self.child.paint(view, layout, cx);
self.child.paint(view, layout, paint_state, cx);
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use crate::{
use anyhow::Result;
use gpui::{geometry::Size, text_layout::LineLayout, RenderContext};
use gpui::{geometry::Size, text_layout::LineLayout, LayoutId, RenderContext};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::sync::Arc;
@ -21,67 +21,71 @@ pub struct Text {
impl<V: 'static> Element<V> for Text {
type Layout = Arc<Mutex<Option<TextLayout>>>;
type PaintState = Arc<Mutex<Option<TextLayout>>>;
fn layout(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
cx: &mut LayoutContext<V>,
) -> Result<Layout<V, Self::Layout>> {
) -> Result<(LayoutId, Self::PaintState)> {
let rem_size = cx.rem_pixels();
let fonts = cx.platform().fonts();
let text_style = cx.text_style();
let line_height = cx.font_cache().line_height(text_style.font_size);
let text = self.text.clone();
let layout = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
let paint_state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
cx.add_measured_layout_node(Default::default(), layout.clone(), move |params| {
let line_layout = fonts.layout_line(
&[(text.len(), text_style.to_run())],
let layout_id = cx.add_measured_layout_node(Default::default(), {
let paint_state = paint_state.clone();
move |params| {
let line_layout = fonts.layout_line(
&[(text.len(), text_style.to_run())],
let size = Size {
width: line_layout.width,
height: line_height,
let size = Size {
width: line_layout.width,
height: line_height,
layout.lock().replace(TextLayout {
line_layout: Arc::new(line_layout),
paint_state.lock().replace(TextLayout {
line_layout: Arc::new(line_layout),
Ok((layout_id?, paint_state))
fn paint<'a>(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
layout: &mut Layout<V, Self::Layout>,
layout: &Layout,
paint_state: &mut Self::PaintState,
cx: &mut PaintContext<V>,
) {
let element_layout = layout.update(|layout, element_data| element_data.clone());
let line_layout;
let line_height;
let element_layout = element_layout.lock();
let element_layout = element_layout
let paint_state = paint_state.lock();
let paint_state = paint_state
.expect("measurement has not been performed");
line_layout = element_layout.line_layout.clone();
line_height = element_layout.line_height;
line_layout = paint_state.line_layout.clone();
line_height = paint_state.line_height;
let text_style = cx.text_style();
let line =
gpui::text_layout::Line::new(line_layout, &[(self.text.len(), text_style.to_run())]);
let origin = layout.bounds(cx).origin();
let origin = layout.bounds.origin();
// TODO: We haven't added visible bounds to the new element system yet, so this is a placeholder.
let visible_bounds = layout.bounds(cx);
let visible_bounds = layout.bounds;
line.paint(cx.scene, origin, visible_bounds, line_height, cx.legacy_cx);
@ -62,25 +62,26 @@ pub fn derive_element(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
impl #impl_generics playground::element::Element<#view_type_name> for #type_name #type_generics
type Layout = playground::element::AnyElement<#view_type_name #lifetimes>;
type PaintState = playground::element::AnyElement<#view_type_name #lifetimes>;
fn layout(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
cx: &mut playground::element::LayoutContext<V>,
) -> anyhow::Result<playground::element::Layout<V, Self::Layout>> {
) -> anyhow::Result<(playground::element::LayoutId, Self::PaintState)> {
let mut rendered_element = self.render(view, cx).into_any();
let layout_id = rendered_element.layout(view, cx)?;
Ok(playground::element::Layout::new(layout_id, rendered_element))
Ok((layout_id, rendered_element))
fn paint(
&mut self,
view: &mut V,
layout: &mut playground::element::Layout<V, Self::Layout>,
layout: &playground::element::Layout,
rendered_element: &mut Self::PaintState,
cx: &mut playground::element::PaintContext<V>,
) {
layout.update(|_, rendered_element| rendered_element.paint(view, cx));
rendered_element.paint(view, cx);
@ -1304,8 +1304,8 @@ impl LayoutEngine {
pub fn computed_layout(&mut self, node: LayoutId) -> Result<EngineLayout> {
pub fn computed_layout(&mut self, node: LayoutId) -> Result<Layout> {
@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ where
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct EngineLayout {
pub struct Layout {
pub bounds: RectF,
pub order: u32,
@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ impl From<taffy::prelude::AvailableSpace> for AvailableSpace {
impl From<&taffy::tree::Layout> for EngineLayout {
impl From<&taffy::tree::Layout> for Layout {
fn from(value: &taffy::tree::Layout) -> Self {
Self {
bounds: RectF::new(
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ pub use assets::*;
pub mod elements;
pub mod font_cache;
mod image_data;
pub use taffy;
pub use crate::image_data::ImageData;
pub use taffy;
pub mod views;
pub use font_cache::FontCache;
mod clipboard;
@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ pub mod keymap_matcher;
pub mod platform;
pub use gpui_macros::{test, Element};
pub use window::{
Axis, EngineLayout, LayoutEngine, LayoutId, RectFExt, SizeConstraint, Vector2FExt,
Axis, Layout, LayoutEngine, LayoutId, RectFExt, SizeConstraint, Vector2FExt, WindowContext,
pub use anyhow;
Reference in a new issue