From 51f801361620f26d1290dc9e98b8876cc448089c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "renovate[bot]" <29139614+renovate[bot]> Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 22:32:58 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Configure Renovate (#15132) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit [![Mend Renovate](]( Welcome to [Renovate](! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin. 🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged. --- ### Detected Package Files * `Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/activity_indicator/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/anthropic/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/assets/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/assistant/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/assistant_slash_command/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/assistant_tooling/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/audio/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/auto_update/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/breadcrumbs/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/call/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/channel/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/cli/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/client/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/clock/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/collab/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/collab_ui/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/collections/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/command_palette/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/command_palette_hooks/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/completion/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/copilot/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/db/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/dev_server_projects/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/diagnostics/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/editor/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/extension/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/extension_api/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/extension_cli/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/extensions_ui/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/feature_flags/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/feedback/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/file_finder/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/file_icons/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/fs/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/fsevent/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/fuzzy/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/git/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/git_hosting_providers/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/go_to_line/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/google_ai/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/gpui/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/gpui_macros/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/headless/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/html_to_markdown/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/http_client/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/image_viewer/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/indexed_docs/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/inline_completion_button/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/install_cli/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/journal/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/language/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/language_model/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/language_selector/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/language_tools/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/languages/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/live_kit_client/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/live_kit_server/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/lsp/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/markdown/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/markdown_preview/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/media/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/menu/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/multi_buffer/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/node_runtime/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/notifications/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/ollama/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/open_ai/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/outline/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/outline_panel/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/paths/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/picker/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/prettier/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/project/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/project_panel/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/project_symbols/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/proto/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/quick_action_bar/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/recent_projects/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/refineable/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/refineable/derive_refineable/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/release_channel/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/remote/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/remote_server/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/repl/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/rich_text/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/rope/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/rpc/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/search/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/semantic_index/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/semantic_version/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/session/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/settings/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/settings_ui/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/snippet/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/snippet_provider/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/sqlez/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/sqlez_macros/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/story/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/storybook/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/sum_tree/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/supermaven/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/supermaven_api/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/tab_switcher/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/task/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/tasks_ui/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/telemetry_events/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/terminal/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/terminal_view/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/text/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/theme/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/theme_importer/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/theme_selector/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/time_format/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/title_bar/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/ui/