From 85a1a8f777f4a8586d7adcd88863f6afeb086b2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nate Butler Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 19:17:13 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] WIP --- docs/.gitignore | 2 + docs/book.toml | 6 + docs/src/ | 128 ++ docs/src/ | 3 + docs/src/ | 18 + docs/src/ | 1035 +++++++++++++++++ docs/src/ | 170 +++ docs/src/ | 83 ++ docs/src/ | 107 ++ .../} | 0 docs/src/ | 29 + docs/src/ | 15 + docs/src/ | 13 + docs/src/ | 147 +++ {docs => docs_old}/ | 0 {docs => docs_old}/ | 0 {docs => docs_old}/ | 0 {docs => docs_old}/ | 0 {docs => docs_old}/ | 0 docs_old/ | 22 + {docs => docs_old}/ | 0 .../theme/ | 0 {docs => docs_old}/ | 0 {docs => docs_old}/zed/ | 0 24 files changed, 1778 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/.gitignore create mode 100644 docs/book.toml create mode 100644 docs/src/ create mode 100644 docs/src/ create mode 100644 docs/src/ create mode 100644 docs/src/ create mode 100644 docs/src/ create mode 100644 docs/src/ create mode 100644 docs/src/ rename docs/{ => src/} (100%) create mode 100644 docs/src/ create mode 100644 docs/src/ create mode 100644 docs/src/ create mode 100644 docs/src/ rename {docs => docs_old}/ (100%) rename {docs => docs_old}/ (100%) rename {docs => docs_old}/ (100%) rename {docs => docs_old}/ (100%) rename {docs => docs_old}/ (100%) create mode 100644 docs_old/ rename {docs => docs_old}/ (100%) rename {docs => docs_old}/theme/ (100%) rename {docs => docs_old}/ (100%) rename {docs => docs_old}/zed/ (100%) diff --git a/docs/.gitignore b/docs/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eed3a3e046 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +book +.vercel diff --git a/docs/book.toml b/docs/book.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8062a76a42 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/book.toml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[book] +authors = ["Nate Butler"] +language = "en" +multilingual = false +src = "src" +title = "Zed App Docs" diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc1d5522a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our +community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender +identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, +nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity +and orientation. + +We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, +diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our +community include: + +* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people +* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences +* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback +* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, + and learning from the experience +* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the + overall community + +Examples of unacceptable behavior include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or + advances of any kind +* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email + address, without their explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Enforcement Responsibilities + +Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of +acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, +or harmful. + +Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject +comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are +not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation +decisions when appropriate. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when +an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. +Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, +posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at +All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly. + +All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the +reporter of any incident. + +## Enforcement Guidelines + +Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining +the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct: + +### 1. Correction + +**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed +unprofessional or unwelcome in the community. + +**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing +clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the +behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested. + +### 2. Warning + +**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series +of actions. + +**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No +interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with +those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This +includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels +like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or +permanent ban. + +### 3. Temporary Ban + +**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including +sustained inappropriate behavior. + +**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public +communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or +private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction +with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. +Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban. + +### 4. Permanent Ban + +**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community +standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an +individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals. + +**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within +the community. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], +version 2.0, available at + + +Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct +enforcement ladder]( + +[homepage]: + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at + Translations are available at + diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d48c26844f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# Contributing + +TBD diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c6f5f9421 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# Summary + +[Getting Started](./ +[Feedback](./ + +# Configuring Zed +- [Settings](./ +- [Vim Mode](./ + +# Developing Zed +- [Building from Source](./ +- [Local Collaboration](./ +- [Adding Languages](./ + +# Other +- [Code of Conduct](./ +- [Telemetry](./ +- [Contributing](./ diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9b9205f70c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,1035 @@ +# Configuring Zed + +## Folder-specific settings + +Folder-specific settings are used to override Zed's global settings for files within a specific directory in the project