use std::ops::Range; use editor::{scroll::Autoscroll, Editor, MultiBufferSnapshot, ToOffset, ToPoint}; use gpui::{impl_actions, ViewContext}; use language::{Bias, Point}; use serde::Deserialize; use crate::{state::Mode, Vim}; #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct Increment { #[serde(default)] step: bool, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct Decrement { #[serde(default)] step: bool, } impl_actions!(vim, [Increment, Decrement]); pub fn register(editor: &mut Editor, cx: &mut ViewContext) { Vim::action(editor, cx, |vim, action: &Increment, cx| { vim.record_current_action(cx); let count = vim.take_count(cx).unwrap_or(1); let step = if action.step { 1 } else { 0 }; vim.increment(count as i64, step, cx) }); Vim::action(editor, cx, |vim, action: &Decrement, cx| { vim.record_current_action(cx); let count = vim.take_count(cx).unwrap_or(1); let step = if action.step { -1 } else { 0 }; vim.increment(-(count as i64), step, cx) }); } impl Vim { fn increment(&mut self, mut delta: i64, step: i32, cx: &mut ViewContext) { self.store_visual_marks(cx); self.update_editor(cx, |vim, editor, cx| { let mut edits = Vec::new(); let mut new_anchors = Vec::new(); let snapshot = editor.buffer().read(cx).snapshot(cx); for selection in editor.selections.all_adjusted(cx) { if !selection.is_empty() && (vim.mode != Mode::VisualBlock || new_anchors.is_empty()) { new_anchors.push((true, snapshot.anchor_before(selection.start))) } for row in selection.start.row..=selection.end.row { let start = if row == selection.start.row { selection.start } else { Point::new(row, 0) }; if let Some((range, num, radix)) = find_number(&snapshot, start) { let replace = match radix { 10 => increment_decimal_string(&num, delta), 16 => increment_hex_string(&num, delta), 2 => increment_binary_string(&num, delta), _ => unreachable!(), }; delta += step as i64; edits.push((range.clone(), replace)); if selection.is_empty() { new_anchors.push((false, snapshot.anchor_after(range.end))) } } else if selection.is_empty() { new_anchors.push((true, snapshot.anchor_after(start))) } } } editor.transact(cx, |editor, cx| { editor.edit(edits, cx); let snapshot = editor.buffer().read(cx).snapshot(cx); editor.change_selections(Some(Autoscroll::fit()), cx, |s| { let mut new_ranges = Vec::new(); for (visual, anchor) in new_anchors.iter() { let mut point = anchor.to_point(&snapshot); if !*visual && point.column > 0 { point.column -= 1; point = snapshot.clip_point(point, Bias::Left) } new_ranges.push(point..point); } s.select_ranges(new_ranges) }) }); }); self.switch_mode(Mode::Normal, true, cx) } } fn increment_decimal_string(num: &str, delta: i64) -> String { let (negative, delta, num_str) = match num.strip_prefix('-') { Some(n) => (true, -delta, n), None => (false, delta, num), }; let num_length = num_str.len(); let leading_zero = num_str.starts_with('0'); let (result, new_negative) = match u64::from_str_radix(num_str, 10) { Ok(value) => { let wrapped = value.wrapping_add_signed(delta); if delta < 0 && wrapped > value { ((u64::MAX - wrapped).wrapping_add(1), !negative) } else if delta > 0 && wrapped < value { (u64::MAX - wrapped, !negative) } else { (wrapped, negative) } } Err(_) => (u64::MAX, negative), }; let formatted = format!("{}", result); let new_significant_digits = formatted.len(); let padding = if leading_zero { num_length.saturating_sub(new_significant_digits) } else { 0 }; if new_negative && result != 0 { format!("-{}{}", "0".repeat(padding), formatted) } else { format!("{}{}", "0".repeat(padding), formatted) } } fn increment_hex_string(num: &str, delta: i64) -> String { let result = if let Ok(val) = u64::from_str_radix(&num, 16) { val.wrapping_add_signed(delta) } else { u64::MAX }; if should_use_lowercase(num) { format!("{:0width$x}", result, width = num.len()) } else { format!("{:0width$X}", result, width = num.len()) } } fn should_use_lowercase(num: &str) -> bool { let mut use_uppercase = false; for ch in num.chars() { if ch.is_ascii_lowercase() { return true; } if ch.is_ascii_uppercase() { use_uppercase = true; } } !use_uppercase } fn increment_binary_string(num: &str, delta: i64) -> String { let result = if let Ok(val) = u64::from_str_radix(&num, 2) { val.wrapping_add_signed(delta) } else { u64::MAX }; format!("{:0width$b}", result, width = num.len()) } fn find_number( snapshot: &MultiBufferSnapshot, start: Point, ) -> Option<(Range, String, u32)> { let mut offset = start.to_offset(snapshot); let ch0 = snapshot.chars_at(offset).next(); if ch0.as_ref().is_some_and(char::is_ascii_hexdigit) || matches!(ch0, Some('-' | 'b' | 'x')) { // go backwards to the start of any number the selection is within for ch in snapshot.reversed_chars_at(offset) { if ch.is_ascii_hexdigit() || ch == '-' || ch == 'b' || ch == 'x' { offset -= ch.len_utf8(); continue; } break; } } let mut begin = None; let mut end = None; let mut num = String::new(); let mut radix = 10; let mut chars = snapshot.chars_at(offset).peekable(); // find the next number on the line (may start after the original cursor position) while let Some(ch) = { if num == "0" && ch == 'b' && chars.peek().is_some() && chars.peek().unwrap().is_digit(2) { radix = 2; begin = None; num = String::new(); } if num == "0" && ch == 'x' && chars.peek().is_some() && chars.peek().unwrap().is_ascii_hexdigit() { radix = 16; begin = None; num = String::new(); } if ch.is_digit(radix) || (begin.is_none() && ch == '-' && chars.peek().is_some() && chars.peek().unwrap().is_digit(radix)) { if begin.is_none() { begin = Some(offset); } num.push(ch); } else if begin.is_some() { end = Some(offset); break; } else if ch == '\n' { break; } offset += ch.len_utf8(); } if let Some(begin) = begin { let end = end.unwrap_or(offset); Some((begin.to_point(snapshot)..end.to_point(snapshot), num, radix)) } else { None } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use indoc::indoc; use crate::test::NeovimBackedTestContext; #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" 1ˇ2 "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 1ˇ3 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 1ˇ2 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("9 9 ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 11ˇ1 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("1 1 1 ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" ˇ0 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes(".").