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/ui_input/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/util/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/vcs_menu/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/vim/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/welcome/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/workspace/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/worktree/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/zed/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `crates/zed_actions/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/astro/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/clojure/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/csharp/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/dart/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/deno/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/elixir/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/elm/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/emmet/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/erlang/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/gleam/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/glsl/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/haskell/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/html/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/lua/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/ocaml/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/php/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/prisma/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/purescript/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/ruby/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/ruff/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/snippets/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/svelte/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/terraform/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/test-extension/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/toml/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/uiua/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/vue/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `extensions/zig/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `tooling/xtask/Cargo.toml` (cargo) * `compose.yml` (docker-compose) * `Dockerfile` (dockerfile) * `.github/actions/run_tests/action.yml` (github-actions) * `.github/workflows/bump_patch_version.yml` (github-actions) * `.github/workflows/ci.yml` (github-actions) * `.github/workflows/danger.yml` (github-actions) * `.github/workflows/deploy_cloudflare.yml` (github-actions) * `.github/workflows/deploy_collab.yml` (github-actions) * `.github/workflows/publish_extension_cli.yml` (github-actions) * `.github/workflows/randomized_tests.yml` (github-actions) * `.github/workflows/release_actions.yml` (github-actions) * `.github/workflows/release_nightly.yml` (github-actions) * `.github/workflows/update_all_top_ranking_issues.yml` (github-actions) * `.github/workflows/update_weekly_top_ranking_issues.yml` (github-actions) * `script/danger/package.json` (npm) * `script/update_top_ranking_issues/pyproject.toml` (pep621) * `script/update_top_ranking_issues/requirements.txt` (pip_requirements) * `script/update_top_ranking_issues/pyproject.toml` (poetry) * `crates/live_kit_client/LiveKitBridge/Package.swift` (swift) ### Configuration Summary Based on the default config's presets, Renovate will: - Start dependency updates only once this onboarding PR is merged - Show all Merge Confidence badges for pull requests. - Enable Renovate Dependency Dashboard creation. - Use semantic commit type `fix` for dependencies and `chore` for all others if semantic commits are in use. - Ignore `node_modules`, `bower_components`, `vendor` and various test/tests directories. - Group known monorepo packages together. - Use curated list of recommended non-monorepo package groupings. - Apply crowd-sourced package replacement rules. - Apply crowd-sourced workarounds for known problems with packages. - Disable semantic prefixes for commit messages and PR titles. - Run Renovate on following schedule: after 3pm on Wednesday 🔡 Do you want to change how Renovate upgrades your dependencies? Add your custom config to `renovate.json` in this branch. Renovate will update the Pull Request description the next time it runs. --- ### What to Expect With your current configuration, Renovate will create 144 Pull Requests:
Update Python to v3.12.4 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/python-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [python]( to `3.12.4`
Update Rust crate aho-corasick to v1.1.3 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/aho-corasick-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [aho-corasick]( to `1.1.3`
Update Rust crate anyhow to v1.0.86 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/anyhow-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [anyhow]( to `1.0.86`
Update Rust crate async-broadcast to v0.7.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/async-broadcast-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [async-broadcast]( to `0.7.1`
Update Rust crate async-compat to v0.2.4 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/async-compat-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [async-compat]( to `0.2.4`
Update Rust crate async-compression to v0.4.12 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/async-compression-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [async-compression]( to `0.4.12`
Update Rust crate async-task to v4.7.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/async-task-4.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [async-task]( to `4.7.1`
Update Rust crate async-trait to v0.1.81 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/async-trait-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [async-trait]( to `0.1.81`
Update Rust crate backtrace to v0.3.73 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/backtrace-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [backtrace]( to `0.3.73`
Update Rust crate cargo_toml to v0.20.4 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/cargo_toml-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [cargo_toml]( to `0.20.4`
Update Rust crate core-graphics to v0.23.2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/core-graphics-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [core-graphics]( to `0.23.2`
Update Rust crate ctor to v0.2.8 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/ctor-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [ctor]( to `0.2.8`
Update Rust crate derive_more to v0.99.18 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/derive_more-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [derive_more]( to `0.99.18`
Update Rust crate embed-resource to v2.4.3 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/embed-resource-2.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [embed-resource]( to `2.4.3`
Update Rust crate emojis to v0.6.3 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/emojis-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [emojis]( to `0.6.3`
Update Rust crate etagere to v0.2.13 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/etagere-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [etagere]( to `0.2.13`
Update Rust crate futures to v0.3.30 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/rust-futures-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [futures]( to `0.3.30`
Update Rust crate heed to v0.20.3 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/heed-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [heed]( to `0.20.3`
Update Rust crate image to v0.25.2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/image-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [image]( to `0.25.2`