panel. To get started, create a `.zed` subdirectory and add a `settings.json` within it. It should be noted that folder-specific settings don't need to live only a project's root, but can be defined at multiple levels in the project hierarchy. In setups like this, Zed will find the configuration nearest to the file you are working in and apply those settings to it. In most cases, this level of flexibility won't be needed and a single configuration for all files in a project is all that is required; the `Zed > Settings > Open Local Settings` menu action is built for this case. Running this action will look for a `.zed/settings.json` file at the root of the first top-level directory in your project panel. If it does not exist, it will create it. + +The following global settings can be overriden with a folder-specific configuration: + +- `copilot` +- `enable_language_server` +- `ensure_final_newline_on_save` +- `format_on_save` +- `formatter` +- `hard_tabs` +- `language_overrides` +- `preferred_line_length` +- `remove_trailing_whitespace_on_save` +- `soft_wrap` +- `tab_size` +- `show_copilot_suggestions` +- `show_whitespaces` + +*See the Global settings section for details about these settings* + +## Global settings + +To get started with editing Zed's global settings, open `~/.config/zed/settings.json` via `cmd-,`, the command palette (`zed: open settings`), or the `Zed > Settings > Open Settings` application menu item. + +Here are all the currently available settings. + +## Active Pane Magnification + +- Description: Scale by which to zoom the active pane. When set to `1.0`, the active pane has the same size as others, but when set to a larger value, the active pane takes up more space. +- Setting: `active_pane_magnification` +- Default: `1.0` + +**Options** + +`float` values + +## Autosave + +- Description: When to automatically save edited buffers. +- Setting: `autosave` +- Default: `off` + +**Options** + +1. To disable autosave, set it to `off` + +```json +{ + "autosave": "off" +} +``` + +2. To autosave when focus changes, use `on_focus_change`: + +```json +{ + "autosave": "on_focus_change" +} +``` + +3. To autosave when the active window changes, use `on_window_change`: + +```json +{ + "autosave": "on_window_change" +} +``` + +4. To autosave after an inactivity period, use `after_delay`: + +```json +{ + "autosave": { + "after_delay": { + "milliseconds": 1000 + } + } +} +``` + +## Auto Update + +- Description: Whether or not to automatically check for updates. +- Setting: `auto_update` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Buffer Font Family + +- Description: The name of a font to use for rendering text in the editor. +- Setting: `buffer_font_family` +- Default: `Zed Mono` + +**Options** + +The name of any font family installed on the user's system + +## Buffer Font Features + +- Description: The OpenType features to enable for text in the editor. +- Setting: `buffer_font_features` +- Default: `null` + +**Options** + +Zed supports a subset of OpenType features that can be enabled or disabled for a given buffer or terminal font. The following [OpenType features]( can be enabled or disabled too: `calt`, `case`, `cpsp`, `frac`, `liga`, `onum`, `ordn`, `pnum`, `ss01`, `ss02`, `ss03`, `ss04`, `ss05`, `ss06`, `ss07`, `ss08`, `ss09`, `ss10`, `ss11`, `ss12`, `ss13`, `ss14`, `ss15`, `ss16`, `ss17`, `ss18`, `ss19`, `ss20`, `subs`, `sups`, `swsh`, `titl`, `tnum`, `zero`. + +For example, to disable ligatures for a given font you can add the following to your settings: + +```json +{ + "buffer_font_features": { + "calt": false + } +} +``` + +## Buffer Font Size + +- Description: The default font size for text in the editor. +- Setting: `buffer_font_size` +- Default: `15` + +**Options** + +`integer` values + +## Confirm Quit + +- Description: Whether or not to prompt the user to confirm before closing the application. +- Setting: `confirm_quit` +- Default: `false` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Copilot + +- Description: Copilot-specific settings. +- Setting: `copilot` +- Default: + +```json +"copilot": { + "disabled_globs": [ + ".env" + ] +} +``` + +**Options** + +### Disabled Globs + +- Description: The set of glob patterns for which Copilot should be disabled in any matching file. +- Setting: `disabled_globs` +- Default: [".env"] + +**Options** + +List of `string` values + +## Cursor Blink + +- Description: Whether or not the cursor blinks. +- Setting: `cursor_blink` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Default Dock Anchor + +- Description: The default anchor for new docks. +- Setting: `default_dock_anchor` +- Default: `bottom` + +**Options** + +1. Position the dock attached to the bottom of the workspace: `bottom` +2. Position the dock to the right of the workspace like a side panel: `right` +3. Position the dock full screen over the entire workspace: `expanded` + +## Enable Language Server + +- Description: Whether or not to use language servers to provide code intelligence. +- Setting: `enable_language_server` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Ensure Final Newline On Save + +- Description: Whether or not to ensure there's a single newline at the end of a buffer when saving it. +- Setting: `ensure_final_newline_on_save` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## LSP + +- Description: Configuration for language servers. +- Setting: `lsp` +- Default: `null` + +**Options** + +The following settings can be overridden for specific language servers: + +- `initialization_options` + +To override settings for a language, add an entry for that language server's name to the `lsp` value. Example: + +```json +"lsp": { + "rust-analyzer": { + "initialization_options": { + "checkOnSave": { + "command": "clippy" // rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.command + } + } + } +} +``` + +## Format On Save + +- Description: Whether or not to perform a buffer format before saving. +- Setting: `format_on_save` +- Default: `on` + +**Options** + +1. `on`, enables format on save obeying `formatter` setting: + +```json +{ + "format_on_save": "on" +} +``` + +2. `off`, disables format on save: + +```json +{ + "format_on_save": "off" +} +``` + +## Formatter + +- Description: How to perform a buffer format. +- Setting: `formatter` +- Default: `language_server` + +**Options** + +1. To use the current language server, use `"language_server"`: + +```json +{ + "formatter": "language_server" +} +``` + +2. Or to use an external command, use `"external"`. Specify the name of the formatting program to run, and an array of arguments to pass to the program. The