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" -11ˇ1 "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_with_dot(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" 1ˇ.2 "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 1.ˇ3 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 1.ˇ2 "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_with_leading_zeros(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" 000ˇ9 "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 001ˇ0 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("2 ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 000ˇ8 "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_with_leading_zeros_and_zero(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" 01ˇ1 "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 01ˇ2 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("1 2 ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 00ˇ0 "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_with_changing_leading_zeros(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" 099ˇ9 "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 100ˇ0 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("2 ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 99ˇ8 "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_with_two_dots(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" 111.ˇ.2 "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 111..ˇ3 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 111..ˇ2 "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_sign_change(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" ˇ0 "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" -ˇ1 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("2 ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" ˇ1 "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_sign_change_with_leading_zeros(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" 00ˇ1 "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 00ˇ0 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" -00ˇ1 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("2 ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 00ˇ1 "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_bin_wrapping_and_padding(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" 0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ˇ1 "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 0b000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ˇ1 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 0b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ˇ0 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 0b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ˇ1 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("2 ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 0b000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ˇ1 "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_hex_wrapping_and_padding(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" 0xfffffffffffffffffffˇf "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 0x0000fffffffffffffffˇf "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 0x0000000000000000000ˇ0 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 0x0000000000000000000ˇ1 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("2 ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 0x0000fffffffffffffffˇf "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_wrapping(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" 1844674407370955161ˇ9 "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 1844674407370955161ˇ5 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" -1844674407370955161ˇ5 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" -1844674407370955161ˇ4 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("3 ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 1844674407370955161ˇ4 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("2 ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" -1844674407370955161ˇ5 "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_inline(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" inline0x3ˇ9u32 "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" inline0x3ˇau32 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" inline0x3ˇbu32 "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("l l l ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" inline0x3bu3ˇ3 "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_hex_casing(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" 0xFˇa "}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 0xfˇb "}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 0xfˇc "}); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_radix(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.simulate("ctrl-a", "ˇ total: 0xff") .await .assert_matches(); cx.simulate("ctrl-x", "ˇ total: 0xff") .await .assert_matches(); cx.simulate("ctrl-x", "ˇ total: 0xFF") .await .assert_matches(); cx.simulate("ctrl-a", "(ˇ0b10f)").await.assert_matches(); cx.simulate("ctrl-a", "ˇ-1").await.assert_matches(); cx.simulate("ctrl-a", "banˇana").await.assert_matches(); } #[gpui::test] async fn test_increment_steps(cx: &mut gpui::TestAppContext) { let mut cx = NeovimBackedTestContext::new(cx).await; cx.set_shared_state(indoc! {" ˇ1 1 1 2 1 1"}) .await; cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("j v shift-g g ctrl-a").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" 1 ˇ2 3 2 4 5"}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("shift-g ctrl-v g g").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" «1ˇ» «2ˇ» «3ˇ» 2 «4ˇ» «5ˇ»"}); cx.simulate_shared_keystrokes("g ctrl-x").await; cx.shared_state().await.assert_eq(indoc! {" ˇ0 0 0 2 0 0"}); } }