Update Rust crate ipc-channel to v0.18.2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/ipc-channel-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [ipc-channel]( to `0.18.2`
Update Rust crate libc to v0.2.155 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/libc-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [libc]( to `0.2.155`
Update Rust crate linkme to v0.3.27 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/linkme-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [linkme]( to `0.3.27`
Update Rust crate log to v0.4.22 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/log-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [log]( to `0.4.22`
Update Rust crate mimalloc to v0.1.43 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/mimalloc-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [mimalloc]( to `0.1.43`
Update Rust crate oo7 to v0.3.3 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/oo7-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [oo7]( to `0.3.3`
Update Rust crate ordered-float to v2.10.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/ordered-float-2.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [ordered-float]( to `2.10.1`
Update Rust crate palette to v0.7.6 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/palette-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [palette]( to `0.7.6`
Update Rust crate parking_lot to v0.12.3 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/parking_lot-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [parking_lot]( to `0.12.3`
Update Rust crate proc-macro2 to v1.0.86 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/proc-macro2-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [proc-macro2]( to `1.0.86`
Update Rust crate prometheus to v0.13.4 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/prometheus-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [prometheus]( to `0.13.4`
Update Rust crate quote to v1.0.36 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/quote-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [quote]( to `1.0.36`
Update Rust crate raw-window-handle to v0.6.2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/raw-window-handle-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [raw-window-handle]( to `0.6.2`
Update Rust crate rustc-demangle to v0.1.24 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/rustc-demangle-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [rustc-demangle]( to `0.1.24`
Update Rust crate schemars to v0.8.21 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/schemars-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [schemars]( to `0.8.21`
Update Rust crate sea-orm to v0.12.15 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/sea-orm-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [sea-orm]( to `0.12.15`
Update Rust crate semver to v1.0.23 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/semver-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [semver]( to `1.0.23`
Update Rust crate serde_json to v1.0.120 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/serde_json-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [serde_json]( to `1.0.120`
Update Rust crate serde_repr to v0.1.19 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/serde_repr-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [serde_repr]( to `0.1.19`
Update Rust crate sha2 to v0.10.8 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/sha2-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [sha2]( to `0.10.8`
Update Rust crate slotmap to v1.0.7 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/slotmap-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [slotmap]( to `1.0.7`
Update Rust crate sqlformat to v0.2.4 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/sqlformat-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [sqlformat]( to `0.2.4`
Update Rust crate sysinfo to v0.30.13 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/sysinfo-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [sysinfo]( to `0.30.13`
Update Rust crate thiserror to v1.0.63 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/thiserror-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [thiserror]( to `1.0.63`
Update Rust crate thread_local to v1.1.8 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/thread_local-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [thread_local]( to `1.1.8`
Update Rust crate toml to v0.8.15 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/toml-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [toml]( to `0.8.15`
Update Rust crate url to v2.5.2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/url-2.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [url]( to `2.5.2`
Update Rust crate wayland-backend to v0.3.6 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/wayland-backend-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [wayland-backend]( to `0.3.6`
Update Rust crate wayland-client to v0.31.5 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/wayland-client-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [wayland-client]( to `0.31.5`
Update Rust crate wayland-cursor to v0.31.5 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/wayland-cursor-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [wayland-cursor]( to `0.31.5`
Update Rust crate which to v6.0.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/which-6.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [which]( to `6.0.1`
Update Rust crate x11rb to v0.13.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/x11rb-0.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [x11rb]( to `0.13.1`
Update Rust crate zed_extension_api to 0.0.6 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/zed_extension_api-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [zed_extension_api]( to `0.0.6`
Update serde monorepo to v1.0.204 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/serde-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [serde]( to `1.0.204` - Upgrade [serde_derive]( to `1.0.204`
Update 2428392/gh-truncate-string-action action to v1.4.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/2428392-gh-truncate-string-action-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [2428392/gh-truncate-string-action]( to `v1.4.0`
Update Rust crate alacritty_terminal to 0.24 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/alacritty_terminal-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [alacritty_terminal]( to `0.24`
Update Rust crate any_vec to 0.14 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/any_vec-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [any_vec]( to `0.14`
Update Rust crate async-recursion to v1.1.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/async-recursion-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [async-recursion]( to `1.1.1`
Update Rust crate async-tungstenite to 0.27 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/async-tungstenite-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [async-tungstenite]( to `0.27`
Update Rust crate axum to 0.7 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/axum-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [axum]( to `0.7`
Update Rust crate axum-extra to 0.9 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/axum-extra-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [axum-extra]( to `0.9`
Update Rust crate base64 to 0.22 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/base64-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [base64]( to `0.22`
Update Rust crate bindgen to 0.69.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/bindgen-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [bindgen]( to `0.69.0`
Update Rust crate bytemuck to v1.16.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/bytemuck-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [bytemuck]( to `1.16.1`