buffer's text will be passed to the program on stdin, and the formatted output should be written to stdout. For example, the following command would strip trailing spaces using [`sed(1)`]( + +```json +{ + "formatter": { + "external": { + "command": "sed", + "arguments": ["-e", "s/ *$//"] + } + } +} +``` + +## Git + +- Description: Configuration for git-related features. +- Setting: `git` +- Default: + +```json +"git": { + "git_gutter": "tracked_files" +}, +``` + +### Git Gutter + +- Description: Whether or not to show the git gutter. +- Setting: `git_gutter` +- Default: `tracked_files` + +**Options** + +1. Show git gutter in tracked files + +```json +{ + "git_gutter": "tracked_files" +} +``` + +2. Hide git gutter + +```json +{ + "git_gutter": "hide" +} +``` + +## Hard Tabs + +- Description: Whether to indent lines using tab characters or multiple spaces. +- Setting: `hard_tabs` +- Default: `false` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Hover Popover Enabled + +- Description: Whether or not to show the informational hover box when moving the mouse over symbols in the editor. +- Setting: `hover_popover_enabled` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Inlay hints + +- Description: Configuration for displaying extra text with hints in the editor. +- Setting: `inlay_hints` +- Default: + +```json +"inlay_hints": { + "enabled": false, + "show_type_hints": true, + "show_parameter_hints": true, + "show_other_hints": true +} +``` + +**Options** + +Inlay hints querying consists of two parts: editor (client) and LSP server. +With the inlay settings above are changed to enable the hints, editor will start to query certain types of hints and react on LSP hint refresh request from the server. +At this point, the server may or may not return hints depending on its implementation, further configuration might be needed, refer to the corresponding LSP server documentation. + +Use `lsp` section for the server configuration, below are some examples for well known servers: + +### Rust + +```json +"lsp": { + "rust-analyzer": { + "initialization_options": { + "inlayHints": { + "maxLength": null, + "lifetimeElisionHints": { + "useParameterNames": true, + "enable": "skip_trivial" + }, + "closureReturnTypeHints": { + "enable": "always" + } + } + } + } +} +``` + +### Typescript + +```json +"lsp": { + "typescript-language-server": { + "initialization_options": { + "preferences": { + "includeInlayParameterNameHints": "all", + "includeInlayParameterNameHintsWhenArgumentMatchesName": true, + "includeInlayFunctionParameterTypeHints": true, + "includeInlayVariableTypeHints": true, + "includeInlayVariableTypeHintsWhenTypeMatchesName": false, + "includeInlayPropertyDeclarationTypeHints": true, + "includeInlayFunctionLikeReturnTypeHints": true, + "includeInlayEnumMemberValueHints": true + } + } + } +} +``` + +### Go + +```json +"lsp": { + "gopls": { + "initialization_options": { + "hints": { + "assignVariableTypes": true, + "compositeLiteralFields": true, + "compositeLiteralTypes": true, + "constantValues": true, + "functionTypeParameters": true, + "parameterNames": true, + "rangeVariableTypes": true + } + } + } +} +``` + +### Svelte + +```json +{ + "lsp": { + "typescript-language-server": { + "initialization_options": { + "preferences": { + "includeInlayParameterNameHints": "all", + "includeInlayParameterNameHintsWhenArgumentMatchesName": true, + "includeInlayFunctionParameterTypeHints": true, + "includeInlayVariableTypeHints": true, + "includeInlayVariableTypeHintsWhenTypeMatchesName": false, + "includeInlayPropertyDeclarationTypeHints": true, + "includeInlayFunctionLikeReturnTypeHints": true, + "includeInlayEnumMemberValueHints": true, + "includeInlayEnumMemberDeclarationTypes": true + } + } + } + } +} +``` + +## Journal + +- Description: Configuration for the journal. +- Setting: `journal` +- Default: + +```json +"journal": { + "path": "~", + "hour_format": "hour12" +} +``` + +### Path + +- Description: The path of the directory where journal entries are stored. +- Setting: `path` +- Default: `~` + +**Options** + +`string` values + +### Hour Format + +- Description: The format to use for displaying hours in the journal. +- Setting: `hour_format` +- Default: `hour12` + +**Options** + +1. 12-hour format: + +```json +{ + "hour_format": "hour12" +} +``` + +2. 24-hour format: + +```json +{ + "hour_format": "hour24" +} +``` + +## Language Overrides + +- Description: Configuration overrides for specific languages. +- Setting: `language_overrides` +- Default: `null` + +**Options** + +To override settings for a language, add an entry for that languages name to the `language_overrides` value. Example: + +```json +"language_overrides": { + "C": { + "format_on_save": "off", + "preferred_line_length": 64, + "soft_wrap": "preferred_line_length" + }, + "JSON": { + "tab_size": 4 + } +} +``` + +The following settings can be overridden for each specific language: + +- `enable_language_server` +- `ensure_final_newline_on_save` +- `format_on_save` +- `formatter` +- `hard_tabs` +- `preferred_line_length` +- `remove_trailing_whitespace_on_save` +- `show_copilot_suggestions` +- `show_whitespaces` +- `soft_wrap` +- `tab_size` + +These values take in the same options as the root-level settings with the same name. + +## Preferred Line Length + +- Description: The column at which to soft-wrap lines, for buffers where soft-wrap is enabled. +- Setting: `preferred_line_length` +- Default: `80` + +**Options** + +`integer` values + +## Projects Online By Default + +- Description: Whether or not to show the online projects view by default. +- Setting: `projects_online_by_default` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Remove Trailing Whitespace On Save + +- Description: Whether or not to remove any trailing whitespace from lines of a buffer before saving it. +- Setting: `remove_trailing_whitespace_on_save` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Semantic Index + +- Description: Settings related to semantic index. +- Setting: `semantic_index` +- Default: + +```json +"semantic_index": { + "enabled": false +}, +``` + +### Enabled + +- Description: Whether or not to display the `Semantic` mode in project search. +- Setting: `enabled` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Show Call Status Icon + +- Description: Whether or not to show the call status icon in the status bar. +- Setting: `show_call_status_icon` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Show Completions On Input + +- Description: Whether or not to show completions as you type. +- Setting: `show_completions_on_input` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Show