Make the panel less jumpy by deferring diagnostics updates until cmd-s
is pressed, if any caret is placed inside the diagnostics panel.
Release Notes:
- N/A
Still to do:
- [ ] Figure out why `ctrl-g` `ctrl-g` doesn't dismiss GoToLine (but
`cmd-shift-p` `cmd-shift-p` does dismiss Command). Likely to do with the
"Editor" context in the keymap, but this did used to work in gpui1.
- [ ] Fix first render with incorrect matches immediately flashes.
- [ ] Show keybindings
- [x] Figure out why `cmd-shift-p "go to line" enter` panics
- [ ] Fix the selected visuals
- [ ] Party hard
- [ ] Uncomment the tests
This PR updates the `theme_importer` with support for parsing theme
files containing comments.
Up until now we've been manually removing comments from the VS Code
theme files.
Release Notes:
- N/A
This PR extends our support for parsing hex color codes to `Rgba` to
additionally support 3-value (`#rgb`) and 4-value (`#rgba`) formats.
See [here](
for more details on these hex color variants.
Release Notes:
- N/A
This PR fixes some issues in response to feedback from Dan Abramov and
Jose Valim.
To do:
* [x] fix non-word search suggestions
* [x] add setting for disabling search suggestions
Release Notes:
- Fixed an issue where opening a search without text selected would
populate the search query with non-word characters adjacent to the
- Added a setting, `seed_search_query_from_cursor`, which controls
whether the search query is automatically populated from the buffer when
starting a new buffer search or project search.
By default, the search query will always be set to the word under the
cursor. If you want to only populate the search query when text is
selected, you can add the following to your `~/.zed/settings.json`:
"seed_search_query_from_cursor": "selection"
If you don't want the search query to be automatically populated, even
when there is text selected, add the following:
"seed_search_query_from_cursor": "never"
This PR refines a number of styles in the default theme, as well as
updates the theme importer to support importing syntax styles from VS
Code themes.
Release Notes:
- N/A
This fix only required changing the `overrides` queries for JavaScript
and TSX. I've made the fix in both the `zed2` and `zed` crates.
Release Notes:
- Fixed an issue in JavaScript and TSX files, where the 'toggle
comments' command used the wrong comment syntax inside of JSX tags and
expressions within JSX.