Update Rust crate calloop to 0.14.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/calloop-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [calloop]( to `0.14.0`
Update Rust crate cap-std to v3.2.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/cap-std-3.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [cap-std]( to `3.2.0`
Update Rust crate clap to v4.5.10 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/clap-4.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [clap]( to `4.5.10`
Update Rust crate clickhouse to 0.12.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/clickhouse-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [clickhouse]( to `0.12.0`
Update Rust crate env_logger to 0.11 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/env_logger-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [env_logger]( to `0.11`
Update Rust crate fork to 0.2.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/fork-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [fork]( to `0.2.0`
Update Rust crate http to v1.1.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/http-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [http]( to `1.1.0`
Update Rust crate itertools to v0.13.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/itertools-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [itertools]( to `0.13` - Upgrade [itertools]( to `0.13.0`
Update Rust crate lazy_static to v1.5.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/lazy_static-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [lazy_static]( to `1.5.0`
Update Rust crate libsqlite3-sys to 0.30 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/libsqlite3-sys-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [libsqlite3-sys]( to `0.30`
Update Rust crate nix to 0.29 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/nix-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [nix]( to `0.29`
Update Rust crate pulldown-cmark to 0.11.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/pulldown-cmark-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [pulldown-cmark]( to `0.11.0`
Update Rust crate rayon to v1.10.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/rayon-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [rayon]( to `1.10.0`
Update Rust crate reqwest to 0.12 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/reqwest-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [reqwest]( to `0.12`
Update Rust crate resvg to 0.42.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/resvg-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [resvg]( to `0.42.0`
Update Rust crate rodio to 0.19.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/rodio-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [rodio]( to `0.19.0`
Update Rust crate runtimelib to 0.13 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/runtimelib-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade runtimelib to `0.13`
Update Rust crate rusqlite to 0.32.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/rusqlite-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [rusqlite]( to `0.32.0`
Update Rust crate rust-embed to v8.5.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/rust-embed-8.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [rust-embed]( to `8.5.0`
Update Rust crate scrypt to 0.11 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/scrypt-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [scrypt]( to `0.11`
Update Rust crate serde_json_lenient to 0.2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/serde_json_lenient-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [serde_json_lenient]( to `0.2`
Update Rust crate smallvec to v1.13.2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/smallvec-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [smallvec]( to `1.13.2`
Update Rust crate sqlx to 0.8 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/sqlx-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [sqlx]( to `0.8`
Update Rust crate strum to 0.26.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/strum-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [strum]( to `0.26.0`
Update Rust crate subtle to v2.6.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/subtle-2.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [subtle]( to `2.6.1`
Update Rust crate taffy to 0.5.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/taffy-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [taffy]( to `0.5.0`
Update Rust crate tempfile to v3.10.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/tempfile-3.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [tempfile]( to `3.10.1`
Update Rust crate tiny_http to 0.12 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/tiny_http-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [tiny_http]( to `0.12`
Update Rust crate tokio to v1.39.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/tokio-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [tokio]( to `1.39.1`
Update Rust crate tower-http to 0.5.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/tower-http-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [tower-http]( to `0.5.0`
Update Rust crate tree-sitter-embedded-template to 0.21.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/tree-sitter-embedded-template-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [tree-sitter-embedded-template]( to `0.21.0`
Update Rust crate unicode-segmentation to v1.11.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/unicode-segmentation-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [unicode-segmentation]( to `1.11.0`
Update Rust crate unindent to 0.2.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/unindent-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [unindent]( to `0.2.0`
Update Rust crate usvg to 0.42.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/usvg-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [usvg]( to `0.42.0`
Update Rust crate uuid to v1.10.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/uuid-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [uuid]( to `1.10.0`
Update Rust crate waker-fn to v1.2.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/waker-fn-1.x-lockfile` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [waker-fn]( to `1.2.0`
Update Rust crate wasm-encoder to 0.214 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/wasm-encoder-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [wasm-encoder]( to `0.214`
Update Rust crate wasmparser to 0.214 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/wasmparser-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [wasmparser]( to `0.214`
Update Rust crate wayland-protocols to 0.32.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/wayland-protocols-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [wayland-protocols]( to `0.32.0`
Update Rust crate wayland-protocols-plasma to 0.3.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/wayland-protocols-plasma-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [wayland-protocols-plasma]( to `0.3.0`
Update Rust crate windows to 0.58 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/windows-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [windows]( to `0.58`
Update Rust crate windows-core to 0.58 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/windows-core-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [windows-core]( to `0.58`
Update Rust crate wit-bindgen to 0.28 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/wit-bindgen-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [wit-bindgen]( to `0.28`
Update Rust crate wit-component to 0.214 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/wit-component-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [wit-component]( to `0.214`
Update Rust crate zstd to 0.13 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/zstd-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [zstd]( to `0.13`