Completion Documentation + +- Description: Whether to display inline and alongside documentation for items in the completions menu. +- Setting: `show_completion_documentation` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Show Copilot Suggestions + +- Description: Whether or not to show Copilot suggestions as you type or wait for a `copilot::Toggle`. +- Setting: `show_copilot_suggestions` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Show Whitespaces + +- Description: Whether or not to show render whitespace characters in the editor. +- Setting: `show_whitespaces` +- Default: `selection` + +**Options** + +1. `all` +2. `selection` +3. `none` + +## Soft Wrap + +- Description: Whether or not to automatically wrap lines of text to fit editor / preferred width. +- Setting: `soft_wrap` +- Default: `none` + +**Options** + +1. `editor_width` +2. `preferred_line_length` +3. `none` + +## Tab Size + +- Description: The number of spaces to use for each tab character. +- Setting: `tab_size` +- Default: `4` + +**Options** + +`integer` values + +## Telemetry + +- Description: Control what info is collected by Zed. +- Setting: `telemetry` +- Default: + +```json +"telemetry": { + "diagnostics": true, + "metrics": true +}, +``` + +**Options** + +### Diagnostics + +- Description: Setting for sending debug-related data, such as crash reports. +- Setting: `diagnostics` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +### Metrics + +- Description: Setting for sending anonymized usage data, such what languages you're using Zed with. +- Setting: `metrics` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## Terminal + +- Description: Configuration for the terminal. +- Setting: `terminal` +- Default: + +```json +"terminal": { + "alternate_scroll": "off", + "blinking": "terminal_controlled", + "copy_on_select": false, + "env": {}, + "font_family": null, + "font_features": null, + "font_size": null, + "option_as_meta": false, + "shell": {}, + "working_directory": "current_project_directory" +} +``` + +### Alternate Scroll + +- Description: Set whether Alternate Scroll mode (DECSET code: `?1007`) is active by default. Alternate Scroll mode converts mouse scroll events into up / down key presses when in the alternate screen (e.g. when running applications like vim or less). The terminal can still set and unset this mode with ANSI escape codes. +- Setting: `alternate_scroll` +- Default: `off` + +**Options** + +1. Default alternate scroll mode to on + +```json +{ + "alternate_scroll": "on" +} +``` + +2. Default alternate scroll mode to off + +```json +{ + "alternate_scroll": "off" +} +``` + +### Blinking + +- Description: Set the cursor blinking behavior in the terminal +- Setting: `blinking` +- Default: `terminal_controlled` + +**Options** + +1. Never blink the cursor, ignore the terminal mode + +```json +{ + "blinking": "off" +} +``` + +2. Default the cursor blink to off, but allow the terminal to turn blinking on + +```json +{ + "blinking": "terminal_controlled" +} +``` + +3. Always blink the cursor, ignore the terminal mode + +```json +"blinking": "on", +``` + +### Copy On Select + +- Description: Whether or not selecting text in the terminal will automatically copy to the system clipboard. +- Setting: `copy_on_select` +- Default: `false` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +### Env + +- Description: Any key-value pairs added to this object will be added to the terminal's environment. Keys must be unique, use `:` to separate multiple values in a single variable +- Setting: `env` +- Default: `{}` + +**Example** + +```json +"env": { + "ZED": "1", + "KEY": "value1:value2" +} +``` + +### Font Size + +- Description: What font size to use for the terminal. When not set defaults to matching the editor's font size +- Setting: `font_size` +- Default: `null` + +**Options** + +`integer` values + +### Font Family + +- Description: What font to use for the terminal. When not set, defaults to matching the editor's font. +- Setting: `font_family` +- Default: `null` + +**Options** + +The name of any font family installed on the user's system + +### Font Features + +- Description: What font features to use for the terminal. When not set, defaults to matching the editor's font features. +- Setting: `font_features` +- Default: `null` + +**Options** + +See Buffer Font Features + +### Option As Meta + +- Description: Re-interprets the option keys to act like a 'meta' key, like in Emacs. +- Setting: `option_as_meta` +- Default: `true` + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +### Shell + +- Description: What shell to use when launching the terminal. +- Setting: `shell` +- Default: `system` + +**Options** + +1. Use the system's default terminal configuration (usually the `/etc/passwd` file). + +```json +{ + "shell": "system" +} +``` + +2. A program to launch: + +```json +"shell": { + "program": "sh" +} +``` + +3. A program with arguments: + +```json +"shell": { + "with_arguments": { + "program": "/bin/bash", + "args": ["--login"] + } +} +``` + +### Working Directory + +- Description: What working directory to use when launching the terminal. +- Setting: `working_directory` +- Default: `"current_project_directory"` + +**Options** + +1. Use the current file's project directory. Will Fallback to the first project directory strategy if unsuccessful + +```json +{ + "working_directory": "current_project_directory" +} +``` + +2. Use the first project in this workspace's directory. Will fallback to using this platform's home directory. + +```json +{ + "working_directory": "first_project_directory" +} +``` + +3. Always use this platform's home directory (if we can find it) + +```json +{ + "working_directory": "always_home" +} +``` + +4. Always use a specific directory. This value will be shell expanded. If this path is not a valid directory the terminal will default to this platform's home directory. + +```json +"working_directory": { + "always": { + "directory": "~/zed/projects/" + } +} +``` + +## Theme + +- Description: The name of the Zed theme to use for the UI. +- Setting: `theme` +- Default: `One Dark` + +**Options** + +Run the `theme selector: toggle` action in the command palette to see a current list of valid themes names. + +## Vim + +- Description: Whether or not to enable vim mode (work in progress). +- Setting: `vim_mode` +- Default: `false` + +## Project Panel + +- Description: Customise project panel +- Setting: `project_panel` +- Default: + +```json +"project_panel": { + "dock": "left", + "git_status": true, + "default_width": "N/A - width in pixels" +}, +``` + +### Dock + +- Description: Control the position of the dock +- Setting: `dock` +- Default: `left` + +**Options** + +1. Default dock position to left + +```json +{ + "dock": "left" +} +``` + +2. Default dock position to right + +```json +{ + "dock": "right" +} +``` + +### Git Status + +- Description: Indicates newly created and updated files +- Setting: `git_status` +- Default: `true` + +1. Default enable git status + +```json +{ + "git_status": true +} +``` + +2. Default disable git status + +```json +{ + "git_status": false +} +``` + +### Default Width +- Description: Customise default width taken by project panel +- Setting: `default_width` +- Default: N/A width in pixels (eg: 420) + +**Options** + +`boolean` values + +## An example configuration: + +```json +// ~/.config/zed/settings.json +{ + "theme": "cave-light", + "tab_size": 2, + "preferred_line_length": 80, + "soft_wrap": "none", + + "buffer_font_size": 18, + "buffer_font_family": "Zed Mono", + + "autosave": "on_focus_change", + "format_on_save": "off", + "vim_mode": false, + "projects_online_by_default": true, + "terminal": { + "font_family": "FiraCode Nerd Font Mono", + "blinking": "off" + }, + "language_overrides": { + "C": { + "format_on_save": "language_server", + "preferred_line_length": 64, + "soft_wrap": "preferred_line_length" + } + } +} +``` diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ddef07e3c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +# Vim Mode + +Zed includes a vim emulation layer known as “vim mode”. This document aims to describe how it works, and how to make the most out of it. + +### Philosophy +Vim mode in Zed is supposed to primarily "do what you expect": it mostly tries to copy vim exactly, but will use Zed-specific functionality when available to make things smoother. + +This means Zed will never be 100% vim compatible, but should be 100% vim familiar! We expect that our vim mode already copes with 90% of your workflow, and we'd like to keep improving it. If you find things that you can’t yet do in vim mode, but which you rely on in your current workflow, please leave feedback in the editor itself (`:feedback`), or [file an issue]( + +### Zed-specific features +Zed is built on a modern foundation that (among other things) uses tree-sitter to understand the content of the file you're editing, and supports multiple cursors out of the box. + +Vim mode has several "core Zed" key bindings, that will help you make the most of Zed's specific feature set. +``` +# Normal mode +g d Go to definition +g D Go to type definition +c d Rename (change definition) +g A Go to All references to the current word + +g Open the current search excerpt in its own tab + +g s Find symbol in current file +g S Find symbol in entire project + +g n Add a visual selection for the next copy of the current word +g N The same, but backwards +g > Skip latest word selection, and add next. +g < The same, but backwards +g a Add a visual selection for every copy of the current word + +g h Show inline error (hover) + +# Insert mode +ctrl-x ctrl-o Open the completion menu +ctrl-x ctrl-c Request Github Copilot suggestion (if configured) +ctrl-x ctrl-a Open the inline AI assistant (if configured) +ctrl-x ctrl-l Open the LSP code actions +ctrl-x ctrl-z Hides all suggestions +``` + +Vim mode uses Zed to define concepts like "brackets" (for the `%` key) and "words" (for motions like `w` and `e`). This does lead to some differences, but they are mostly positive. For example `%` considers `|` to be a bracket in languages like Rust; and `w` considers `$` to be a word-character in languages like Javascript. + +Vim mode emulates visual block mode using Zed's multiple cursor support. This again leads to some differences, but is much more powerful. + +Finally, Vim mode's search and replace functionality is backed by Zed's. This means that the pattern syntax is slightly different, see the section on [Regex differences](#regex-differences) for details. + +### Custom key bindings +Zed does not yet have an equivalent to vim’s `map` command to convert one set of keystrokes into another, however you can bind any sequence of keys to fire any Action documented in the [Key bindings documentation]( + +You can edit your personal key bindings with `:keymap`. +For vim-specific shortcuts, you may find the following template a good place to start: + +```json +[ + { + "context": "Editor && VimControl && !VimWaiting && !menu", + "bindings": { + // put key-bindings here if you want them to work in normal & visual mode + } + }, + { + "context": "Editor && vim_mode == normal && !VimWaiting && !menu", + "bindings": { + // put key-bindings here if you want them to work only in normal mode + } + }, + { + "context": "Editor && vim_mode == visual && !VimWaiting && !menu", + "bindings": { + // visual, visual line & visual block modes + } + }, + { + "context": "Editor && vim_mode == insert && !menu", + "bindings": { + // put key-bindings here if you want them to work in insert mode + } + } +] +``` + +You can see the bindings that are enabled by default in vim mode [here]( + +The details of the context are a little out of scope for this doc, but suffice to say that `menu` is true when a menu is open (e.g. the completions menu), `VimWaiting` is true after you type `f` or `t` when we’re waiting for a new key (and you probably don’t want bindings to happen). Please reach out on [Github]( if you want help making a key bindings work. + +### Command palette + +Vim mode allows you to enable Zed’s command palette with `:`. This means that you can use vim's command palette to run any action that Zed supports. + +Additionally vim mode contains a number of aliases for popular vim commands to ensure that muscle memory works. For example `:w` will save the file. + +We do not (yet) emulate the full power of vim’s command line, in particular we special case specific patterns instead of using vim's range selection syntax, and we do not support arguments to commands yet. Please reach out on [Github]( as you find things that are missing from the command palette. + +As mentioned above, one thing to be aware of is that the regex engine is slightly different from vim's in `:%s/a/b`. + +Currently supported vim-specific commands (as of Zed 0.106): +``` +# window management +:w[rite][!], :wq[!], :q[uit][!], :wa[ll][!], :wqa[ll][!], :qa[ll][!], :[e]x[it][!], :up[date] + to save/close tab(s) and pane(s) (no filename is supported yet) +:cq + to quit completely. +:vs[plit], :sp[lit] + to split vertically/horizontally (no filename is supported yet) +:new, :vne[w] + to create a new file in a new pane above or to the left +:tabedit, :tabnew + to create a new file in a new tab. +:tabn[ext], :tabp[rev] + to go to previous/next tabs +:tabc[lose] + to close the current tab + +# navigating diagnostics +:cn[ext], :cp[rev], :ln[ext], :lp[rev] + to go to the next/prev diagnostics +:cc, :ll + to open the errors page + +# jump to position +: + to jump to a line number +:$ + to jump to the end of the file +:/foo and :?foo + to jump to next/prev line matching foo + +# replacement +:%s/foo/bar/ + to replace instances of foo with bar (/g is always assumed, the range must always be %, and Zed uses different regex syntax to vim) + +# editing +:j[oin] + to join the current line (no range is yet supported) +:d[elete][l][p] + to delete the current line (no range is yet supported) +:s[ort] [i] + to sort the current selection (with i, case-insensitively) +``` + + +### Related settings +There are a few Zed settings that you may also enjoy if you use vim mode: +``` +{ + // disable cursor blink + "cursor_blink": false + // use relative line numbers + "relative_line_numbers": true, + // hide the scroll bar + "scrollbar": {"show": "never"}, +} +``` + +### Regex differences + +Zed uses a different regular expression engine from Vim. This means that you will have to use a different syntax for some things. + +Notably: +* Vim uses `\(` and `\)` to represent capture groups, in Zed these are `(` and `)`. +* On the flip side, `(` and `)` represent literal parentheses, but in Zed these must be escaped to `\(` and `\)`. +* When replacing, Vim uses `\0` to represent the entire match, in Zed this is `$0`, same for numbered capture groups `\1` -> `$1`. +* Vim uses `\<` and `\>` to represent word boundaries, in Zed these are both handled by `\b` +* Vim uses `/g` to indicate "all matches on one line", in Zed this is implied +* Vim uses `/i` to indicate "case-insensitive", in Zed you can either use `(?i)` at the start of the pattern or toggle case-sensitivity with `cmd-option-c`. + +To help with the transition, the command palette will fix parentheses and replace groups for you when you run `:%s//`. So `%s:/\(a\)(b)/\1/` will be converted into a search for "(a)\(b\)" and a replacement of "$1". + +For the full syntax supported by Zed's regex engine see the [regex crate documentation]( diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2917b08422 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +# Adding New Languages to Zed + +## LSP + +Zed uses the [Language Server Protocol]( to provide language support. This means, in theory, we can support any language that has an LSP server. + +## Syntax Highlighting + +### Defining syntax highlighting rules + +We use tree-sitter queries to match certian properties to highlight. + +#### Simple Example: + +```scheme +(property_identifier) @property +``` + +```ts +const font: FontFamily = { + weight: "normal", + underline: false, + italic: false, +} +``` + +Match a property identifier and highlight it using the identifier `@property`. In the above example, `weight`, `underline`, and `italic` would be highlighted. + +#### Complex example: + +```scheme +(_ + return_type: (type_annotation + [ + (type_identifier) @type.return + (generic_type + name: (type_identifier) @type.return) + ])) +``` + +```ts +function buildDefaultSyntax(colorScheme: Theme): Partial { + // ... +} +``` + +Match a function return type, and highlight the type using the identifier `@type.return`. In the above example, `Partial` would be highlighted. + +#### Example - Typescript + +Here is an example portion of our `highlights.scm` for TypeScript: + +```scheme +; crates/zed/src/languages/typescript/highlights.scm + +; Variables + +(identifier) @variable + +; Properties + +(property_identifier) @property + +; Function and method calls + +(call_expression + function: (identifier) @function) + +(call_expression + function: (member_expression + property: (property_identifier) @function.method)) + +; Function and method definitions + +(function + name: (identifier) @function) +(function_declaration + name: (identifier) @function) +(method_definition + name: (property_identifier) @function.method) + +; ... +``` diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb30051ffa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +# Building Zed + +🚧 TODO: +- [ ] Tidy up & update instructions +- [ ] Remove ZI-specific things +- [ ] Rework any steps that currently require a ZI-specific account + +How to build Zed from source for the first time. + +## Prerequisites + +- Be added to the GitHub organization +- Be added to the Vercel team + +## Process + +Expect this to take 30min to an hour! Some of these steps will take quite a while based on your connection speed, and how long your first build will be. + +1. Install the [GitHub CLI]( + - `brew install gh` +1. Clone the `zed` repo + - `gh repo clone zed-industries/zed` +1. Install Xcode from the macOS App Store +1. Install Xcode command line tools + - `xcode-select --install` + - If xcode-select --print-path prints /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools… run `sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/` +1. Install [Postgres]( +1. Install rust/rustup + - `curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh` +1. Install the wasm toolchain + - `rustup target add wasm32-wasi` +1. Install Livekit & Foreman + - `brew install livekit` + - `brew install foreman` +1. Generate an GitHub API Key + - Go to and Generate new token + - GitHub currently provides two kinds of tokens: + - Classic Tokens, where only `repo` (Full control of private repositories) OAuth scope has to be selected + Unfortunately, unselecting `repo` scope and selecting every its inner scope instead does not allow the token users to read from private repositories + - (not applicable) Fine-grained Tokens, at the moment of writing, did not allow any kind of access of non-owned private repos + - Keep the token in the browser tab/editor for the next two steps +1. (Optional but reccomended) Add your GITHUB_TOKEN to your `.zshrc` or `.bashrc` like this: `export GITHUB_TOKEN=yourGithubAPIToken` +1. Ensure the website is checked out in a sibling directory and install it's dependencies: + ``` + cd .. + git clone + cd && npm install + npm install -g vercel + ``` +1. Link your project to Vercel + - `vercel link` + - Select the `zed-industries` team. If you don't have this get someone on the team to add you to it. + - Select the `` project +1. Run `vercel pull` to pull down the environment variables and project info from Vercel +1. Open +1. From `./path/to/zed/`: + - Run: + - `GITHUB_TOKEN={yourGithubAPIToken} script/bootstrap` + - Replace `{yourGithubAPIToken}` with the API token you generated above. + - You don't need to include the GITHUB_TOKEN if you exported it above. + - Consider removing the token (if it's fine for you to recreate such tokens during occasional migrations) or store this token somewhere safe (like your Zed 1Password vault). + - If you get: + - ```bash + Error: Cannot install in Homebrew on ARM processor in Intel default prefix (/usr/local)! + Please create a new installation in /opt/homebrew using one of the + "Alternative Installs" from: + + ``` + - In that case try: + - `/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"` + - If Homebrew is not in your PATH: + - Replace `{username}` with your home folder name (usually your login name) + - `echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/{username}/.zprofile` + - `eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"` +1. To run the Zed app: + - If you are working on zed: + - `cargo run` + - If you are just using the latest version, but not working on zed: + - `cargo run --release` + - If you need to run the collaboration server locally: + - `script/zed-local` + +## Troubleshooting + +### `error: failed to run custom build command for gpui v0.1.0 (/Users/path/to/zed)` + +- Try `xcode-select --switch /Applications/` + +### `xcrun: error: unable to find utility "metal", not a developer tool or in PATH` + +### Seeding errors during `script/bootstrap` runs + +``` +seeding database... +thread 'main' panicked at 'failed to deserialize github user from '': reqwest::Error { kind: Decode, source: Error("invalid type: map, expected a sequence", line: 1, column: 0) }', crates/collab/src/bin/ +``` + +Wrong permissions for `GITHUB_TOKEN` token used, the token needs to be able to read from private repos. +For Classic GitHub Tokens, that required OAuth scope `repo` (seacrh the scope name above for more details) + +Same command + +`sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/` + +### If you experience errors that mention some dependency is using unstable features + +Try `cargo clean` and `cargo build` diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/src/ similarity index 100% rename from docs/ rename to docs/src/ diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..11ae444079 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Giving feedback + +### Community repository + +We track our issues at [`zed-industries/community`]( + +#### Feature requests + +Try to focus on the things that are most critical to you rather than exhaustively listing all features another editor you have used has. + +Command palette: `request feature` + +#### Bug reports + +Try to add as much detail as possible, if it is not obvious to reproduce. Let us know how severe the problem is for you; is the issue more of a minor inconvenience or something that would prevent you from using Zed? + +Command palette: `file bug report` + +### In-app feedback + +Anonymous feedback can be submitted from within Zed via the feedback editor (command palette: `give feedback`). + +### Zed forum + +Use the [community forum]( to ask questions and learn from one another. We will be present in the forum and answering questions as well. + +### Email + +If you prefer to write up your thoughts as an email, you can send them to []( diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..236249d00a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Getting Started + +Welcome to Zed! We are excited to have you. Here is a jumping-off point to getting started. + +### Download Zed + +You can obtain the release build via the [download page]( After the first manual installation, Zed will periodically check for and install updates automatically for you. + +### Configure Zed + +Use `CMD + ,` to open your custom settings to set things like fonts, formatting settings, per-language settings and more. You can access the default configuration using the `Zed > Settings > Open Default Settings` menu item. See Configuring Zed for all available settings. + +### Set up your key bindings + +You can access the default key binding set using the `Zed > Settings > Open Default Key Bindings` menu item. Use `CMD + K`,`CMD + S` to open your custom keymap to add your own key bindings. See Key Bindings for more info., diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..debf7fa299 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# System Requirements + +## macOS + +Supported versions: Catalina (10.15) - Ventura (13.x). + +{% hint style="info" %} +The implementation of our screen sharing feature makes use of [LiveKit]( The LiveKit SDK requires macOS Catalina (10.15); consequently, in v0.62.4, we dropped support for earlier macOS versions that we were initially supporting. +{% endhint %} + +## Linux, Windows, and Web + +_Not supported at this time. See our_ [_Platform Support_]( _issue._ diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..834e02770a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +# Telemetry in Zed + +**Up to date with v0.112.0** + +Zed collects anonymous telemetry data to help the team understand how people are using the application and to see what sort of issues they are experiencing. + +## Dataflow + +Telemetry is sent from the application to Data is proxied through our servers to enable us to easily switch analytics services; we never store this data. The data is then sent off to various services: + +- [Datadog]( Cloud-monitoring service - stores diagnostic events +- [Clickhouse]( Business Intelligence platform - stores both diagnostic and metric events +- [Metabase]( Dashboards - dashboards built around data pulled from Clickhouse + +## Types of Telemetry + +### Diagnostics + +Diagnostic events include debug information (stack traces) from crash reports. Reports are sent on the first application launch after the crash occurred. We've built dashboards that allow us to visualize the frequency and severity of issues experienced by users. Having these reports sent automatically allows us to begin implementing fixes without the user needing to file a report in our issue tracker. The plots in the dashboards also give us an informal measurement of the stability of Zed. + +When a panic occurs, the following data is sent: + +#### PanicRequest + +- `panic`: The panic data +- `token`: An identifier that is used to authenticate the request on + +#### Panic + +- `thread`: The name of the thread that panicked +- `payload`: The panic message +- `location_data`: The location of the panic + - `file` + - `line` +- `backtrace`: The backtrace of the panic +- `app_version`: Zed's app version +- `release_channel`: Zed's release channel + - `stable` + - `preview` + - `dev` +- `os_name`: The name of your operating system +- `os_version`: The version of your operating system +- `architecture`: The architecture of your CPU +- `panicked_on`: The time that the panic occurred +- `installation_id`: An identifier that is unique to each installation of Zed (this differs for stable, preview, and dev builds) +- `session_id`: An identifier that is unique to each Zed session (this differs for each time you open Zed) + +### Metrics + +Zed also collects metric information based on user actions. Metric events are reported over HTTPS, and requests are rate-limited to avoid using significant network bandwidth. All data remains anonymous, and can't be related to specific Zed users. + +The following data is sent: + +#### ClickhouseEventRequestBody + +- `token`: An identifier that is used to authenticate the request on +- `installation_id`: An identifier that is unique to each installation of Zed (this differs for stable, preview, and dev builds) +- `session_id`: An identifier that is unique to each Zed session (this differs for each time you open Zed) +- `is_staff`: A boolean that indicates whether the user is a member of the Zed team or not +- `app_version`: Zed's app version +- `os_name`: The name of your operating system +- `os_version`: The version of your operating system +- `architecture`: The architecture of your CPU +- `release_channel`: Zed's release channel + - `stable` + - `preview` + - `dev` +- `events`: A vector of `ClickhouseEventWrapper`s + +#### ClickhouseEventWrapper + +- `signed_in`: A boolean that indicates whether the user is signed in or not +- `event`: An enum, where each variant can be one of the following `ClickhouseEvent` variants: + +#### ClickhouseEvent + +- `editor` + - `operation`: The editor operation that was performed + - `open` + - `save` + - `file_extension`: The extension of the file that was opened or saved + - `vim_mode`: A boolean that indicates whether the user is in vim mode or not + - `copilot_enabled`: A boolean that indicates whether the user has copilot enabled or not + - `copilot_enabled_for_language`: A boolean that indicates whether the user has copilot enabled for the language of the file that was opened or saved + - `milliseconds_since_first_event`: Duration of time between this event's timestamp and the timestamp of the first event in the current batch +- `copilot` + - `suggestion_id`: The ID of the suggestion + - `suggestion_accepted`: A boolean that indicates whether the suggestion was accepted or not + - `file_extension`: The file extension of the file that was opened or saved + - `milliseconds_since_first_event`: Same as above +- `call` + - `operation`: The call operation that was performed + - `accept incoming` + - `decline incoming` + - `disable microphone` + - `disable screen share` + - `enable microphone` + - `enable screen share` + - `hang up` + - `invite` + - `join channel` + - `open channel notes` + - `share project` + - `unshare project` + - `room_id`: The ID of the room + - `channel_id`: The ID of the channel + - `milliseconds_since_first_event`: Same as above +- `assistant` + - `conversation_id`: The ID of the conversation (for panel events only) + - `kind`: An enum with the following variants: + - `panel` + - `inline` + - `model`: The model that was used + - `milliseconds_since_first_event`: Same as above +- `cpu` + - `usage_as_percentage`: The CPU usage + - `core_count`: The number of cores on the CPU + - `milliseconds_since_first_event`: Same as above +- `memory` + - `memory_in_bytes`: The amount of memory used in bytes + - `virtual_memory_in_bytes`: The amount of virtual memory used in bytes + - `milliseconds_since_first_event`: Same as above +- `app` + - `operation`: The app operation that was performed + - `first open` + - `open` + - `close (only in GPUI2-powered Zed)` + - `milliseconds_since_first_event`: Same as above + +You can audit the metrics data that Zed has reported by running the command `zed: open telemetry log` from the command palette, or clicking `Help > View Telemetry Log` in the application menu. + +### Configuring Telemetry Settings + +You have full control over what data is sent out by Zed. To enable or disable some or all telemetry types, open your `settings.json` file via `zed: open settings` from the command palette. Insert and tweak the following: + +```json +"telemetry": { + "diagnostics": false, + "metrics": false +}, +``` + +The telemetry settings can also be configured via the `welcome` screen, which can be invoked via the `workspace: welcome` action in the command palette. + +### Concerns and Questions + +If you have concerns about telemetry, please feel free to open issues in our [community repository]( diff --git a/docs/ b/docs_old/ similarity index 100% rename from docs/ rename to docs_old/ diff --git a/docs/ b/docs_old/ similarity index 100% rename from docs/ rename to docs_old/ diff --git a/docs/ b/docs_old/ similarity index 100% rename from docs/ rename to docs_old/ diff --git a/docs/ b/docs_old/ similarity index 100% rename from docs/ rename to docs_old/ diff --git a/docs/ b/docs_old/ similarity index 100% rename from docs/ rename to docs_old/ diff --git a/docs_old/ b/docs_old/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c059c0878 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs_old/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# Local Collaboration + +## Setting up the local collaboration server + +### Setting up for the first time? + +1. Make sure you have livekit installed (`brew install livekit`) +1. Install [Postgres]( and run it. +1. Then, from the root of the repo, run `script/bootstrap`. + +### Have a db that is out of date? / Need to migrate? + +1. Make sure you have livekit installed (`brew install livekit`) +1. Try `cd crates/collab && cargo run -- migrate` from the root of the repo. +1. Run `script/seed-db` + +## Testing collab locally + +1. Run `foreman start` from the root of the repo. +1. In another terminal run `script/zed-local -2`. +1. Two copies of Zed will open. Add yourself as a contact in the one that is not you. +1. Start a collaboration session as normal with any open project. diff --git a/docs/ b/docs_old/ similarity index 100% rename from docs/ rename to docs_old/ diff --git a/docs/theme/ b/docs_old/theme/ similarity index 100% rename from docs/theme/ rename to docs_old/theme/ diff --git a/docs/ b/docs_old/ similarity index 100% rename from docs/ rename to docs_old/ diff --git a/docs/zed/ b/docs_old/zed/ similarity index 100% rename from docs/zed/ rename to docs_old/zed/