Update aws-sdk-rust monorepo - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/aws-sdk-rust-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [aws-config]( to `1.5.4` - Upgrade [aws-sdk-s3]( to `1.42.0`
Update dependency PyGithub to v1.59.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/pygithub-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [PyGithub]( to `1.59.1`
Update dependency livekit/client-sdk-swift to v1.1.6 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/livekit-client-sdk-swift-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [livekit/client-sdk-swift]( to `1.1.6`
Update dependency mypy to v1.11.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/mypy-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [mypy]( to `1.11.0` - Upgrade [mypy]( to `==1.11.0`
Update dependency pytz to v2022.7.1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/pytz-2022.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade pytz to `2022.7.1` - Upgrade pytz to `==2022.7.1`
Update dependency ruff to v0.5.4 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/ruff-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [ruff]( to `==0.5.4`
Update dependency typer to v0.12.3 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/typer-0.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [typer]( to `0.12.3` - Upgrade [typer]( to `==0.12.3`
Update dependency types-pytz to v2023.4.0.20240130 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/types-pytz-2023.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [types-pytz]( to `2023.4.0.20240130` - Upgrade [types-pytz]( to `==2023.4.0.20240130`
Update docker/dockerfile Docker tag to v1.9 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/docker-dockerfile-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade docker/dockerfile to `1.9`
Update tokio-prost monorepo to 0.13 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/tokio-prost-monorepo` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [prost]( to `0.13` - Upgrade [prost-build]( to `0.13` - Upgrade [prost-types]( to `0.13`
Update tsickert/discord-webhook action to v5.5.0 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/tsickert-discord-webhook-5.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [tsickert/discord-webhook]( to `v5.5.0`
Update Rust crate async-fs to v2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/async-fs-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [async-fs]( to `2.0`
Update Rust crate async-recursion to v1 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/async-recursion-1.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [async-recursion]( to `1.0`
Update Rust crate dashmap to v6 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/dashmap-6.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [dashmap]( to `6.0` - Upgrade [dashmap]( to `6.0.0`
Update Rust crate dirs to v5 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/dirs-5.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [dirs]( to `5.0`
Update Rust crate fsevent-sys to v4 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/fsevent-sys-4.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [fsevent-sys]( to `4.0.0`
Update Rust crate futures-lite to v2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/futures-lite-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [futures-lite]( to `2.0`
Update Rust crate indexmap to v2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/indexmap-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [indexmap]( to `2.0.0`
Update Rust crate indoc to v2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/indoc-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [indoc]( to `2`
Update Rust crate ordered-float to v4 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/ordered-float-4.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [ordered-float]( to `4.0.0`
Update Rust crate rustc-hash to v2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/rustc-hash-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [rustc-hash]( to `2.0`
Update Rust crate shellexpand to v3 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/shellexpand-3.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [shellexpand]( to `3.0.0`
Update Rust crate similar to v2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/similar-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [similar]( to `2.0`
Update Rust crate smol to v2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/smol-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [smol]( to `2.0`
Update Rust crate syn to v2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/syn-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [syn]( to `2.0` - Upgrade [syn]( to `2.0.0`
Update Rust crate wasmtime to v23 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/wasmtime-23.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [wasmtime]( to `23.0.0`
Update Rust crate wasmtime-wasi to v23 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/wasmtime-wasi-23.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [wasmtime-wasi]( to `23.0.0`
Update actions/checkout action to v4 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/actions-checkout-4.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [actions/checkout]( to `v4`
Update dependency PyGithub to v2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/pygithub-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [PyGithub]( to `2.3.0`
Update dependency danger to v12 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/danger-12.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [danger]( to `12.3.3`
Update dependency livekit/client-sdk-swift to v2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/livekit-client-sdk-swift-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [livekit/client-sdk-swift]( to `2.0.12`
Update dependency pytz to v2024 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/pytz-2024.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade pytz to `2024.1` - Upgrade pytz to `==2024.1`
Update dependency types-pytz to v2024 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/types-pytz-2024.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [types-pytz]( to `2024.1.0.20240417` - Upgrade [types-pytz]( to `==2024.1.0.20240417`
Update postgres Docker tag to v16 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/postgres-16.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade postgres to `16`
Update softprops/action-gh-release action to v2 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/softprops-action-gh-release-2.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [softprops/action-gh-release]( to `v2`
Update tsickert/discord-webhook action to v6 - Schedule: ["after 3pm on Wednesday"] - Branch name: `renovate/tsickert-discord-webhook-6.x` - Merge into: `main` - Upgrade [tsickert/discord-webhook]( to `v6.0.0`
🚸 Branch creation will be limited to maximum 2 per hour, so it doesn't swamp any CI resources or overwhelm the project. See docs for `prhourlylimit` for details. --- ❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's [Docs](, particularly the Getting Started section. If you need any further assistance then you can also [request help here]( --- This PR was generated by [Mend Renovate]( View the [repository job log]( Release Notes: - N/A --------- Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]> Co-authored-by: Marshall Bowers --- renovate.json | 10 ++++++++++ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+) create mode 100644 renovate.json diff --git a/renovate.json b/renovate.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..287a56162b --- /dev/null +++ b/renovate.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "$schema": "", + "extends": ["config:recommended", ":semanticCommitsDisabled", "group:serdeMonorepo"], + "dependencyDashboard": true, + "timezone": "America/New_York", + "schedule": ["after 3pm on Wednesday"], + "major": { + "dependencyDashboardApproval": true + } +}